Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 238: Inheritance and Obedience of a Son

Just when Tang Guan was planning to provoke the relationship between Princess Taiping and Wu Zhao, someone suddenly came to the Duke's mansion, and he didn't know which Duke it was.

Seeing this, everyone put down their bowls and chopsticks one after another. Not long after, a man dressed as a servant walked into the room. The servant couldn't help being surprised when he saw so many people present, and then turned his eyes to Tang Guan who was sitting on the table.

He said in a respectful voice: "Master Zhuangyuan, my master sent a villain to announce the good news!"

Everyone was stunned when they heard the words, but Tang Guan became interested and asked, "Who is your lord?"

"The young one belongs to Duke Zhou's mansion."

"Wu Chengsi?" Tang Guan's heart skipped a beat when he heard the words. What kind of news is there at this time? Could it be that this old sycophant has received some news about himself?

Thinking of Tang Guan's silence, Shangguan Wan'er raised her head when she heard this title. She was no stranger to Wu Chengsi, who had lived in the palace for a long time and served Wu Zhao.

The servant said with joy on his face: "Lord Zhuangyuan, my master has won a prince, and immediately sent a villain to announce the good news to Lord Zhuangyuan!"

"What!?" Tang Guan was startled when he heard the words, and Shangguan Wan'er couldn't help being stunned. Neither Wu Chengsi nor Wu Sansi had any heirs. I thought they would be old too late, and they had already passed their prime, but they didn't expect to have children when they were old.

"The Duke said that the villain must deliver the news, and the champion is the master's best friend. Not only must it be delivered, but he must be the first to deliver it!"

The servant kept talking in excitement, but Tang Guan's heart began to change suddenly. He had been dealing with this group of people all the time, but he never paid attention to the unborn.

In an instant, Tang Guan found one of the many names in a thousand and four hundred turns.

"Wu Yanji?"

After a long time, Tang Guan came back to his senses, and felt a sense of fun in his heart.He has already seen the people of this world, and this new historical celebrity has become his younger generation.He couldn't help but smile and said: "Go back and tell Zhou Guogong, just say it's a gift from heaven. Qubing is happy."

"Okay, okay, the villain has written it down."

After finishing speaking, he wanted to turn around and return to his command, but he turned around after taking two steps, fumbled for a red sticker from his arms, bowed and handed it to him and said, "Lord Zhuangyuan, this is a request from my master." Tie, hold a banquet to congratulate you in the future."

Tang Guan reached out to take it.Scanning and reading, this sudden news made him a little surprised, but also very interesting.

The servant saw what happened here, so he wanted to salute and leave again and again, but the old Wang over there suddenly stood up and said: "Young Lord, the rules of my hometown."

Tang Guan was taken aback when he heard the words, "What rules?"

Old Wang shook his head and smiled when he heard the words, Tang Guan left home as a child, and he didn't even understand the rules of dealing with people at home, so he immediately fumbled for some change from his bosom.He stretched out his hand and handed it to the servant, saying, "The dove that announces the good news, eat some happy money."

"Haha, thank you, thank you."

The servant naturally smiled when he took the money.He had heard of this rule in many places, and he had planned to leave empty-handed, but he didn't expect to have such a harvest.

Although Lao Wang didn't know which family came to announce the good news.I don't know what is the relationship with Tang Guan, but he understands the words.It is no small matter to be able to be crowned with the title of Duke of the Kingdom, and I am here to repay the joy of having a son.The rules still have to be followed.

Seeing this, Tang Guan shook his head slightly, he thought it was some kind of rule, then he turned his attention to the invitation card in his hand, Shangguan Wan'er was very close, so she also looked around.

After a long time, Tang Guan put down the invitation card in his hand and glanced at the crowd. He Qiyue was in a fog from beginning to end, and he didn't understand what happened at all.

Tang Guan smiled and said: "Brother Qiji, a good friend of the court is happy to have a son, do you want to watch a fun with me in the future?"

He Qiyue was taken aback when he heard the words, then hurriedly shook his head, the last time the "humor" almost made him angry, he didn't dare to watch the excitement of Tang Guan, he just wanted to fulfill his promise and go back to Luoyang to find Feng Xiaobao.

Tang Guan didn't take it seriously when she saw this, but Shangguan Wan'er's beautiful eyes flashed again and again. Originally, her little head was full of guesses about Lin Yuxun's appearance, but at this moment she was also attracted by the sudden news.

After a long time, the banquet finally ended, Tang Guan ignored the crowd, and supported Shangguan Wan'er back to the room, still holding the invitation in his hand.

Shangguan Wan'er had always been reticent and indifferent to Tang Guan, and she heard about Lin Yuxun many times during the meeting, so she couldn't help becoming more silent at this time.

