Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 269: Three-year-old young champion Hou

"Bold thief! You still don't kneel down when you see me!?"

The sudden shout startled Tang Guan, and he quickly looked at the person who came out. When he saw the woman's appearance clearly, he couldn't help being stunned.

Cheng Wuting didn't show up, but Wu Zhao was in the tent, but after seeing her alone, Tang Guan was sure, and cupped his hands and said, "My minister sees Your Majesty."

Wu Zhao stared at Tang Guan with a cold face. Tang Guan's psychological quality was tempered by her to be quite tough. Seeing him salute without changing his face, Wu Zhao's eyes became complicated.

In the past few months, she has been hovering between anger and rationality. Tang Guan is too bold. What he did on that day has already crossed the line. She can moles Tang Guan without any scruples because she is the master. , Tang Guan, a little pet, dared to desecrate himself without permission, it should be damned!

For a moment Wu Zhao stood there looking at Tang Guan in silence.

But at this time outside the tent, Cheng Tiance, who had been standing by for orders, was surprised to see Cheng Wuting arriving late from a distance.

"General, Tang Dianyuan is inside, what are you doing?"

Before he could finish speaking, Cheng Wuting interrupted him with a wave of his hand, and then stood outside the tent with his hands behind his back. He also wondered why Wu Zhao met Tang Guan in this way, but it was clear that this behavior of taking off his pants and farting was not a good thing . [

When he was going to pick up the army, Wu Zhao had arranged the matter in the car in advance, and Cheng Wuting's face turned gloomy for a while.

Seeing Cheng Wuting's gloomy face, Cheng Tiance didn't dare to ask any more questions, and stared at the tent in surprise.

In the tent, Wu Zhao stared at Tang Guan for a long time, and the more he looked at the famous fire, the more intense he was. He was too indulgent to this son.

And Tang Guan also began to feel a little uneasy.The attempted rape this time, she didn't shoot herself dead immediately, which already explained the problem on the tenth.

"Come on!"

After a long time, Wu Zhao seemed to have finally made up his mind and shouted.

"Your Majesty, I deserve to die, but please allow me to say a few more words."

"Come on!"

Wu Zhao's beautiful eyes almost burst into flames, what kind of person is he.If it weren't for Nian Zizi's extraordinary background, and being a god-making accessory that he single-handedly picked up, Tang Guan would have died a long time ago.

Of course, she is also inexplicably entangled in her heart, but if this son is not killed, she will not be able to get along with him at all in the future.

But she yelled twice.No one responded to the account.

At this moment, the two guards outside the tent were hesitant, their waist knives had been unsheathed faintly, but seeing their general shaking his head slightly, they didn't know what to do, they didn't know what happened, they only knew that the person inside was the Queen of Heaven.It's not right to listen to anyone for a while.

Seeing someone intruding in the tent, Tang Guan felt relieved, and then had an idea.This is a gamble, it is not surprising to win or lose, and immediately cupped his hands and said: "Your Majesty, no need."

Wu Zhao saw that no one answered when he called out.He was even more furious in his heart, but seeing Tang Guan so calm, he couldn't help laughing angrily, and he was the only one who dared to put on this so-called demeanor with himself. [

"I can't help blaspheming the emperor. I deserve death. I just ask your majesty to spare my family after I die."

"Your Majesty, it's wrong to like someone. It's meaningless for me to stay in this world."

After all, a hint of cruelty flashed in Tang Guan's eyes. It's normal to be cruel to others, but it's really hard to be cruel to yourself.

It just so happened that Tang Guan was very vicious at this time, just when Wu Zhao heard the words and was stunned, he saw him rushing towards the weapon rack in the tent. This is Cheng Wuting's tent, and it is normal for the general to put weapons in the tent. Guan pulled out a long knife and put it on his neck in a blink of an eye.

Yes, the reason why Tang Guan is calm is that he has the determination to die. If he dies, he can’t blame others. It means that he has no luck. Luck is strength. Now he has seen through it. Dameng wakes up as soon as he wakes up, if he can live, then his life should not die!

Sure enough, this sudden change made Wu Zhao startled, Tang Guan was about to wipe off the knife, she hurriedly said: "Stop!"

