Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 363: Invite King to Enter the Urn Banquet Zhou Xing

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After Tang Guan got up to pour wine for Zhou Xing, he saw that he was three-point drunk and six-point oblivious, he sat down and said with a smile: "Zhou Yushi, I heard that you used thunderbolt and thunderbolt to investigate the rebels who slipped through the net. I don't know what you used. A kind of heavenly punishment?"

Hearing this, Zhou Xing couldn't help feeling complacent. In his eyes, Tang Guan and him were of the same kind. Since they were of the same kind, they had to be compared. Back then, his skills were inferior to others, but now they are very different.

Besides, he always thought that Tang Guan was negligent in investigating the Xue family, but he found clues by himself. Thinking of this, Zhou Xing drank a glass of wine and sneered as if deliberately frightening Tang Guan: "Hey, Lord Hou, what is this?" You don’t know, have you heard the allusion of Wuhu and Ren?”

"Oh? I would like to hear the details." Tang Guan remained calm when he heard the words, Zhou Xing put down his wine glass and laughed twice, and then said: "These five beards and people, burn a big old man, wait until the boiling water boils, and force the female relatives first Entering the Weng, the man saw it, and then blamed him to climb in, tsk tsk, once this person entered the Weng, his body was withered, and his voice was like knocking the bone out of the marrow, haha!"

After saying that, Zhou Xing looked at Tang Guan proudly, expecting to see the man's horrified expression, but Tang Guan actually smiled and said, "Good trick."

As soon as the words fell, Tang Guan stood up and said: "Come on, go to the kitchen and fetch Weng!"

"Master Hou, what are you!?" Zhou Xing was startled when he heard the words, half of his drunkenness disappeared in an instant, and he stood up abruptly, only to hear Tang Guan sneer: "Master Zhou, are you full?"

"You...what do you want to do?" Zhou Xing realized something was wrong and pointed at Tang Guan with one hand.With a chill down his spine, Tang Guan looked at this man in horror.Negative hand said: "Someone has reported to me that you are treason."

Upon hearing this, Zhou Xing was struck by lightning.Before he could react, there was a muffled bang outside the door, and a big old man was actually set up. Everything seemed to be arranged in advance, only a group of servants were carrying buckets to pour water, add firewood and light the fire.

Zhou Xing was stunned for a moment, and the old man was already on fire, and he came back to his senses, and shouted: "Tang Qubing! You spew blood!"

Say it.He wanted to run away, but he never thought that he had no enmity with Tang Guansu, and he wanted to get rid of himself!

But as soon as he turned around, he felt a shock in his body, and then his feet left the ground, only to see Tang Guan's big hand grabbing his shoulder, lifting it like a chicken.

Zhou Xing was terrified at once, but Tang Guan carried him slowly to the old man in the courtyard, looking at the rapidly heating up boiling water.He smiled and said, "Resident Zhou, please go in by yourself."

After all, Zhou Xing was put on the ground, and Zhou Xing fell to the ground wearily.While the boiling water in Weng Zhong was gurgling and bubbling, only the crackling of firewood could be heard.

"Master Hou! I have absolutely no intention of treason in this humble minister! Please learn from Master Hou!"

Zhou Xing woke up suddenly when he was at a loss what to do. He had a fart of treasonous intentions, and Tang Guan dared to do this for no reason.It must have given the meaning of that woman, thinking of this.Zhou Xing hurriedly hugged Tang Guan's thigh and begged for mercy.

"Zhou Yushi, it's a pity that there are no female family members of your mansion here. Would you like me to invite you here?"

Tang Guan looked at Zhou Xing at his feet with a half-smile, and suddenly made a sound.

After finishing speaking, Tang Guan laughed loudly: "Hahahahahaha!"

Zhou Xing's pupils dilated when he heard the creepy laughter, this Tang Qubing hasn't changed at all!Still so ruthless!Still so insane!

But he guessed a bit wrong, Tang Guan's behavior did not give anyone's intention, it was purely his own lawlessness, but because of this, no one would have thought that Tang Guan would dare to set up a lynching and force the court to kill the official.

