Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 344: The world is bustling for profit 2

"Huh." Tang Guan led Wan Feng and others into the room, blew out the extra lamp, and then lit another lamp on the table, and everyone gathered around.

Tang Guan glanced around first, then suddenly said, "Where's the third child?"

Wan Feng replied, "Still asleep."

Tang Guan shook his head and smiled as soon as these words came out, and then said seriously: "Have you seen everything?"

Everyone was stunned when they heard the sound, only Wan Feng's eyelids twitched, and he moved his hand to his bosom unobtrusively, this small movement did not hide from Tang Guan's eyes, Tang Guan immediately smiled and said: "Brother Wan Er, I know you are prudent." , but you are too careful."

Hearing this, Wan Feng blushed, and took out the things in his arms. It was the list and notes written by Tang Guan. In fact, he didn't have any wrong intentions, but this thing is not trivial. Brother, but some people are not very reliable like Zhang Huanyi, because they are afraid that someone will accidentally say something.

That's why he wanted to see it for himself before showing it to others. Everyone didn't care about it, and they all laughed. These people knew everything, but seeing Tang Guan's seriousness, they all became serious.

After Tang Guan glanced at the document, he said, "Put it away first."

After that, Tang Guan put on a smile and asked: "How is it? Are you used to living here?" [

Hearing this, everyone cheered up. Although they had only been here for a day, they immediately laughed and responded to the enjoyment of such delicious food and drink.

Wan Feng said, "Brother, it seems that we will have to call you Master Hou in the future, haha."

"Heh, it doesn't matter if it's Master Hou or not, but since the big guys are willing to follow me, then I can't treat my brothers badly."

"It's good, it's good. It would be even better if the eldest brother can ask for a wife. The handsome appearance of the two sisters-in-law makes me feel uncomfortable every day."

"Old Jiu! What nonsense are you talking about!?"

Wan Feng was startled when he heard the words, and immediately yelled, they said these words together as dirty jokes, but they dared to stop them from saying it in front of Tang Guan.

Seeing this, Lao Jiu hurriedly kept quiet, knowing that he had said something wrong, but fortunately Tang Guan didn't seem to be angry, but smiled at him.

It is true that Shangguan Wan'er and Lin Yuxun are Tang Guan's inverse scales, but it depends on who touches the inverse scales. These people are not so rough in the first place, and the banditry is also because of themselves.

They are not only Tang Guan's robes, but also loyal dead soldiers. No one can understand the special feelings between this group of people. When faced with dozens of times of siege, they can stand back to back among fearful men. Iron blood is moving.

Immediately, Tang Guan scolded with a smile: "Old Ninth, you idiot, I said that you and Lao San can be called Qilu Yin Demon together, will you accept it or not?"

"Convince, I will obey whatever elder brother says." Lao Jiu scratched his head with a wry smile, and everyone couldn't help laughing.

Seeing this, Tang Guan pretended to be ferocious and said: "If my backyard catches fire one day and the girls run away, you will be the first one to find me!"

"Don't tell me, how dare I!" Seeing this, Lao Jiu waved his hands hurriedly, with a bitter expression on his face, and the atmosphere immediately eased. Tang Guan also smiled along with everyone before saying seriously: "This comfortable life is good, but it's just I'm afraid it won't be long."

"Brother, who messed with you?" Wan Feng's heart moved when he saw this, he was a sensible person, it seemed that Tang Guan had something to say.

Tang Guan shook his head and smiled when he heard the words, tapped his fingers on the table lightly, and finally stopped talking after a long time: "My brother is going to have a fortune here, do it well, girls, there is a big snowflake silver, I'm afraid that brothers will be timid and can't do it .”[

"Haha." Everyone thought Tang Guan was going to say something, and after a long time, they laughed out loud again. They came all the way, walked all the way, and ran for their lives all the way, killing officials, robbing the emperor's food, and robbing the court. It is enough to bring out a single case and die a hundred times. If there is really something they dare not do at this time, they must have nothing but a wave of the banner to rebel.

Everyone immediately laughed together, Tang Guan looked at the crowd and laughed along with them, but his sudden words made them turn pale with astonishment.

"Do you dare to rebel!?" Tang Guan's voice was suddenly mixed with laughter. As soon as the voice fell, there was a sudden clamor. Only Tang Guan looked at them with a smile.

Wan Feng couldn't help but turn pale when he heard this. Just now he was thinking that there was nothing he dared to do except rebellion, but Tang Guan actually said rebellion!

