Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 201: Someone Comes From Home

The next day, early in the morning.

This day in Chang'an was a bit special. At this time, the sun was high, and the street shops and pawns were already propped up as usual, but what was different from the past was that there was panic in this usual bustling.

On one side of the stall, the boss took out the cooked noodles from the pot, sprinkled them in a bowl skillfully, and brought them to the table of noodle eaters.

The noodle eater Wenyin glanced at the hot noodles on the table, but couldn't take his eyes off the street scene.


I saw a few knights walking back and forth on the street with a few soldiers behind them. They were not walking fast, and they were staring at the passers-by while walking.

The person who ate the noodles seemed to be a traveling businessman. He traveled all over the world, and when he saw the appearance of this group of soldiers, he knew that something had happened in the city.

"Old man, are there thieves?" The noodle eater looked away, picked up the noodles and took a sip of hot soup and asked.

The noodle stall owner also shook his head with doubts on his face and said: "Don't ask, eat it quickly, it won't taste good when it's cold." [

Hearing this, the noodle eater put down the bowl, pulled the boss over and said, "Old man, hehe, just say something if you know it. I'm afraid of thieves, and my goods won't go out."

The boss sat down after hearing this and said: "How can we know about the official, the city gates and buildings have been sealed, let me see you, stay a few more days, stay a few more days."

After finishing speaking, the boss shook his head and walked away. The noodle businessman was stunned for a moment, and he didn't realize it until he walked away. He said anxiously: "Hey, don't go, don't go."

But seeing that the boss ignored him, the businessman had no choice but to glance at the city gate angrily, and then started eating noodles sullenly.

The main entrance of Chang'an Guowai, this gate is the place you must pass through when entering the arena.Chang'an has an outer Guo and an inner Guo, and the inner Guo is divided into the imperial city.Inner City and Outer City.

Tang Guanchu came to Chang'an through the huge city gate here, with the moat in front of the gate.At this time, the barricade had been put down, and there was a regular queue of pedestrians in front of the door.

But what is different from usual is that at this time, besides the guards who stand guard every day under the city gate, there are actually several lines of patrolling soldiers above the city tower in broad daylight.

These soldiers are all fully armed. This is not the most frightening thing. What makes these people who want to enter the city the most frightening is that there is a horse repelling fence in front of the gate. This scene seems to be preparing for war, and they have not yet I saw someone coming out of the city.

A group of people in the crowd looked strange when they saw this scene. There were men and women in this group.Two younger men were pulling a small cart. The cart was brand new. It was expected to be newly installed on the road when it came. There were several packages on the cart, and an old man was sitting upright.

One of the men frowned and said to the old man in the car: "Uncle Wang, what's the matter?"

Hearing this, the old man got off the car slowly, glanced at the city, and murmured, "Why is the city closed?"

"Ah?" The man was a little puzzled when he heard the sound, he had also been to Chang'an once.That time I came to see my young master, I thought it would be there yesterday, but a heavy rain blocked them, so I got up early this morning.It looked like he wasn't even allowed to enter.

If Tang Guan and Xiao Qi were here, they would definitely be familiar with this group of people. The old man at the head is the butler of the Tang family, Old Wang!

And those two men turned out to be Tang Er and Tang San.The remaining servants and girls who looked like maids were all servants of the Tang family.

I saw that Lao Wang frowned tightly, and the journey was tiring.It is indeed a torment for an elderly person like him, but he also enjoys it.Now his young master has a lot of money in Beijing, and he also stayed in Chang'an with Tang Weixi for a period of time in his early years, so he is no stranger to all kinds of things here, so when he saw the scene before him, he knew that something might happen in the city. [

Thinking of this, Old Wang couldn't help but tremble in his heart. After all, Tang Guan and Xiao Qi were in the city. Immediately, he looked around and saw that the two soldiers at the door were not looking sideways. He couldn't help but leaned forward and asked in a low voice: " Two military lords, will you let this one in?"

The armored soldiers didn't respond to the words. In fact, they didn't know why the city was closed and the roads were blocked, and they didn't know when they would open the city to release people. They only knew that something happened last night. The city guard general Liu Chunyun was taken away overnight. audio.

If you think about it with your ass, you can tell that there must be a big mess. They have been guarding here for several years, and the tricks are self-evident, but now the security inside and outside the city is tight, and there is a big one who wants to turn it inside out. A gesture they had never seen before.

