Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 237: Premeditated provocation

Chang'an, nightfall.

Tang Guan listened to Chang Ying's words during the day, except that he was surprised that Li Yuanjia's mental quality was so strong that he didn't kill himself, and nothing was unexpected.

But it is not a matter of a day or two for the kings from all over the country to be escorted to Beijing, but Tang Guan has a vague premonition that the vacation is over.

The matter of the kings was a joke to Wu Zhao, but it sounded the alarm for Tang Guan. Just imagine a person who is so daring to him, suddenly changes his face, and suddenly turns his knife on him. How ironic it is, to kill him A person is not terrible, what is terrible is such a mocking way of death.

At nightfall, Tang Guan temporarily put everything behind him for the time being. He is a person who has reached the sky in one step, and it is not appropriate to work hard like ordinary people. Finding a way to become a genius again is the real problem.

At this time, the scene in the full house became the busiest time since Tang Guan came to live here for a long time. I saw that Tang Guan specially added a large number of people in the dinner party. A few pictures of bowls and chopsticks were added, such as Pharaoh, He Qiyue, and even Tang Er and Tang San of Nuyuan were all brought in to join in the fun.

As the saying goes, all good things take time, Tang Guan's mansion outside the city has already been repaired, but because of an accident, it has been delayed again and again, until now it is still occupying the public place here, but Tang Guan lives with peace of mind. No more officials in the house dared to enter the collapse, and this place was as impressive as his private house.

Since ancient times, the Han people like to be lively, and this saying is not false at all. A banquet in the morning is called a banquet, and a banquet in the afternoon is called a meal. Generally, small households and small households can eat enough. Generally, there are two meals a day, and this dinner is the real one. For the feast.This is why we often find that no matter the princes, nobles, or even the emperor hold a banquet.The reason why everyone likes to come at night.

This refers to the time of day, but Tang Guan has always been used to three meals a day.He felt awkward about skipping a meal, that's why when He Qiyi first arrived, he was surprised to see someone coming to deliver meals at night, and only now did he know about Tang Guan's special habits.

However, compared with Tang Guan's eating and drinking, he paid more attention to frugality and cherishing his body, so he declined one by one, but tonight was different. Tang Guan sent someone to pass on a banquet, and this banquet was invited by the master. It doesn't work if you don't go.

The scene was lively.There is also one more person beside Tang Guan, who is naturally inseparable, like Shangguan Wan'er who is on another short honeymoon. Speaking of which, this is the first time she eats with Tang Guan at the same table. It doesn't make any difference to say that she is a slave. In the past, Tang Guan was eating, and she stood by her side and waited.It's enough to use it casually every day.

But now the two suddenly had a big reversal, leaving everyone at the banquet speechless, while Shangguan Wan'er was a little bit dumbfounded.

"Wan'er, eat this."


"This one looks good too."

"This is my favorite at home."

"and this."

Tang Guan kept holding the chopsticks in his hands.After a while, a pile was piled up in her bowl. Although her health is getting better day by day, she can already get out of bed and walk around.But of course she, who is used to blandness, can't eat so much fat.

Seeing this, everyone at the banquet looked embarrassed and hesitated whether to leave or not.He Qiyue smiled, anyway, she was not something he could hope for.Instead of being sullen, I feel relieved to see the people I admire take good care of them.

It can only be said that the seeds of infatuation in the world are so pitiful, and He Qiyi's love is rare, but he didn't meet the right person and the world, so He Qiyi ate it silently for a while.

Tang Guan raised his head to see the embarrassment of the crowd, he realized later: "Eat, Xiaoqi."

"Ah, oh." Xiao Qi came back to his senses after hearing the sound, and shook his head secretly in his heart. In his impression, Lin Yuxun had never been so cared for by Tang Guan, so he couldn't help feeling a little repelled.

Lao Wang saw it and shook his head secretly. Naturally, his disgust would not be shown on the face like Xiao Qi, but the nature of the resistance in his heart was the same. It can be seen that Tang Guan loves him very much. Originally, the two were childhood sweethearts, and in the eyes of their elders, it is also a match made in heaven.

Coupled with the fact that Mrs. Tang is the real "dominant family" at home, the old Wang naturally understands Tang Wei's character of fear of guilt, but his son Tang Guan is the complete opposite. It is hard to imagine that he is just a young man and a beautiful lady. In the future, under the prosperity of the official career, it will be fine.

For a while, everyone had different thoughts, and they ate their meals in suspense. Only Tang Guan was there from time to time asking about his health, and everyone's scalps were numb when they heard it.

Even Shangguan Wan'er was a little embarrassed. Tang Guan's transformation of the two worlds of ice and fire was really overwhelming, and Tang Guan naturally didn't have the slightest awareness of this. If he wanted to be nice to someone, he would be better If you are ruthless to a person, you have to use any means.

After everyone had eaten halfway, Tang Guan saw that Shangguan Wan'er had limited appetite, so he didn't force him anymore, but something came to his mind, and he said to Old Wang, "Uncle Wang, did my father say when Xun'er will come?"

Old Wang was taken aback when he heard the words, Tang Guan is really stupid, or is he pretending to be stupid, at this time he proposed another lover in front of his lover, he couldn't help coughing dryly: "Master didn't have specific instructions."

