Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 343: All the Xixi in the world are for profit 1

Daming Palace, Wu Zhao's bedroom.

It is said that there is an end to the lingering death, this day and night of lingering, let Wu Zhao finally breathe a sigh of relief after returning to the palace to take a bath and change clothes, and Tang Guan finally left.

Resting on the couch, she couldn't tell what expression she had on her face, perhaps it was sweet, but perhaps she was a little struggling.

What is washed away is pain and fatigue, what cannot be washed away is the traces of the whole body.

At this moment, a small maid came into the palace tremblingly, and carefully served a bowl of steaming black soup. The maid, who was not very old, sniffed the oncoming bitterness, stepped forward and said respectfully: "Your Majesty, The empress's medicine is ready."

After all, the little maid lowered her head in fear, she didn't know what was in the bowl, she only knew that it was fried by Wu Zhao to the empress, but the empress was in the East Palace

"Put it down." Wu Zhao looked up at the little maid, and after a long time sighed softly, the little maid hurriedly put it on the lamp, then knelt down on the ground, waiting for orders.

Wu Zhao seemed a little tired, raised his head and closed his eyes and said, "Go down."

"Yes." Although the little maid was a little curious, she didn't dare to stay any longer, and retreated respectfully. [

After taking her away, Wu Zhao still closed his eyes and said nothing. After a long time, he sighed softly, and slowly opened his phoenix eyes, looking at the bowl of soup medicine, there was a struggle in his eyes.

I saw her jade hands slowly caressing her lower abdomen, until the soup was about to cool, she then picked up the bowl, and finally frowned and drank it down.

The bitterness in the mouth is unimaginable, but the bitter medicine poured into the mouth can't match the sweetness in the heart. The queen is bitter and sweet, and after the bowl is used up, there is a colic in her stomach.

This medicine has not been used for a few years since Li Zhibin's day, Wu Zhao lay down slowly, feeling the pain, someone to enjoy the love, and someone to taste the bitter fruit.

If it is true that there is a dark knot in the fetus, even if he ascends the throne and proclaims himself emperor, he will not be able to protect him.

Wu Zhao seemed to be regretting in pain, her eyebrows were furrowed tightly, and her ears were full of the trap of tenderness

Just as the queen was taking the medicine in the deep palace, a man outside the palace stood with his hands behind his back and looked at the undulating Miyagi with a sneer.

I saw the man in high spirits, as if he was proud of the spring breeze. He waited and watched for a while with the cold winter wind and then retracted his eyes.

Looking at the tiger talisman in his hand, Tang Guan sneered. He still got what he wanted. Although this tiger talisman had not been reported and did not have much authority to dispatch troops, it was able to travel freely within the empire, which was enough .

He wants to cast a big net, so that he can make a big difference with a small one. No matter how much Wu Zhao pampers him, there will be times when she is old and weak, and then he will still follow in the footsteps of the Zhang brothers.

But it was obvious that Tang Guan was not them. Looking at the tiger talisman in his hand, Tang Guan's eyes kept flickering. Now that he and Wu Zhao had become one, if someone took her life, it was his own.

The so-called injustice is based on the distinction between strong and weak, and the so-called politics is based on violence.

Everyone knows Tang Guan's thoughts, but his goal is obvious. From the beginning, to now, the dogma he believes in has always been a sickle and axe.

Suddenly, Tang Guan laughed out loud, the laughter was terrifying and chilling.

After laughing, he turned around and disappeared into the cold wind. [

The man whose goal is to live a better life seems to have no ambitions, and even the emperor who cuts love and love is not in his eyes, but when he thinks about it, it will make people shudder.

What is to live better?

Who is it to compare with?

In fact, if a person wants to live a better life, the goal itself has already reached its limit!

Chang'an, Tang Mansion.

Shangguan Wan'er walked out of the room, silently looking at the busy crowd of people in the Tang Mansion who were festooned with lanterns and festoons, smoke from the kitchen, and the Tang Mansion, which had been deserted for so many days, became lively again.

A white-clothed scholar was also pulled together by Wan Feng and the others to chat and laugh, and there was an eye-catching figure who smiled sweetly.

Looking at the beautiful figure, Shangguan Wan'er couldn't help but snorted in her heart, and then she looked away, only to see an old man standing there full of expectation at the door, as if waiting for something.

Seeing this person, Shangguan Wan'er couldn't help walking forward and said: "Uncle Wang."

Lao Wang heard the voice behind him, turned his head and said, "Little lady."

After all, Old Wang turned his eyes back to the corner. Today, everyone in the Tang family confirmed Tang Guan's message, but this made him doubtful. After waiting for a long time, he did not see Tang Guan back.

"Uncle, it's getting cold, Mr. Lang will be back, go inside and wait."

