Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 236: Can't be idle

In just a few days, the world was turned upside down, and the anti-king incident was added to the public discussion.

Chang'an, full house.

It was another sunny day, Tang Guan supported Shangguan Wan'er and walked slowly in the room. For a few days, Tang Guan put down everything and just stayed with her like that, it seemed that even if the outside world really turned upside down, he still had nothing to do with him. , In his words, love to death.

Seeing that Shangguan Wan'er was having a hard time walking, Tang Guan no longer showed signs of pain, and couldn't help being overjoyed. Finally, under all kinds of care, the girl's pain eased a little.

But as the so-called trauma is easy to heal, emotional injury is hard to heal, Tang Guan still did not slack in his tone and actions when getting along with him, but it was difficult for Tang Guan, a man with a thick nerve, to be careful with the woman.

Tang Guan helped her to walk a few steps, then hugged her into his arms and slowly sat on the chair, holding her in the arms of soft and fragrant soft jade, wasn't it what he, who yearned for a rich and idle life, wanted most.

Shangguan Wan'er also gradually got used to the intimacy between the two of them. Women are auditory animals. Under Tang Guan's hard work, he naturally became dependent on her who was already in love with him.

"Wan'er, it's time to take the medicine." Tang Guan suddenly felt that he was not like her lover, but more like her father.

Thinking of Tang Guan, he couldn't help laughing, but his hands were not slow, he picked up a small delicate box from the table and slowly opened it, and a mint smell permeated the air. [

Although the taste was good, but the appearance of the contents inside made Tang Guan not flattered, he saw a black mass in the small box, if He Qiyue hadn't repeatedly said that the ointment had a miraculous effect, Tang Guan would not have dared to use it.

Fortunately, after a few days, Tang Guan also found that the ointment was indeed effective, and the scar on Shangguan Wan'er's eyebrows gradually faded away, but it was because of this that Tang Guan developed an even more disgusting taste for He Qiyue.

Of course, the root cause of Tang Guan's bad taste is because of his cross-age name, followed by his medical skills. As a writer who liked stories in his previous life, he always felt that He Qiyue would pull this person out alone. A good story.

It's a pity that he still lives in Tang Guan's story after all.

Shangguan Wan'er felt the coldness on her forehead, she suddenly wished that her injury would heal slowly, so that Tang Guan would always be by her side, and would not accompany that "fairy" sister.

It is not difficult to see that at this time, she no longer resisted Tang Guan in her heart, but instead turned her finger on Lin Yuxun, whom she had never met before. Of course, Tang Guan knew nothing about it, and did not realize that this was not a stallion novel.

I have to say that after Tang Guan has experienced so much, although he has gradually become a reality, he still has not completely got rid of those subconsciousness. He subconsciously still cares about hugging left and right, and Shangguan Wan'er will definitely not mind Lin Yuxun's existence.

Obviously, he thought too much. To put it bluntly, a woman is a creature that is good at making an inch. Of course, this is not a discriminatory statement, but a true portrayal of Shangguan Wan'er at this moment. Tang Guan is real Holding her in the palm of his hand, he slowly changed from fear at first to acceptance, and then it was the rhythm that his kindness could only be for her alone.

Shangguan Wan'er is Shangguan Wan'er after all, although she didn't become a female figure, but we have repeatedly mentioned her in her bones, that is possessive and domineering, at first Tang Guan hurt her in every possible way, she had to accept these little surnames She woke up, but seeing Tang Guan's tenderness in every possible way now, she became a little sprouted again.

Of course, this does not mean that she has decided to target Lin Yuxun, but she is more curious about the younger sister that Tang Guan often mentions.

Tang Guan, who was concentrating on applying medicine to the beauty in her arms, of course didn't realize that she had thought so much in a flash, until after applying the medicine evenly, Tang Guan finally revealed her perverted nature.

Shangguan Wan'er's health is getting better day by day, Tang Guan is also a little more courageous, it's not him who sits in his arms and talks nonsense, with a beautiful woman in his arms, Tang Guan's "Anlu Mountain" claws gradually start to feel restless.

"Xiao Langjun." Shangguan Wan'er, who was thinking about Lin Yuxun's matter, noticed Tang Guan's salty tricks, and spit lightly. Tang Guan has been safe and orderly these days, and has never crossed the threshold. Shangguan Wan'er I thought he really changed his last name.

"Cough." Seeing her making a sound, Tang Guan stopped after a dry cough, and couldn't help feeling annoyed in his heart. It was he himself who put a sharp carapace on the fruit that reached his mouth, but now he has to do it again with his own hands. Peel off the carapace.

Shangguan Wan'er was secretly happy when she saw this, not because she saw Tang Guan's "politeness", but because she liked his unruly manner. A woman's body is the capital of the "revolution". If he has this lust, she has the corresponding capital. [

Seeing Tang Guan embarrassed and silent, Shangguan Wan'er thought that he was unhappy to be interrupted by herself, which is ridiculous to say, what she can give him is not only her own cheap flesh, thinking of this, Shangguan Wan'er struggled for a while and said softly : "Xiao Langjun, take it if you want."

