Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 197: The Black Pot Ma Lie

It was rare for Cheng Huaibi to keep his habitual light cough from beginning to end, but the more serious he was, the more anxious Tang Guan was. Hearing his question, Tang Guan opened his mouth, and then shook his head with a frightened expression Said: "I don't know if they are all dead, I don't know anything."

Seeing Tang Guan's reaction, Cheng Huaibi's eyelids twitched, and he continued to ask: "Young Lord, this matter is of great importance, and His Majesty is on the side. You tell the truth, the young general will fight for this life to help you with this matter." Help the thieves clear!"

"I don't know!" Tang Guan yelled, and Cheng Huaibi's expression changed.

"Enough! You get out!"

Seeing Tang Guan lose his composure, Wu Zhao didn't know whether it was distressed or he had some thoughts, but he also opened his mouth to scold Cheng Huaibi.

Seeing this, Cheng Huaibi didn't say any more, he cupped his hands and said, "I will retire."

After finishing speaking, he glanced at Chang Ying again, then turned and left.

When he went out, Wu Zhao whispered to Tang Guan, "Sick man, I'm here, you don't have to be afraid."

Tang Guan heard the words and said: "Your Majesty, Wan'er"

"You don't need to talk." Before he could speak, Wu Zhao interrupted, then shook his head and said, "I didn't expect this little girl to be loyal."

Wu Zhao's words seemed to point to something, and he looked at Tang Guan with a playful look. In fact, Shangguan Wan'er was a slave in Wu Zhao's eyes. , can't turn over much waves.

Tang Guan really didn't have the energy to fight with Wu Zhao at this moment. If Shangguan Wan'er really died because of him, even if he really wanted to live alone, he probably would have left a great regret in this life.

Wrong judgment and affirmation caused regret at this time, but regret was useless. Tang Guan immediately said after being interrupted by Wu Zhao: "I want to see her."

Wu Zhao was silent when he heard the words, stared at Tang Guan for a long time and sighed softly, "Go."

She knew that this might be the last time these two teenagers would see each other.

Hearing the words, Tang Guan cupped his hands slightly, gritted his teeth and moved his body to get out of bed. He has regained some strength since he woke up, but the severe pain in his limbs still made it difficult for him to move.

Chang Ying, who had been buried in the ground, seemed to have discovered Tang Guan's difficulty, and subconsciously wanted to help him, but because Wu Zhao was by his side, he endured it again.

Wu Zhao was puzzled when he saw Tang Guan's appearance, and he had been checked by the accompanying medical officer when he came. Tang Guan had no new injuries except for the skin and flesh injuries he accidentally suffered in the palace a few days ago, but seeing him at this time It looks like it has a lot of injuries.

Seeing Tang Guan dawdling, she couldn't help reaching out to help him up, Tang Guan whispered: "Thank you, Your Majesty."

Wu Zhao frowned, but didn't ask any questions. After all, Tang Guan was living after a catastrophe, and it was normal to have any reactions. It was really rare to be able to follow the rules at such moments.

"Guard Chang, why are you still kneeling, why don't you hurry up and help Mr. Xiaolang!"

Seeing Tang Guan staggering, Wu Zhao spoke to Chang Ying on the ground. Chang Ying hurriedly got up and supported Tang Guan as if he had received an amnesty.

With the help of Chang Ying, Tang Guan walked into the threshold, but was stopped again.

"Wait a moment."[

The two of them stopped, only to hear Wu Zhao behind him say: "Guard Chang, you stay here first, I have something to ask."

Chang Ying's complexion changed when he heard the words, and he secretly looked at Tang Guan, but what was different from the past was that Tang Guan didn't give him any sign at this time, but fixed his eyes on the other side of the corridor surrounded by a group of old men Room.

Standing here, I could vaguely hear them talking endlessly. Seeing this, Chang Ying had no choice but to let go of his hand, and walked back bravely. Tang Guan didn't stop because of the absence of him. He actually supported the wall and walked slowly. go out.

For a while, only Chang Ying and Wu Zhao were left in the room. After Tang Guan walked out, Wu Zhao's face turned cold instantly. She first glanced at Chang Ying coldly, and then said, "I call you Chang Ying, It's because of the sick man's trust in you."

"Damn it!" Chang Ying's body shook violently when he heard the words, and he fell to the ground. He was not afraid of what Wu Zhao would do to him. At the critical moment of life and death, he never thought of escaping.

It can be seen that in terms of due diligence, he is very qualified, but in this assassination, he made a fatal and low-level mistake, which led to the current situation, where Shangguan Wan'er's life and death are uncertain, and Tang Guan's surname has also changed drastically.