It wasn't until Tang Guan did the necessary daily cleaning work for her that she had a little natural reaction.

In fact, Shangguan Wan'er was able to wash her face with all her strength at this time, but she deliberately let Tang Guan do it herself.

When Tang Guan tidied her up and down, and finished washing herself, Shangguan Wan'er still didn't say a word, and as soon as they lay down, she turned her back to Tang Guan.

Tang Guan, who was leaning on the bed and concentrating on reading the invitation, was taken aback when he saw this, then put down the invitation, and said with a smile, "Aren't you happy?"

"Your Majesty, the concubine is going to sleep."

Finally Shangguan Wan'er responded, but her tone was neither cold nor indifferent, Tang Guan chuckled, got into the bed and said softly: "Xun'er is a very nice person, and you are older than her, only you bully her, no she bullies you reason."

It's fine if he doesn't say it, but when he said it, Shangguan Wan'er, who was facing away from him, blushed. There are so many men in the world who are heartless, and she was willing to give up her life for just one person, but he split her heart in two.

It has to be said that Tang Guan's thick skin is terrifying. At this time, he still doesn't want to give up his "lofty" ideal of hugging left and right and having a happy family. It is obvious that Shangguan Wan'er is jealous, but he continues: "Wan'er , I know you don't hate me anymore, do you?"

"This concubine comes from a humble background, and my lord has shown great kindness and virtue to me, and I shall repay this concubine as a slave and a handmaid."

Tears were already rolling in Shangguan Wan'er's eyes when she said this, since he can't put his heart and soul into it, it doesn't hurt to just be a slave.

Tang Guan felt dizzy when he saw this, sighed softly after a long time, took out a brocade handkerchief from his bosom and slowly opened it, and then put the contents in front of Shangguan Wan'er.

Shangguan Wan'er, who was facing away from him, suddenly had a grasshopper in front of her eyes. With the help of the light, she could distinguish the strange color of yellow and red on the grasshopper's body.

"What is this?" Finally, Shangguan Wan'er's girlish feelings erupted. When she saw this little thing, she forgot her sadness for a moment and stared blankly.

"Guess." Tang Guan took the opportunity to hug and laugh.

"Grasshopper." Shangguan Wan'er wanted to reach out to pick it up, but Tang Guan suddenly stretched it back.

Then he smiled and said: "Wan'er, actually I don't have many important things, this is one, but this one has already been given to Xun'er, and the other one has already been given to you."

"What?" Shangguan Wan'er was taken aback when she heard the words, Tang Guan didn't seem to have given her anything in her memory.

Tang Guan smiled when he heard the words, reached out and took out a book from under her pillow, then laughed together and said, "Wan'er, you don't remember this?"

Shangguan Wan'er stared blankly at the incomprehensible strange characters in front of her when she heard the words, she couldn't help but pouted, she thought it was this strange book.

The grasshopper looked like it was carefully woven by someone, which showed its intentions. When I thought that it was made by Tang Guan for the fairy sister with full of affection, I felt a little sour in my heart.

But after Tang Guan opened this book of [-] Tang poems again, he also felt sore. Yes, this is his most important thing. It can be said that his fate was caused by it. Gift, accompanied him for two lifetimes.

"Wan'er, this is my most important thing, it is here, my life is here, it is gone, I..."

"Qubing!" Shangguan Wan'er hurriedly interrupted him without waiting for him to finish speaking, and her voice became a little frightened.

Seeing this, Tang Guan also knew that he was excited, shook his head and said with a smile: "Come on, let me teach you, pronounce this word plainly."

Shangguan Wan'er was quite frightened by Tang Guan's words, she didn't expect the strange book in front of her to be so important, and seeing that Tang Guan was really teaching herself the characters on it, she couldn't help but became interested.

But as Tang Guan read each word, Shangguan Wan'er couldn't help but widen her eyes in shock.

"White..sun..according..mountains..end, yellow..river..into.sea..flow." "This is a poem!" .

Seeing her surprised look, Tang Guan didn't take it seriously, leaned over and pecked lightly, and said, "Sleep, you will understand later."

Shangguan Wan'er, who was in surprise, still didn't understand what Tang Guan had given her. A book of three hundred Tang poems was Tang Guan's sincerity and the proof of his two lifetimes.

In fact, she has grasped Tang Guan's fate, just because he made a promise for a lifetime.

Seeing that she couldn't calm down for a long time, Tang Guan laughed and said, "Why don't you give me a baby too, and I can find someone to send invitations to announce the good news."

It wasn't until these words came out that Shangguan Wan'er came back to her senses, her pretty face flushed, no matter what Tang Guan gave her, as long as it was given by him, it was precious, thinking of this, she carefully hid the book in the under the pillow. (To be continued..)

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