Tang Guan wasn't just playing. He saw that the knife had already entered his throat. Fortunately, Wu Zhao made a sound in time and only slipped through a layer of skin. Tang Guan sneered inwardly when he heard the sound.

The relationship between him and Wu Zhao is very complicated. It's not an enemy, it's not a lover, and it's not right to say anything. It can only be said that Tang Guan is a person who should not appear in her life.

Tang Guan's heart was swallowed by this scene of the post-autumn reckoning. As long as she hesitated a little, it would be impossible for her to kill herself again.

"Wu Zhao, Wu Zhao, you are the one who drove me to the point where I'm not a human being, a ghost or a ghost!"

Tang Guan, a young man who has been influenced by the open civilization of later generations, is forced by the reality to be vicious and vicious, even willing to risk his life to bet on her. For an idea, he once tried to open up his heart with the empress, and feel at ease like all the novels he wrote. , and then Wei Guangzheng became the savior of Lao Shizi.

It's a pity that the reality is that the empress is cold-blooded, moody, and insane, but she is destined by fate to make her pitiful and hateful.

And Tang Guan gradually accepted the reality from the beginning of being arrogant and excited, and became a half-ghost Baiqiao.

After the two confronted each other for a long time, Tang Guan said softly: "Your Majesty, what else do you want?"

"You..." Wu Zhao pointed at Tang Guan with one hand, her chest began to heave, showing her anger, but when she remembered the two words Tang Guan said, she suddenly struggled in her heart. Tang Guan carried the shadows of so many people, every time Every time I saw him, I felt an inexplicable sense of comfort, like, like, those people didn't leave her.

A kitten and puppy will develop feelings if they stay by their side for a long time. A young man like Pei Yan entered the imperial court, and he has had grievances and grievances with her for decades. Day and night, because Tang Guan was familiar with the history, he had the foresight, so she had this feeling.

After killing him, she would never find another Tang Guan. When decades were concentrated on one person, it was conceivable that Wu Zhao, a terrible and pitiful woman, had mixed feelings in her heart.

After a long time, Wu Zhao's eyes softened. After all, she couldn't bear to kill him. She had already killed everything that should be killed, leaving only herself.

"You!" Wu Zhao finally snorted coldly.With a flick of his sleeve, he didn't even look at Tang Guan starting to pay the bill.

Looking at her back, Tang Guan breathed a sigh of relief, he won, that's all.

And this is also Tang Guan's first Jedi survival on the road.

"I will see your majesty at the end."

When Wu Zhao paid the bill, there were already people around, and she originally wanted to find someone to vent her anger.It's no wonder that when she called out just now, no one responded, but seeing someone here, she couldn't help gnashing her teeth.

Only Cheng Wuting stood alone outside the tent, and he was the one who removed the guards.He knew that Wu Zhao would definitely attack them.

Wu Zhao glanced at Cheng Wuting, turned around and left without saying anything, Tang Guan disturbed her heartstrings.

Seeing this, Cheng Wuting secretly shook his head, then walked into the account with his hands behind his back.

"Hey." Tang Guan in the tent put the knife back into the weapon rack, and gently wiped his neck with his hand.Then he sighed lightly.

"How did you come?"

Cheng Wuting's eyelids twitched when he saw this scene, and he said.

Tang Guan heard that he was coming, and said without raising his head, "It's a long story."

Cheng Wuting shook his head slightly upon hearing this.He ignored Tang Guan and walked over to the sand table alone.

He didn't care much about Tang Guan and Wu Zhao's affairs. If Tang Guan didn't die, it meant he was fine.This is just like his attitude towards Pei Yan, if someone in the court blocks his speech, it is enough for him to do his own job well.

And Tang Guan obviously didn't want to tell him, but he still had something unclear in his mind, so he immediately followed up, glanced at the sand table and said: "Old General, can I ask you something."

"Didn't your mother teach you not to add old characters?"

Cheng Wuting sneered with his hands behind his back.Tang Guan just escaped from Wu Zhao's grasp, like a normal person, he listened to his joking words, and said indifferently: "I'll go back after asking."

