Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 340: From now on, the king will not go to court early 3

The speeches of Ji Lu's sad wishes are endless, and the voices of boudoir's lewd butterflies are endless.

It's a good chance to encounter a collection of palace beads, and it's nine shallow and one deep, which should make the empress tumbling, exchanging fragrance and sweat, so ferocious that it reaches the woman's heart and makes the man want to stop.

"Ah." There was another low growl, the man's muscles stretched out, his big hands tightly grasped the queen's proud breasts, and once again brought his children and grandchildren into this noble body.

Even Tang Guan himself can't remember how many times this is the first time, only Wushan is cloudy and rainy, and the originally narrow passage has become unimpeded.

The pitiful queen is unconscious, the flowers are in a mess, and when I look again, I can't find any traces on this white tender body, there are bruises and purple spots, and the most amazing thing is that the originally flat belly is slightly bulged, and the red lips are swollen The pear blossoms in the middle of the day were raining, but the sound of crackling waves that made people dare not open their eyes still echoed in their ears.

"Huh, huh." Tang Guanyunyu first received it, but he was not in a hurry to put away his "Dinghaishenzhen", but stared at Wu Zhao's swollen belly with some evil taste.

It would be really interesting if she was pregnant with her own child.

Thinking of this, the ferocity wrapped in the flesh wall swelled up again, and Wu Zhao let out another moan.

At this time, an oil lamp in the hall was burned out, Tang Guan slowly backed out upon seeing this, unknowingly he was really romantic for a long night. [

The moment he withdrew, obscene liquid accompanied by red and white was pulled out from the mess. Tang Guan didn't show any pity that night until the rain clouds first closed. Tang Guan looked at the unconscious Wu Zhao with a sneer on his mouth. In fact, he should have Done.

But in an intimate union, chaos is mutual. Tang Guan glanced at his work slightly, and couldn't help frowning when he saw the filth on it, and looked at Wu Zhao's swollen red lips with some malicious intentions, but after hesitating for a while, he still Look away.

Then he leaned over and picked up Wu Zhao's obscene clothes on the ground and wiped them casually, and then walked naked in the Hanyuan Hall with the queen's obscene clothes in hand.

A long black coffin lay quietly in the main hall, only the two corpses in the coffin witnessed Tang Guan and Wu Zhao's feud, and Wu Zhao moaned under Tang Guan's crotch like the most despicable prostitute .

Tang Guan put on his clothes unhurriedly, and looked back at the naked Wu Zhaohou.After all, he picked up the gorgeous robe on the ground to cover it up.

"Wu Lingyao, heh, Wu Lingyao."

She is sitting in the world, as long as there is a sound of minus, even if she is invincible, she will not escape death, but she chooses to groan under her crotch.

It's her choice, isn't it?

When Tang Guan put on his clothes.The oil lamps started to turn on and off, and it was dawn.

Tang Guan stood in front of the dragon couch and looked at the empty hall from the air.He suddenly sat next to Wu Zhao slowly, for some reason, Tang Guan seemed to be lost in imagination when there was nothing in front of him.

This throne, which combines the highest privileges in the world, has caused many bloody storms for thousands of years. Everyone in ancient China is full of yearning for this position.

In order to compete for this seat, Wu Zhao spent his whole life scheming, throwing away his armor and armor all the way, with many scars.

If someone saw Tang Guan's boldness, they would be scared to death.Wu Zhao lay quietly beside her, while Tang Guan obsessively stroked the carvings on the dragon couch.

The infatuation in his eyes was like stroking the most precious treasure, Tang Guan seemed to be sinking deeper and deeper, and in the end he was supercilious, only the golden light was left in his eyes.

It seemed like he was willing to give up everything for this obsession.What kind of lover, what relative, what brother, what friend, compared with the glory of the emperor in the world, they are all bullshit! [

Tang Guan breathes the charming aura unique to the empress. Privilege, the throne, and the opposite sex are deadly poisons for human beings.

But when Tang Guan seemed to be getting deeper and deeper, he suddenly looked at the ingenious and charming carving and said with a smile: "No wonder she lost to you."

"Without these, what use do I need you?"

After all, Tang Guan sighed softly as if talking to himself, and looked away without hesitation, but looked at the woman beside him, looking at her in her sleep, she slept so deeply that she slept so deeply. It was the first time in so many years that he completely lost consciousness to the outside world.

Tang Guan stretched out his hand and slowly stroked the blue hair on her face. Looking at her in her sleep, Tang Guan showed the true patience and tenderness that he would only show when facing Lin Yuxun and Shangguan Waner. He gently stroked her with his big hand. She with disheveled hair.

It's a pity that she can't sleep forever, and she is doomed to not get any sincerity from Tang Guan when she is awake.

Wu Zhao seemed to be having a sweet dream, and she seemed to feel Tang Guan's touch in her sleep, causing her body to curl up slightly and change into a more comfortable position.

The snow-white thighs were exposed, and there were scattered traces of what Tang Guan had done to her. It was her unhappiness to meet Tang Guan. Tang Guan was not Feng Xiaobao, nor the Zhang brothers, or rather Tang Guan Guan is a male favorite, but Wu Zhao is more like Tang Guan's female slave.

Just because she behaved so lowly, Tang Guan was her poison, it was her terminal illness, it was her desire to stop.

