Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 200: 1

The old man who exited the room was grabbed by Tang Guan as soon as he came out, and was pushed aside in a short while. This old man seemed to be old. We know that curing diseases and saving lives is called medicine. This profession should be seen in the eyes of patients, no matter ancient or modern Both China and foreign countries, as well as later generations, have a characteristic, that is, the older they are, the more reliable they are.

For a person, aging is a disadvantage, but for a profession that is engaged in all the year round, old age is hooked with deep experience. Of course, this is from the eyes of laymen, but from a practical point of view, this statement is also There is some truth to this.

This old man who was pushed away by Tang Guan and retreated again and again, no accident should be the old doctor they said, and when he was pushed away, everyone stepped forward to support him in shock.

What is rare is that there is no anger on this person's face, but he looks at Tang Guan who has already broken into the room with some embarrassment. Tang Guan is no longer weak at this time, and he does not know where the strength comes from. He rushed straight to the bed.

But before he got close, he stopped and stared blankly at the person on the bed.

"Wan'er." Tang Guan called out softly, but the girl on the bed was ignorant.

"Xiao Langjun, no!"

Seeing that Tang Guan stretched out his hand as if to touch the girl on the bed, the old man outside the door immediately stepped into the room and shouted. Tang Guan's body trembled when he heard this, but his hand still reached between the girl's breath.

Tang Guan felt the faint warmth, and he calmed down a little. The old man breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this, and slowly stepped forward and said, "Xiao Langjun."

He opened his mouth to call, but Tang Guan ignored him, his eyes couldn't leave the girl's pale face, so the old man had no choice but to say again: "Xiao Langjun."

This time he kept patting and calling.Tang Guan just came back to his senses, and immediately grabbed his sleeve and said, " is she?"

The old man shook his head and sighed.After looking at the person on the bed, he said: "He who is happy is born outside the world; the spirit is born inside. The outside is not as good as the inside, but the outside is hurt? The one who is angry and worried is born. Hurt too."

"I asked you how she is!" Tang Guan couldn't help being irritated when he saw the old man rambling on and saying such words. When is this, how can he have the time to think about this kind of terminology.

In fact, this statement is also easy to understand. This is an explanation of internal and external relations quoted from the ancient Han Dynasty Chunqiu Fanlu. The old man knows Tang Guan's identity.I thought it would be easy for him to understand, but I didn't expect that Tang Guan who was in a hurry was like a violent little tiger, his eyes wanted to eat him alive.

Seeing this, the old man didn't bother to drag the text, and hurriedly changed his words: "It's not that the old man is not smart, this lady's heartstrings were broken early, and she wanted to die. The old man can only hang her for a while. She doesn't want to live, and we can't do anything about it! "

"What do you mean! Nonsense!" Tang Guanben was restless.Hearing what he said, it was clear that Shangguan Wan'er didn't want to live anymore, and no matter whether it was right or wrong, she yelled at her.

"Xiao Langjun, please stay safe and don't be impatient. Come and see. Although the injury of the young lady hurts the inner palace, but at this age, it is prosperous, so it should be fine. But...but... "

Speaking of which, the old man paused, as if he didn't know how to speak.According to Tang Guan's current appearance, it can be seen that he attaches great importance to the girl on the bed.Looking at the age of the two of them, it was the beginning of love, and it was the great time of their childhood sweethearts. It stands to reason that there are women who can win the Tang crown and treat them like this, so it should not be the case.

But this girl is clearly suffering from premature aging of the mind, obviously caused by repeated severe injuries to her mind, her heart is dead, and she has become sick from boredom, so this trauma that should not have taken her life has become a fatal sword, but this is what happened. It doesn't make sense with what it looks like today.

But the world between people is inherently complicated, and the old man didn't know how to speak for a while, telling the truth, and offending Tang Guan, it was wrong not to speak.

Just when he hesitated, Tang Guan yelled loudly: "Say it!"

Everyone outside the room saw Tang Guan yelling at the old man, so they could only stand with their hands tied. They are all people who have practiced medicine for many years, and they are also imperial physicians in the palace. They are no strangers to this situation. It's normal to be agitated at critical moments.

