Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 341: Confused and Confused About Life and Death

Tang Guan was revived from the dead, and there was a great shock again. For a while, officials of all sizes in the capital made inquires, but at this moment, except for a few people with good hands and eyes, they couldn't find any clues.

Moreover, those who did not witness it heard their colleagues asking, only thinking that the other party was teasing themselves.

Whether this person is alive or dead, whether it is true or false, how he came back, and when he came back are all a mess. Only a few ministers such as Wu Chengsi showed off their supernatural powers to obtain some information. A message that doesn't seem very coherent.

However, it is said that in the false alarm of Yumenguan beacon smoke a few days ago, Zhang Yuanhui, the general of Shence, was hijacked, and there was no news, but just yesterday, a group of thugs broke into Chang'an, left Zhang Yuanhui and walked away. This group of people is as fast as a gust of wind, and moves like a raging fire, coming and going.

When receiving this news, the first thought of some people with brain leaks is that if this is not a dream, that Yuwen Malie must be Tang Guan!

However, this idea was rejected as soon as it came out. Tang Guan is a world-renowned talent, and the officials who have had a lot of contact with him still have no doubts about this. Bandits, this is nothing less than a fairy tale.

A few months ago, Zhang Yuanhui was ordered to search for Tang Guan. They still remember this incident vividly. At that time, they felt a sense of schadenfreude. Zhang Yuanhui found it.

In fact, not only Wu Zhao believed it, but most of the people believed it at the time. It was a great luck to find the body, and it was God's greatest forgiveness for this madman to not die.

But now that Tang Guan reappears, if this is really the true deity, then Zhang Yuanhui's life is likely to die. As expected, a lieutenant general surnamed Liu from the original Zhang Yuanhui's department was arrested by the imperial guards last night. The poor man has just been transferred to guard When he returned to Beijing, he was thrown into prison. [

The context of Beijing and China is intricate and complicated. If you don’t inquire about it for a day, it’s really amazing to find out. For a while, the high-level officials in Beijing and China sighed. They only hoped that Zhang Yuanhui or Tang Guan would come out and explain it.

Unfortunately, what they didn't know was that Zhang Yuanhui's little life was long over.

What they don't even know is that the madman whose life and death are confusing is currently sleeping with his arms around the empress whom they fear every day, in the Hanyuan Hall of the Daming Palace!

Just when the early court was blown away and officials of all sizes in the capital were secretly investigating, there was one person who was in a good mood and felt that the future was bright.

Even the news of Tang Guan's death, which he had always felt painful before and never dared to pass back home, became a wise choice made by Mr. Tang Liang secretly proud of himself. It is an indestructible rock. Everyone said that he died, so he Undead.

But Zhang Huanyi didn't recognize his life. After chatting with him carelessly for a while, he leaned on the carriage and called uncle. Tang Liangjun looked at this person and shook his head secretly. of.

Tang Liangjun was not in a hurry to take Zhang Huanyi back to the mansion, but changed his way to the market. It is said that people are in good spirits on happy occasions, buying a batch of good goods, and organizing a lively family banquet is the most appropriate thing now made.

Chang'an, in front of the Tang Mansion.

In the past, Tang Liangjun was not polite when replacing a newcomer with a full house, and directly hung a plaque to show the privatization of this place, so that many officials who had not been in Beijing for a long time made oolongs from time to time.

A carriage parked slowly, and two people came out of the carriage. A tall and strong man helped an old man out of the carriage. Their expressions showed that they were a little tired.

The old man sighed softly when he got out of the car. This is a sad place. Seeing the old man sighing, Tang Niu couldn't help but said, "Uncle Wang, it's good that the land is good, but if the semicolon is opened, I'm afraid the folks at home will leak the news." .”

Lao Wang Wenyin shook his head slightly, this paper does not cover fire, how long can we keep it a secret, the news of Tang Qubing's death is only spread among the nobles of the Communist Party of China and ordinary people in Chang'an, but the speed of news spread is always much faster than imagined .

