Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 211: Waiting for Dawn

A strong smell reverberated, a large barrel stood in the room, He Qiyue stretched out his hand to measure the temperature from time to time by the barrel, until it was completely cool, he turned to Tang Guan who was dozing off on his head and said: "Lang Jun, it's time to get the needle."

"En." Tang Guanwenyin slowly opened his eyes, then got up and said: "Get up, just soak in it, right?"

He Qiyue hesitated for a moment when he heard the words, nodded and said: "Yes, this bath is extremely cold, rushing to the Yin acupoint, if something unexpected happens, the mother will wake up when she enters the bath, but"

"But what?" Tang Guan looked at He Qiyue after hearing the words, and He Qiyue continued: "But the poisoning of the empress has been deep, and Qiyue can only guarantee her surname's life. I will not know if there are any leftovers until dawn. .”

"What do you mean?" Tang Guan's heart trembled when he heard the words, and He Qiyue hesitated to speak, as if there were some sequelae.

Seeing this, He Qiyue shook his head slightly, with a distressed expression on his face, he said: "Even though Corrosion Heart Grass has the name of a grass, it is not a plant, but the miasma spit out by the five poisons in southern Xinjiang. The poisonous surname is hot, and those who suffer from it will not die for a while, but it will torment the heart and break the heartstrings, just like torture."

"Hiss." Tang Guan gasped when he heard the words, and looked at Shangguan Wan'er through the screen. The Tang Sect was so sinister and vicious. The Taoist seemed to be kind enough to him. He clearly wanted to take his life with a sword, but He fed poison on his sword, and Shangguan Wan'er suffered this disaster for herself, and suffered from this lingering pain.

This pain is best described as life is worse than death. Thinking of Tang Guan's heart was full of shock and anger, he gritted his teeth and said, "Tang Sect!"

At the side, He Qiyue heard these two words many times, but he didn't understand what it meant. He was a doctor, so based on the most basic principles, he just saw a doctor for this kind of thing. [

"If she wakes up at dawn, I, Tang Qubing, will owe you my life and call you Brother Qizhi."

"Don't dare." He Qiyue was rather flattered when he heard the words, because he was so humble that he really couldn't afford to be Tang Guansheng's brother.

"Brother Qiji, I'm tired, you go down and rest first, Uncle Wang will arrange it."

"Thank you." He Qiyue glanced at the screen when he heard the words, and then left with his hands folded. He had finished what he should do and say, but he felt a little inexplicably lost.

There is no doubt that Shangguan Waner is the most beautiful girl He Qizhen has ever seen. We once said that Shangguan Waner's beauty is a kind of elegance that does not apply makeup and has a heroic spirit. It is precisely this uniqueness that attracts He Qizhen so much A kind of shy person.

But appreciation is appreciation, He Qiyue is not arrogant enough to have unreasonable thoughts, especially after seeing that Tang Guan would rather take the risk to perform acupuncture by himself, he has no idea.

He Qixi went out, Feng Xiaobao waited quietly outside the door for a long time, when he saw him coming out, he hurried forward and said: "What's the matter?"

He Qiyue glanced at his brother angrily, pretending to be melancholy and said, "Oh, wait until you die."

"You can't even see it!?" Feng Xiaobao was shocked when he heard this, and stared at He Qiyue with wide eyes.

At this moment, Lao Wang's voice came.

"Two gentlemen, the room has been arranged, come with me."

The conversation between the two was interrupted. Seeing this, Feng Xiaobao knew that He Qiyue was teasing him, so he immediately glared at him and left with Lao Wang.

The two followed Lao Wang, He Qiyue looked preoccupied, as if he was still immersed in what happened just now, but Feng Xiaobao became more and more excited, as if he had seen Xiaojinshan.

It wasn't until the two stopped in front of the door of a room, Lao Wang gave some instructions, turned and left, that they entered the door.

As soon as Feng Xiaobao entered the door, he smacked his lips and said, "Tsk tsk, it's good to be an official. This house is so big and there are so many houses."

"This is Baoshe." He Qiyue shook his head and smiled when he heard the words, looked around the room, and then slowly sat down on the chair.

"Qiyue, have you read it?" Feng Xiaobao asked a little uneasy when he saw He Qiyue sat down and began to lose his mind.

As if he didn't hear what he said, He Qiyue murmured: "On the side of the water, it must be her."

"Haha, you're thinking of spring!" Feng Xiaobao leaned close to his ear, and couldn't help laughing when he heard him babble.

"Brother Xiaobao, stop messing around." He Qiyue came back to his senses, Jun blushed, and Feng Xiaobao said mysteriously when he saw this: "Which lady do you like? We have 500 taels now, brother go Propose marriage for you."

"I don't." He Qiyue is an extremely shy and gentle person. When he heard his words, his ears immediately became red, and his heart felt a little melancholy. Sometimes his big brother's heartless way of life really made him I am very envious, but a gentleman is like the wind, he is not Feng Xiaobao after all.

