Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 210: Hope

"Wind Pool."


"Guan Yuan."

In the full room, He Qiyue turned his back to the screen and made noises from time to time, while Tang Guan inside was facing a jade body, carefully pricking the acupuncture points.

The two talked one by one, and the other stabbed each other. He Qiyue was inevitably nervous. It was the first time he had seen Tang Guan's way of seeing a doctor.

When he finished reciting the last acupuncture point, he subconsciously wanted to turn around immediately to see if the needle was right. It could be saved if he inserted the needle for a while and opened it again, but before he could turn around, a voice came from behind the screen.

Then Tang Guan excitedly called: "Wan'er, Wan'er."

It's a pity that the yelling was over, and Shangguan Wan'er regained her composure, but this made He Qiyue feel like being struck by lightning. [

"Impossible, right!"

When He Qiyue heard the movement, he knew that this was a normal reaction after successful acupuncture. Tang Guan actually got it right. Just now he pointed out more than forty acupuncture points, many of which were at extremely tricky angles.

What is different from his shock here is that Tang Guan is full of excitement over there. Shangguan Wan'er's naked body is lying in front of his eyes. Tang Guan looks at her with her upper body tied like a little hedgehog, and can't help smiling. So far, he has given up on He The therapy also builds some trust.

"It seems that this thing is not completely useless." Tang Guan stared intently for a moment, pondering in his heart, he has the ability of photographic memory, if he can dabble in something, wouldn't it be like an extra life.

Thinking of this, Tang Guan quietly glanced at the young man standing behind the screen, but Tang Guan gave up this idea in an instant.

"Traditional Chinese medicine seldom sees writing, and it is passed on by word of mouth. Even if there is writing, it is not as simple as writing and drawing."

Tang Guan stood up slowly with his hands behind his back. This is also a normal reaction for people to see something good. Of course, the more skills the better, but just as Tang Guan thought, he can memorize the acupuncture points of the human body in an instant.It doesn't mean that he can learn it like reading a book. Rote memorization and doing are two different things.

In fact, the first needle on Shangguan Wan'er's neck explained this truth. If Tang Guan were to insert that needle, the place might not be wrong, but the priority is not well grasped.

Thinking of this, Tang Guan shook his head and gave up.Anyway, the young man gave himself hope, this is a redemption, saving Shangguan Wan'er is also saving himself.

Tang Guan walked around the screen with his hands behind his back, He Qiyue cupped his hands and said, "Mr. Lang has a good memory."

After all, He Qiyue secretly looked at Tang Guan again.It would be a lie to say that he was not afraid, he was familiar with his deeds before he came here, and seeing him today made him even more astonished, there are really strange people in the world who can't forget.

Tang Guan glanced at his face, and knew what he was thinking. This handsome young man was interesting, not to mention that he also called Feng Xiaobao a brother.He had seen Feng Xiaobao before, and Tang Guan's mind became active again after seeing the hope. Feng Xiaobao was ordinary-looking, and he seemed to have a good personality. How could such a person be held in the palm of Wu Zhao's hand?

On the other hand, the young man in front of him seems to be the one Wu Zhao would admire. Tang Guan already knew all kinds of things about Wu Zhao, and he no longer bound her with the impression in the official history. Wan'er is because of her youthfulness.The scene at this time came about because no suitable method was found to change Tang Guan's outlook.

But Wu Zhao was different, whether it was her last conversation with Pei Yan or the old monk in Da Ci'en Temple, there were many doubts left.It can be said that Wu Zhao made Tang Guan afraid and angry, but he felt sorry for her. It's a pity that Tang Guan didn't know the identity of the old monk, otherwise he would immediately be aware of an astonishing mystery.

But having said that, Tang Guan didn't put the boy and Feng Xiaobao in his eyes at first, it was just the last struggle, but when things got here, it was beyond Tang Guan's expectation, Tang Guan also became interested in the boy's name . [

Tang Guan was not in a hurry to ask, but walked slowly to the table and sat down. His attention was high when the needle was inserted just now, and his mouth was inevitably dry, so he immediately greeted the young man, "Come and sit."