Shangguan Wan'er made a sound at this time, Old Wang Wenyin sighed softly, he and Shangguan Wan'er were barely familiar, this little lady is not bad-hearted, but

Thinking of this, the old Wang glanced back at Lin Yuxun who was stroking the flowers and plants in the courtyard without any trace. After living for most of his life, he envied Tang Guan's beauty and happiness, but also felt a little sigh for his children and grandchildren. Three wives and four concubines are nothing. But after all, there is a distinction between wives and concubines. If the news is true and Tang Guan really came back, they will be under the same roof from now on, and they want to come to Yongning Day.

Immediately, Lao Wang glanced at the sky, nodded slightly, turned back to the hall without saying a word.

For a while, everyone in the Tang residence waited for a long time, but Tang Guan did not return.

In a blink of an eye, it was night again, Mr. Tang Liang set up two banquet tables, one table was occupied by members of the Tang family, there were only Shangguan Wan'er, Lin Yuxun, Tang Niu, Chang Ying, He Qijue, Lao Wang and Tang Liangjun.

The other table was set up for Wan Feng and the others. After everyone sat down, the scene was rather awkward. Tang Niu and Lao Wang were still secretly worried, while Lin Yuxun and Shangguan Wan'er were sitting opposite each other. It was impossible to tell what they were thinking. They are deliberately looking at each other.

Tang Liangjun wanted to speak out several times to adjust the atmosphere, but was covered by the laughter of Wan Feng and others, and he simply fell silent after arriving.

"Master is back!"

At this moment, a young servant hurried in with a happy expression on his face. Everyone stopped when they heard the sound, and looked into the courtyard one after another, only to see a man in black walking slowly with his hands behind his back.

When the man saw this big family, he couldn't help but froze in place for a moment, it was Tang Guan who had been romantic in the palace all day and night.

Before he could react, two people immediately got up and left the house.


"Young Lord!"

Two completely different calls of surprise brought Tang Guan back to his senses in an instant, and he saw Pharaoh and Tang Niu looking up and down excitedly at Tang Guan.

"Uncle Wang."

Tang Guan first glanced at Old Wang, then at Tang Niu and said in surprise, "Brother Cowherd."

"It's good to be back, it's good to be back." The old Wang watched Tang Guan grow up, even though the fool before was not him who borrowed the soul, but to the old Wang, the Tang family was already a relative of the younger generation, and he felt very sad.

Seeing this, Tang Guan shook his head and smiled, but Tang Niu didn't dare to admit it. He grinned and said, "Young Lord has grown taller, even taller than me."

"Haha!" Tang Guan smiled when he heard the words, and then brought the two of them into the house. When Wan Feng and the others saw him coming back, they immediately silenced and subconsciously stood up one after another.

Tang Guan nodded slightly to him, and then sat down again, and Lin Yuxun and Shangguan Wan'er also looked over during the banquet, Tang Guan had just returned home and was gone, and he didn't know where he was going again, the two daughters were inevitably a little confused. Bad luck.

Shangguan Wan'er was already jealous, so she glanced angrily and then looked away, but Lin Yuxun looked at Tang Guan with a half-smile.

Seeing this scene, Tang Guan shook his head secretly in his heart. Mr. Tang Liang had a heart, but he still had some matters to deal with, and he was going to disappoint his good intentions.

Immediately, Tang Guan remained silent, sat down and chatted with Tang Niu Lao Wang to comfort him for a while, and then offered Lin Yuxun and Shangguan Wan'er secretly courtesies for a while, then stopped talking and ate a few bites casually.

It was normal at first, Tang Guan just briefly introduced Wan Feng and the others, and chatted about some family matters, but then fell silent. Shangguan Wan'er saw her and frowned, she knew that Tang Guan must be absent-minded again.

Moreover, Tang Guan's behavior was a bit weird. Although he flirted with each other from time to time, he deliberately kept a distance, as if he didn't want people to smell his breath.

The two daughters only said that Tang Guan was busy returning to Beijing, but they didn't take it seriously. Coupled with mutual exclusion, they became more silent.

After a long time, Tang Guan suddenly put down the bowl and chopsticks, and muttered something to Tang Liang Jun in a low voice. Tang Liang Jun looked surprised, but finally nodded.

Tang Guan just smiled and said: "You eat first, I have something to do."

Everyone frowned when they heard the sound, they didn't know what happened to Tang Guan, but Tang Guan had already walked to Wan Feng's table, there was a family banquet over there, no wine was prepared, but here the food and drink was complete.

Everyone fell silent when they saw him coming, Tang Guan drank a glass of wine and said, "Come with me."

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at each other, then stood up silently, and walked away with Tang Guan.

During the banquet, Shangguan Wan'er frowned when she saw this, and spat in her heart: "This person doesn't even care about his family." Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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