Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 369: Taking Chestnuts from the Fire and Frosting the Snow 1

In the north of Yizhou, there are nine surnames of Zhaowu. The so-called nine surnames are Kang, An, Cao, Shi, Mi, He, Huoxun, Wudi, and Shi. They are all under the control of the Tang Empire, and even though they are divided into nine, they are all small countries as big as sesame seeds, but they control most of the silk trade roads, and they can be called the largest frontier base of foreign trade in the Tang Dynasty, with most of the import and export volume. They are all businessmen and traders here, and their wealth is no less than that of Yuhang, the former residence of Tang Guan.

However, Tang Guan's trip was not aimed at their ideas, but his goal was their good neighbor, Western Turks, who was engaged in religious construction.

The night was as cold as water, more than a dozen riders scattered here and there was silence, the day and night raids did not make this group look so tired, the leader reined in his horse and frowned after looking left and right.

"Brother, it's here." Wan Feng was taken aback when he saw no movement around him, but immediately stepped forward to explain. Tang Guan shook his head slightly when he heard the words. Wan Feng has always acted decisively but cautiously. Just found out, it turned out that his group of targets dragged on.

Wan Feng scanned around for a while, calculated the time, there should be some movement here, and immediately Wan Feng said: "Brother, do you want to wait a little longer?"

Hearing the words, Tang Guan stared in silence for a while, then said, "Go ahead."

After all, Tang Guan clamped lightly, the horse galloped out, and everyone followed closely after seeing it

And just when Tang Guan and the others disappeared into the night and the place returned to silence, another group of people rushed to take control. This time the number was large, several times more than Tang Guan and his party, just like a small stock. However, if you take a closer look at these people's scattered formation, they are different from the cavalry that Wan Feng and others subconsciously form to fight at any time, and they are dressed in different styles.

As soon as Tang Guan left, the members of the Tang Sect followed behind, and the two sides missed each other. [

The leader was Hall Master Linghu, he looked around and frowned like Tang Guan did before, and after a while he got off his horse and saw horseshoe marks on the Gobi, so he couldn't help but stepped forward to check.

Hall Master Linghu twitched his eyelids looking at the traces in front of him, and said, "Someone just passed by here."

Everyone was shocked when they heard the sound, and someone said: "Are we late!?"

Only then did Hall Master Linghu shake his head and said: "No, judging from where they are going, it is probably a caravan rushing for goods."

Only then did everyone heave a sigh of relief, this time the plan was well planned, if they were late, they would laugh their ass off, and immediately someone stepped forward and asked: "Master Linghu, should we continue to move forward, or should we lie in ambush here?"

Hall Master Linghu pondered for a moment when he heard the words, and looked around on the ground. He saw a Shalong nearby and couldn't help but his eyes lit up. He immediately made a completely different decision from Tang Guan, and said: "Ambush, it's not far away."

Everyone here seems to be looking forward to him. Hearing the order to act immediately, they all hid themselves. The name of this person is Linghu Chu, and he is one of the few figures in the Tang Sect, except for the head of the sect and the blind fortune-teller King Su Yan who was killed by Tang Guan. , with his highest prestige.

For a while, the place returned to silence, and only the members of the Tang Sect hiding in the dark pointed the terrifying hidden weapon that Tang Guan dubbed the "Sui and Tang machine gun" on the road.

Fifteen miles away, on the clearing, there was a strange team of horses parked here, forming a small camp, with bonfires burning everywhere, and some people fell asleep beside the fire.

At first glance, I thought it was just a passing caravan. Then I saw that although these people were not wearing armor, they were all wearing bows and knives. There were still many cages in the camp. Perhaps it was because there were not enough cages, and some of them were wearing bracelets. The handcuffed person slept outside the cage.

It turned out that this was a Western Turkic prisoner escort team,

Not far away in the dark, there were more than a dozen people lurking here. Tang Guan looked at the camp with a strange expression on his face. I didn't expect that they couldn't even be conservative.

Compared with the East Turks led by Ashina Huan, it is inconceivable that the Western Turks are inferior in terms of combat effectiveness and execution ability. Tang Guan has no doubt that if Ashina Huan is forced to relocate, the time when Europe will be swept away is estimated to be several times earlier. ten years.

However, compared with the increasingly weak Han Chinese, they are undoubtedly extremely fierce. It is ridiculous to say that the recent rise of a "mercenary" force in the DPRK and China is proving this point. The so-called mercenaries are also the so-called Hu generals.

About this force, I need to say a lot, but I can know more about it by mentioning the names of a few later figures. One is named Gao Xianzhi, and the other is named An Lushan. [

Of course, these are all overtones, and I will mention it later. I still don't know what Tang Guan and his party who are hiding in the dark want to do. I only know that since they are here, they have something they want to get.

I saw a group of people lurking here quietly, Wan Feng waved his hands lightly, a few people quietly bent their bows and set arrows, and a few people drew out the long knives around their waists with a voice.

But Tang Guan remained unmoved, watching the scene of the camp quietly, until he saw that there were only three patrolling people left, and the rest were snoring, Tang Guan said in a deep voice: "Do it!"

"Hoo!" As soon as the voice fell, a feathered arrow shot out, seeing blood sealing the throat, hitting a person's throat, the person fell to the ground before he could speak.

Seeing this, the two people around were about to make a sound, but the same two arrows came one after another, and immediately the other two fell to the ground, and the group in the dark got up when they saw this, and the sound was very close.

These people's footsteps are as light as treading snow marks, and people in the world can do it if they use their energy and strength, but they need more than a few tricks to achieve the level of Wan Feng and others.

Of course, this is not to say that people like Wan Feng who are half-way monks are better than Jianghu masters, but stealth itself is a kind of skill, and all of this is naturally due to Cheng Huaibi's "good teaching".

I saw a massacre right in front of my eyes, and the speed of the movements made people dazzled, but it was not summed up in two movements, cover your mouth and wipe the knife.

There were probably four or five people in Yihuo, half of them were slaughtered quietly in a short while, and the killing continued, and the sleeping Turkic people did not notice the approach of death at all.

Until their necks were cold, their respective lives ended. Even the prisoners did not notice the existence of Tang Guan and others. The bonfire crackled, blood flowed silently, and corpses fell one by one.

Tang Guan sat quietly on top of a corpse, with his back to Wan Feng and the others who were killing, and stretched out his hands to borrow the fire for warmth, as if everything had nothing to do with him, and he wasn't the one who killed him, was it? (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come (this site) to subscribe and reward. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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