Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 371: Hatred, Revolution, War

Bonfire, yellow sand.

The yellow sand is connected to the bonfire, and the bonfire is connected to the yellow sand.

Fire blows into the air.

Man leans by the fire.

Tang Guan ignored the two men who drew their swords, but Wu Jinfeng stopped.

"How many people can be recruited in this way?"

He looked at the young man by the campfire and shook his head secretly.

After a long time, Tang Guan spoke out, and said concisely: "Kill those barbarians."

Wu Jinfeng's heart sank when he heard this: "Touchstone?"

"He let so many people go, surely he won't kill again."

Wu Jinfeng turned his attention to the group of people with nine surnames who were full of confusion. They looked nervously at the group of Han people with knives, subconsciously covering up something.

"I don't know how to use a knife." The hands of the two holding the knife trembled.

"Hold tight, it will be used."

The flames weakened, and half of Tang Guan's side face was illuminated by the flames. The two swallowed after hearing the sound, looked at the cash box in front of them, and finally walked forward with their knives in hand.

There were three barbarians over there, a man, a woman and an old man. When they saw two men with knives walking towards them, they all became vigilant. The man wanted to go forward and try to communicate, but who knew that after the two men looked at each other, they turned around. Suddenly rushed forward, several people were shocked when they saw this, they rushed forward with some strength, and after a while, they fell the two men with knives to the ground.

This time, they turned against the guests, and the two men were shocked. Fortunately, the barbarians stopped, and the two hurriedly scrambled and tried to escape, but on the way, Wan Feng suddenly moved.

Withdrawing the knife and cutting the knife in one go, the two of them fell down. Wu Jinfeng's pupils shrank when he saw this scene, and his thinking became completely confused. What exactly did they want to do.

Trying his best to restrain his shock, Wu Jinfeng knew that it was not suitable to stay here for a long time, and was about to leave here, ignoring other people's business, Wan Feng moved again, and this time it was those barbarians who fell down.

But Wan Feng raised the knife that was about to fall, but suddenly stopped, and at the same time, a heart-piercing cry sounded: "Abba, Ama!"

"Abba! Aunt!"

A child, a child who looked about four or five years old appeared under Wan Feng's knife, Wu Jinfeng finally couldn't bear it anymore, and shouted violently: "Stop!"

"This young man, next to Wu Jinfeng, if you are from the rivers and lakes, can you sell to the next one?"

"Bang!" Before he finished speaking, the person flew out backwards. Even though he had quick eyesight and quick hands, he barely resisted it, but the huge force that hit him was deeply burned in his chest, like an overwhelming river.

"Pfft!" Wu Jinfeng spat out a mouthful of blood, fell to the ground and kicked twice, opened his eyes, and died. [

Without too much prelude, Tang Guan made a move, stood where he was before and slowly retracted his hand, with an expression on his face: "Noisy."

After all, Tang Guan looked at Wan Feng who held his knife and fixed it in place, and didn't say anything.

At this time, the only remaining young man finally drew his knife and said, "I'll do it with you."

Tang Guan heard the sound and looked at him. This person didn't say a word from the beginning to the end, and he didn't look at a place he shouldn't look at. This is exactly the person Tang Guan was looking for on this trip.

Among the dozen or so people, there was only one person like this, who was calm, angry, aware of current affairs, and his hand holding the knife did not tremble.

Tang Guan finally smiled and asked, "Then what do you want?"

After hearing the words, the man glanced at the corpse on the ground again, then raised his head and said, "I want revenge."

"Who will report to?"


"Oh? How did you know that I would kill Turkic people?"

"Because you are Han Chinese."

"Haha, then if I tell you to kill the Han people, will you kill them or not?"

The man fell silent when he heard the words, and then said with certainty in his eyes: "Kill! As long as you can help me avenge!"

"Okay, then you kill her now." Tang Guan pointed at the child under Wan Feng's knife with one hand. , but it is even more noticeable that Tang Guan treats Wan Feng differently.

Tang Guan never forced them to do anything, especially to Wan Feng. After a long time, the man finally stepped forward.

Wan Feng took the knife back with a sigh, the child was still crying on top of his parents' corpses, he couldn't let go, Tang Guan quietly looked at Wan Feng with his hands behind his back, even though this person had committed a thousand serious crimes, he still couldn't achieve immortality His heart softened.

But the so-called, so what if he is soft-hearted, the damned will die after all, and the damned will die after all, I saw Wan Feng was a little lost, his back turned to the man with the knife, and he walked slowly in front of Tang Guan, and then plunged the long knife in his hand into the sand. He even knelt down on one knee.

It was as if he was explaining to Tang Guansheng why he disobeyed orders, and Tang Guan was also moved when he saw this. The 18 people had become one from the moment they forcibly broke through the Yumen Pass. They were his minions, his hands and feet. If you don't listen to your orders, you can only blame yourself.

A moment later, there was a heart-piercing scream from behind, and Wan Feng slowly closed his eyes.

The child was still dead, and the man crawled back with an inexplicable expression on his face, his face was covered with blood.

Tang Guan and others watched him coldly. Once upon a time, Tang Guan imagined that if there were a thousand or ten thousand Ma Lie, what a powerful enemy team it would be.

Obviously Tang Guan couldn't find so many brave Ma Lie, but he was able to find a thousand, 1 Yuwen Ma Lie, and this man in front of him was one of them. They had a unified name "Avenger".

War gives birth to hatred, and hatred blinds the mind, making the already brave people more courageous, and making the already calm people calmer, but under this strange bravery and calmness, there is a deadly and easily seen through control hidden. defect.

So Tang Guan needs such a group of marionettes, and also needs such a deformed enemy army. Unlike the national hero team that has dominated history for a while, this team has the same or even weirder combat power, but they will become invaders. Not the Self-Defense Forces.

This set of theories was verified and practiced by several madmen in later generations, and they all failed one by one. One was named Hitler. His failure was not in the theory, but in the war itself. The other was named Che Guevara. His failure was not in the war, but in the theory.

Now there is another one, this person is named Tang Guan, who was thousands of years earlier than these people, and made this terrible experiment in this cold weapon era.

The good news is that this man cannot easily incite the hatred of a nation like the madman in later generations, because the empire at this time is powerful and glorious.

The sad thing is that this cold weapon empire has been fighting continuously for years, and his humanity is not enough to protect every citizen. Numerous social conflicts and hate groups have become Tang Guan's war capital.

No one is willing to tell whether the Tang Empire was born a giant or a demon. When time verifies a person's right and wrong, then the person himself has no faults, and the only thing that can be questioned is time itself. .

After all, the curtain came to an end here, and there was nothing left. Tang Guan and the others were gone, leaving only a bonfire that flickered on and off. (To be continued.)

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