Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 307: Brave Heart

"He's a fighter, you're just a coward."

Ashina Huan's words echoed in Tang Guan's ears until He Qiyue said, "Brother Qubing, are you alright?"

Tang Guan heard the sound and came back to his senses, but He Qiyue was already approaching, and after looking back carefully, he took out a small bottle from his arms silently, and said to himself: "Fortunately, they didn't search you."

After that, he silently applied the medicine for Tang Guan, and Cheng Tiance and the two over there closed their eyes again when they saw this. They are both soldiers, and it is their nature to seize all the time to conserve energy.

But Tang Guan looked at He Qiyue with some guilt, felt the coolness between his legs for a long time before saying: "Brother Qiyue, I'm sorry."

"What?" He Qiyue raised his head upon hearing the sound, frowning as if he didn't hear clearly.

Seeing this, Tang Guan sighed softly, then smiled and said, "Brother Qizhi, don't you blame me for dragging you down?"

He Qiyue was taken aback when he heard the words, then shook his head and smiled wryly, then lowered his head and continued to apply it evenly. After a long time, he said, "It's hard work in this life to be favored by the sick brother."

After finishing speaking, he paused for a moment, sat down and smiled and said, "This is one, and the other is that brother Qubing is kind to my subordinates, and my subordinates have to speak first, so I will definitely go through fire and water to be able to be as talented as brother Qubing." Wouldn't it be nice to go to life and death together!?"

"You..." Tang Guan couldn't help trembling when he heard the words, and looked at He Qiyue in shock. He already had some admiration for this person. Although he had expected it in his heart, he still couldn't believe it when he got the answer. There really are such benevolent people.

"Thirdly, the old general before Luomajian was so powerful that he would rather die than surrender. He is a role model for our generation, and the barbarian violated the country. Although he is not talented in abandoning treatment, he is also a citizen of the Tang Dynasty. Gou benefited the country's life and death. You and I are gentlemen. What are you afraid of?"

As soon as his words fell, Tang Guan had no time to react, but there was a sneer from Ashina Huan over there.

Tang Guan was moved when he heard these words, but also a little ashamed. In fact, he has been trying to use this person in every possible way. After all, the words Feng Xiaobao had too much impact on him.

But until now, even whether there is a second tomorrow has become a problem.What Wu Zhao wants to do is not what he wants to think about.

But Ashina Huan's sneer was so piercing, Tang Guan, who had just regained some strength, remembered his cowardly words before, and he didn't know whether it was because of dissatisfaction or anger, Tang Guan actually moved towards him.

"Why do you call me a coward?"

Tang Guan made some angry noises while crawling, He Qiyue was startled when he saw this, and wanted to pull Tang Guan back, but Tang Guan shook his hand away.

As if he wanted to prove that he was not a coward, he crawled all the way to Ashina Huan's side.

The two leaned against the wall side by side.He was close at hand, although Ashina Huan was seriously injured, but the strength in his hand was still there, and Tang Guan's life could be ended with just one blow.

Until Tang Guan leaned against the wall panting.Ashina Huan just turned his head, He Qijue looked at the two of them with trepidation, fearing that Ashina Huan would violently hurt others.

"You thought you crawled up beside me, poor wretch. Aren't you a coward?"

"You! Why do you call me a coward!?"

Listening to his teasing tone, Tang Guan was furious in his heart.He had only just come into contact with this Turkic leader, and he kept saying that he was a coward.

"Oh." Ashina sneered.Then he closed his eyes silently, as if he had no interest in looking at Tang Guan. Before he proposed the deal, he was still interested in Tang Guan, but after that, he saw through Tang Guan.

A seemingly ruthless and weird coward who is indecisive and indecisive.

Tang Guan saw that he was ignoring him, but still insisted on saying: "You know that I entered the court at the age of eight and became an official. A piece of paper is worth ten thousand gold. How do you know what a family is and what an official is?"


As soon as the words came out, Ashina laughed out loud with his eyes closed, and Tang Guan frowned when he saw this. It was the first time someone called him a coward, and even Ma Lie, who had been haunted all this time, didn't frighten him!

Tang Guan has always been complacent about his own character, thinking that he has become perfect, but he didn't realize that he had lost himself a long time ago and has been living in other people's world.

It wasn't until Ashina laughed, that he said, "Then why did you get here?"

"That's because you're a lunatic!"

Ashina Huan heard the words but didn't respond, but pointed at He Qiyi with one hand and said: "You are amazing, you are a warrior, but you followed the wrong person."

