Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 366: Wilderness Stack Ghost Scissors

(I broke my promise again. I can only do three shifts today, and I will make up for it in the next two days. Forgive me, I really don’t want to add water.)

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Yumen Pass, the Hulu River goes west for fifty miles.

This place is still in the category of commercial roads, but it has been separated from the jurisdiction of Anxi Duhufu and avoids the jurisdiction of Dao Yizhou, which is what we often call the "Silk Road". Going deeper, it is the territory of Western Turks.

At this time, the Western Turks were different from Ashina Huan, who lived in Mobei and played hooligans. They did not rely on natural dangers, and did not seek favorable geographical conditions. A small part of their area had even had trade contacts with the deadly enemy of the Eastern Roman Empire, and even went deep again and again. It can be seen that there are certain historical reasons for their subsequent defeat and retreat to Europe.

"Woo." Tang Guan raised his hand to rein in the horse, and looked at the lonely building standing in the yellow sand. There was only this inn for rest in a radius of tens of miles.

Seeing Tang Guan stop, Wan Feng stepped forward lightly and said, "Brother, the wind is about to blow."

"Hmm." Tang Guan retracted his eyes when he heard the words, but then he looked around subconsciously. He was very curious about how these inns built in such remote places replenished supplies, but when he walked along the way he came and looked around Finally, my heart was relieved, this place is not far outside the Great Wall.

Just when Tang Guan wanted to ride his horse closer, Zhang Huanyi suddenly said, "Brother, can we change places?"

Tang Guan stopped when he heard the words, and looked at Zhang Huanyi with great interest. Seeing this, Wan Feng frowned and said, "Don't mess around! It's going to be windy soon!"

"Oh? Then tell me why you want to change it?" Tang Guan was not in a hurry, but asked with a smile.Zhang Huanyi heard the words but fell silent. At this moment, someone seemed to have thought of something.He smiled and said, "Third brother, don't you remember that?"

Hearing this, Zhang Huanyi immediately raised his head and said, "You're talking nonsense."

Seeing this scene, Tang Guan turned his attention to Wan Feng.Wan Feng shook his head in a daze, and then Zhang Huanyi said, "Brother, this place is a bit so."

"What?" Tang Guan couldn't help smiling when he heard the words, Zhang Huanyi scratched his head when he saw this and said, "Oh, it's that, what should I say, it's evil!"

"Evil door?" Tang Guan narrowed his eyes when he heard this word, and then said with a smile: "Oh? Then tell me. Why is it evil?"

Zhang Huanyi muttered a few words softly when he heard the words, but he spoke. Seeing this, Tang Guan turned his eyes to the inn again. Everyone in his group had at least a dozen lives in their hands. He didn't know how to kill people without blinking an eye and make Zhang Huanyi talk about evil things. Naturally, there is a reason for his evil ways.

But this person is an idiot, Wan Feng and others seem to have been here.But there was no vision, so they couldn't take it all seriously, immediately Tang Guan shook his head and smiled, and led the crowd slowly towards the gate of the inn.

Seeing this, Zhang Huanyi could only reluctantly follow behind.It seems that he is also not very sure about some things he has seen before, or maybe he can't keep his face from showing fear.

After a while, the crowd moved from far to near, Lin Qi jumped off his horse and knocked on the door.After a while, the courtyard door was slowly opened, but it was a middle-aged man in his 40s who opened the door.After seeing the people outside the door, he frowned and said, "I'm sorry. The shop is closed today."

Wan Feng frowned when he heard that, jumped off the horse and stepped forward, "Uncle, it's me, I lived with you a few days ago."

The middle-aged man looked Wan Feng up and down when he heard the words, and then seemed to remember something, and suddenly said: "It's you, your goods are running so fast?"

"Yeah, good luck, it's selling fast, uncle, it's going to be windy outside, why don't you let us go after tonight?"

Seeing that the other party knew him, Wan Feng immediately hit the iron while the iron was hot. The wind in the desert was terrible, and the wind could kill people. The whole group of him was the living dead crawling out of the deep desert, so he naturally knew how severe it was here.

