Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 365: Gather minions before Yumen Pass

One month later, Yumen Pass.

When the black wings dispersed Yun Juan Yun Shu, the man looked up and saw a black spot hovering up and down high in the sky.

"Drive." The man clamped his legs, and the horse galloped out in pain. At this moment, he heard screams from behind the horse, and saw the man dragging a person alive.

The man was disheveled and uttered strange words, and the clothes on his body were in tatters due to violent friction. Only those who knew the feudal kingdom could tell at a glance that he should be a Tibetan.

The man was dragged and slid on the sandy ground, screaming miserably, but immediately the man ignored him and continued to rush forward, while the black dot in the sky turned sharply down and became bigger and bigger.

When the speed blurred the appearance, like a streamer cutting on the rope, the man felt the horse's back lighten, and immediately changed the reins, and the horse's head turned around.

Looking back, I saw such a horrific scene. The Tubo man was motionless, but the monster that stopped on him scratched his head with one claw, and then pecked it down with his beak, as if he was sucking food. brain.

It seems to be an eagle, but it can't scream, and it looks like a falcon, but its feather color is not like a falcon, so let's call it a monster for now.

And the man on the horse seems to be feeding this monster, using a living person to feed a beast, whether it is a reckless disregard for human life, of course it is.

The name of this reckless man was Tang Guan. The man who was eaten by the monster was a falconer. , but he felt that it was not enough, so he fed the whole family to the monster in front of him.

He let the eagle boiler witness his relatives being buried in the raptor, and then clapped his hands.

Do others have the heart to see it?Could not bear.

Did others find it disgusting?nausea.

But has anyone seen it?No.

For Tang Qubing, this is not the first one.It won't be the last either.

So Tang Guan looked at the bird of prey with joy, it was not a monster.He called it Haidongqing, which was not called by people in the world.The beast only exists in the Shan Hai Jing, it shouldn't appear here, and it shouldn't grow up like this.

This sea dongqing, born in northern Tibet, is more ferocious than its relatives far away in Liaodong, because it has no natural enemies, it can't sing, but it flies higher than an eagle, silently swoops, and then Its enemies are torn apart.It is dark and chilling, but more lonely than its kind. It spreads its wings and tears its benefactor to pieces.

Tang Guan sat on the horse and looked at it with interest, but Hai Dongqing suddenly stopped, turned his head and stared at Tang Guan coldly, as if to make sure if the man was still breathing.

If Tang Guan falls, it will grab the man's head without hesitation, and then fly high.

And Tang Guan also looked at the strange species in this beast with great affection.It is selfish, indifferent, repays kindness, and will hurt anyone who gives it the slightest favor.

Just because it angers and hates.It is more annoying to benevolence, it doesn't need it, its instinct to destroy the benefactor is more urgent than the instinct to kill the enemy.Even stronger.

But the man in front of him is so powerful, several times stronger than the enemies who were pecked to death by it and used indiscriminate means to imprison it.Even let it have the illusion that it seems that it is not those two-legged sheep, but the countless scourges it has fought against.

Tang Guan looked at this set of selfishness.The greedy, cold-blooded, and twisted Haidongqing became more and more excited. He finally found it, and with it, he was more like a human being.

This beast that would kill him at any time made Tang Guan so excited that he couldn't help it. It tried to attack him more than once, and he saved it, but he tried every means to erase it.

And this is the real beast!The beast of the beast!

Perhaps it was this inexplicable consolation that was twisted to the extreme, which made Tang Guan fall in love with it. The reason why it followed Tang Guan was to hope to kill Tang Guan one day, and the reason why Tang Guan fed it was because he wanted to prove that he was still a human being. .

Did others see it as ridiculous?ridiculous.

Did others feel chilled when they saw it?chilling.

But has anyone seen it?This time it did.

"Brother!" A call came from not far away, and more than a dozen horsemen attacked amidst the dust.