He Qiyue bowed his hands when he heard the words, and sat on one side. People said that scholars, farmers, businessmen, and doctors belonged to the five industries. Including the imperial physician, he can only be regarded as half a scholar, which is not as good as the local county magistrate.

"What's your name?" Tang Guan took a sip of the tea cup and asked.

When He Qiyue heard the words, he stood up and cupped his hands and said, "People from Yongzhou, why don't you."


As soon as these words came out, Tang Guan spit out the tea that he hadn't swallowed, and looked at He Qiyue as if he didn't hear clearly: "What's your name?"

He Qiyue was taken aback when he saw this, he didn't know what Tang Guan meant, so he could only say: "Caomin why Qiyue."

"But what about a single person, abandoning my shoes and going to medical treatment?" Tang Guan could hear clearly this time, but he reconfirmed with a strange expression.

He Qiyue heard the words and said, "Exactly."

"Haha." As soon as these words came out, Tang Guan laughed out loud, as if he had discovered something interesting, so that even the sadness caused by Shangguan Wan'er could not stop Tang Guan's evil intentions.

Seeing Tang Guan laughing suddenly, He Qiyue couldn't figure it out. His name is not awkward to pronounce, and it was given by the master who took him in. Seeing Tang Guan's moodiness, he couldn't help asking: "Zhuangyuan Lang, what are you doing?" yes?"

"It's okay, haha, it's okay, He Qiyue, this name is good, this name is good."

Tang Guan put down the teacup, things in the world are so ingenious, Shangguan Wan'er was sentenced to life and death, Tang Guan had already given up the treatment in depression, but at this time he popped up a question about how to abandon treatment, which gave him a lot of hope.

"I..." He Qiyue opened his mouth when he heard the words, his handsome face blushed suddenly, Tang Guan laughed as if he was laughing at himself, he couldn't help but bow his head.

"You and I have a close relationship. I have been weak and sick since I was a child. My family adopted the name Qubing, but your name is Qiyi."

He Qiyi was stunned again when he heard the words, if it was someone else, he would definitely use this remark to climb higher branches, but He Qiyi just nodded his head.

Seeing this, Tang Guan shook his head secretly. Although this interesting young man has a good manner, but the city is not deep, everything is written on his face. If Shangguan Wan'er can really be rescued by him, it means that he is indeed a genius, but he is a usable person. Being able to keep it for oneself is not as simple as having an extra life!

At this moment, there was a sudden movement in the courtyard, and He Qiyi raised his head after hearing the sound and said, "Officer, the medicine is here!"

Tang Guan nodded when he heard the words, got up and opened the door, looked into the courtyard, and saw several soldiers walking towards here with sacks on their backs.

The leader was naturally Chang Ying, Tang Guan couldn't help being taken aback when he saw this, he said just now that they smashed the door to get the medicine, but he didn't expect that they really smashed the medicine hall all over the place.

"Xiao Langjun, I brought back everything I wanted."

Chang Ying and several soldiers held the sack on the ground, He Qiyue was surprised when he saw it, although he wrote a lot, he didn't need that much weight, and this group of people could really get it in the middle of the night.

Seeing this, Tang Guan nodded slightly, and asked He Qiyue, "What do you do next?"

He Qiyue looked at the night when he heard the words, as if confirming the time, and then said: "Boil three pots of hot water according to the proportion and medicine, cool down for half an hour, and then take the needles for the empress to take a bath. poison."

Tang Guan listened carefully, and as soon as his voice fell, he immediately ordered: "Boil the water."


The house was extremely busy that night, not only the guards dispatched by the palace were busy, but even the servants brought by the old king waited until late at night.

Tang Guan returned to the room, ignored He Qiyue, walked around behind the screen, looked at Shangguan Wan'er on the bed tenderly, and said, "Wait a little longer, the pain will stop soon." (To be continued. If you like For this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote and monthly pass. Your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to m to read.)

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