Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 270: Three-year-old young champion Hou

Tang Guan narrowly escaped from Wu Zhao's hands, and had a long talk with Cheng Wuting. He suddenly felt dizzy. It was the so-called rogue politics. At this time, the East Turks were like a rogue. They first recuperated in the Central Plains, and then suddenly collapsed and retreated Desperate, I'm afraid the situation was not so optimistic when they first settled in.

But after several generations, they finally adapted to this harsh living environment and recovered their advantages. Although the Turks were split into two groups, the Eastern Turks may not be much weaker than when they were intact.

Until Tang Guan returned to the tent, he saw He Qiyue and Xiao Qi, who had been running around all day, fell asleep, and fell asleep with his clothes on himself.

There is a sandy slope to the south of Tang Jun's camp. Looking around, this is the only place that affects the sight. The temperature difference between day and night here is huge.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, the defense troops stationed here would not leave the camp alone at night, but at this time there were two people standing here down the slope.

One is a middle-aged man dressed as a general, and the other is a soldier dressed as a guard. At first glance, I thought that the two were subordinates.

But if you look closely, the general is begging the soldier with fear.

"Ma Dawang, what you asked the last general to do, the last general has done, can you let my wife and children go now?" [

The soldier known as Ma Dawang sneered on his face hidden under the iron helmet, and then he stretched out his hand and slowly took it off, revealing a disgusting and terrifying face.

I saw this man's face was ferocious, and his scars were covered with terrifying scars like centipedes. With such obvious features, he was also called King Ma, and this man was Ma Lie!

"General Wan, I'm afraid I can't do it now."

Ma Lie sneered and looked at General Wan in front of him and said, General Wan almost begged: "Ma Dawang, please hold your hands high, the last general is just a lieutenant general, what can you use in the future, just say hello, old mother The matter is too high. I'm afraid I can't bear the hospitality of Ma Dawang."

Before he finished speaking, Ma Lie interrupted with a wave of his hand, and said ferociously, "Whatever I ask you to do. Just do what you want. After the matter is done, you and I will naturally get involved again!"

After finishing speaking, Ma Lie made a big move to the dark place, and two vicious men walked out escorting an old woman and a middle-aged woman.

Seeing this, General Na Wan subconsciously said: "Mother, madam knows how to see through the heart!"

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" both of them were sobbing as the man behind them tightly covered their mouths.General Wan's eyes turned red when he saw this.He and Ma Lie had grudges in the past.In recent days, the other party did not know where he was transferred to the front line to conquer the Turks, but suddenly captured his mother, wife and children without anyone noticing.

He is a lieutenant under the command of the Jinwu Guard, and he is usually hard-working and hardworking, but now that he is forced by others, he only thinks it is a disaster from heaven.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" the woman saw her husband and started to struggle violently.General Wan couldn't bear it any longer, and shouted at Ma Lie, "Ma Lie! What do you want to do!?"

"Uh" as soon as he finished speaking, his feet stood on the ground suddenly, his throat was tightly choked, and Ma Lie lifted it with one hand, only to hear Ma Lie say: "It seems that you want to be the last one."


At this moment, a boy who had been hooped by a man let go of his mouth. Seeing his father being grabbed by the bad guys, he rushed forward to beat Ma Lie. He grabbed his throat.

Just like the same method, the father and son were actually made to look at each other. If Tang Guan's behavior of adulterous wife and daughter is insane, then Ma Lie's kidnapping and extortion has long been commonplace. There are striking similarities, except that one is fighting for his life in politics, and the other is licking blood in the arena.

Obviously, Ma Lie must have a plan for this move. This terrifying man with a mysterious identity who has repeatedly crossed paths with Tang Guan has reappeared now. The most terrifying thing is that he is threatening a military general in court! [

General Wan stared at his son's purple face with cracked canthus, struggled and said, "I'll do it!"

When Ma Lie heard the sound and threw the two of them away, the boy fell unconscious and fell to the ground, while General Wan fell to the ground and gasped for breath.


"General Wan, I've offended you. After the matter is over, you and I will be involved with each other." Ma Lie sneered with his hands behind his back. General Wan nodded when he heard the sound, and staggered towards the camp.

At this time, the two men over there elbowed the old woman and the woman, and the two women fell into a coma immediately, and one of the men stepped forward and said, "Brother."

As soon as he made a sound, Ma Lie interrupted him with a wave of his hand. After looking at the fortifications in the distance, he asked aloud, "Have you found it?"

"Found it, turn from west to north, into the valley to the south, 130 miles."

