Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 199: The Heaven Has Eyes

The words were divided into two parts, and one of them was picked to say. Here Tang Guan felt uneasy. All kinds of things had crossed his mind before. As he said before, the bitter fruit was planted too early and matured too quickly.

On the other side, Wu Zhao sat on the bed, looking at Chang Ying and Cheng Huaibi who were silent. Chang Ying had finished what he had to say, but Wu Zhao fell silent instead.

After a long time, she said: "My Tang Dynasty has such a strange person!"

As soon as these words came out, the two of them were stunned at the same time. Wu Zhao was not as surprised and angry as expected. After hearing Ma Lie's deeds, there was surprise in his tone.

"You said just now that Ma Lie had voted in martial arts?"

After Wu Zhao finished speaking, he looked at Chang Ying. Chang Ying was about to respond, but Cheng Huaibi said first: "Your Majesty, although Kong Wu is powerful, this thief has a strange temperament and a vicious face. He was not admitted."

"Huh?" Wu Zhao looked at Cheng Huaibi upon hearing the words, stared at him for a while, and saw that his expression did not seem to be lying, and fell silent again.

Martial arts was born with her ascension. On the surface, anyone with martial arts skills can enter, but secretly Wu Zhao also understands that this is just a decoration. Nowadays, Jinshi who enters the imperial court every year has shaken the interests of the powerful families in Longyou. Let another group of warriors come in, and there will probably be trouble again.

Thinking of this, Wu Zhao directly avoided this point and didn't talk about it anymore. She knew that Cheng Huaibi also had difficulties, no wonder he, these are also the rules set by herself, so she had no choice but to change her words immediately: "If this kind of courage can be used by me , why worry about border wars!"

When Wu Zhao spoke, there was admiration in his tone, which was no longer pretending to be false. She was indeed in employment now.A Tang crown jumped out of the civil servants, even though they were still young.It can't be delegated to use yet, but it is a rare embryo anyway.But the tug-of-war that has plagued her for many years really needs a man like Ma Lie who is as strong as a mountain, brave and unparalleled.

If all the officers and men under his command were as brave as Ma Lie in Chang Ying's mouth, then there would be no need to fight. Unfortunately, Wu Zhao also understands that this is rare in the world, just like Tang Guan's talent in literature and art, it is rare in a hundred years .

Besides, if everyone is this kind of person, she will not have a safe life.

Wu Zhao muttered to himself for a moment, then said after a long time, "Find him for me."

"What!?" Chang Ying was startled when he heard the words, and raised his head to dissuade him.Who is Ma Lie, he knows very well, he is a murderous devil without batting an eyelid, people in the rivers and lakes who have been in the knife are frightened by the news, Chang Ying has no doubt that he really wants to kill him, there are no hundred or eighty experts to support him It is extremely difficult for a sharpshooter to cast a net, and this is still on the premise that he can find his clues.

But before he opened his mouth, Cheng Huaibi actually took orders: "Yes."

Hearing this, Chang Ying looked at Cheng Huaibi in disbelief and said, "General Cheng."

Cheng Huaibi no longer stayed here, turned around and left.Chang Ying was horrified when he saw this, Cheng Huaibi was really strong, but in Chang Ying's mind, the most terrifying person he met in his life was Ma Lie. Chang Ying once heard about the deeds of a hero in the late Sui Dynasty.Among them, the dramatized Cheng Zhijie and Yu Wencheng are the representatives.

Yuwen Chengdu is known as the capital of Hercules, and has the supernatural power that five horses can't divide the corpse but be pulled back by it. When Taizong established the country.It is strictly forbidden to promote these folk stories about the generals of the former dynasty, but when Chang Ying was born.The ban was loosened early, and those who practice martial arts have heard of these heroes who have been in troubled times.

Chang Ying is a younger generation.Of course, he has never seen these ancestors with his own eyes, and he does not have the ability to be separated from others. His inability to do so does not mean that he suspects that these deeds are fake. The existence of Ma Lie makes him sure that although there are few such people, But there must be.

This also reflects Ma Lie's bravery from the side, which is indeed unparalleled in the world. Chang Ying was even more anxious when he saw that Cheng Huaibi didn't seem to be wary of him at all. It is impossible for him to be inferior to a reckless rivers and lakes.

For a while, Chang Ying could only secretly worry, Wu Zhao sat on the bed, got up after a long time and said with a flick of his sleeves, "Chang guard."

"The minister is here." Chang Ying heard the sound and dropped to the ground on one knee, but the next sentence made him half-cold.

"The Shu thief is cunning. I don't blame you for negligence in today's matter. Getting rid of illness is my most important tool. If there is a next time, I will definitely kill you!"

