Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 215: The North Gate of Tangguan Palace Zhonghui

Chang'an, Daming Palace.

Qinghui Pavilion next to Taiye Pond, this pavilion is to the north of Xigong Guanxiyuan. Although the name contains the word Pavilion, it is actually a palace. It is somewhat related to Taoism. During the Longshuo period, there were The first batch of scholars gathered here, but now it has become the "Yeting" in the mouth of Beimen scholars.

"Tang Dianyuan, just ahead."


On the boulevard in the distance, a servant pushed aside the messy branches and led Tang Guan forward. The vestibule of the Daming Palace was nothing more than the three main halls of administration, and it was also the place Tang Guan was most familiar with. However, Tang Guan didn’t come much. .

For example, Tang Guan had never set foot in the various buildings in the old imperial city, as well as in the depths of the Forbidden Palace. Now that Wu Zhao summoned him in a new place, it also gave him a sense of freshness.

"My father-in-law, where are we going?"

"If you go back to Lord Lang, it's not clear whether the slaves have just purified their poisonous roots and come to serve the saints."

Tang Guan was dumbfounded when he heard the words, the eunuch in front of him was really young, and he was not familiar with the place names in the palace, it seemed that he was ordered temporarily, so he only passed by a few times.

Immediately Tang Guan didn't ask any more questions, and after a while, the two of them walked to an open place, Tang Guan raised his head and a gust of warm wind blew in, his eyes shone with silver light.

"Taiye Pond?" Tang Guan muttered to himself when he saw the pool in front of him. This is the only beautiful lake in the palace that has such an area.

After stopping for a while, Tang Guan quickly caught up with the little eunuch, and the two stepped on Danbi. Just as Tang Guan was thinking about the name of this place, a whisper came from the front.

Tang Guan raised his head when he heard the sound, and couldn't help but be taken aback when he glanced at it, only to see a large hall standing on Majesty Dan.There is a small square in front of the hall, where people of all colors gather.

"This is?" Tang Guan took a long look.With a move in my heart, the officials on the field were dressed in mixed colors.But they were all of an extremely single color, the most conspicuous being red, they all seemed of average grade, and there were no familiar senior officials present.

"Is she going to enter the grassroots?" Tang Guan was delighted when he saw this. It was obvious that there were some small officials who could not even enter the palace in front of him. This kind of grassroots officials should rarely be managed by Wu Zhao himself.

"Young Scholar, we're here, and the servants will leave."

The little eunuch led Tang Guan to the edge of the square, and then took his leave.Tang Guan nodded slightly when he heard the words, and then approached the field with great interest.

Several people immediately sensed his arrival, and they all stopped talking and looked at Tang Guan. Tang Guan was depressed on Shangguan Wan'er a few days ago.

"Zhuang Yuanlang!"

"The number one scholar."

Everyone saluted him one after another, and Tang Guan was even more interested. There are too many people who know him, but it's a pity that he doesn't know any of them.He could only bow his hands one by one to return the salute and said: "You gentlemen, you are polite."

At this moment, the door of the main hall was quietly pushed open, and an old eunuch walked out of it.After scanning the officials present, he found Tang Guan from the crowd, and immediately said with a loud voice: "Hanlin Tang Guan enters the palace."

The ministers were solemn when they heard the words.Seeing this, Tang Guan patted the court clothes that he hadn't worn for a long time, and then started to walk towards the main hall.

This Qinghui Pavilion is actually not that big.Compared with the architecture of the vestibule and the atrium, it was naturally inferior. Everyone looked at the back of Tang Guan entering the hall.Every face is full of envy.

They didn't raise their heads until Tang Guan's figure disappeared and the old eunuch followed him into the hall.

After two middle-aged people looked at each other, one of them smiled and said, "This is the talented man from Brother Dehua's family."

"What? This is your first time seeing you?"

"Hey, Brother Dehua is so lucky."

"Hey, how could Fatty Tang give birth to such a handsome son, in my opinion."

At this moment, another person interrupted the conversation, and the two of them stopped when they heard the words, and one of them immediately said: "Shh, this kind of joke should be rare."

"What are you afraid of? Seniority is considered. Xiao Dianyuan should also call us uncles."

"That's true, that's true." The two of them also showed complacency when they heard the words, and they stroked their beards and smiled. If there was anything in recent years that made them, a large political group, proud, it would be Tang Guan.

If Tang Guan were here, he would have guessed their identities. They were the famous Beimen Bachelors!


In the Qinghui Pavilion, when Tang Guan entered the hall, he saw a slender figure sitting on the desk and slowly flipping through the file in his hand.

The woman's long hair was untied, flowing like a waterfall, Tang Guan couldn't help being taken aback when she saw this, Wu Zhao's dress was supposed to be solemn, but today she is so charming.

Immediately, Tang Guan ignored the eunuchs and maids lined up on both sides, and went straight forward and said, "Your Majesty, Qubing is here."

Tang Guan stepped forward and pretended to be intimate, but Wu Zhao ignored him and focused on flipping through the file in his hand. Seeing this, Tang Guan's heart moved, and he remembered the words of the prince, and asked him if he had had enough trouble. This is a bit naughty means.

Thinking of this, Tang Guan couldn't help but smile, speaking from the bottom of his heart, if he doesn't consider that a companion is like a tiger, and if a trouble is not good, he will be killed by her, the current Wu Zhao is actually very good to him, let me ask who is there now? He is the only one who can get her to be so favored by her.

