Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 362: Please enter the urn banquet Zhou Xing

Seeing that Tang Guan seemed to have a visitor, Shangguan Wan'er cast a peevish glance at him, then turned and left.

After seeing this, Tang Guan smiled and followed the maid to the gate.

Unknowingly, after all this squabbling, the sun has already set.

But at this time, there is a man in ordinary clothes standing outside the mansion. At first glance, this man looks kindly and kindly, but at second glance, he is obviously full of thoughts.

If one were to ask Zhou Xing, who is known as "Grandma Niu Tau", how he felt when he was suddenly invited to a banquet by Tang Guan, then he really couldn't answer. Seeing Zhou Xing standing outside the mansion, he felt that every moment felt like a year.

Tang Qubing's life and death are complicated and confusing, but this time he returned to Beijing but did not enter the court. What is even more confusing is that Wu Zhao neither rectified his name nor reinstated him, and just hung there half dead, which made people very upset.

If it is said that there is such a person in the court, and he cannot be seen in person, if he is removed from his name and his influence is ignored, Tang Liangjun will hang there so as not to die.

Although Chang'an is large, it is actually a place the size of a palm to the officials of the capital. If the situation of the people in the court is not clear, this official will really not be able to do it.

So when Zhou Xing received Tang Guan's invitation to go to the mansion, his first reaction was to say that he was sick, but after thinking about it, he didn't seem to have anything to say sorry to Lord Tang. It's coming, and it's a worthwhile trip to know the news of this person.

Just when Zhou Xing was hesitating, the door was suddenly opened, and someone greeted him: "Oh, Mr. Zhou, it's been a long time!"

Hearing this voice, Zhou Xing hurriedly raised his head, and saw the somewhat unfamiliar tall man at a glance, but after careful debate, he still said with some uncertainty: "Master Tang?"

"Haha! Zhou Xianggong. Say goodbye to me, why don't you know the student?"

As soon as the words came out.Zhou Xing's heart skipped a beat, Tang Guan was indeed still alive.And it doesn't look like the frail scholar back then!

Immediately, Zhou Xing pretended to be pleasantly surprised and said, "Master Tang! I want to spoil my minister!"

"Haha, please hurry up, Mr. Zhou." Tang Guan smiled when he heard the words, and immediately took Zhou Xing into the hospital affectionately, and said as he walked, "Mr. Zhou, please."

Seeing Tang Guan's enthusiasm, Zhou Xing couldn't help being suspicious. This person returned to Beijing and lived in seclusion. Could it be that the general trend is over?Leave the waiting name empty, is this trying to win over yourself?

There was no time to think about it in a hurry.The two of them entered the room and took their seats, tea was served to the left and right, Zhou Xing accepted the tea with a smile and looked at Tang Guan, he has come all the time, let's see what the champion can say.

Unexpectedly, Tang Guan opened his mouth with some common greetings.

"Don't blame my husband for being abrupt this time, it's really a great fortune for the student to have you here."

"Your Majesty is serious. Hearing that you have returned to Beijing, this old man wept with joy. However, he was so busy with business that he couldn't come to visit."

"Haha, that's not true. Thanks to the care of my lord back then. Qu Bing also relied on his lord's blessings to escape this time."

Hearing these words, Zhou Xing was terrified.This is not pretending, how did he come back.He is still a fan until now, so he hurriedly said: "Master Hou, don't say that. You are so old."

After that, Zhou Xing's heart moved, and he pretended to be heavy and said: "That Zhang Yuanhui falsely spread the news of the death of Lord Hou, and deceived the public with his gossip. The old man is also confused, and he actually believed this bureaucrat! Hey, fortunately, Lord Hou, you are uniquely blessed to turn danger into good fortune. It's really me Chao Daxin!"

Tang Guan agreed after hearing the words: "Mr. Xiang is serious, Qu Bing's little life can be saved, all relying on the blessings of His Majesty and Mr. Xiang."

Seeing this, Zhou Xing was tangled up in his heart. Tang Guan came here without any leaks. He wanted to insinuate Zhang Yuanhui's news, but Tang Guan only exchanged greetings with him.

When one plan failed, another plan was made, and immediately Zhou Xing pretended to be distressed and said: "Master Hou, you have suffered a lot when you come back this time?"

