Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 214: Xiaobao insists on asking for real money

"Brother Xiaobao, no one has come yet, you"

"What are you afraid of? Isn't this just for us?"

In the room, He Qiyue and Feng Xiaobao were sitting at the table, Feng Xiaobao kept picking at the dishes in front of him, while He Qiyue looked at him with wry smiles, at this time there were only two of them at the table, He Qiyue knew that this was Tang Guan The breakfast banquet was prepared, but Tang Guan didn't come for some reason.

Just when Feng Xiaobao was eating happily, Lao Wang walked in from outside the room. Seeing this, He Qiyue hurriedly got up and subconsciously covered Feng Xiaobao, for fear that his actions would be discovered.

But Lao Wang had already noticed that Feng Xiaobao was eating and drinking alone before he stepped into the room, he couldn't help thinking to himself: "You are so polite."

Fortunately, Lao Wang liked the treatment in front of him. Seeing him get up, he laughed aloud and said, "You two gentlemen, my young master has some urgent business to go out and can't accompany you. You two can use some for yourself, and treat the young master separately when he comes back." .”

"Going out?" He Qiyue was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, it was too sudden, not long ago Tang Guan said to have dinner together, thinking of this, He Qiyue suddenly felt moved, this is good, although he has a good impression of Tang Guan, But it doesn't mean accepting the solicitation, after glancing at Feng Xiaobao, he said to Old Wang: "Butler Wang, something has happened here, and it's time for me and elder brother to go back, how about a medical order?"

Feng Xiaobao was also interested when he heard the sound, he smiled and said: "That's right, my brother is cured, where is our money?"

Old Wang smiled kindly when he heard the words: "No hurry, no hurry, my young master ordered Haosheng to treat the two of you, and when he finishes his official duties, he will return to cash."

"Hey, old man, are you going to renege on your debt!?" Feng Xiaobao was dumbfounded.Wen Yin thought that Tang Guan was going to renege on his debts, and he couldn't come up with as much as 500 taels.

"Brother Xiaobao!" He Qiyue scolded him in a low voice.He knew that as Tang Guan, he would definitely not renege on his debts, but seeing this scene, the two of them had to stay and wait for him to come back.

Lao Wang's face darkened when he heard Feng Xiaobao's words.The business at this time is no longer restricted by the laws of the country like later generations, but by the self-consciousness of the businessman. He has been in business with Tang Weixi for many years, and he has already been counted as half a businessman. Establish people-oriented with integrity.

Speaking of this, I have to mention what is called flying money, which is a special currency that is not issued by the state.Its nature is similar to that of a bank note. Although the corresponding regulations are also made in the Tang Code, Feiqian is a kind of "cheque" among merchants, and its value depends on which company issued the Feiqian. Of course, there are various complicated approvals The verification process involves anti-counterfeiting, the government, merchants, and the market.

For example, the Tang family's Feiqian can directly barter.Find a local merchant to exchange it directly into cash, and the merchant can also ask for goods from the Tang family after getting the flying money. The role of the government is to be a notary, and the amount and system of each flying money.Relevant government departments are required to participate.

Generally speaking, Feiqian can be regarded as an extremely advanced financial method at this time, although compared with the later Jiaozi, the ticket number is still a bit worse.But its role in the imperial economy should not be underestimated.

As such, this is a currency whose value is judged in good faith.Feng Xiaobao is a street hooligan, and he is afraid that Tang Guan will renege on his debt.The inadvertent words offended Pharaoh.

Even if some people say that the Tang family is bullying others, or that they are rich and unkind, but once the word "repudiation" is said, it is the greatest insult.

Old Wang's complexion darkened, and he glanced at Feng Xiaobao coldly. Seeing this, Feng Xiaobao gulped and spit, and He Qiyue hurriedly said, "Housekeeper Wang, my brother!"

"My lord, needless to say, although this old man is just a servant, he has served three generations of the Tang family. My Tang family has never reneged."

After all, Lao Wang took out five paper flying coins from his bosom. The paper surface was light blue. Anyone with a discerning eye could tell that it was a special paint unique to the government. two.

