Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 370: Taking Chestnuts from the Fire and Frosting the Snow 2

The hot sand diluted the blood, and Tang Guanan sat quietly on the corpse. Within a moment, there was no movement at all, as if it was about to end.

When the flames were getting weaker, Tang Guan withdrew his hand, and it seemed to be warmer. At this moment, Wan Feng's voice came from behind: "Brother."

"They're all dead?" Tang Guan laughed lightly upon hearing the sound, and Wan Feng responded, "They're all dead."

At this time, a prisoner woke up faintly, saw the scene in front of him in a daze, opened his eyes wide in an instant and made a sound of surprise, and suddenly the prison cars in the camp made noises.

A middle-aged man with disheveled hair in a prison car was overjoyed when he found Tang Guan and others, but when he was about to speak out, he frowned and fell silent.

Tang Guan was unmoved by this, and Wan Feng and the others were not in a hurry when they saw this, they searched everywhere. A moment later, a pile of scimitars and two boxes of copper coins landed beside Tang Guan with a bang.

Only then did Tang Guan nodded silently. Everyone looked at each other and walked towards the prison wagon with their knives. There were only a dozen or so prison wagons, and each wagon carried two or three people. Wan Feng and the others raised their sabers and slashed without even looking.

This action caused a lot of shock, but as soon as they closed their eyes, they only heard a crisp sound, and felt their bodies lighten again. It turned out that the chains on their bodies broke in response.

When they opened their eyes and saw a piece of cake in front of them, Wan Feng said coldly: "Take it, run for your life."

Although Wan Feng's voice was cold, he seemed very anxious. He was afraid that the man who was sitting on top of the corpse to keep warm would suddenly change his mind.

The old and weak women and children were stunned when they heard the words, and then hurriedly picked up the cakes and ran for their lives. The young and strong people in the cage were overjoyed to see this scene, and some even shouted: "Strong man, save me!"

Even the disheveled middle-aged man couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief. Although this group of people were not the ones he was waiting for and their origins were unknown, judging by their light-hearted actions and the behavior of releasing the captives, they should be decent people in the world.

But when these young people called for help, Wan Feng and others slowly moved the prison car towards Tang Guan.

When they saw Tang Guan, who was sitting on top of the corpse and adding firewood to the bonfire from time to time, they couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and then got a little creepy. Although it was just a side face, they could see the sharp edges and corners of the young man in front of them. Looking at these The people holding the knives were full of evil spirits, and the mood that had just been active began to feel uneasy again.

Most of these people are border residents, and there are even a few people with the nine surnames of Zhaowu in the remotest prison car, with blue and green eyes.

"This strong man, are you from the Tang Dynasty? Help us!"

After seeing the faces of Tang Guan and others, a group of Han captives felt a little relieved. It was obvious that Tang Guan and others had all the characteristics that Han people should have.

Tang Guan was silent when he heard the sound, and finally said after a long time: "Let's let it all go."

"Bang." As soon as the words fell, Wan Feng and the others slashed down again, but this time they didn't cut open.

Zhang Huanyi couldn't help scolding: "What a fucking stinky lock."

After hearing the sound, Wan Feng glanced at Tang Guan, and bent down calmly to pick up a new handful, but Tang Guan suddenly said, "Brother Wan Er, no more."

After finishing speaking, Tang Guan stood up, walked towards the prison car with his hands behind his back, then stretched out his hand and pulled it silently, "Crack!" The chain broke in response, and the people in the cage couldn't help being dumbfounded, even Wan Feng and others who were very familiar with Tang Guan Also eyes slightly sunken.

A prison cart was opened, and Tang Guan moved towards the prison cart where the middle-aged man was. When he saw Tang Guan's actions, the middle-aged man couldn't help shrinking his pupils, took a deep breath and said, "This man is so big. hand strength."

After all this was done, Tang Guan returned to his "throne". The night outside the Great Wall was always so cold, it was so cold that when people left the fire, they would tremble all over. [

The thinly dressed captives trembled and stepped out of the prison car in a daze. They didn't know whether these people were here to save people or wanted to do something else.

Just when they were in a daze, Wan Feng took another bag from Zhang Huanyi's hand, which contained some biscuits, and then threw these biscuits one by one in front of these people, and was overjoyed again when they realized it , It seemed that they were going to let them go, and they subconsciously stretched out their hands one by one, expecting Wan Feng and others to cut off the bracelets and anklets for them.

Never thought that Tang Guan would say at this moment: "These brothers have suffered a lot along the way."

Everyone was stunned when they heard the sound, and looked at Tang Guan blankly. Seeing the answer, Tang Guan said again: "Are you all from the Tang Dynasty?"

Hearing this, a more courageous person saw that he would not let himself wait for others to leave if he saw that he would not answer, so he immediately braved up and said: "My lord, we are all people who are suffering, and our wives and children are still alive." You are suffering, you old man has great powers, save people to the end."

As soon as he finished speaking, Wan Feng picked up a machete on the ground and slashed it straight down. The chain broke in response to his breath. Tang Guan didn't even look at them, and concentrated on adding firewood to the campfire: "There are wives and children!" Get your name on the newspaper, take the cake yourself, and let's all live in peace."