These two men are good at Taoism, occupying the desert, and they are sand pirates. It has to be said that Ma Lie's reputation in the rivers and lakes in the north and south of the river is extremely resounding. Fate is obedience.

The name of rampaging Ma Lie is the most wanted criminal in the country, especially recently, after Tang Guan was assassinated, people from all walks of life are searching him thoroughly, never expecting that he is actually hiding under Wu Zhao's nose.

It's ridiculous to say that each of these savages in the rivers and lakes has unique skills. If they are used by the imperial court, there is no need to worry about the war. Unfortunately, this is obviously impossible. Officials are officials, and thieves are thieves.

The two men in front of them are rare figures in the sea of ​​sand, and Tang Jun's shivering deep desert is nothing to them, but there are few such people after all, and it can be called one of the few.

"Brother, let's ride it and know the way."

The man brought a horse, and they had been to the place Ma Lie was going to, but it was just that the sand robbers in the deep desert were surprised by the place.

They have lived here for a long time, and they have martial arts, and they have been deeply rooted for decades. It is not surprising that they can go deep into the desert and retreat unscathed, but it would be terrible if tens of thousands of people could all be employed here.

Ma Lie glanced at the horse, nodded lightly, straddled the horse and clasped his fists together and said, "Two brothers, there are difficulties on the road, Jianghu rescues you, thank you God Chao!"

The two men returned a salute upon hearing this.

"Drive!" Ma Lie rode away, and the two looked at his back for a long time before looking back.

At the same time, the respect on the faces of the two of them also faded away. They have never been able to benefit early, and this time they were forced to assist Ma Lie in his actions.

"Brother, what exactly is he trying to do?"

When Ma Lie disappeared, the man showed dissatisfaction and said to the other.

"I don't know." The person he asked seemed to be the leader. Hearing this, he shook his head and looked at the family who fell unconscious.

"How about, let's call the brothers to kill him! Over the years, this man must have collected a lot of gold and silver treasures!"

When the man said this, greed appeared on his face. Ma Lie's trip was weird, and the place he was going to made them even more puzzled.

The leader had a strange look on his face when he heard the words, and he seemed to be a little tempted. He is also a desperado, and it is common sense to help him to save face and kill him, but the thought flashed by, and the leader seemed to remember something. Under such circumstances, cold sweat broke out on the back.

"There are so many masters in the imperial court, they let him live under his nose. Are you crazy?" He disappeared without a trace, and everyone said that this person had already subdued the law, but as long as the people in the rivers and lakes who had been in contact with him took this matter as a joke.

With his strange power, he is known as a rampant bandit. Just imagine that a person who falls into grass is called a bandit, who lives by chasing water is called a water bandit, who thrives in a dense forest is called a green forest, and a bandit who walks in the desert is called a sand bandit. It seems that there is no time when Ma Lie has a bad appetite, so one can imagine what the word rampant means.

Thinking of this, the leader didn't say much anymore. His subordinates are really courageous. No matter what Ma Lie is going to do, it's better not to intervene.

And that man seemed unwilling, and after glancing at the few people on the ground, he whispered again: "Brother, it must be of great benefit! He might go to those savages for the purpose of..."

"Shut up!" The leader became more and more startled when he heard it. It is true that a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers. This man has been with him for several years, but when Ma Lie stirred up the wind and rain, this man was just a young man. The leader here really learned This person is terrible.

Not to mention, there is an eighteen-story hell in the mouth of the people on the road, and that is the prison of the imperial court!

This person can return to the human world from the [-]th level of hell, and this alone is enough for him to gain a foothold in the top ranks. Apart from the Tang Sect gang in the middle of Sichuan, Ma Lie is the most mysterious person in the Jianghu.

The leader vaguely didn't dare to talk to his subordinates, for fear that he would hurt himself, he immediately reprimanded him, and under the unwilling eyes of the man, he picked up the few people on the ground and left.


And in the distant sand sea, a black spot has already broken through the border of this remote oasis. The horse under his crotch seems to really know the road, and he gallops in one direction without deliberately controlling it.

This horse is extremely precious to Sand Pirates, and it took a lot of money to exchange it from Turkic people. In the final analysis, the so-called Sand Pirates are not much different from Turkic people. They are all robbery, and sometimes they are even robbed Some people confuse the two.

And the direction this person is going to is the Ashina part stuck in the deep desert oasis!

"Ancestor Yuwen, I didn't expect that I was not alone. This time, my younger brother went out with that bitch, and I will definitely rescue him!"

"Ha ha!"

Ma Lie laughed wildly as he ran wildly, but his words were strange, but his face was full of fanaticism.

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