Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 239: The Bull-headed Granny

Two days later, the imperial envoy Zhou Xing's mansion came.

Wu Chengsi is the prime minister, and it is a great joy to have a son when he is old. The so-called inner and outer appearance, except for Wu Zhao who may not be able to move, the rest of the people, from the same cabinet minister to Tang Guan, etc. The special guests have to give him face.

And Zhou Xing, the supervisory censor, naturally received the same invitation.

Zhou Xing's name may not be known to many people, but as long as they know it, there is no one who does not tremble at him.

If you ask why, this week Zhou Xing has gained a good name in official circles, and he is called "Grandma Niu Tau".

What is a bull head?That's the emissary in hell, what is grandma?That is a kind-hearted old lady.

Then why did he get this contradictory nickname, the reason is very simple, because he has kind eyebrows and kind eyes, just like an old lady, but he has a heart of snakes and scorpions!

Wu Zhao has many ruthless officials, among which Lai Junchen is a typical example. If Junchen is a mad dog that bites people indiscriminately, then Zhou Xing is a terrible Tibetan mastiff who will never bite, but will die if he bites.

But it's strange to say that this person is a cruel official, but he is alienated from his colleagues. Even Lai Junchen keeps a distance from him. The cruel official who is afraid of cruel officials shows how cruel he is. [

At this time, a carriage slowly drove out of his mansion, and went straight to the Duke Zhou's mansion.

It's over for a while, and Tang Guan enjoys the few remaining peaceful days.

It's a good time again, and the carriage is ready in front of Baoshe's door. Take a closer look at the big and small, and there are so-called "small gifts" here and there.

The old friend Wu Chengsi "likes to be a father", so Tang Guan naturally had to give face. Besides, he has not been in court for a long time, and his departure is bound to have a lot of momentum. It is expected that many old faces will appear.

"Xiao Langjun, the car is ready."

Chang Ying called out to the courtyard outside the door, but Tang Guan in the room was arranging his clothes clumsily. What he loved and hated was the official skin. It symbolized power and status, and it was also a test of wearing it. A person's dressing skills.

On the side, Shangguan Wan'er saw that Tang Guan had only put on a few layers, and while smiling silently in her heart, she still stepped forward and moved Tang Guan's hand away. Tang Guan's hands were fine for touching women to write and write. I can't even see the look of looking down on him later.

Shangguan Wan'er helped Tang Guan tie it up layer by layer. She has handled more complicated clothes than this. In fact, Tang Guan's green skin is not too complicated. Wu Zhao's phoenix dress when he participated in the ceremony is the real complicated one.

Tang Guan saw that he used to have a lot of hands and feet to fix his joints, and Shangguan Wan'er lightly tidied them up, he couldn't help but smiled wryly: "I'm old, I'm useless."

Shangguan Wan'er was silent when she heard the words, and suppressed a smile. After a while, Tang Guan tidied up his clothes, and then said: "Brother Qizhi is outside, you can call him if you have anything to do."

Shangguan Wan'er nodded silently when she heard the words, Tang Guan then turned and left, walked to the courtyard, and found that the young man in white seemed to be concentrating on grinding the medicine in the pavilion for a long time every day, as if he had nothing but medicine in his eyes Things can stay.

Seeing this, Tang Guan shook his head inwardly. He didn't want to be greedy for fame and fortune. He originally wanted to lure him into the imperial court. First, he had many trusted friends in the officialdom. He wasn't so afraid that Wu Zhao would really accept male favors, what he was afraid of was that the people Wu Zhao accepted would escape his control.

Tang Guan stopped for a moment, but still shouted: "Brother Qizhi, tonight is a happy event, you really don't want to follow me to have a look?"

He Qiyue looked at Tang Guan upon hearing the sound, the two were far apart, he still got up and said: "Brother Qubing, please go easy."

Tang Guan could only shake his head when he heard the words, and started to leave, while He Qiyue began to grind up the medicine again. The two people's personalities were very different, and Tang Guan didn't know that his little trick that night might not necessarily make him stay. He came, and he was only for the fairy in his heart.

It wasn't until the carriage drove that Tang Guan took his mind back. Wu Chengsi gave birth to a son at this time. It was really a good and wonderful birth. The prince of the Li family was about to be slaughtered. "The name also has a lot of meaning.

It can be seen that Wu Chengsi's desire for the position of prince has reached an even higher level, and he named his son "Yanji".

