Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 372: Coming to the world in the name of the father 1

Chenfeng awakened Gobi, Linghu Chu walked on the mess, and seeing the corpse of his old junior brother Wu Jinfeng, Linghu Chu, who was a leader in the school, showed the posture he should have.

He only heard him say concisely: "Check, check until it is clear."

A black spot hovering in the sky saw this scene, but it is a pity that it does not know how to sing, otherwise it would definitely chirp twice proudly, and then flap its wings and fly high.

When the disaster strikes, people think that the gods are angry, and they will use all their strength to satisfy the illusory, but when the gods are satisfied, they find that the disaster is still going on, so they have to turn to sacrifice to the devil who can't.

And the devil lived up to everyone's expectations. It came far faster than the glorious and majestic gods, even faster than disasters.

Three days later, the forward battalion of the Tang Army.

Zhang Yuan, the guard of the vanguard battalion, read the printed letter in his hand carefully, not daring to breathe. He didn't know who the two young men standing in front of him were, he only knew who the person who wrote the letter was. [

And what he understood better was that when he finished reading, all he could do was nod his head in agreement.

So he finished reading, so he nodded, and the two left.

Six days later, above the Gobi.

When Wan Feng's knife cut the neck of the last man, another human knelt down at the devil's feet and made a wish to him, so the devil generously promised, and the human got a dream knife.

Twelve days later, by the campfire.

When Zhang Huanyi finished blowing the last sentence to the newcomers, Lin Qi, who was going to sell the stolen goods with the nine surnames, rode over and threw the two boxes on the ground. Even Wan Feng swallowed and spit on his face.

Several newcomers showed excited expressions on their faces, but they dared not ask for it. Fortunately, the devil was still generous and gave them everything they wanted to pursue in their lives.

Twenty days later, a small tribe of Western Turks.

When the people of this remote and warring small tribe wake up in the morning, there is a father who is about to be a father and is full of happiness rubbing his wife's belly. A little life that is about to be born is very important for a small tribe. It was a happy event, and some old couples were thinking about where to go to herd sheep and cattle today, and whether they should find a good wife for their children.

Of course, there are also nobles who are discussing whether to buy more captives from the chiefs of the big tribes. The east side needs to be repaired, and the south side needs to be repaired. From time to time, they also plan to invite a "big god" Imam to speak for everyone. Talk about things you haven't understood yet.

But all the tranquility was broken by a fire, and people rushed to tell the story, but the fire became more and more intense, and the soldiers discovered that there was an enemy attack, but unfortunately their last glance was their own body.

The horn sounded, a rain of arrows hit, and a group of men in black rode in. They moved in unison, just like those Han peasants who only knew how to cultivate the land, sliding down the butcher knife as they harvested wheat, and rushed to protect their wives one by one. The husband's head rolled under the horse and was trampled to pieces by the horse's hooves. [

The unarmed women cried out sharply, and this small tribe with a population of only a few hundred slaves turned into a sea of ​​corpses in an instant.

But this group of people was very kind to those alien slaves. When the last Turkic man fell, the devil appeared again, and he gave all the slaves a piece of cake and a knife.

There are more than a dozen human beings who chose the knife, but the devil ordered them to kill the only woman left and put aside the pregnant woman's belly. This group of cruel human beings who lost their breasts actually did it. The devil is always so generous, Best wishes to these converted believers.

Thirty days later, the Western Turkic trade place.

The devil's followers are getting bigger and bigger. There is an old saying in China: "The waves of the sea are shallow, but the small people are deep; the bottom of the sea is dry, and people die without knowing their hearts."

The bandits who killed and looted finally caused shock in the West Turks. Unfortunately, the strict defense of human beings could not stop the advance of the devil after all. They easily pried open the largest slave market here.

As many as thousands of slaves rushed towards the light, it seems that the devil always has a sensitive sense of the crowd who hate and desire sex, this time his team expanded to 110 eight people.

The nine surnames of Zhaowu are in an inn in Anguo.

An old missionary was listening to the stories told by the young people, while writing meticulously on his precious paper from time to time.

It wasn't until the young man finished telling the story that he raised his head and said in jerky Chinese: "Oh, this story is really scary, boy, is it all true?"

The young man shook his head and smiled when he heard the sound. He had already booked this inn. The reason why he let this Christian missionary called "Nestrian" in was because he was interested.

After a long time, the young man shook his head and said with a smile: "Fake, I'm free to talk to you casually."

"Haha." The missionary laughed when he heard this.

This missionary was about 60 years old, and he looked like a typical western white man. He spent nearly six years in his life crossing the barriers between East and West, and another six years in learning this amazing national language, rich in the East. Far beyond any empire he had ever seen.

Although the young man knew that their Nestorians were driven here because they couldn't get along in their old den, he still found it interesting.

During the conversation between the two, the old missionary got up and made a few gestures: "Thank you for your hospitality, God will bless you, child."

Tang Guan smiled calmly when he heard the words, and the missionary put away his precious notes and walked downstairs slowly. At this time, there was a banquet downstairs, and several long tables were put together, and the tables were full of young people. The strong man eats and laughs happily.

Seeing this, the missionary praised in his heart: "Only such a powerful country can have such a large caravan."

The missionaries only thought it was a large caravan, but they didn't realize that there were not too many people at the table, exactly 110 or [-] people!

Sitting on the pavilion, Tang Guan looked at the back of the missionary going out, and suddenly smiled and said, "Oh, God will bless me?"

After laughing, Tang Guan got up with his hands behind his hands, walked to the fence, and looked down at the scene of eating and drinking below.

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from behind.

"Big brother."

Tang Guan didn't turn his head when he heard the sound, and gave a noncommittal grace.

Then the person behind said: "Brother, there are more and more brothers, I'm afraid this place won't last." (To be continued.)

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