When Shangguan Wan'er heard this name, she secretly put down her bowl and chopsticks, her beautiful eyes flashed a little dignified, the unknown is the scariest thing, and thinking of the name Lin Yuxun made her feel uncomfortable.

But the nervous Tang Guan was especially aware of it, and said again: "Xun'er didn't see me off when I left, Uncle Wang, is everything okay at home?"

"Okay, it's all good, young master, don't worry about it, and eat." Old Wang seemed to have noticed Shangguan Wan'er's strangeness, and after responding with a dry smile, he secretly winked at Tang Guan.

Tang Guan was taken aback when he saw this, and then realized that the atmosphere was not quite right, and then he felt a sudden in his heart: "No, I am also a time traveler, although I am a three-nothing, I have lost my bastard spirit, and a stallion is not in vain This trip is the real thing, Wan'er won't be as bloody as Wu Zhao to fight against Xun'er."

Tang Guan finally noticed the faint strangeness. At first, he subconsciously felt that all this was natural. He fell in love with him, and since he accepted it, he had to take responsibility. At this time, he found that not only Shangguan Waner The situation was not right, even Xiao Qi, who was very easy to get along with, never had much contact with Shangguan Wan'er.

Thinking of this, Tang Guan laughed dryly, and began to eat sullenly. Except for He Qiyue, an outsider, everyone knew this well, and even Chang Ying, who had been with Tang Guan for a long time, vaguely guessed this. What is the name that is often heard.

Suddenly the atmosphere became a little weird, and Tang Guan secretly groaned in his heart. He was originally a traveler with no planes, no cannons, and no integrity, and now he didn't even have a natural harem.

"But we have to be together sooner or later. If we live under the same roof in the future, Xun'er will not take the initiative to pinch her. It's hard to say for Wan'er." Tang Guan thought of a lot in a flash, and now he can be sure that Shangguan Wan'er Those small thoughts and scheming will not be used on him, but if Lin Yuxun is turned on his finger, then Tang Guan will not know how to deal with it.

The two of them were like a balance, generally heavy, but luckily no third person appeared.

Fortunately, at this time, Tang Guan had no interest in Princess Taiping at all, and Tang Guan also knew that Shangguan Wan'er's incident was caused by her. Should he be grateful for her harm, and thus have a relationship between the two, or should he find a way For this woman, to drive her into doom?

Shangguan Wan'er's reaction made Tang Guan ponder. He secretly put down the bowl and chopsticks, thinking of Princess Taiping, the woman Tang Guan had ignored for a while, Tang Guan began to weigh.

"Right now, the princes of the Li family are in dire straits, and the case of the clan's treason has not yet come to an end. It seems that Li Yuanjia has the last thought to deal with it to the end. This case is very involved. If there is no accident, Wu Zhao will probably drag me into it."

Tang Guan's eyes flickered and temporarily put aside his children's affair, and thought of the imperial family's treason case from Princess Taiping.

Thinking of this, Tang Guan raised his head and glanced at the people who were still eating and drinking. He was always calculating to make life better for these people in front of him. Suddenly Tang Guan seemed to think of something.

"The situation in the palace is complicated. The Wu family firmly controls the inside and outside of the three provinces. The North Gate of Yeting is rising. I never thought that a bright hall could create a political party. I have a lot of connections with the North Gate, and we can be united in the future, but they are all Literati, for the current plan, we will interrogate the Li family's idiots, and Wu Zhao will kill them all, so naturally we will not be in a hurry, but if I can get involved and snatch the fruits of victory, I will definitely win her favor."

Tang Guan had been ignoring political affairs for many days, and at this moment, when he thought about it, there were a lot of clues, and Shangguan Wan'er beside her also noticed that something was wrong with Tang Guan, thinking that he was giving her a headache, so she couldn't help but become more silent.

"North Gate, Li Family, Wu Chengsi, Wu Zhao, Princess Taiping." Tang Guan was planning the next step with countless clues, muttering a few key words in his heart.

"Li Family, Princess Taiping!"

"That's right!" Tang Guan's eyes suddenly lit up,

"Princess Taiping is also a member of the Li family. Although the clan's treason case has nothing to do with her, and it is impossible for Wu Zhao to touch her in the slightest, this girl is unruly and willful. The matter of her hurting Wan'er must not be let go. I will use this turmoil to provoke their mother." The relationship between women is also the best policy."

I have to say that Tang Guan is really insidious sometimes. The case of the clan's treason naturally has nothing to do with Princess Taiping. The essential.

Thinking of this, Tang Guan also felt a big headache. At this time, Wu Zhao naturally wouldn't believe that his young daughter would do something rebellious, but Wu Zhao was a suspicious person, just like Tang Guan was abolished. It took a lot of effort to win a little bit of trust.

It can be seen that she is suspicious. When she was fledgling, she even killed her own daughter to save her life. It is hard to say that she will not be suspicious of Princess Taiping. Even if she is only suspicious, it will cause a gap in the relationship between the two.

Just when Tang Guan narrowed his eyes slightly, not knowing how to turn black and white and hit Princess Taiping's arrogance, a servant from outside the courtyard suddenly ran in.

"Xiao Langjun, someone outside said that he was from the Duke's Mansion and wanted to see you on something important."

Tang Guan pondered for a while and was interrupted, raised his head and frowned and said, "Guogong Mansion?"

"Let him in." (To be continued...)

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