Tang Guan was so embarrassing that Wu Zhao came to visit in person, and they were also specially recruited, so naturally they didn't dare to make irresponsible remarks, but the old man shivered after being drank by him, so he had no choice but to tell the truth.

Immediately the old man told what he had just thought. At first Tang Guan didn't believe it on his face, but then he became more and more startled when he heard it. Finally, he slowly let go of the old man's sleeves and stepped back slowly. Shock.


Tang Guan slumped on the chair while stepping back, the teacup on the table fell to pieces, he didn't even notice it, he just stared blankly at the ground.

Seeing his appearance, everyone was speechless, but Xiao Qi quickly walked into the room and said to Tang Guan, "Brother Guan."

"Get out." Tang Guan's eyes were gloomy. The old man was right. Shangguan Wan'er was born in a pitiful life. Since she was a child, her entire family was mourned. She and her mother entered the palace as slaves. Tang Guan didn't dare to think about what she saw, but Thinking on your toes and knowing it won't be a good thing.

Fortunately, after the death of her mother, she was recalled by Wu Zhao, who was supposed to be a slave all her life, but the original official history track has been tampered with by Tang Guan. The appearance of Tang Guan made her demoted to slave again. Neither is the point.

The point is that Tang Guan himself made a wrong judgment on her. We have made various analyzes on this point before, and it is not difficult to see that Tang Guan's psychological gap at this time has reached unimaginable.

Shangguan Wan'er's voice and smile are still in my ears. Maybe she should be another Wu Zhao, but fate did not give her such a chance. Tang Guan knew that this stubborn girl would soon die.

He also knew that he had deprived her of everything, and now his life was coming to an end because of him.

"Get out, get out for me!"

Finally Tang Guan yelled, the old man shook his head and sighed, turned and left, but at this moment Tang Guan said again: "How long can she live?"

The old man's foot that had just stepped out of the threshold stopped when he heard the words: "If you don't wake up for two days, I ask you to be sad and obedient. State affairs are the most important thing."

"Heh." Tang Guangang's spirit was completely extinguished. Seeing this, Xiao Qi opened his mouth, but still didn't say anything. Following the old man's turn and left, he slowly closed the door.

A candle in the room flickered on and off, and the shock went on and on until midnight, and finally came to a conclusion, but the result left Tang Guan devastated.

The price this time was too great. If Lin Yuxun, the woman Tang Guan really cares about now, is a younger sister who should be protected by him naturally, then there is no debt between them, and Tang Guan doesn't think she owes him anything.

But Shangguan Wan'er was just the opposite. She left Tang Guan with a debt in her heart and left quietly. Tang Guan knew that perhaps this debt would never be repaid.

Tang Guan knew what it was like to have a heart as dead ashes in the old man's mouth. He had tried it in his previous life when he was lonely and helpless, so he had the present him.

People who want to live are often extremely tenacious, just like a soldier who charges on the battlefield, his will is firm, even if he suffers a lot of trauma, as long as he can heal and he has the will to live, he will always be able to survive.

But Shangguan Wan'er is just the opposite. Tang Guan is sure that she wants to survive, and that she is a woman who can do whatever it takes to survive. Unfortunately, he is wrong. Maybe she lives only for a little bit of hope, or a little bit of happiness.

For a while, Tang Guan's face was also gray. Even if he killed himself now, it was useless. Tang Guan slowly got up and walked to the bed.

Then he slumped down without saying a word, his muscles and bones were still weak and painful, that was the price of the so-called infinite strength, this kind of pain was very familiar, Tang Guan had experienced it once.

But the pain in the body was not comparable to the pain in the heart. Tang Guan stared blankly at the pretty face on the bed. A few days ago, he accidentally said that he didn't want to see her laugh or cry. She really did. I don't know if it was stubbornness or fear. But he really never saw her laugh or cry again.

"I was wrong, I'm sorry." Tang Guan, like a helpless child, cautiously stretched out his hand and folded it on the back of Shangguan Wan'er's cold hand.

"I was wrong, sorry, sorry."

The word "have to intercede" is always familiar. It must be the same when Lin Yuxun knelt in front of the seriously injured Tang Guan's bed (to be continued...)

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