Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 306: Brave Heart

The war gave Ashina tiger-like eyes, but he used them to look down on cowards.

Tang Guan moved with difficulty, as if his frame had fallen apart, the night outside the Great Wall was so cold.

His chuckle came, Tang Guan raised his head, and found that he was leaning there and looking at him with a smile.

He hated the man's smile, he was defiant, as if he was fearless and fearless.

This was something he never had. After all, Tang Guan crawled back to his place, stood up with difficulty, and quietly listened to the even breathing sound around him.

He didn't know if he could go back. This time, there was no second Ma Lie who was hiding in the dark to save him. Strength, anger, and hatred were intertwined in Tang Guan's mind.

Whether this direction is correct, he is still not sure, but it is better than having no clue, he urgently needs to control that power, so as to survive in this barbaric world.

"Hey, why are you staring at me? Don't worry, we will all die sooner or later, no one will kill you here."

Feeling the sight in the darkness, Tang Guan opened his eyes uneasily and made a sound slowly.

Ashina Huan is now in absolute adversity, he was seriously injured and died, his clansmen rebelled, and he will be swallowed by the monsters he raised in a short time. mood.

Although his eyes moved away, they were engraved in Tang Guan's mind. What was it that made him have such terrifying eyes, and what caused this life to be fought all over the world, and finally was brought to life by the irreversible national power? The post-Turkic god of war has been taking the initiative.

"Are your eyes born this color?" Tang Guan suddenly asked again, but the question was over.Even he himself laughed, isn't this a nonsense question? .

Sure enough, Ashina Huan Wenyin didn't even look at him, but just stared at the open space outside.People like Tang Guan are not worthy of talking to him, he is just a coward who has been relying on luck and being a little clever.

This is his territory, he is the Khan of East Turks, no, it should be the Khan of Heaven!

There are his people here, and he wants to fight for himself, for the territory.Fight for the people!

"Forget it." Seeing that he ignored him, Tang Guan slowly closed his eyes, and there was not much time to rest.He wants to get that power from Ma Lie as much as possible.

He thought that facing death, his own strength would emerge, but Ma Lie's training negated this idea and faced death.That power doesn't go away either.Tang Guan tried his best to recall the appearance of the previous power.

The first time, because Lin Yuxun was humiliated, he was triggered hysterically.

The second time, it was because Shangguan Wan'er was murdered, and it also appeared when she was extremely shocked and angry.

The third time, because he was cornered, Cheng Wu stood up and died, and the Turks were right in front of him.Happened when his hatred for Ashina Ring couldn't be increased.

"Is it really because of hatred?" Thinking about it, Tang Guan felt that Ma Lie's words seemed reasonable.Three times, people he cared about were persecuted by others, and he gained strength in extreme anger.

But how many people in the world can maintain eternal anger like Ma Lie?

Don't say you can't, Tang Guan doesn't want to live in a world of hatred, it will make people lose their minds, even if they have power, they are just a reckless man.

If the so-called natural courage of the Shendu lineage is sustained by this method, then Tang Guan can only say that this is not luck, it is tragedy, and after careful consideration, it is full of loopholes. , Calling the wind and calling the rain, he also maintains his strength through this method of infinite hatred?

Tang Guan suddenly felt a splitting headache, and at the same time he finally understood why the nomads worship the strong so much. In this barbaric and tough world, only the weak prey on the strong. Ashina Huan failed and died, and the Tiemo family immediately rose up.

Just when Tang Guan was at a loss, Ashina Huan suddenly turned his head and said, "Why did you save her?"

"Who?" Tang Guan was taken aback by hearing the sound, interrupted his train of thought, and asked in confusion.

"Your queen."

"Wu Zhao?" Tang Guanwenyin's eyes froze, not understanding why Ashina Huan asked this suddenly.

Seeing that Tang Guan didn't answer, Ashina Huan seemed to lose interest suddenly, and said indifferently: "You Han people are too despicable. You say you don't like a woman to be an emperor, and at the same time, you work for her."

"You..." Tang Guanwen frowned, but he didn't know how to answer.

If he told others what he said, he would naturally get a long speech about loyalty to the emperor and patriotism, but Tang Guan couldn't help being stunned when he heard it. Yes, why did he want to save Wu Zhao at that time? Throw the ring.

But after thinking for a while, Tang Guan sneered and said: "I save her, she can avenge me, if I don't save him, I can only be killed by your people together, do you think I can save her?"

After a long time, Tang Guan finally gave himself the most reasonable explanation. According to the situation at the time, it was indeed the case. Maybe he saved Wu Zhao because of a fever in his head, but if he didn't save her, he would have to die together.

At that time, although Tang Jun had already killed him, the slope was full of their men, and no matter how strong he was, it was impossible for him to rush out.

But in exchange for these words, Ashina Huan sneered, and then he seemed to have completely lost interest, and ignored Tang Guan.

Seeing this, Tang Guan frowned and said, "What? Is it possible that I still want to be like a reckless man with well-developed limbs and a simple mind like you?"

Ashina Huan Wenyin remained silent, as if acquiescing, but also as a silent mockery.

Tang Guan had a guilty conscience and couldn't find a reason to save Wu Zhao, because he was so cold-blooded that he didn't even dare to admit what he had done, but he snorted coldly, "Hmph, I have poked your sore spot, the bereaved dog? You You keep saying that the Han people are despicable, so tell me, how did Xuanwei General Cheng Wuting die!?"

Asking and asking, Tang Guan's heart also ignited an unknown fire, Ashina Huan said that the Han people are despicable, and he is not much better!

"I didn't kill him!"

Ashina suddenly turned his head when he heard the sound, and roared loudly. He Qiyue and the others were awakened by his roar instantly. They all looked at him in surprise, and there was movement even in the dark places around them.

Tang Guan was also taken aback by his excited appearance. When He Qiyue opened his eyes and saw Tang Guan, he couldn't help being overjoyed: "Brother Qubing."

But Tang Guan seemed not to hear, and stared straight into Ashina Huan's eyes. This was the first time he looked directly into this person's eyes, and he sunk in them. He had never seen such complicated eyes.

It was no longer ferocious, but outright angry, but Tang Guan saw an undetectable shaking in his pupils, as if he had been poked at a sore spot by Tang Guan's words.

The two kept staring at each other until Tang Guan suddenly regained his senses, and then moved away immediately. The two Cheng Huaibi who were awakened saw that nothing happened, and they both heaved a sigh of relief.

But Ashina Huan seemed unwilling, but after a while, he finally moved away, and just muttered to himself: "He is a warrior, you are just a coward."

"What did you say?"

Tang Guan was taken aback when he heard the words, and raised his head to ask him, but Ashina Huan ignored him. (to be continued..)

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