I'm afraid Tang Weixi will find out about it sooner or later if Tang Liangjun doesn't need to hide it. At that time, troubles will inevitably happen again. Tang Weixi is old enough to have a son, just such a biological flesh and blood. He sent Lin Yuxun confidently at home, and Tang Niu came to Chang'an to find relatives, absolutely not Think of a white-haired person giving a black-haired person. [

Tang Guan died, and life continued. On the one hand, Tang Niu came here to take care of multiple people, and on the other hand, he was instructed by Tang Weixi to open a branch in Chang'an to expand the scope of influence. If Tang Guan wanted to be high and powerful, this small matter came at his fingertips.

It's a pity that things backfired. Thinking of this, the two had their own thoughts. After a long time, Tang Niu opened the door and walked into the courtyard with Lao Wang at a leisurely pace.

But as soon as they entered the hospital, they smelled an overwhelming smell of alcohol. Lao Wang couldn't help frowning, and looked at the hall with the open door, and couldn't help being stunned.

I saw a mess in the hall, a long table full of scraps and leftovers, the wine jars on the floor were crooked, and the most incredible thing was that there were more than a dozen people lying crookedly on the floor.

Only one person frowned as if he was flipping through something.

This group of complete strangers made Lao Wang stunned for a moment, and then became furious. Tang Guan's mourning hall was set aside, and this group of unknown people actually drank and had fun here!

It seemed that it had been going on for quite a while, and it was supposed to be a long night of drinking. Seeing this, Pharaoh walked into the hall angrily and shouted, "Bold!"

Wan Feng, who was flipping through the notes left by Tang Guan, suddenly stood up in shock from the sudden shout.

After seeing the person coming, he couldn't help but wonder: "Who are you?"

When Lao Wang saw that he asked such a question, he couldn't help laughing angrily: "I haven't asked who you are yet!?"

Hearing this, Wan Feng's eyes changed. The two people in front of him obviously regarded themselves as the masters. They arrived with Tang Guanchu and had never seen these two people last night. They must be Tang Guan's family.

Thinking of this, Wan Feng didn't dare to be negligent. He stretched out his hand to move away the person who was pressing on a man's back, and then called out: "Brother Chang, Brother Chang."

When Old Wang saw that Chang Ying was here, he looked like he was very drunk, and he couldn't help getting annoyed for a while, and seeing how vicious this group of people were, they seemed to be Chang Ying's friends!

"Chang Ying!" The old Wang stepped forward and drank again, Chang Ying woke up slowly, saw the old Wang's face in a daze, and murmured: "Uncle Wang, you are back."

"Chang Ying, these people are your friends!?" Old Wang asked patiently in anger.

Hearing this, Chang Ying got up and rubbed his head, looking at the mess in front of him, smiled bitterly and said, "Uncle Wang, you misunderstood, they are small children..."

Before Chang Ying finished speaking, there was a commotion in the courtyard, and only a curse was heard: "Third Wan, next time Eldest Brother will go to a better place, don't you fucking wake me up!"

As soon as the words fell, several people in the hall looked towards the courtyard, and it was impressive that Tang Liang Jun and Zhang Huanyi had returned to their residence.

At this time, Zhang Huanyi had been mistreated by Tang Guan, and complained as soon as he entered the door, Tang Liangju hurried forward after seeing Lao Wang and Tang Niu, and said, "Uncle Wang, brother Niulang, you are back."

Tang Niu, who had been silent all this time, frowned and glanced at the mess in the hall, and said, "Xiaoqi, what's going on? Your husband's body is not cold yet, why do you let people drink here!?"

Tang Liangjun shook his head and smiled when he heard the words, but after glancing at the two of them, he didn't know how to express it, so he just laughed and said: "A happy event, a great happy event, you will know it in a while." (To be continued.)

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