Thinking of this, Tang Guan suddenly smiled. To this newly born child, Tang Guan was naturally not insidious to the extent that even a baby would be calculated. When this "short-lived ghost" grows up, he no longer knows where he is. The seat is already sitting by myself.

The carriage was going smoothly all the way, and Tang Guan touched his chin lightly. This was an unexpected episode, and I didn't know if Wu Zhao would give him a favor, so he would join in, but it might not be a big deal after all.

After a long time, Chang Ying's voice came: "Woo."

Tang Guan poked his head out when he heard the sound, the two of them didn't need to talk anymore, as soon as Chang Ying stopped, he knew that this time it was not the somewhat gloomy Mrs. Dingguo's mansion, but Wu Chengsi's Duke's mansion.

After Tang Guan looked up at the plaque, he saw that the door was closed tightly, as if there was a happy event, and the front door was also empty. Tang Guan looked around and confirmed that this was indeed Wu Chengsi's mansion before entering. Knock on the door.

Not long after, an old servant opened the door, and after seeing Tang Guan outside, he was shocked and said, "Master Zhuangyuan, how do you go through this door!"

Tang Guan was taken aback when he heard the words, what's wrong with this door, this door is wide, and there is a plaque hanging on it, it is expected that the main entrance is suspicious, before he could speak, the old servant hurried out and said: "This is the back door of my house."

"Back door?" Tang Guan looked at Chang Ying when he heard the words, Chang Ying was embarrassed, he was fairly familiar with the terrain of Chang'an, and the residences of all the dignitaries knew about it, but he didn't know about the front door of the main entrance.

Tang Guan laughed when he saw his appearance. This is really strange. Wu Chengsi still hangs a plaque on the back door. Is it because he is afraid that others will not recognize that this is his Zhou Guogong's house?

Thinking of this, Tang Guan smiled and said: "No problem, the back door is the back door, you lead the way."

"This..." The old servant hesitated when he heard the words, but Tang Guan and Chang Ying had already stepped in, she hurriedly stepped forward and said: "I can't go, today is the master's happy event, I can't go through the back door."

"Ha." Tang Guan felt a haha ​​in his heart, he really wanted to go to Wu Chengsi's back door today.

Immediately said to the old servant: "Old man, lead the way, I have my own explanation."

The old servant heard that he had come in, so he didn't dare to say anything, he could only take Tang Guan to the main courtyard with a melancholy face.

It turned out that the back door entered the backyard of the mansion, and there were many servants carrying wine and serving dishes on the road, Tang Guan nodded secretly when he saw this, seeing that there were quite a lot of people coming.

Just as Tang Guan lowered his head and walked, there was a sudden exclamation: "My dear brother! Why did you come out of there!?"

When Tang Guan heard the music, he knew it was Wu Chengsi without even raising his head. Sure enough, they had arrived at the vestibule, and there was indeed a gate over there, which was much wider than the one Tang Guan just walked through. While looking at it, Guan couldn't help cursing inwardly: "Hanging two plaques, it's death."

I saw the red carpet in the vestibule, with lights and festoons everywhere, and Wu Chengsi greeted him from the door. He saw that almost all the guests had already arrived, but Tang Guan hadn't arrived, so he stood in front of the door and looked out. The title of "little uncle" is deeply ingrained in his heart.

At this time, Tang Guan came out from the backyard for the first time. After being dazed, he was surprised. Seeing him coming forward, Tang Guan squeezed out a smile and said, "The student is here to congratulate you, I wish you son." Congratulations to Yuan Jiazi, come forward to start your career. "

"Haha, okay, come here, open the back door too!" Wu Chengsi was very excited when he heard this. He hadn't seen Tang Guan for some days. The reason Wu Chengsi was able to stay at home was because of his wife's family. Give birth to a child.

And this is also Wu Chengsi's first son. The reason why Tang Guan came here happily is because of what he thought before, and because of the child himself. Some of the child's later stories touched Tang Guan a little.

Wu Yanji is one of the sons of the Wu family who is quite different from his father. He did not inherit his father's flattery, so he was abused by Wu Chengsi when he was young.

What makes Tang Guan most interesting is the story of him and a woman. The widely circulated later generations "do not seek the same life, but seek the same death" came from him, which sounds like the same year and the same month used for sworn brothers The words of Tong Yuesheng are somewhat similar, but in fact they are quite different. Regarding this point, we can only leave it for later.

"Such a good boy, why don't you change your surname to Tang." Tang Guan said to himself as he walked into the living room while greeting Wu Chengsi.

But when Tang Guan stepped into the living room, he couldn't help being taken aback by the scene here. He thought Wu Chengsi was going to put on a big show, but there were only two tables in the area, and one table could be filled with ten people.