Hearing this, the man immediately thanked him with gratitude, leaned over to pick up the biscuit, turned around happily and left, but before he had gone far, a black spot fell straight down in the sky, it was already in the darkness of night, everyone Before he could see what it was, the man fell to the ground with a bang. Fortunately, he took a closer look and saw that the cake in his hand was taken away, but the man seemed to be overly frightened and fled in a hurry.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Huanyi laughed and scolded without knowing it: "All the beasts in the sky bully honest people."

After everyone heard the sound, they couldn't help thinking to themselves: "No one cares about the birds in the sky, that man is really unlucky, but the loss of the cake is not a big deal, but the loss of the life is a big deal, so the birds come two or three." , but you will die!"

Then he glanced at Tang Guan, who only left them with a side profile, and then said: "It seems that this guy is not an unreasonable strongman, but even if the cake is not lost, it is still a matter of whether he can get out."

Only the middle-aged man glanced at the sky thoughtfully.

Although there are not a few people who think this way, it is really not suitable to stay here for a long time, regardless of whether they have a family or not. Even if someone stood up and claimed that they had a family, Tang Guan didn't care and let them go one by one. The middle-aged man Seeing this scene, the frown was slowly loosened again.

There were not many people here, only a dozen or so strong men, and now there are only five or six people present. Besides the middle-aged people, there are also a few young and strong people who are silent. Some of them seem to be To be honest, I really don't have a family, some seem to be really bold, I want to hear what this mysterious person wants to say, but the middle-aged man has not left, obviously he is also very curious about Tang Guan and others The origin of the story, relying on the daring of a skilled artist, wanted to find out the truth.

The most anxious thing is the few barbarians over there. They don't understand Chinese. It was originally a caravan with men, women and children.

When they saw those captives leaving one by one, they could only worry, hoping that these Han people would let them go.

When there were only a few people left, the bonfire was already a little scalded by Tang Guan's firewood, but Tang Guan was very close, as if only in this way could he feel warm.

The few remaining people couldn't help but retreated a few steps. The temperature was unbearable. At this moment, Wan Feng suddenly stepped forward and thrust a long knife in front of these people who hadn't left.

These people were startled again when they saw this, they took two steps back secretly, looking at the pancakes and long knife in front of them at a loss, the middle-aged man was also heartbroken, he couldn't figure out what Tang Guan was going to do.

At this moment, Tang Guan said: "If you want to escape, I will give you one last chance to pick up a cake. If you want to make a fortune, follow me. In the future, if you have mine, you will have it."

After finishing speaking, Tang Guan suddenly kicked the cash box to the side of several people.

"Good guy, this is recruiting." Seeing this scene, the middle-aged man instantly understood. It's really strange that he met a group of strong men who appeared out of nowhere and recruited in this way.

He, Wu Jinfeng, has been wandering around the rivers and lakes for many years, and he has never seen such a new way.

Sure enough, the other four people also froze when they saw this. Two of them stared at the cash box and swallowed secretly, one of them looked at the corpse on the ground, and the other frowned, as if he wanted to say something. .

Wan Feng had a panoramic view of the expressions of several people. The two Wan Feng who were looking at the money secretly shook his head and immediately skipped it. The one had something to say, but Wan Feng skipped it directly. To the one looking at the corpse.

But when he saw the disheveled middle-aged man, Wan Feng couldn't help but frown, but he knew that Tang Guan didn't speak, so he didn't have a place to speak. Wan Feng was the most mature among these people, and the one with the most up-and-down concept.

He not only made Tang Guan feel at ease, and gave full authority over everything, but he also made Tang Guan wary from time to time. This kind of person really shouldn't be subordinated to others, but Tang Guan never showed anything, because it's nothing to be vigilant about life and death brothers. Meaning, if one day one of the [-] members of the team abandons him, even if Tang Guan has the ability to take back this disobedient piece, Tang Guan will admit that he has lost the game.

After a while, the man who had been hesitant to speak finally spoke, and said, "Your Majesty, I'm a bachelor, but I want to go home and farm."

Tang Guan smiled when he heard the words, and finally gave everyone a positive face, looked at him and said, "Do you still have land at home?"

Hearing the sound, the man was at a loss, finally shook his head and said, "I don't know."

Tang Guan shook his head and smiled when he heard the words, looked back and said: "It will be there soon, give him all the bag of biscuits, and be careful when you get home, so you don't get caught again."

The man heard Yin Hanhan smiled, picked up the sack and left, and disappeared into the night in a blink of an eye.

Seeing this scene, the middle-aged man was completely at ease. Although this group of people acted strangely, this young man who seemed to be the leader of the place acted upright and did not force anything, but he did not notice that Tang Guan had been ignoring it all the time. That group of Gu Jiu surnamed people.

Thinking of this, Wu Jinfeng wanted to lean over to grab the pancakes, but at this moment the two people who had been staring at the cash box finally said: "My lord, we want to follow you!" (To be continued. If you like this This work, you are welcome to come to (this site) to subscribe, give rewards, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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