The middle-aged man hesitated when he heard the words, and took another look at the crowd. When he saw Tang Guan, he paused for a moment, then moved away immediately, and finally nodded: "Okay, but there is no stock in the store recently. Not much to entertain you."

"Oh, it doesn't matter, we have our own dry food and a place to live." Wan Feng became happy when he heard this, and hurriedly said, the middle-aged man nodded when he saw this, and opened the door.

Tang Guan sat on the horse and watched this scene silently, but he didn't see any clues. It's not a peak season at this time. You must know that businessmen from all over the world who take the Silk Road always come and go in groups, and the time is stuck. It is as accurate as wild geese in the sky returning to the north and migrating to the south.

Since it is not the peak season, it is not strange that the supply is not sufficient. Immediately, everyone got off their horses and subconsciously protected Tang Guan in the middle. When passing by the middle-aged man, he couldn't help but look at Tang Guan again. A new face.

The middle-aged man led the crowd into the courtyard, and only then did Tang Guan get a glimpse of the whole place. He saw that this place occupies a rather large area, with houses and stables on the left and right, and a deep well built in the courtyard. It is a two-story pavilion.

Tang Guan glanced at it, and taking advantage of the opportunity of Wan Feng and others to take the reins from him and go to the horses, he gently turned aside the deep well beside him, only to see that the well was unfathomably deep, presumably even if there was water, it must be drained. first half day.

However, digging a well with water in the desert is time-consuming and labor-intensive, and it is considered good to be able to dig out water. Tang Guan stood by the well with his hands behind his back, waiting for everyone to settle down, and then started towards the pavilion together. Walking, the middle-aged man walked in front and pushed the door open, and everyone walked in one after another.

Only then did Tang Guan scan around again. This place is no different from the Central Plains Post House Inn. There are also tables, chairs and benches on this floor, but after a short look, it is clean and tidy, not as bad as imagined.

Just when Tang Guan looked away and was about to speak, suddenly a group of figures burst out from the corner.

"Sharpen the scissors! Grind the scissors! Grind the scissors! Grind the scissors!"

"Quickly sharpen your scissors!"

"Brother! It's her!"

The sudden change surprised everyone. Zhang Huanyi subconsciously hid behind Tang Guan when he heard the voice. Tang Guan was also startled, and only recovered after a while.

I saw an old woman with disheveled hair in front of everyone, and the old woman shouted: "Sharpen the scissors! Grind the scissors! Grind the scissors!"

The voice was sharp and hoarse, and the middle-aged man hurried forward and pulled the old woman back, and shouted to everyone: "My mother-in-law has gone crazy again, I will send her back first, the rooms upstairs are all empty, you can choose by yourself! "

After the middle-aged man finished speaking, he dragged the old woman away. Tang Guan and the others stood there for a long time before recovering. Tang Guan frowned and asked Wan Feng, "Who is this person?"

Wan Feng shook his head in astonishment when he heard the words, he seemed to have never seen this person before, and had no impression of him at all.

"Third you said is actually true?"

At this time, the old nine who had teased Zhang Huanyi before stuttered. It turned out that when Zhang Huanyi told him about this, he thought Zhang Huanyi was having some kind of nightmare. He didn't expect that there really was an old woman sharpening scissors!

Only then did Zhang Huanyi say: "I've already said it, you don't believe me, the last time I saw this crazy woman, I was so scared that I almost retracted my urine."

"Oh." Tang Guan shook his head and smiled when he heard the words. There are so many crazy people in the world, but this is indeed a little scary, especially the old woman's words are even more confusing.

"Don't talk about it, eat some dry food, take a rest, and go on the road tomorrow." After pondering for a moment, Tang Guan didn't think too much about it.

Hearing Tang Guan's words, everyone calmed down. This really surprised them, but it wasn't enough to scare them. Immediately, several people sat down one after another and took out dry food from the package to share.

Tang Guan subconsciously tapped the table with his fingers in silence, his eyes wandering in every corner of the inn.

"Brother, here it is." Wan Feng handed the dry food to Tang Guan, Tang Guan reached out to take it, hugged him with a smile, and began to eat in silence. (To be continued..)

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