But Tang Guan knew in his heart that it was impossible for him and her to coexist forever, unless Tang Guan completely dispelled his ambition, stopped thinking about anything and concentrated on being her good dog.

But this is obviously impossible. Tang Guan secretly looked at Wu Zhao's delicate face. Compared with the hazy and youthful beauty of Shangguan Wan'er or Lin Yuxun, Wu Zhao's beauty was mature and completely beautiful, and his eyebrows had been completely opened. With an astonishing obsequiousness, it's hard to see that she is a woman whose son is in his dozen years.

But it's okay if you don't think this way, Tang Guan feels disgusted when you think about it this way, an old woman looks like this, I really don't know if there is any psychological pressure when someone raises a gun and wants to shoot it.

In fact, he himself is not. When others think about it, he is a young man who is so mature that people don't know where to start.

Tang Guan saw that Wu Zhao ignored him after making a sound, and closed his mouth wisely. Wu Zhao seemed to be angry, and turned a blind eye to him. Tang Guan stared at him for a moment, and suddenly had an idea, stepped forward and said: "Your Majesty , I've had enough trouble."

"Pfft." As soon as he finished speaking, Wu Zhao actually laughed out loud, and the scene slowed down. Wu Zhao slowly put down the file in his hand, and looked up at Tang Guan, who was no longer decadent, but a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes. different.

"Stinky boy, come here." Wu Zhao stared at it for a moment, then laughed out loud.

Hearing this address, Tang Guan was overjoyed. It seemed that he had finally let down her vigilance because of Shangguan Wan'er's helplessness.

But at that time, Tang Guan was really not acting. Shangguan Wan'er's life was hanging by a thread. Tang Guan showed his cowardly side in helplessness, but because of this, Wu Zhao had a new feeling for Tang Guan. understanding.

That is, this young man who is close to a demon is not a monster, he has something to be afraid of.

With a light wave of Wu Zhao's jade hand, she actually pulled Tang Guan directly in front of her, and then let him sit beside her. Tang Guan smelled the lingering fragrance of his long hair, feeling a little distracted.

Meanwhile, the servants had already lowered their heads and remained silent, not daring to peep at the slightest bit.

Wu Zhao sorted the files aside and said, "Then little girl is alright?"

Tang Guan's heart trembled when he heard the words, but he still said, "Thank you, Your Majesty."

Wu Zhao paused when she heard the words, and said in front of Tang Guan, "Her fate is very hard."

Tang Guan was a little annoyed when he heard the sound, but he didn't dare to show it. Now Shangguan Wan'er has become a real taboo in his heart, and he can't tolerate any harm from others, even words, but Wu Zhao is not among them, because she is not a person at all.

"Why, you are not happy when I say you are a little daughter-in-law?"

"Scared." Tang Guan was silent at first, but he couldn't help being shocked when he heard this, but Wu Zhao became more and more intimate with him today.

"Have all the lovers outside met?"

Wu Zhao wanted to get up while talking, Tang Guan hurriedly stretched out his hand to help, nodded and said: "I have seen it."

"Since you've had enough trouble, it's time to do something serious for me."

"The minister deserves death!" Tang Guan immediately fell to the ground on one knee, thinking that Wu Zhao's moodiness was about to flare up again, but Wu Zhao glanced at him slightly and said, "Get up, I didn't say I won't let you make trouble."

Tang Guan Wenyin stood up slowly, stretched out his hand and continued to support Wu Zhao, and walked forward slowly.

Wu Zhao walked very slowly, without looking sideways, he said: "The Mingtang you wrote is almost finished."

"It all depends on Zhou, and the two princes of Liang are in control." Tang Guan responded after hearing this.

"These lovers outside are the cornerstones of my dynasty, and they are also the ones who polish the Mingtang case. Speaking of which, you should call them uncles for Qubing."

"Huh?" Tang Guan's heart moved when he heard the words, and he was a little puzzled.

"These lovers are very funny, and they call themselves Beimen Bachelors."

"Bachelor of the North Gate!?" Tang Guan finally understood what Wu Zhao was talking about. It turned out that those low-level officials outside were all civil servants from the North Gate lineage. Speaking of which, Tang Weixi was also born here.

Wu Zhao glanced at Tang Guan's complexion, and said with a smile, "People say that the tiger father has no dogs, so it seems that your father hid a lot back then?"

Hearing this, Tang Guan was embarrassed for a while. Tang Weixi was indeed not a material for being an official. Wu Zhao's words were clearly teasing himself, and immediately said in response to the situation: "The old man at home is concerned about the Queen of Heaven and the community. You must serve the Empress well."

After all, Wu Zhao couldn't help but smile, but Tang Guan mused in his heart: "The North Gate branch is her secretarial team. Unfortunately, there are not many high-ranking staff at this time, most of them are grassroots officials, but the network is wide, indeed. Not to be underestimated."

Tang Guan had noticed this political group as early as at home, but when he came to court, Pei Yan was still there, and this lineage was also ordinary. Now that Mingtang is about to be built, this should be the time for them to show their prominence, but they were won by Tang Guan. They want to look up.

Thinking of this, Tang Guan's heart suddenly moved. Since he has a long history with this lineage, why don't he think of a way to participate in it, and even become a leader in it? (To be continued..)

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