Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 260: This City’s Imperial Drivers Conquer All Their Own Conquests

"Think twice, Your Majesty!"

Tang Guan wanted to take this opportunity to see if he could get in touch with the war, but he never expected that Wu Zhao seemed to intend to conquer by himself in just a few words.

It is true that the emperor's personal conquests since ancient times can indeed boost morale, but the Turks are nomadic peoples. Although the Tang army is numerous, it is of little use unless they are completely wiped out in one go.

What's more, Wu Zhao is not yet the emperor, and the clanging and majestic Mingtang in front of her is enough for her to win in a pinch. She only needs to wait until the end of the year, and she will be able to wear a dragon robe.


"Do you think I am the king of a country?"

"Your Majesty is of course the king." Tang Guan's heart trembled when he heard the words, and he hurriedly responded.

Wu Zhao was silent when she heard the words, and sighed softly after a while. Seeing this, Tang Guan's heart was moved. It was absolutely impossible for the imperial driver to conquest himself. Now she has managed to remove all obstacles. The only thing left is to climb up and call. Can't wait for a month?

"Can't wait for a few months?"

Tang Guan murmured to himself, and then his eyes changed, "She can't really wait for a few months?"

Tang Guan seemed to think of something in a flash. The god-making movement has been going on seven to eighty-eight, and the day when Mingtang is repaired is when she ascends the throne, but there are still a few months in the middle, and Wu Zhao's time is infinitely compressed. In her mind, if she could conquer in person and win in one fell swoop, her prestige would be raised to an unbelievable level, and with the completion of the Tiangong, she would be a true emperor through the ages.

"Turk is a confidant of my dynasty. If this dog is not removed, I, the king of a country, will have trouble sleeping and eating!"

When Wu Zhao's voice turned cold, Tang Guan's heart skipped a beat when she heard the sound, as if she was determined to go.I can't stop her, but does she really not consider the risk at all?Or was she really so sure that she left Chang'an by herself.Will there be no trouble in the old nest?

"Your Majesty, absolutely not!" Tang Guan tried to dissuade him again, but Wu Zhao suddenly turned around and said, "No, what? Are you saying that the Turkic people cannot be eliminated?"

"I..." Tang Guan was dumbfounded when she asked her. She didn't say that she wanted to go on a personal expedition from the beginning to the end, but her intention was already obvious. She asked herself this way to make him speechless.

"Your Majesty, this... this imperial conquest is no small matter. Qu Bing is afraid that he will not be able to serve His Majesty. I beg Your Majesty to think twice."

Tang Guan felt a bit bitter at this time, which was far from his original intention. Wu Zhao must not have any accidents now. If it was because his words aroused her thoughts, it would be suicide.

Wu Zhao's eyes softened when she heard the words, she thought Tang Guan was actually loyal, especially after he handled the clan's treason case, she felt that he was completely on her side.

Wu Zhao didn't know if Tang Guan was rebellious.Tang Guan himself was not sure whether he would rebel against her, but the current situation was indeed as Wu Zhao thought. Ever since Tang Guan made things difficult for Mrs. Li, he had made up his mind to completely stand by Wu Zhao's side.

At least the status quo is like this.Thinking of this, Wu Zhao said again: "Qu Bing, you get up first."

"Yes." Tang Guan heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the words.Thinking that she was going to give up on this not-so-brilliant idea, who knew that just when Tang Guan was relaxing.Wu Zhao said again: "Who said you can't be with me anymore."

Tang Guan was taken aback when he heard the words, and looked up at Wu Zhao.But Wu Zhao suddenly said: "Didn't you say that you would like to be a pawn under my command and charge forward for me?"

"Yes, I would like to be your majesty's pawn." Tang Guan responded immediately after hearing the sound, not knowing what Wu Zhao meant.

"That's good, choose a day and I will personally march, and you will go with me!"

"What!?" Tang Guan was shocked when he heard the words, obviously she was thinking too much, not only did she not let go, but she also wanted to pull herself in.

"What? Are you scared?" Seeing his shocked look, Wu Zhao smiled.

Tang Guan came back to his senses in an instant, and thought to himself: "Why is this happening? Could it be because I blocked her male pet, and she has no other place to vent her energy?"

Seeing Tang Guan hesitate in place, Wu Zhao didn't take it seriously, and continued to silently watch the construction scene below.

After a long time, Tang Guan sighed secretly. Although he didn't know why things turned out like this, but Tang's soldiers were numerous, and Cheng Wuting, an ancient evil, was still alive. Seeing Wu Zhao was full of confidence, and walked with her for a walk. Probably nothing will go wrong.

Maybe I can really get in touch with the true face of war. Thinking of this, Tang Guan said: "Your Majesty, the life and death of the country, and the fact that I can be today, all depend on your majesty's gift. I will never hesitate to do things for your majesty. Your majesty has this When I am ambitious, when I take the throne in the future, I will make those barbarians submit to me!"

After Tang Guan finished speaking, he secretly swallowed a mouthful of spit, and as expected, Wu Zhao said in a cold voice, "What did you say?"

Hearing the words, Tang Guan was sure, stepped forward and said respectfully: "Your Majesty, you are the true Son of Heaven, everyone expects you, only Your Majesty can be called the Son of Heaven in Qu Bing's eyes!"

"Haha" Wu Zhao smiled coquettishly when she heard the words. She really likes to hear people say this, especially from Tang Guan. Yes, she has already torn her face, and even many close officials are already preparing for the enthronement ceremony.

She has already sat on the dragon chair, and she has also become the Holy Mother, and all the people worshiped the Heavenly Palace, saying that she is not the emperor, and no one believes her.

"Okay, very good, if your little mouth disappears one day, and I will be unhappy, then you can walk with me for a while, okay?"

Wu Zhao stretched out his hand to caress Tang Guan's face while speaking, Tang Guan naturally didn't dare to dodge, a thousand opportunities flashed through his mind for a moment, and he began to weigh secretly.

After a few breaths, Tang Guan went through the pros and cons, and then said: "I would like to join Your Majesty in conquering the barbarians, but I beg Your Majesty to think twice. The barbarians don't know what is good and bad, and I may hurt Your Majesty's eyesight."

Wu Zhao slowly withdrew his hand when he heard the words, and fell silent behind him. After a long time, he said, "Let's discuss this matter again. Without my permission, you know what to do."

Hearing the words, Tang Guan cupped his hands and said, "Let me take my leave."

After finishing speaking, Tang Guan turned and went down the tower.

"Hey, how could this be?"

Tang Guan sighed in his heart, this change was unexpected, but it was also a good opportunity.

Immediately, while meditating to himself, he walked towards Hongwen Hall.

"It's no small thing for the imperial driver to conquest. I can't persuade you here, but they might be able to persuade you."

Tang Guan walked very slowly, his mind was full of thoughts. He knew that Wu Zhao's matter must not be that simple. Wu Zhao would definitely discuss with everyone in the pavilion.

Tang Guan was still a little hesitant until he arrived in the hall. If this happened, Wu Zhao would really lead a personal conquest, and it would take a month or two for the army to reach the Helong area. By then, it would be an all-out war. (To be continued..)

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