It's a pity that this rare tenderness and tranquility didn't last long, and was broken by a movement outside the hall. Tang Guan sneered when he heard the sound, and it was still going to be early after all.

But he ignored the movement outside the hall, but gently picked Wu Zhao up, and then slowly walked to the side hall over there, and opened the door of the pavilion, where Tang Guan had written an order to suppress the bandits that drove King Luo Bin into a desperate situation, so far Became a passing cloud.

After Tang Guan carefully placed Wu Zhao on the bed, he went back to the gate of the palace with his hands behind his back, only to hear voices with different tones coming from outside through the gate.

"General Tie, what are you?"

"General Tie, is Your Majesty alright?"

Hearing this, Tang Guan knew that those old friends came to work and clocked in again, so he was not in a hurry to go out immediately, but listened quietly with interest.

There was already an uproar outside the hall, and the leader of the two looked at each other, while Tieniu, who had been guarding all night, was full of embarrassment. He guarded this night with fear, especially when Zhang Huanyi left the hall halfway, which made him unaware Overwhelmed.

He knew that Wu Zhao and Tang Guan had spent the whole night alone in it, and he didn't dare to think about what happened, but he wasn't too worried about Wu Zhao's safety, but at this time it was morning time, even if it was canceled The order should have been handed down long ago.

For a while, Tieniu was in a dilemma, so he could only stop the officials for the time being. There were many people Tang Guan knew well in the crowd. People blocked the door.

The morning court is very important, every time the morning court is very powerful, hundreds of officials come to see the court, sometimes they don't see each other for a while in a month, it stands to reason that if there is a change, it should be notified earlier.

Just when Tieniu was at a loss, the door of the palace was suddenly opened, and everyone looked at it one after another. When they saw the person walking out, they couldn't help being stunned.

Some people almost exclaimed. The officials who could walk to the front of the hall were all high-ranking officials, but when they saw the man walking from the door, there was an instant clamor.

After a long time, Wu Chengsi pointed at Tang Guan with wide eyes and said, "Tang Tang"

As soon as he made a sound, everyone immediately came back to their senses. They all thought that they were hallucinating, but when they saw that their colleagues around them also looked the same, they immediately confirmed that the familiar man in front of them was not hallucinations!

"Tang Qubing!" Everyone exclaimed from the bottom of their hearts. Tieniu heaved a sigh of relief when he saw him come out, and was about to step forward to ask questions, when a rude voice broke in: "Brother, I'm so miserable that you lied to me." Wow!"

As soon as the words fell, a fat man walked out from there. It looked like he hadn't slept all night. It was Zhang Huanyi.

Tang Guan shook his head and smiled when he saw him, but didn't answer him for the time being. He was too busy to be happy and almost forgot about him. Immediately, Tang Guan glanced at his highness and ministers and cupped his hands and said, "Masters, it's been a long time. Qubing is here." Goodbye."

Everyone was still immersed in their respective surprises. At this time, the courtiers on the second stage had already walked up one after another. After seeing Tang Guan, they all showed strange expressions.

One of the handsome young men in scarlet robes couldn't help being stunned when he saw Tang Guan, and almost called out. He thought Tang Guan should be resting at home, but unexpectedly he appeared here.

"Everyone, there is an order from the Empress Dowager. We will discuss it in the future!"

Tang Guan had a panoramic view of everyone's expressions, but he was not in a hurry, he sent them away first, and he and Wu Zhao didn't say that they were happy and just finished.

Everyone was shocked when they heard the sound, and they were at a loss, but Tang Guan turned his head and muttered something to Zhang Huanyi. Zhang Huanyi looked at Tang Liang Jun in the crowd and nodded. Seeing this, Tang Guan went to the hall again. The door entered in front of the officials, and then closed with a bang.

Seeing this, the officials were in an uproar, some whispered, some didn't know why, and of course most of them were surprised.

But when they guarded for a while and glanced at the closed palace door, they turned their heads and walked back wave after wave after all. Of course, the discussion couldn't stop.

Tang Liangjun in the crowd stood silently for a while when he saw this, and then opened his brows. Tang Guan obviously went to see the Queen of Heaven, and he was able to make His Majesty even cancel the morning court, which is a good thing for Tang Liangjun. omen.

Immediately when Tang Liangjun was about to go back home with a smile on his face, a voice came from behind: "Brother Liang Jun."

Tang Liangjun frowned when he heard the sound, looked back and asked in doubt: "You are?"

Seeing Zhang Huanyi behind him at some point, he grinned and said, "My name is Zhang Huanyi. I was drinking at our house last night. I was tricked into this damn place by that bastard brother. He asked you to take me back!"

When Tang Liangjun heard the tone, his heart moved. It seemed that he woke up this morning and saw the group of "bandits" who were drunk in the lobby. Immediately, Tang Liangjun nodded silently, and then walked in front to lead the way without saying a word.

The sudden cancellation of the early court naturally caused quite a stir, just as the ministers left with their own intentions.

On the bed in the side hall of Hanyuan Hall, Tang Guan hugged Wu Zhao's delicate body without taking off his clothes, and lay on his side leaning against the wall in silence.

After a long time, Tang Guan glanced at Wu Zhao who hadn't woken up, and then slowly closed his eyes.

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