But when Tang Guan didn't take it seriously, he immediately became dignified. At first glance, although the number of people is not large, but upon closer inspection, these suits are quite large.

Among them, there are many people with goldfish on their bodies. It turns out that all the ministers in the pavilion have arrived.

As soon as Tang Guan entered the hall, someone got up and said with a smile, "Your Excellency is here."

Tang Guan heard the sound and looked over, it was Wu San who was suspicious, but Wu Chengsi was one step ahead of him, with blood, he immediately returned the gift.

As soon as his words fell, several people stood up and saluted one after another. It stands to reason that in this scene, according to Tang Guan's level, they would not even be able to enter the door, but everyone present knew well that the skin on his body was nothing to him. time issue.

Those who got up were all knowledgeable people, and among them, the six ministers were familiar with many, including Zhang Shaoyun. After all, everyone came, and at this moment, it was hard to tell who was the enemy.

After Tang Guan returned the salute one by one, he found that less than half of them got up, and Tang Guan didn't care about it. It was not bad to have this effect. Immediately Tang Guan looked at the other table after watching one table.

Wu Chengsi introduced and said: "Qubing, this is the gentlemen of Yushitai."

"Heh, Tang Dianyuan, rare guest rare guest."

At this moment, an untimely voice sounded, and Tang Guan's heart skipped a beat when he heard the words, suddenly someone from another table spoke, and he looked closely at someone who was an old acquaintance, and it turned out to be Junchen, Tang Guan laughed and said, "It's been a long time since you came here. "

After Tang Guan took a look at it, his heart suddenly jumped. Wu Chengsi was overjoyed, and it seemed that he really wanted to make no distinction between the enemy and the enemy, so that he could invite people indiscriminately, as long as he didn't care about face, and directly moved the entire central government over.

Here are all "ministerial level" officials, not even the lower ones are invited, the people in the three provinces are headed by the two prime ministers Wu Chengsi and Wu Sansi, and the ministers of the six ministries are gathered, but there is Junchen from Yushitai There are some unfamiliar faces in the middle, it is expected to be the Daqing of Jiusi.

No wonder he didn't hear any movement before he entered the hall. This kind of combination is no different from a powder keg, but Wu Chengsi said cheerfully: "My dear friends, you and I have been in the same court for many years. Today, my younger brother has a son, everyone. It's really a great reward to come here to appreciate your face."

As soon as Tang Guan saw the ceremony, he was led by Wu Sansi to sit next to him. To be honest, he really didn't know where he was sitting. There was a world of difference in terms of rank and power, which also meant that he was a special guest. reason.

Seeing that the guests were almost here, Wu Chengsi was about to get up to toast, when suddenly he stepped into the room alone, cupped his hands and said with a smile: "My elders, I'm late, I'm late."

Everyone looked at the sound, Tang Guan was taken aback when he saw the person coming, he had never seen this person before, but everyone present reacted differently when they saw him.

Some complexions darkened slightly, while others secretly glanced at each other. Tang Guan found that even Wu Sansi next to him subconsciously put down the wine glass in his hand.

Taking a closer look at this person, he is dressed in the fourth grade, and his body color is similar to that of Lai Junchen. It is expected that he is from Yushi Taichung. This small report to the Senior Association has always made Tang Guan feel bad.

After observing his words and expressions, he saw that everyone seemed to be a little afraid of this person, but Tang Guan saw that this person was kind-hearted and gentle, and he didn't look like a scary person.

Wu Chengsi was stunned for a moment before he smiled and said, "Brother Zhou, please sit down quickly."

This person smiled even more when he heard the words, stepped forward to congratulate and said: "Congratulations, Duke."

After finishing speaking, he sat next to Lai Junchen, and Lai Junchen subconsciously made room for him, Tang Guan was terrified when he saw this.

Lai Junchen is a mad dog. Everyone knows that he is so afraid of a person. I really haven't heard much about it. Tang Guan thought that the person who came that night seemed to have discovered him, and even toasted him with a smile and said: "Brother is late, this is the number one scholar Lang Tang Qubing, right?"

Tang Guan's heart moved when he heard the words: "The student is right."

"Old man Yushitai Zhou Xing, I have heard the name of your lord for a long time. I am very ashamed for being late today. I will punish you with a cup first."

After all, he got up and drank a glass to everyone.

Tang Guan couldn't help breathing when he heard this name.

"Grandma Niu Tau!" (To be continued.)

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