Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 261: This City’s Imperial Drivers Conquer All Their Own Conquests

Wu Zhao threatened that the royal conquest had a great impact on Tang Guan, and Tang Guan still couldn't forget it until the palace incident happened, and Tang Guan went to the cabinet to receive the recent memorial and returned home.

"Your Royal Conquest?" Tang Guan held the bowl and chopsticks in his hands and muttered to himself. Shangguan Wan'er, who was sitting opposite him, put down the bowl and chopsticks and said softly, "Isn't it to your liking?"

"Oh," Tang Guan came back to his senses after hearing the sound, lowered his head and ate in a muffled voice, the two of them fell silent for a while, and after a long time Tang Guan suddenly put down the bowl and chopsticks and said blankly: "There is going to be a war."

Shangguan Wan'er heard Yan Zhen raised her head to look at him slightly, and said indifferently, "Eat first."


Tang Guan was like a silly child, she said what she said, and she actually continued to eat in a muffled voice.

After a while, the servants came in to tidy up, and Tang Guan stood up and slowly walked to the bedside, then relaxed and fell on his back.

"Hey." Tang Guan sighed at the bed curtain, Shangguan Wan'er frowned and said: "Just finished eating, don't lie down."

Tang Guan didn't respond when she heard the words, Shangguan Wan'er shook her head slightly, stepped forward and sat on the side of the bed, and then held Tang Guan's head on her lap. When she was a child, she saw her mother often kneading the head for her father who was coming home from court. She seemed to understand but half understood, but at this time she understood the three flavors.

Feeling her tenderness, Tang Guan could not help but relax, and slowly closed his eyes with her unique fragrance around his nose.

"Are you going?" Shangguan Wan'er gently pressed Tang Guan's temple with her jade hand and asked softly.

Hearing this, Tang Guan nodded first, then shook his head.

After a long time, he said without opening his eyes: "She wants to be conquered by the royal driver."

As soon as the words came out.Shangguan Wan'er paused for a moment, then continued to knead and said: "Can I not go?"

"Oh. It's unlikely." Tang Guan chuckled when he heard this.

"Don't worry, I'll take a look and come back."

"I'm dead. You'll be a little widow."

Shangguan Wan'er blushed when she heard the words, and spat: "You are not serious."

"Hey." Tang Guan laughed dryly, opened his eyes and sat up straight, and said after a long time: "Come here."

A maid heard the sound and walked in, Tang Guan hesitated for a moment and then said: "Call He Yilang."


"and many more."

Just when she turned around and was about to leave, Tang Guan yelled to stop, and after hesitating for a moment, he said again: "There is still the young master."

The maid should leave at this time, after a while, Xiaoqi and He Qiyue entered the room together, and He Qiyue had a day's rest.He also regained some energy, but Xiao Qi was rather listless.

Seeing this, Shangguan Wan'er said softly, "I'm going out for a walk."

Tang Guan nodded when he heard the words, Shangguan Wan'er got up and immediately turned her back to Tang Guan and smiled at He Qiyue before leaving gracefully.

"Come and sit down." Tang Guan beckoned to the two of them, Xiaoqi sat down next to Tang Guan unceremoniously, but He Qiyue said awkwardly: "Brother Qubing, I won't sit down anymore."

This is clearly Shangguan Wan'er's boudoir, a place for couples to have fun, Tang Guan is also a wonderful place.Invite people directly to come and sit down.

"Oh, you know how to be poor." Tang Guan shook his head and smiled when he saw this, and pulled He Qiyue to the other side, and Xiao Qicheng was tortured so much that he couldn't extricate himself from it.Although he did learn a lot, it also gave him a headache.

Therefore, the eyelids are half drooping and listless.He Qiyue sat beside Tang Guan in embarrassment, not knowing what he meant.

Tang Guan said after a long time: "There is going to be a war."

When Xiao Qi heard the words, he immediately regained his spirits.He opened his eyes and said, "Who are you fighting with? Whom are you fighting with? I want to go too!"

Tang Guan laughed when he heard the words, although Xiao Qi became a lot more restrained.But when encountering this kind of thing, He Qiyi frowned when he heard this.

"Brother Qiji, Your Majesty wants to personally conquer."

"What!?" He Qiyue's complexion changed when he heard the words, and he frowned at Tang Guan.

Tang Guan got up slowly and said: "The Turkic people are too rampant, this time is imperative, and I may have to go through it."

"Brother Qubing, don't do it!" He Qiyi turned from surprise to horror when he heard the word "Turkic", sat up startled and hurriedly uttered a sound.

Tang Guan was not surprised when he saw this. This He Qiyue's identity was secretive. Fortunately, he had already seen through this person's true nature. He shook his head and said, "It's not up to me, Brother Qiyue, do you dare to have a fight with me then?" ?”