"My minister thanked the sage!" Chang Ying shuddered at the words, and then kowtowed to the ground. Wu Zhao's decision to kill was so simple. He had served in the palace for many years. very familiar.

Seeing this, Wu Zhao stepped out of the door. From Cheng Huaibi's attitude towards the Tang Sect, it is not difficult to see that there is indeed an ambiguity between her and the Tang Sect, or the court and the Tang Sect, but someone has already touched Wu Zhao's bottom line. These inexplicable ambiguities It is no longer a reason for Wu Zhao to continue to tolerate.

The moment Wu Zhao went out, her beautiful eyes flashed coldly, and she looked at the group of soldiers in the courtyard, and tightly clenched her jade hands in her big sleeves.

She is not willing to kill Tang Guan, as domineering and strong as she is, how can she allow something that she can't bear to be taken away? She has been in business for so many years, just for what she wants, and no one can take it away!

"Sign up, go back to the palace!"

Wu Zhao uttered a cold voice, everyone responded with a loud bang, and the old doctors over there hurriedly knelt down to see him off.

But just as she reached the courtyard, she paused again, glanced at the distraught young man over there, who was oblivious to the fact that she was about to leave, she couldn't help but shook her head secretly, and then stepped on the steps.

That boy was Tang Guan, the people in the courtyard knelt together, even Xiao Qi beside him didn't dare to do anything wrong, and knelt down on the ground under the atmosphere of the crowd, but he leaned against the wall and looked at the figure in the door, His eyes were empty and dull.

"I hate when you laugh and when you cry."

"For someone like you, no one will believe your tears."

"I know you want to live, and want to live better than anyone else!"

Sentence after sentence after thinking about it now, I can't believe it was what I said. He didn't know if this scarred girl would wake up and look at him. In the last glance between them, Shangguan Wan'er's eyes were surprisingly gentle. .

"This knife...repay you."

"Heh, heh, pay me back this knife? Give me back... Give me back." Tang Guan's memory gradually collapsed. He was a living person. At this moment, he was no longer a talented man, nor was he The majestic champion, he seems to have returned to the days of powerlessness and helplessness in his previous life.

Thinking, thinking, a stream of heat flowed from the sockets of his eyes, Tang Guan sat powerlessly on the ground, and even cried while holding his head.

Wu Zhaosheng disappeared into the night, Xiao Qi stood up and was shocked to find Tang Guan's appearance, and hurriedly asked: "Brother Guan, brother Guan, what's wrong with you."

Tang Guan came across thousands of years and did not cry many times. Once when Pei Yan and Erxiang disappeared, he wept when he questioned injustice in the General Temple. That time was for the common people and the morality of the world. The young Tang Guan couldn't figure it out at that time Why the world is so unfair, good people are not rewarded, maybe that is the young and ridiculous justice.

But he figured it out, the world is not ancient, it all depends on people's hearts. In fact, when he stepped on the top floor to commit suicide in his previous life, it was a wrong choice. He scolded the sky for being unfair, but in fact, the sky is very fair. many.

He scolded God for not giving him talent. Now that he has talent, is he really living a better life?

He is scarred and scarred, he doesn't even know who he cares about, he has to figure out how to survive until the next morning every day, he can't even protect the girl who gave her life for him.

This dream went back thousands of years, and he saw all the fiery trees and silver flowers. Today, he can't help himself, but this is fairness, the sky has eyes, people are doing it, and the sky is watching.

If there is really a god in the world who can satisfy Tang Guan's wish again, maybe Tang Guan just wants to say, let everything go back to the original point, and he will continue to be his down-and-out street writer.

"Brother Guan! Brother Guan!"

Tang Guan's vision gradually blurred, Xiao Qi desperately called out, Tang Guan in this state is extremely terrifying, the phenomenon of helplessness should not exist in Tang Guan.

The surrounding imperial physicians were also dumbfounded when they saw this, only a few of them guessed that the girl inside might have a close relationship with him, and stepped forward to comfort him: "My condolences."

Just when Tang Guan was in a daze, the door of the room that had been closed was finally opened quietly.

Tang Guan knew that it was unlikely that the medical conditions of this era could save Shangguan Wan'er, but when he heard the movement, he didn't know where the strength came from, and he jumped up suddenly, with his eyes still red, and caught an old man who came out Shaking: "Is she still alive!? Is she still alive!?"

The old man was taken aback by Tang Guan as soon as he came out, he was speechless for a while, and muttered: "Alive...alive..."

Seeing this, Tang Guan threw him away and staggered into the room. (To be continued..)

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