"Hey, it's a long story, let's talk about these sad things slowly."

Hearing this, Zhou Xing could only laugh and agree, and after a short while, the two of them drank their cups of tea, and then Tang Guan said: "Mr. Zhou, there are not many students and friends. I haven't returned to the court for a long time. If you don't care about me, a half-use Even less, the students are very grateful for your face."

"En?" Zhou Xing's heart moved when he heard the words, and Tang Guan's tone seemed to be a little bit lost. There are still many people in the court who are afraid of this person, and Zhou Xing himself has lingering fears about what happened back then.

But fear is fear, he behaved strangely when he came back this time, he neither showed his face nor returned to court, and the one in the palace didn't mention him at all, if it wasn't for Tang Liang Jun, the so-called champion It seems to have disappeared in the court.

"Is it true that Your Majesty is no longer favoring this person?" Zhou Xing thought to himself for a while, none of these signs indicated that Tang Guan had really fallen out of favor.

One must know that after a long time, the truth that one's feelings must be weak is still common. Gu Qi Wuzhao's enthusiasm has passed. This person disappeared for so long. When he comes back this time, he might be kicked out by Wuzhao?

For a while Zhou Xing was thinking again and again, it's hard to say who didn't feel good about the weasel's New Year greetings to the fox.

Tang Guan had a panoramic view of his expression. Although he didn't show anything on his face, Tang Guan could already predict that as long as he continued to live in seclusion and not return to his official position, some people would definitely guess that he must be "cast into the cold palace".

But this is exactly the effect he wants to receive. This effect is good for himself and Wu Zhao. One is that there are so many less gossips, and the other is that it is easier to do the deceitful thing.

However, this kind of effect does not need to be deliberately created, ambiguity is the best.

"Papa." Immediately, Tang Guan slapped his hands, and then said with a smile: "Mr. Zhou, I haven't seen you for a long time. How about a drink tonight to relieve this worry?"

Zhou Xing naturally did not object when he heard the words, and he was still secretly guessing whether Tang Guan really wanted something from him. If he really wanted something, then he would not be a problem from now on, and even Tang Liangjun might not be able to jump for a long time. .

After a while, the servants had a banquet, and the two sat opposite each other, toasted and smiled at each other.

Then Tang Guan pretended to be low profile and said: "Students are embarrassed when they first return, so they can't entertain my husband with rare treasures. Forgive me for these simple meals."

Hearing this, although Zhou Xing was calm on the face, he was secretly happy in his heart. Tang Qubing was worth a fortune, and sometimes he claimed to be embarrassed. It seemed that something really happened.

If this news gets out, there are not a few people who are fond of throwing stones into a well. Once Tang Guan's deep water dries up, he will immediately block the spring to prevent it from resurging.

Zhou Xing kept his expression on the table at first, depending on which set Tang Guan held, he used some at will. The two chatted continuously, and what they said was just trivial matters.

But Tang Guan's posture became lower and lower, and Zhou Xing felt a little relieved. He was a first-class cruel official. I was a little humbled, I just felt that this person was nothing more than that.

Later, Tang Guan stood up and poured wine for Zhou Xing himself, Zhou Xing felt more refreshed.

Seeing it, Tang Guan sneered in his heart, sat down and said with an apologetic smile: "Mr. Zhou, the student heard that Yushitai filled the vacancies. I don't know what the teacher thinks of the students?"

"Oh? You want to come to Yushitai to work?"

"Heh, the students are less talented. I have seen the teacher's methods back then, and I am very envious. I want to experience it."

Zhou Xing was already a little happy, and even faintly forgot the deep-seated fear. The so-called eating a pit and gaining wisdom, Tang Guan's insane methods back then could scare him at that time, but Zhou Xing was not a vegetarian either. , His cruelty has also grown significantly.

This extra time was praised again, and he even forgot to say: "If you want to come, it's not impossible, but Lord Hou has to condescend to start as a supervisor."

"Hey." Tang Guan almost laughed out loud when he heard the words, but fortunately he endured it, Zhou Xing's head was really kicked by a donkey, and he was asked to be a seventh-rank official like a marquis.

At this point, Tang Guan had almost finished singing when he saw the play, he just wanted to confirm the courtiers' opinion on it. (To be continued..)

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