It has to be said that Tangmen's assassination seemed extremely hasty this time, but in fact, there were details in the thick and thin. First, it made a sudden attack, then turned the tiger away from the mountain, and it happened at a time when the sky was changing. It was really a terrible scene.

All this happened so suddenly, accompanied by a violent storm, Chang Ying had already tasted the bitter fruit when he realized his mistake.

It's not just him, Tang Guan is not the same, but his mistakes and bitter fruits are buried deeper and last longer. Tang Guan affirms himself time and time again, and turns himself over and over again. When he feels this way, often an unavoidable blow, or an omission or mistake, will make him fall into a catastrophe.

This is exactly the sorrow of a person like Tang Guan. No matter whether it is external comments or self-examination, he is not allowed to make a little mistake, but as long as he is a human being, there is no one who is not free from mistakes. This is what we have said many times before. The terrible weaknesses are often hidden under the strongest strengths.

Perhaps the previous example is not clear enough, but I want to see this, so that everyone can understand how accurate this statement is. Tang Guan's strongest ability is to rely on various impressions to continuously calculate, but his calculations, as long as the calculation is wrong One link, or even one detail, will completely collapse.

So he keeps repeating the same mistakes, and then examines everything from a new angle, but all of this comes at a price, sometimes the price will be smaller, within the acceptable range, but sometimes it will make Tang Guan slump The price is like that Shangguan Wan'er who was left out by him, this girl who actually only needs a little happiness to be satisfied.

Maybe her happiness is just squinting her eyes and sleeping for a while, or maybe someone can tolerate her to laugh and cry, but Tang Guan didn't give her that.

And Chang Ying is the same, he is too obsessed with his own force, when he was attacked and lured away by people from the Tang Sect, he thought he could quickly subdue the assassin, but he did not expect that the other party had already arranged everything. Time can only accept the bitter fruit.

Chang Ying knelt down on the ground and called out damn it. Yes, he blamed himself very much now, but he didn't have much fear. Death was commonplace for a person like him, and it was a surprise to be able to live until now, but as a For a soldier who respects his duty, it is a great shame to let the object of his protection be damaged.

What's more, the relationship between Tang Guan and him is not as simple as being an employer and being hired. It can be said that Tang Guan's every call to Brother Chang is natural, and he can feel that Tang Guan trusts him very much.

But the more he thinks about it, the more he blames himself. If he is there, even if the opponents are all masters of the rivers and lakes, it is not impossible to fight back. After all, he is not intimidated. Come down, let alone a dozen people.

But this is the weakness we mentioned above, Chang Ying has not discovered his obsession with his own force until now.

Wu Zhao stared coldly at Chang Ying on the ground, and after a long time said, "Go and call General Cheng."

"Yes." Chang Ying did not have any doubts when he heard the words, and immediately followed suit. He got up and walked towards the courtyard. As soon as he went out, he immediately looked at the corridor.

I saw a young man on the corridor gritted his teeth and supported the wall step by step towards the room on the other side. Chang Ying looked at his stubborn eyes and slow steps, and immediately wanted to step forward to help, but he finally stopped, and then walked to the courtyard. In the middle, he said to Cheng Huaibi who was observing the corpse: "General Cheng, Your Majesty told you to go in."

Cheng Huaibi glanced at Chang Ying when he heard the words, shook his head and smiled, then walked towards the room, Chang Ying followed closely after seeing this, and the two returned to the room in a moment.

Cheng Huaibi had just been kicked out one moment ago, and was summoned again the next moment, but he seemed to have expected it a long time ago, and he was not surprised at all.

Wu Zhao looked at the two people in front of him and said, "Chang Ying, tell me, tell me everything about the past."

Chang Ying was taken aback when he heard the words, and before he could speak, Cheng Huaibi stepped forward and murmured something to Wu Zhao in a low voice. backed out.

Just when Chang Ying didn't know what to do, Cheng Huaibi turned back for a moment, but this time he carried a dead body upside down into the room.

Chang Ying was shocked when he saw this. He realized that he had seen these corpses when he returned to the Baoshe, but he didn't check carefully at that time. After confirming that Tang Guan survived, he immediately went to the palace to ask for help.

Cheng Huaibi dragged the corpse into the room, and without knowing what it meant, he threw it in front of Chang Ying and said, "Guard Chang, you are also a martial artist, cough, take a look at this person's injuries."

Chang Ying was surprised when he heard the words: "Yes, the last general takes orders."

Immediately, Chang Ying squatted down, just like Cheng Huaibi inspected the corpse before, first stroked the corpse's chest, and then squeezed the opponent's wrist. After completing the two movements, Chang Ying suddenly opened his eyes wide, and said slowly : "Ma Lie!" (To be continued.)

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