"By the way, since the baby official is not sick, who did you go in to see? His father, or his mother?"

Seeing this, Feng Xiaobao stopped teasing He Qiyue, and asked casually while pouring tea.

He Qiyue frowned and said, "Brother Xiaobao, although Tang Dianyuan is young, we can't mess with him. Be careful what you say."

"Okay, who did you show it to?" Although Feng Xiaobao was bold, he also knew the depth, and immediately changed the topic, but He Qishang was in a daze after hearing the words, and sighed softly after a long time: "Go to sleep, get it tomorrow." Once we get the money, let's go back."

"Haha, 500 taels, 500 taels!" Feng Xiaobao couldn't sleep in his excitement, but He Qiyue was full of thoughts, and after that glimpse, Shangguan Wan'er's pretty face couldn't be lingered.

It wasn't until he ignored Feng Xiaobao who was talking to himself and fell asleep with his clothes on that he sighed softly in his heart and slowly closed his eyes.

Some people have something that others envy, but they don't know how to cherish it. They don't know that once they throw it away, they can never find it again. I have to say that Tang Guan is a lucky guy, and he is also a heartless person. Until Shangguan Wan'er Moths to the flame for him, until he was about to lose, he had a heart, lungs, and the illusion that every breath would hurt.

Tang Guan lit up candles in the room, reflecting like a flower hall. The silver needles on Shangguan Wan'er's body had been removed by him. This was the last struggle, and the appearance of He Qiyue gave him a chance to struggle.

"Miss, I also have a crying sister in my family. I will take you to see her next year."

Tang Guan looked at Shangguan Wan'er with gentle eyes and made a sound, as if meeting him for the first time, and then stretched out his hand and slowly hugged her body horizontally. Tang Guan's eyes no longer wandered, and he walked steadily towards the medicine barrel with firm steps.

"After tonight, even if I, Tang Qubing, are cut into pieces, I won't let anyone hurt a hair of your hair."

Tang Guan made promises step by step, he made too many promises to this scarred girl, but now, he knows that what she wants is not the world, nor the Shangguan family, all she wants is to pay him back.

A female face weighs the world, Tang Guan is very glad that he didn't meet her, at that time she became the scale of love, the balance in Wu Zhao's hands, and her happiness was just sleeping for a while, in the dream No one bullied her, no one cut her face, and no one told her that tears from people like her were useless.

Tang Guan suddenly became afraid again. She died, and he was doomed. If she lived, how should he face it? Suddenly, forgiveness became Tang Guan's extravagant hope.

"After tonight, you don't have to live in a dream anymore." The last sentence whispered in her ear, and Tang Guan carefully immersed her in the water slowly.

"Cold" The moment he let go, Shangguan Wan'er, who had been aware of it all along, trembled.

"Leng Leng..." Shangguan Wan'er was trembling violently, subconsciously curling her whole body into a ball in the bucket.

Tang Guan was startled when he saw this, and remembered what He Qiyue said, so he couldn't help reaching out to touch the bucket of traditional Chinese medicine soup, which made Tang Guan's complexion change, the water was so cold, it was like ice cubes just melted The cold water is average.

"Cold don't kill him don't kill him"

"What did you say?" Tang Guan frowned closer when he heard the words. He didn't know how to relieve her pain for a while, so he could only transfer it by talking.

It's a pity that Shangguan Wan'er was obviously just talking to herself, and she could only hear her muttering: "Qubing, don't kill him!"

Shangguan Wan'er's nonsense caused Tang Guanru to be struck by lightning, and when Tang Guan's head rang, Shangguan Wan'er continued to babble: "Mother, it's so cold here."

"Plop." At this moment, the water splashed everywhere suddenly, and Tang Guan jumped into the bucket with his clothes on. When he came down, he felt icy cold, and immediately stretched out his hands to wrap around Shangguan Wan'er.

"I'm here, I'm here" Tang Guan hugged Shangguan Wan'er carefully, for fear of hurting the wound, he tried his best to warm her with his little body temperature.

Shangguan Wan'er subconsciously leaned closer, and Tang Guan could feel her little hands on her back desperately grabbing, and her nails even pierced into the flesh through the wet clothes.

But Tang Guan murmured as if consciously: "I'm here, I'm here, I'll be fine in a while, I'll be fine in a while."

I don't know if it was Tang Guan's murmurs that had an effect, or the effect of the medicine was almost gone. Shangguan Wan'er gradually calmed down, but Tang Guan still hugged her tightly.

"Wan'er, I'm here, I'm here."

They used to warm each other like two wounded little beasts, but then the other one thought that its companion would eat itself sooner or later, and was always on guard. One day, when the companion wanted to get close to him while he was asleep, he was madly hurt by himself, but I don't know that my companion just wants to get a little warmth from me, even a little bit.

Perhaps the ending of this story is cruel, and there may be a turning point, but the process has already been scarred.

What else can they do?

We can only wait for the dawn, can't we? (To be continued.)

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