Yes, she still decided to be more careful. Maybe Tang Guan was so kind to her. Apart from that sword, she seemed to have nothing worthy of him. She was a little afraid to make Tang Guan unhappy because of this thing that she would give sooner or later.

Tang Guan didn't seem to hear clearly when he heard the words, and asked, "What did you say?"

Shangguan Wan'er lowered her head when she heard the sound and remained silent. Seeing this, Tang Guan stopped teasing her, and suddenly smiled and said, "Ma'am, it's not good to be like this in the daytime. My husband is still young, but if you want, Just take it!"

After finishing speaking, Tang Guan opened his arms and made a dignified look on his face. Shangguan Wan'er was taken aback when she saw this. After seeing Tang Guan's appearance, she almost laughed out loud, and then her eyes became more tender. At this point, she was sure The boy in front of him has really changed.

"Ma'am, be gentle when you strike, and you must be responsible to me after you strike!" Tang Guan closed his eyes tightly, and Shangguan Wan'er finally couldn't bear it anymore with his "injurer" appearance, and she lowered her head and smiled.

Just as Tang Guan was enjoying the pleasure of stealing half a day's leisure and the rare pleasure of boudoir, Chang Ying's voice sounded outside the door at an inappropriate time.

"Xiao Langjun, it's me, Chang Ying."

Tang Guanwenyin opened his eyes, slowly placed Shangguan Wan'er on the chair, and got up to open the door.

It was sunny outside the door, but Chang Ying's face was gloomy.

Seeing this, Tang Guan couldn't help being taken aback, and said, "Brother Chang, what's the matter?"

As soon as Chang Ying heard this word, he couldn't help but blush, cooperating with himself to run around every day, Tang Guan, the person in charge, became impatient, it seemed that he was really meddling with a mouse.

But now that something big happened outside, and Tang Guan was an official in the court, no matter whether he knew about it or not, he had to come and report it.

Thinking of this, Chang Ying still said, "Something happened outside."

Hearing this, Tang Guan glanced back at Shangguan Wan'er, smiled slightly, then turned his head and said, "Go out and talk."

Of course he knows that the thing that can change Chang Ying's face at this time must be the rebellion of those funny people. Counting the time, this joke should be over.

But at the same time, he didn't want Shangguan Wan'er to come into contact with these things again. He wanted to protect this little hedgehog and cut off her relationship with that chaotic temple from now on.

Just when Tang Guan was about to close the door, Shangguan Wan'er suddenly said, "Xiao Langjun."

Tang Guan stopped his movements after hearing the sound, and said with a smile, "What's wrong?"

"I want to go out for a walk, can I?" Shangguan Wan'er looked outside the door expressing longing, she was repeatedly injured, even the sun became a kind of longing, and her tone seemed to carry a trace of request.

Tang Guan had long ago decided to respond to requests, and ignored Chang Ying and went back to the room to help her up. With his support, Shangguan Wan'er walked out of the room slowly with some joy.

Seeing this, Chang Ying couldn't help shaking his head secretly, his little brother, who used to pay attention to the movements of the court all the time, was now clearly going to die drunk in the rhythm of the gentle country.

He guessed half of it right, Tang Guan didn't stop paying attention to the movement in the court, but he had already predicted what would happen, and the other half of Chang Ying's guess was indeed right, that is, he really wanted to just get drunk and die in Gentle Home.

But it was obviously impossible, and for a while Chang Ying didn't know whether to continue talking, so he could only follow behind the two of them.

It wasn't until they reached the gazebo in the courtyard that Tang Guan supported Shangguan Wan'er to sit down, turned his head and said, "Brother Chang, tell me."

"it's here?"

Chang Ying was taken aback when he heard the words, Tang Guan had specially instructed before that it is best not to have a third person by his side when discussing things, thinking of this, he couldn't help but look at Shangguan Wan'er.

Tang Guan nodded when he heard the words, and Chang Ying was about to speak when he saw this, when a gentle voice suddenly came from the courtyard.

"Brother Qubing, Brother Chang."

The two turned their heads when they heard the sound, Tang Guan was overjoyed when he saw the visitor, he cupped his hands and said, "Brother Qizheng."

The person who came was He Qiyue, I saw that he was holding a small mortar-shaped pot, which was supposed to be something for pounding medicine. He was pounding medicine alone in the courtyard, and when he saw the two came out, he wanted to go up and say hello.

When he came forward, he realized that Shangguan Wan'er was sitting there, and He Qiyue hurriedly raised the small pot and said, "Mrs. Tang."

"Huh?" Chang Ying frowned when he heard this address, and she yelled that she really became Mrs. Tang Guan, but Tang Guan was secretly happy at the side, but Shangguan Wan'er was a little embarrassed when she heard the words, and finally smiled slightly at her. He nodded and said, "He Yilang."