Seeing that begging for mercy failed, Zhou Xing tried to escape, rolling and crawling. Tang Guan seemed to enjoy this almost perverted behavior very much. Looking at Zhou Xing who was struggling to escape on the ground, he suddenly moved, and when he fell, he stepped on Zhou Xing's back hard. superior.

Poor Zhou Xing was old, who was Tang Guan's opponent, when he stepped on him, he immediately screamed and couldn't move.

In fairness, Tang Guan wants to kill anyone right now. The problem is that even if Wu Zhao wants to kill, there must be an unreasonable reason. Although Tang Guan resembled Su Daji in spirit, he didn't want to be that fox demon that would harm the country.

Zhou Xing under his feet is undoubtedly a good tool to realize the great cause of "unnecessary" murder, and also a good dog to realize the common goal of Tang Guan and Wu Zhao. When Tang Guan and Wu Zhao are combined into one, this Wu Zhou is destined to be There will be two emperors.

And the reason why the emperor cultivated cruel officials was all because of this. The worse the reputation of the cruel officials and the more false accusations they made, the more useful they would be.

It has to be said that Wu Zhao played a very cool role. After ascending the throne, he beat all the good dogs to death, and the people clapped their hands and cheered: "The emperor knows how to turn back when he lost his way, so he killed Yun Yun Yun."

And this is why Tang Guan regretted killing Lai Junchen, a mad dog like Lai Junchen. A mad dog like Lai Junchen who even dared to ignore who his master wanted to bite was more able to compare Tang Guan and Wu Zhao's "bitch wants a torii". You are the one who framed others, and you are the one who spoke to me. I just "mistakenly believed" your slander.

Tang Guan looked at Zhou Xing under his feet and smiled without saying a word. Zhou Xing begged for mercy again while struggling hard, but Tang Guan ignored it. After a long time, he slowly let go of his feet and said: "Zhou Yushi, don't blame the students for being cruel when you arrive in Huangquan. , but the emperor's order is hard to break."

"Marquis Tang! This humble minister has absolutely no resentment! There must be a false accusation!"

As soon as Zhou Xing was relieved, he immediately turned over, his face was full of panic, he only thought that Wu Zhao wanted to kill him, but after thinking about it, he felt that something was wrong. It is impossible for Wu Zhao to get rid of him immediately at this moment. Isn't that a slap in the face?

Seeing that Tang Guan seemed to be the real imperial order, but he still hesitated, Zhou Xing seized the opportunity and continued: "Master Tang! There must be a traitor who falsely accused this humble minister!"

Seeing this, Tang Guan narrowed his eyes, leaned over and said, "Then according to what you say, Zhang Guangfu, old Zhang Ge is a traitor?"

"Zhang Guangfu!?" Zhou Xing was taken aback when he heard the words, and then suddenly realized that something was wrong. Why did this bring out Zhang Guangfu again?

But after being stunned for a moment, Zhou Xing suddenly realized something, and said indiscriminately: "Yes, Zhang Guangfu is a traitor! He is the one who wants to rebel! Frame the humble minister!"

"Heh, hahahaha!" Tang Guan pulled Zhou Xing up with a big laugh when he heard the words, and patted the dust for him, before he said in a strange way: "This matter is also strange to Xiaohou, so since he framed you, what should Zhou Xing do?" How to do it?"

Zhou Xing's eyes froze when he heard the words, but when he glanced at the boiling cauldron, he hurriedly said: "This man is a traitor! I will definitely read him a book! Thank you, Lord Hou, for your insight!"

"Xianggong was frightened, and Xiaohou will definitely report it to His Majesty."

"Yes, what Lord Hou said is true! That Zhang Guangfu lied to everyone! He really deserves to be hacked to pieces!"

"My minister will definitely help Lord Hou get rid of this serious trouble!"

"Huh!?" Tang Guan frowned when he heard the words, Zhou Xing hurriedly changed his words when he saw this, "I will definitely help the people get rid of this great harm!"

"Haha! No!" Tang Guan finally had a satisfied smile on his face when he heard the words, Zhou Xing immediately cupped his hands and said, "Farewell...Farewell..."

After finishing speaking, Zhou Xing slowly backed up to the gate before hurriedly turning around and leaving quickly.

Tang Guan looked at his receding back, then at the big man in the courtyard, and his smile gradually faded away. (To be continued..)

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