"Me?" He Qiyue seemed to have something to hide, but he had promised Tang Guan to go through fire and water before, and he would not hesitate to do so. Now that Tang Guan is going to go out with the emperor, this trip is bound to be huge, but war is war. If something unexpected happened, and he failed to do his best, wouldn't he become a person who reneged on his promise.

He was still hesitating there, but Xiao Qi seemed to have been beaten up. He didn't know what Turkic people were, but he understood the war and the imperial conquest, and said excitedly: "I'm going too! Brother Guan, take me with you!" go!"

"You? Haha, you stay here."

Tang Guan smiled when he heard the words, he really didn't intend to take Xiao Qi with him, as for He Qixiu, he decided to bring him after careful consideration to prevent accidents from happening.

"How can I do that? I promised Dad that I will take good care of you." Seeing that he didn't agree, Xiaoqi was not in a hurry, so he had an idea and launched an emotional offensive. Fighting in his heart is a very lively thing, compared to the boring school. Well don't know how much.

Although the intention of this move was obvious, it also made Tang Guan's heart move, but then he wavered again.

If there is no accident, according to Wu Zhao's character of doing what he says, I am afraid that the court has already made a decision at this time, and if there is any trouble, the specific time will be announced tomorrow.

Marching and fighting is a very secret thing, but the imperial conquest is quite different. No matter what Wu Zhao's intentions are, everyone will definitely know about it. I wish the whole world knew that she wanted the imperial conquest.

This is a good opportunity to show her personal great achievements. Tang Guan weighed it for a moment, and then looked at Xiao Qi who was full of expectations. It was not easy for Xiao Qi to accompany him all the way.

Just when Tang Guan was hesitating, Xiao Qi said again: "Brother Guan, you said we want to play forever."

Finally hearing this, Tang Guan was slightly moved. He lived a very selfish life, but his selfishness was towards his enemies, not his relatives. The reason why he was selfish was because of these relatives and friends around him.

"Also, I can write my own name. You said that if you can write your name, you can be an official." Seeing Tang Guan's silence, Xiao Qi felt a sense of drama in his heart, and immediately fanned the flames.

He Qiyue stood aside and was still thinking. He seemed to have a lot of worries. In fact, it didn't matter if he fought in any country, and he wouldn't be surprised even when he went to an unknown place. Only fighting Turkic made him hesitate.

As for the reason, only he himself knows.

Tang Guan listened to Xiao Qi's non-stop chattering, and after a long time thought to himself: "Xiao Qi is clever, he is a good seedling, if I force him to learn this or that, it may not make him a talent, but I have never seen this era. What is it like to fight?"

Thinking of this, Tang Guan frowned. It was imperative for Wu Zhao to go on a personal conquest, and she threatened to bring her with her, so she would not lie. Since she has such confidence, she thinks she has the confidence.

After a long time, Tang Guan was convinced that whether it was a blessing or a disaster, he could not avoid it. Luck itself is a kind of strength. If the Tang army, which has dozens of times the troops of the enemy, can't even protect them, then there is no need to talk about it up.

Historically, wars against the Turks have always been based on crowd tactics, step by step, until they are forced to retreat and can only migrate to the West.

However, the nomads plundered so brutally that the people in the border area were in dire straits. In the end, Wu Zhao made very few foreign achievements in his life. This personal conquest by the royal driver was unexpected, but it was reasonable.

No way, but the appearance of Tang Guan evoked this idea in her.

After pondering for a while, Tang Guan finally nodded and said, "Okay, but you must follow me closely at that time, you know?"

"Haha! I don't need to read that bird essay at last!" Xiaoqi laughed, as if he was relieved. Seeing this, Tang Guan sighed in his heart. It is true that luck is strength. The real wealth and power do not depend on hard work. You can get it with hard work.

"Brother Qiyi, if you can't bear to see people dying, I won't make it difficult for you." At this time Tang Guan smiled at He Qiyi again.

He Qiyue raised his brows when he heard the words, clasped his fists and said, "Brother Qubing, I am not a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death. Since my husband wants to serve the country, then He will accompany you on the trip."

"Okay!" Tang Guan smiled when he heard the words, he really saw He Qiyue right.

The three of them made a final decision, but Tang Guan didn't call Chang Ying, who could provide the best security, and Tang Guan didn't tell him about the matter alone until nightfall.

The reason why he was the last one to tell him was also very simple, because he wanted to keep Chang Ying in Chang'an and leave this safety to Shangguan Wan'er.

Chang Ying naturally refused to agree, but seeing Tang Guan persisted, he finally had to compromise. (To be continued..)

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