"Just ask."

"How to fight this battle?"

Tang Guan thought for a while, but he didn't seem to have any words to organize, so he asked directly.

Cheng Wu was very happy when he heard the words, and looked at Tang Guan jokingly: "Why are you asking this?"

"She just wants to see a victory. Now you have tens of thousands of people to command, and you can fight around casually. It makes her happy, and you can relax, general."

Tang Guan said what he thought in his heart, if hundreds of thousands of people can't win, it will be a miracle.

Hearing this, Cheng Wuting seemed to have heard a very funny joke, and said with a smile, "Take a circle? Do you know where it is sixty miles away?"


"Read the full text of Ghosts and Gods of Death." Cheng Wuting said unhurriedly while fiddling with the sand table.

Tang Guan's eyelids twitched when he heard the words, and saw Cheng Wuting moving the sand table forward inch by inch. Seeing this, Tang Guan thoughtfully said: "The general means that you can't get in? Then fight steadily, set up camp on the spot, move forward inch by inch, fall down Isn't it right outside their house?"

"Crack." Hearing this, Cheng Wuting slid the ruler in his hand, instantly scattered it into a plate, and then said: "It's a good idea, if those people outside listen to you, you can try it."

Tang Guan was taken aback when he heard the words, not understanding what it meant. His thinking about war was still on paper. He didn't understand why he didn't use a war that could be blocked by a sea of ​​people.

"It will take five years to pile up the camp in Monan."

"Five years?" Tang Guan was startled when he heard the sound. Don't say they didn't listen to him, even if they really listened to him, they couldn't stay here all the time.

Nearly 10,000+ of the hundreds of thousands are the central guards, the so-called elites of the empire. If the Tubo war is over, once the central government is empty for a long time, there will be big troubles.

"Then she will return empty-handed?"

Tang Guan frowned and murmured to himself, the Turkic people relied on natural dangers to hold back the Tang army, if they stayed in the deep desert, let alone five years, the army would definitely call back within a few months.

But Tang Guan remembered what those generals said in the early court, and he couldn't help saying: "General, didn't you say that they are in Helong? They don't have a camp?"

"Haha, who did you hear that from?"

Cheng Wuting laughed out loud when he heard the words, Tang Guan saw this and said, "General Chaozhong."

"Those boys don't understand shit, what are you called an army? Where is Helong?"

The more Cheng Wuting said, the more entangled Tang Guan was, then this battle was impossible to fight, the difference between hundreds of thousands and millions was almost zero, the more people there were, the greater the consumption of food and grass, and the greater the possibility of being trapped in the desert, the Turkic people passed by It is impossible for the Han people to adapt to the difficult environment that took several generations to adapt to.

If Cheng Wuting says so, how did the Turks in history be wiped out?

"No, there must be something wrong."

Tang Guan muttered to himself for a while, before suddenly remembering something after a long time.

Immediately, he looked at Cheng Wuting's back in horror, "Without me, this person would already be a dead man. Wu Zhao killed him, causing the Turkic people to invade without hesitation, and even pulled out several important towns."

"Then after pulling out the important town, it must be operated again, and repeat the mistakes of their ancestors!"

"Then this is an inextricable knot."

Cheng Wu survived for a day, and kept it for a day. Without giving up an inch of land, the Turks maintained the advantage of the nomads, and they continued to invade.

"If you deliberately back down, it's fine to lure you into the urn."

"No, even if Wu Zhao can accept the loss of losing the city, this old guy won't accept it. Besides, the Turkic people are not fools. They gave up the important town out of thin air. This"

The more Tang Guan thought about it, the more entangled he became. Could it be possible to kill Cheng Wuting?

He spent so much effort to keep this person. It has to be said that if there is a cause, there will be an effect. For good and bad, Wu Zhao killed him, causing important towns to be pulled out one after another, but it also made the Turks lose their greatest advantage and counterattack. Under the pressure, he was finally annihilated. On the contrary, he did not die, and defended the border. He fought with him at a very small price, but he did not cure the root cause.

"Student farewell."

Thinking of this, Tang Guan glanced at Cheng Wuting with some complicated eyes, then turned and left.

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