They had already confirmed Tang Guan's identity without any adulteration. He was indeed the famous number one scholar Lang Tang Qubing. No, it might not be long before people in the world would change their name to the champion Hou Tang Qubing.

He wants to rebel! ?Whose rebellion?

Wasn't he rebelling against himself?

For a while, everyone looked at Tang Guan with weird expressions, but Tang Guan put away his smile inch by inch, and after a long time, he stood up with his hands behind his back and smiled again: "Are you scared?"

Hearing Tang Guan's question, Wan Feng and the others' eyes sharpened. These words sounded scary, but when they thought about it, they had nothing to be afraid of when they arrived in this field.

Immediately Wan Feng said: "Brother, I'll find you a dragon robe right now!"

"Haha!" Tang Guan laughed loudly when he heard the words, he was brave enough, indeed he was brave enough, but then Tang Guan laughed at himself: "Hey, rebellion?"

After finishing speaking, there was a bang, and a bronze talisman was thrown on the table by Tang Guan. When everyone heard the sound, they all frowned and looked over, but they didn't know what it was.

At this time Tang Guan said: "The emperor is a bitch, she's so tight, it's meaningless to create such a showy rebellion, we have to create our own rebellion."

Hearing this, everyone looked away and heaved a sigh of relief at the same time. If it was a real rebellion, they would have the guts, but the chances of this were extremely slim.

Fortunately, Tang Guan was only joking, at this time Tang Guan said again: "The thing on the table is called a tiger charm, and there are not many pieces in the world."

"Tiger Talisman!?" Wan Feng's eyes lit up when he heard the words, he looked at the Tiger Talisman on the table and swallowed secretly.

"With it, you can go in and out of various checkpoints at will, and everyone who sees it is like seeing a general."

"Brother, what a treasure! Why didn't you take out this thing earlier when you have it, so we don't have to work so hard to come back."

"Oh, if I had this thing long ago, I wouldn't have met you guys." Tang Guan smiled, sat down again, looked at the tiger talisman on the table, and said after a long time: "What is six hundred miles west of Yumen Pass?" Do you know the place?"

Everyone was stunned when they heard the sound, Wan Feng frowned and said, "West Turkic territory?"

"Yes, our women and money are all here." Tang Guan nodded inwardly when he heard this. Wan Feng's character is sharp but also capable and stable, and he really has the ability to stand on his own.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was puzzled, and Wan Feng was also a little confused. The Turkic people have not obeyed the control in recent years. It is because of these wars that people's families are ruined and they are single.

Thinking about it, everyone couldn't help gnashing their teeth, saying that they didn't hate that would be a lie, but their temperament has changed a lot along the way, they are no longer what they used to be, there are no innocent people in the war, and how few people have they killed themselves?

Tang Guan remained silent for a while, and after a while, he put the tiger talisman in front of Wan Feng's eyes and said, "It's still the same sentence, brothers, whoever wants to go, just go, and those who want to try, stay."

Obviously, Tang Guan's words are a little redundant now, and everyone was moved as soon as the words fell, and Tang Guan said after seeing this: "Okay, since that's the case, come here with your ears."

Everyone heard the sound and listened to it. They gathered around under the oil lamp and listened to Tang Guan's muttering. At first, everyone frowned, but later they became more and more surprised. Wan Feng was flattered and wanted to get up.

It wasn't until the outer moon hung on the branch that Tang Guan silenced his voice. Everyone looked at each other, but Tang Guan looked at Wan Feng and said, "Brother Wan Er, you"

Before he finished speaking, Wan Feng silently put the tiger talisman into his arms, and interrupted: "Brother, you don't need to say anything."

Seeing this, Tang Guan nodded secretly, and everyone no longer hesitated after seeing this scene. They looked at each other and said in unison: "I will follow Lord Hou to the death!"

"Okay, if the matter is successful, the benefits of the brothers are indispensable. If the matter fails, I, Tang Qubing, will never leave any of you behind!"

After finishing speaking, Tang Guan looked at Wan Feng again and said, "Second Brother Wan, I will go look for you when everything is settled in Chang'an."

Wan Feng was silent when he heard the words, nodded slightly after a long time, and led everyone out of the room.

For a moment, Tang Guan was the only one left in the room. He saw Tang Guan sitting on the table, as if staring at the light, but his eyes were quietly looking at the back of Wan Feng and others leaving, as if he was thinking. To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to (this site) to subscribe and reward. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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