The sea dongqing took a deep look at Tang Guan for the last time, and spread its wings back to the sky. Tang Guan looked far away, but he was not worried about his animal friend walking away.

He knew it would follow him until the day he killed him.

When the dozen or so riders approached and saw the horrific corpse of the eagle burner on the ground, they didn't show any expressions, but got off their horses one after another.

There is no one else in this business, and it is Wan Feng and his group who came here in advance under Tang Guan's order.

Tang Guan saw them smiling, and his "minions" came.

"Brother, you are here, and you want to kill me!"

Zhang Huanyi saw Tang Guan approaching him as usual, Tang Guan smiled and said, "Third brother, where did you come from?"

I saw Zhang Huanyi bare chested and showing his breasts, he is fat and big, this exposure is even more funny, the style is definitely not from the Central Plains, it looks like a small waistcoat, but he doesn't know what kind of clothing it is.

Zhang Huanyi was embarrassed when he heard the words, but Wan Feng and the others showed strange smiles, only to hear Zhang Huanyi, who wanted to go up to make out, said in embarrassment: "It's a long story, I'll change clothes later and give them to you." explain."

Tang Guan shook his head and smiled when he saw this, he was a stupid person, funny and reassuring, at least compared to Wan Feng, he was more reassuring.

Tang Guan looked at Wan Feng with a smile, without saying anything, Wan Feng hurriedly said seriously when he saw this, "Brother, you have figured out everything you ordered."

Tang Guan nodded slightly when he heard the words, and was about to say a few words to everyone, but Wan Feng frowned and said, "But we ran into a group of strange people a few days ago."

"Weird?" Tang Guan narrowed his eyes when he heard the words, and Wan Feng said after a long time as if he was trying to remember: "This group of people are tightly wrapped up in the hot weather, they can't see clearly, and their voices are also very strange, they don't look like Turks. , not from Tubo.”

"Oh?" Tang Guan became interested when he heard the words, Wan Feng recalled it for a moment, and said, "By the way, what imam did they call that person?"

"Imam?" Tang Guan narrowed his eyes when he heard this, and he knew who Wan Feng and the others were seeing.

"Don't worry about them, let's go out first." Tang Guan put his hands behind his back and pondered for a moment, then shook his head and smiled.

The Western Turks and the Eastern Turks originally had the same origin, but later there were fundamental changes in their beliefs. The Eastern Turks led by Ashina Huan still adhered to various customs of the Turkic Khanate, while the Western Turks were rapidly Islamizing.

This is undoubtedly a challenge to the shamanism believed by Ashina Huan, which explains why when he was in his prime, he was the first to attack and conquer his compatriots.

Naturally, the one that dominates all of this is the infinitely expanding Dashi, which is thousands of miles away. For this powerful civilization, Tang Guan doesn't need to make any plans yet.

At this time, it is an axis world. There are two axis countries in the world. One is the amazing Wu Zhou regime ruled by the empress, and the other is equally powerful, even in some respects compared to Hejiu. Must be divided, divided for a long time must be combined with the curse of the more advanced Dashi of the Han civilization.

Unified and powerful beliefs have created Dashi, a country that can compete with the Han civilization that has been leading for thousands of years in feudal history. From a macro perspective, it is no less than Datang in terms of technology, culture, and economy.

But for the current Tang Guan, none of this has anything to do with him. Ashina Huan, a miracle in the history of war, is enough for anyone to drink a pot.

Turning on the horse, Tang Guan led the crowd away, but Zhang Huanyi noticed the strange shape in the sky with sharp eyes, and couldn't help laughing: "Brother, there are birds in the sky following us one by one!"

Everyone heard the sound and looked, there was indeed a black spot hovering up and down, Tang Guan smiled when he saw it, the beasts hurt people but cherished their minions, there is no doubt that Tang Guan's minions are these life and death brothers.

The role of minions is naturally to tear the prey apart! (To be continued..)

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