Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 198: Timely Rain

"Ma Lie!?" Cheng Huaibi's gaze changed upon hearing the sound. bquge

"Ma Lie?" Wu Zhao was a little puzzled when he heard the name.

The name Ma Lie is no stranger to people like Cheng Huaibi, but it is not unfamiliar to Wu Zhao who is high above him. After all, although Ma Lie is vicious, he is just a reckless man.

But as soon as Chang Ying said this, Cheng Huaibi seemed to have thought of something, and immediately squatted down and checked the corpse again.

I only heard Chang Ying muttering to himself beside him: "In today's world, he is the only one who can kill people with a blow."

Cheng Huaibi frowned, and then slowly loosened it, as if he became more determined.

But in this way, it is even more interesting. Ma Lie is a rampant bandit, bold and daring, who escaped after being besieged many times. It doesn't make sense for such a bandit to help Tang Guan.

But Chang Ying looked at the corpse with firm eyes. He had fought Ma Lie many times, and he was very clear about the opponent's usual methods. Not to mention that the horrible depression on the corpse was common for Ma Lie to kill with one blow, Chang Ying knew that Ma Lie had Tang Guan was saved today!

Chang Ying suddenly remembered the past on the Jiangnan River. He and Chen Yunsheng had never mentioned it to Tang Guan, and Tang Guan had never mentioned it. It is haunted. [

On the other hand, Wu Zhao looked at the expressions of the two of them, and said with some displeasure, "Say it, tell me everything you have to say."

Hearing this, Chang Ying glanced at Cheng Huaibi, then gritted his teeth, the matter had come to an end, and he could no longer hide anything, no one in the rivers and lakes knew that Ma Lieli was very poor, and he could break people's hearts with a single strike.

Thinking of this, Chang Ying dropped to the ground on one knee, cupped his hands and said, "A few months ago, the last general was ordered to protect Mr. Lang when he came to Beijing. On the way, he was ambushed by the traitor Liu Xun."

For a moment, Chang Ying didn't know what to say, and couldn't say enough, from the first meeting with Tang Guan to the attack on Jiangnan River, and then to being rescued by Ma Lie.

I saw that Wu Zhao was still calm and composed at first, and she knew that no matter why Liu Xun ambush Tang Guan, Wu Zhao still covered Tang Guan, because he and Pei Yan had investigated the governor on the spot before her. , ransacked her family and sent her into exile, since that was the case, she did a favor as a meeting gift to gain Tang Guan's favor.

But after hearing about the attack and being rescued later, she couldn't help but frown, Chang Ying said that the word "Ma Lie" was not out of the question, and for a while Wu Zhao became interested in this name.

At the side, Cheng Huaibi also became thoughtful when he listened to Chang Ying's narration.

But Tang Guan, who was struggling in the courtyard at this time, didn't know that what he had done meant that Ma Lie had been blamed.

At this time, he was still staggering, with one hand leaning on the wall, but his eyes were fixed on the room on the other side. He moved for a long time before walking halfway out.

But he was surprisingly unable to move. He knew that there was either hope or despair in front of him. Humans are a complex emotional animal, whether it is subjective or objective, Tang Guan at this moment is suspected to be extremely complicated.

"Wan'er." Tang Guan walked halfway, leaning against the wall and muttering, he dared not move on.

Just then, a calling sound came.

"Brother Guan."

"Brother Guan." [

The sound came from far to near, Tang Guan raised his head when he heard the sound, and saw a young man walking towards him from the courtyard, Tang Guan saw the young man's appearance clearly, and said as if he was exhausted: "Xiao Qi."

"Brother Guan, are you alright?"

It was Xiao Qi who came. Tang Guan's feet softened when he saw that he was safe and well.

Seeing Tang Guan almost slumped on the ground, Xiao Qi hurriedly supported him, Tang Guan put his hands on the other's back and said, "Did you see it all?"

Hearing this, Xiao Qi glanced at the group of soldiers behind him, and whispered, "Brother Guan, don't worry, I understand."

Tang Guan nodded when he heard the words, and Xiao Qi supported Tang Guan and walked slowly there.

"Xiao Qi, is she still alive?"

Tang Guan knew that the imperial physicians standing in front of the gate must be saving Shangguan Wan'er. This is like waiting for dying relatives in the hospital in later generations. Tang Guan dared not ask the doctor how his relatives were doing. , seems to want to get some answers from Xiao Qi first.

But Xiao Qi's expression darkened, and after walking a few steps, he shook his head and said, "I don't know either."

It has to be said that Shangguan Waner's behavior this time was beyond Xiao Qi's expectation. He didn't know why Shangguan Waner was injured, but he could understand the trickiness by looking at Tang Guan's expression.

Thinking of this, Xiao Qi looked at Tang Guan with some fear and uneasiness. Like Chang Ying, it was the first time he saw Tang Guan in such a state of despair. Not as low as it is now.

In Xiaoqi's heart, Tang Guan is an unbreakable rock, almost perfect, just like Wu Zhao who is godlike in the eyes of the world.

After all, Xiao Qi had a life-and-death bond with Tang Guan, seeing him like this, also felt sad, but kept supporting Tang Guan to walk forward.

He didn't stop until he was in front of a group of old men. Some of them came in a hurry, and they were wearing ordinary clothes at home, talking endlessly with a group of colleagues.

"Hey, Yao Shiling, Yao Shiling!"

"How about acupuncture?"

"The middle road is cut, what kind of needle is used?"

These people were immersed in the discussion, completely unaware that Tang Guan was on the side. Tang Guan's eyes turned dark when he heard their discussion, and he watched the figures moving around in the room. He knew that Shangguan Wan'er was probably in danger.

"Is she still alive?" Tang Guan murmured.

The imperial doctors who were discussing heard his arrival, and they all cupped their hands and said, "Zhuangyuan Lang."

"I ask you, is she still alive?"

Tang Guan ignored the crowd and stared at the room talking to himself. As soon as the words came out, everyone looked at each other, and one of the old men seemed to be of a higher rank, and sighed softly: "Xiao Langjun, the king of hell takes people's lives, we will only wait for you." Can do my best.”

"Save her! Go in and save her!"

Just when everyone was about to speak out to appease Tang Guan, Tang Guan struggled violently. Seeing his hysterical appearance, everyone took a few steps back.

Immediately, several people rushed forward to stop Tang Guan, and shouted loudly: "Young Lord, life and death are up to fate, life and death are up to fate!"

As soon as there was a commotion here, it immediately attracted the attention of the soldiers in the courtyard. One of the strong generals looked at the roaring Tang Guan and shook his head secretly.

"Your Majesty, don't panic, the old doctor has superb medical skills, and he will definitely be able to bring the dead back to life!"

Seeing that he couldn't be comforted, one of the middle-aged people had no choice but to change his words. Tang Guan gradually calmed down after hearing this, and still couldn't leave his eyes from the door.

Chang'an Guowai Station.

There is still some distance from here to Luoyang Duting post, and not far away is Chang'an Wai Guo, which is also an official post.

But in the silent station in the middle of the night, there was a light that kept flickering on and off.

I saw an old man sitting in front of the table, holding a small letter in his hand, looking at the contents, with a smile on his face.

After a long time, the person lit the thing in his hand on fire, and it turned into ashes in an instant.

And a strong man stood behind this person, watched the old man's movements and said, "My lord, just as we left, that kid..."

"Hey." Hearing this, the old man waved his hands and interrupted the man's speech.

Then he said with a smile: "This rain is good and timely!"

Originally, a night rain blocked their journey, but now the rain made the old man laugh heartily. (To be continued.)

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