"Me?" He Qiyue, who had been watching silently, was taken aback when he heard the words, a little at a loss, what kind of warrior is he, he can't carry it with his hands or shoulders.

Tang Guan's heart trembled when he heard the words, but Ashina Huan withdrew his hand and continued, "As for you, heh."

"What's wrong with me?" Tang Guan was quite courageous, saying that he was a coward really made him incomprehensible, he didn't know where he was cowardly.

It's a pity that Ashina Huan just remained silent for a while, as if thinking about something.

It wasn't until Tang Guan was a little impatient that he said: "Then, coward, my deal is still there, do you want to do it or not?"

"I..." Tang Guan was shocked when he heard the sound, and looked at Ashina Huan. This guy was so calm that he seemed to be thinking about Xianyu turning over at this moment.

But Tang Guan was indeed shocked by his madness, and he was afraid that if he didn't allow him to do any unthinkable things, it would make things worse.

But after glancing at He Qiyue, Tang Guan still said in a deep voice: "It doesn't matter if you call me a coward, or anything else, I won't make such a stupid deal with you."

This transaction was not very reliable in the first place, and now it is even more unreliable in this place.

Those outside are not Ashina Huan clansmen, they are all his mortal enemies!

"Oh, cowards are not worthy of the power of a warrior." Ashina Huan Wenyin sneered again, and then closed his eyes again.

"You...what did you say?" Upon hearing this, Tang Guan opened his eyes.

"A coward is not worthy of the strength of a warrior."

" heard it all?" Tang Guan's heart trembled when he heard the words, the other party seemed to know something.

He has always felt that Ma Lie's theory of hatred and stimulation is not very reliable. At this time, Ashina Huan, the number one Turkic warrior who is similar to them, seems to have his own point of view.

Maybe, he could really say something, Tang Guan's heart beat suddenly, power, what he urgently needed was power, to escape from this ghost place, to have everything he once had!

"I need to make a deal with a real fighter, not you."

Ashina Huan spoke again, making Tang Guan stunned for a moment, and Tang Guan finally said after a long time: "I can promise you, but you have to speak clearly."

As soon as the words came out, Ashina Huan slowly opened his eyes, and stared at Tang Guan suddenly. His eyes were already terrifying, but in the darkness, he looked over like a real bloodthirsty monster. Tang Guan looked at Tang Guan. Under that, he couldn't help but shudder, and subconsciously struggled back a few times.

Seeing his appearance, Ashina Huan didn't even bother to laugh. Tang Guan's proud will to survive happened to be a warrior's taboo.

In other words, it is so difficult for Ashina Huan to turn Tang Guan into a real man and a real warrior, but as he said, what he needs is a real warrior to make a deal with him, not A slick coward.

Ashina Huan did not laugh at Tang Guan for being afraid of him, but said: "A warrior should fight, mountains, rivers and rivers are at the foot of a warrior!"

"But, you don't even know what you are fighting for, what do you use to be a fighter?"

"I...I..." Tang Guan was at a loss for words when he heard the words, and he still didn't understand what a soldier is, because he had already lost his heart and was dreaming of insignificant dreams.

Tang Guan tried to face Ashina Huan squarely, but the deep sense of powerlessness made him unable to bear to look directly at it.

Where does his power come from, and where is the so-called infinite power?

Are people really capable?

No, the answer is no. It is impossible for a person to be infinitely capable. One can fight against a hundred. He is as strong as Ma Lie, Ashina Huan, and Cheng Huaibi.

"Why did I fight? Why did I fight?" Tang Guan murmured, and was shocked to find that he really did what Ashina Huan said, and he was at a loss when he thought of this.

He has been living in other people's world, living for others, but gradually he can't find himself.

At this moment, who is he fighting for?

For Shangguan Wan'er?For Lin Yuxun?For Wu Zhao?For Tang Liangjun?For family?For everything you care about?

No!None of them are here!Tang Guan was alone in a strange and dangerous situation, but he didn't think of himself!

"Why did I fight? Why did I fight?"

He is a villain who disgusts himself, a dead person who disgusts himself, cannot find himself, and has been buried three times!

He Qiyue looked at Tang Guan who seemed to be insane in amazement, but Ashina Huan sneered and closed his eyes again.

In a dark corner not far away, a tall man stared coldly at the scene with his hands behind his back, and murmured after a long time: "Soldier?" (To be continued...)

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