"This is my Tang family's cargo ticket, except for Longxi and central Sichuan, I can pick it up anytime in three or eighteen prefectures."

Old Wang handed the flying money to He Qiyue, and He Qiyue nodded slightly when he heard the words. He had heard of this kind of transaction between businessmen, and sometimes the pharmacy used this method to get medicine from the business.

But Feng Xiaobao's complexion changed when he saw this, he stood up and said: "Old man, who are you lying to, where is the money!?"

"Brother Xiaobao, don't talk nonsense!" I have to say that He Qiyi has a brother Feng Xiaobao, which is really hard. On the one hand, the two have a deep relationship, and on the other hand, this brother is always causing trouble for him. . [

In fact, how can ordinary people keep such a huge sum of 500 taels? Old Wang is also kind. The two of them are from ordinary backgrounds at first glance, and they can hide and keep them with flying money. As the saying goes, wealth should not be exposed. It is also very messy.

But Feng Xiaobao didn't know what to do, he didn't believe it if he didn't see the real money, and for a while the old king laughed angrily: "Okay, okay, since the strong man wants silver, then wait a while, old man, I'm afraid you won't be able to carry it." Mile!"

What is the concept of 500 taels, we will not talk too much. If it is really cashed, it will have to be pulled by a horse-drawn carriage. Feng Xiaobao only wants to see the real money, and has never imagined how much such a huge sum of money is.

He Qiyue saw that Lao Wang was thrown out by Feng Xiaobao angrily, he couldn't help being dumbfounded, his brother was really angry and funny.

"Give up the treatment, I think they are trying to lie to us. Isn't that a piece of paper in your hand? How much is it worth? If I had known it earlier, I wouldn't have come here."

Feng Xiaobao was furious, completely unaware that he was asking for trouble. He Qiyue looked at him dumbfounded. After a long time, he sat down and carefully folded a few pieces of flying money in his hand and put them aside. He knew it would not be long. Feng Xiaobao will definitely regret it.

"Brother Xiaobao, now that you have money, stop selling that fake medicine and do some business yourself. Let's live a good life."

He Qiyue was indifferent by nature, he just wanted to be calm, and he didn't want to ask Feng Xiaobao why he took the money. Feng Xiaobao raised his head and said: "It's hard to say whether they will give it or not, no, I will eat more, no Give them money, and I will eat the poor!"

"You." He Qiyue shook his head and smiled wryly when he saw this, but his mind wandered again. Shangguan Wan'er's pretty face floated in front of his eyes. To him, she was a fairy, and he couldn't help thinking to himself: "If I were Tang Dianyuan, I would definitely do the same. So crazy about her."

He didn't know why the fairy in his heart was seriously injured, and he didn't know how tortured his fairy was by Tang Guan.

"Qiyue, don't just stare, eat." Feng Xiaobao still urged He Qiyue to eat together while eating. He Qiyue's heart was full of mixed feelings, so the delicacies on the table couldn't catch his eyes, but after he glanced at Fei Qian beside him But wake up.

The more he didn't want to be extravagant, the more he delved into his head. He suddenly wanted to hear Shangguan Wan'er's words. It was funny to say that this shy boy had never even heard the voice of the fairy in his mind.

"Brother Xiaobao, you have money now, what are you going to do with so much money?"

Feng Xiaobao, who was feasting, stopped when he heard the words, hesitation flashed in his eyes, he didn't dare to tell He Qiyue that he wanted to elope with money, and he also had a lot of affection for this little brother in his heart, thinking of this, he muttered vaguely: "I'll open a pharmacy for you first, study hard, and one day you will become a high-ranking official, and they will be mad at them!"

"Hehe." He Qiyue's heart warmed when he heard the words, and then he gave him a wry smile.

Then he looked outside the door, Feng Xiaobao insisted on begging for real money, it seems that Lao Wang really sent someone to cash it, so it was a lesson for his elder brother.

Thinking of this, He Qiyue smiled and raised his chopsticks to eat. (to be continued..)

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