Seeing that they ignored him, Lao Wang moved closer, and a few people in the crowd looked over with interest, only to see Lao Wang quietly touched his sleeve, took out a piece of stuff and said with a smile: "Master Jun, the old man has relatives." , is still a doll, see if you can..."

Hearing this, the armored soldier glanced at the things in his hand, his eyes lit up, but then he shrank his neck and pushed it away: "Get up, don't stand in the way!"

Old Wang was already old, and he immediately backed away again and again, almost fell to the ground. Tang Er and Tang San were shocked when they saw this, and rushed forward to help him.

"What about you..." Tang San encountered this kind of thing when he came to Chang'an for the first time, and wanted to scold the guard, but Old Wang hurriedly stopped him: "I'm fine, I'm fine."

Seeing this, Tang San shut up and said nothing, then they retreated to the crowd, Pharaoh sat back in the car panting, shook his head and said: "Hey, it seems that this one can't get in."

"Uncle Wang, what happened inside?" Tang Er asked suspiciously, but Old Wang could only shake his head. He is an old servant of the Tang family. He watched the father and son grow up, and now Tang Weixi is in his forties.

Therefore, everyone in the Tang family respected him, and Tang Weixi himself was a kind person, so it can be said that he was in charge of everything inside and out.

Originally, he came here with excitement, to see Tang Guan who had rested, but unexpectedly, he was delayed again and again.

"Uncle Wang, why don't we go back first and come back tomorrow." Seeing this, Tang Er had no choice but to say so.

Old Wang was right when he heard the words, and he didn't know how long it would take, so he immediately wanted to nod and agree, but at this moment, a carriage beside him went straight to the city.

Seeing that the people beside the car were dressed in ordinary clothes, but when they walked in front of the two guards, they saw that the two guards changed from their previous indifference and chatted with several people.

Lao Wang and his party stood far away, but they didn't hear their conversation clearly. They only saw one of them took out a letter from his arms and handed it to the guard.

At this moment, the crowd surged, and the guard shouted, "What are you doing!?"

His voice was extremely loud, and he had a sharp spear in his hand. The crowd fell silent immediately, and then several people swallowed and walked back quietly.

"Uncle Wang, let's go." Tang Er and the others also stopped to watch the changes here for a while, then turned their heads and said to Old Wang.

Old Wang's eyes lit up, and he said with a smile, "Wait."

Several people were stunned when they heard the words, and saw Lao Wang approaching the two guards, Tang Er and Tang San looked at each other.

Seeing the old man leaning forward again, the two soldiers were surprised when they saw this, the old man seemed quite persistent, and one of them even smiled and said: "Old man, we don't care what we say, let's go back, we will enter in a while." don't go."

"I know, I know." Lao Wang nodded and smiled when he heard the words, and then put his hands in his arms, and the two soldiers were stunned when they saw this.

"But my baby is still in the city, I just want to go and see him soon." Lao Wang said while digging, groping for a while, and even took out a letter.

Seeing this, the soldier couldn't help frowning, and asked, "This is you."

"The two military masters don't look at the face of the monk but the face of the Buddha. This is a letter written by my baby. He is also an official in the city."

Lao Wang handed the letter to the two soldiers while talking. The two soldiers looked puzzled, and the one on the left murmured: "Baby? Officer?"

Just when he was puzzled, the one on the right had already opened the letter. At first, he glanced at it casually, but his expression changed drastically.

"Old... old man, wait."

The soldier looked up at the smiling Old Wang, and then his voice trembled a little. The guard beside him was taken aback when he saw this, and came over curiously.

I saw that the letter was extremely long, and he didn't know much about it, so he glanced at it immediately, but when he saw the two small seals where the signature was signed, he immediately showed panic.

One of them is larger, engraved with "Hangzhou Xuanfu History", that's all, the small seal next to it is shocking, it turned out to be "Hanlin Zhuanxiu".

"My mother!" The soldiers stared at each other. Although their positions are not high, they have been guarding the city all year round. In Chang'an, there are only two prime ministers of the current dynasty and the number one scholar Lang Tang Qubing.

These three people, none of them dared to stop them, remembering that they almost fell the old man in front of them just now, they couldn't help feeling cold, and immediately the soldier holding the letter said that and trotted to the top of the tower.

Seeing this, Lao Wang stood with his hands tied, and was secretly delighted to see this scene. It seemed that his young master was indeed flourishing in Beijing, but unfortunately he didn't know the terrible pain Tang Guan was facing now.

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