Tang Guan saw that she felt better by acquiescing, and he was not in a hurry to talk to Chang Ying. He looked at He Qiyue and said, "Brother Qiyue, I have been tired recently. Thanks to you, when my wife recovers, I will definitely thank you a lot."

"Heh." He Qiyue cupped his hands and smiled dryly when he heard the words, Tang Guan was also embarrassed to keep Chang Ying aside when he saw this, and said, "Brother Qiyue, do what you want."

After finishing speaking, he turned his head to talk to Chang Ying, Tang Guan walked in front with his hands behind his back, Chang Ying opened his mouth and said, "Langya King Li Chong of Bozhou was three days ago."

The two talked and walked, like a walk, but He Qiyue sat on the gazebo chair and faced Shangguan Wan'er.

"Mrs. Tang, I'm offended. I've always been used to making medicine here."

Shangguan Wan'er looked away from Tang Guan's back when she heard the sound, and looked at He Qiyue with a smile. When He Qiyue saw her smile, she couldn't help being stunned, but he didn't know that Tang Guan wanted Shangguan Wan'er to smile at him day and night. Neither can get it.

It was only later that Tang Guan realized that it wasn't that she didn't smile, but that she never smiled to herself. Of course, that's all for later.

"Mr. He, thank you." Shangguan Wan'er sniffed the breath in the jar, knowing that it was something she put on every day, but only now did she realize that it was this gentle young man who made unremitting efforts every day, thinking of this, she couldn't help feeling grateful .

"Don't dare, dare not." He Qiyue lowered his head when he heard the words, Jun's face blushed slightly, it was so rare to say a word with her, he wanted to say more, but when the words came to his lips, he didn't know what to say , I can only pound the small mortar in my hand.

Seeing this, Shangguan Wan'er turned her eyes to the back of Tang Guan who had walked some distance away. After a long time, He Qiyue stopped making a sound when she saw the beautiful woman, and couldn't help but follow her gaze. When she saw the person she was looking at, It was Tang Guanhou, his eyes darkened, and then he said: "Tang Dianyuan has to take care of his wife every day, and also deal with state affairs. My wife is really envious of others for having such a wife."

Shangguan Wan'er blushed when she heard this, and then she rubbed her ears and said, "He Yilang, I heard that Xiao Langjun wanted you to be an official in the court, but you didn't agree?"

"Ah!?" He Qiyue was secretly hurting himself, but he couldn't help being surprised when he heard this. Tang Guan actually told the story to the person next to him. Seeing Guan Wan'er smiling at him, he couldn't help but sigh: "Qiyue A commoner, without such a talent as Dian Yuan, will only make jokes if he goes there."

When Shangguan Wan'er heard this, she looked at He Qiyue carefully. Tang Guan really didn't know what to say to her in the past few days. In his heart, since he has already planned to commit himself to Tang Guan, if he can really marry himself and give himself a name in the future, he will inevitably have to control him inside and out.

Seeing this, it is not difficult for us to see that Tang Guan's previous positioning of her is indeed true. Although Shangguan Wan'er has nothing to do with Tang Guan, it is actually a matter of time, and now she thinks of everything for Tang Guan. , this ability is very much like Xue Baochai that Tang Guan once said.

The fact is also the same, since Tang Guan made up his mind to give up treatment in front of her eyes, she thought that Tang Guan must be useful, so she couldn't help making sidelines here.

"Oh, sir, you are joking. I am a doctor, and I will definitely do something."

"She praised me, she praised me." He Qiyue murmured happily when he heard the words, but the focus was not on being an official or not, but on Shangguan Wan'er's compliments.

Shangguan Wan'er was a little surprised when she saw the joy on his face, these were common compliments, she couldn't help shaking her head secretly, and put her eyes back on the back of Tang Guan over there.

It has to be said that Tang Guan was indeed miserable, Shangguan Wan'er deliberately kept few words to him, which made him helpless, if seeing her talk more to outsiders, I'm afraid it would be even more bitter.

But Tang Guan, who was listening to Chang Ying's story, suddenly stopped and said, "Wait, are you arrested?"

Chang Ying stopped after hearing the words, then nodded and said: "I've caught it."

Just now he told Tang Guan about the rebellion of the clan that happened in the past few days from beginning to end. At first Tang Guan was indifferent, as if he didn't care at all, but when he heard that all the clan kings were sent to Beijing because of their fornication and rebellion During the interrogation, he stopped.

"What about Han Wang Li Yuanjia?" Tang Guan asked again.

Chang Ying was at a loss when he heard the words, and after thinking for a while, he said, "It should be arrested too."

Tang Guan was a little surprised when he heard the words, and only heard him mutter: "Why are you still arrested?"

Seeing this, Chang Ying was puzzled and said, "Xiao Langjun."

"Oh, it's okay." Tang Guan shook his head when he heard the words, then slowly walked a few steps with his hands behind his back and said to himself: "No, he still has face to live?"

Fortunately, Chang Ying didn't hear his words, but Tang Guan began to ponder inwardly. It seemed that he had only passed half of his vacation, and it wouldn't be long. (To be continued.)

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