Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 384: It's hard to love and stay together forever

It was not the first time that Tang Guan stole chickens and failed to lose a lot of rice, but this time he came prepared. Seeing that Shangguan Wan'er was a little angry, Tang Guan knew that she must be thinking about the distinction between wives and concubines again.

We once said that women in this era have a unique kind of boldness, from high-ranking officials and nobles to ordinary people, there are countless people who are afraid of internal affairs, all of which benefit from the worthless Wu Zhao who devalues ​​the secular etiquette.

Tang Guan just likes to roll in the pile of rouge, so there is no way, but what can be done is that Tang Guan's rhetoric keeps evolving as their conflicts escalate.

On this New Year's Eve, it was a day for family reunion. The three of them were together, and they were talented and beautiful, but they were envious of others. Unfortunately, the three of them had their own thoughts.

Sure enough, Shangguan Wan'er calmed down for a while and said: "Do you want Xun'er to eat standing up in the future, or let me eat standing up?"

Lin Yuxun also looked at Tang Guan when she heard the words, she didn't fight or grab, it didn't mean she didn't want to, she saw Tang Guan clearly, but she couldn't figure out who was more important in this man's heart.

There can only be one wife forever, and the other will be a concubine for a day and a concubine for life. Tang Guan's promise to them at first is no less than the feeling of "a couple for a lifetime", but in the end, he finds that it has become "threesomes must have me." Teacher Yan."

The huge gap between reality and psychology put Tang Guan into a dilemma of fighting for a husband, and Shangguan Wan'er's question was also very interesting. Who should let him stand to eat? This question is very metaphorical.

The word "wife" is pronounced "Qi" again, which means that the status at home is equal to that of the husband. When the husband and wife dine, the concubine must not only be present, but also stand and watch the husband and wife dine.

Shangguan Wan'er asked this question.It's an interesting question.

But Tang Guan is determined to enjoy the blessings of all people, but it is not his intention to enjoy the blessings that make the beautiful woman frown.

Just when Shangguan Wan'er and Lin Yuxun saw Tang Guan didn't answer.Thinking that he was going to prevaricate the second daughter again, Tang Guan actually laughed out loud: "None of you need to stand up to eat, I will eat standing up, Madam is satisfied?"

The second daughter was stunned when she heard the words, this was the first time Tang Guan responded positively, but what she didn't expect to say was such a completely abandoning of dignity.

Although Tang Guan made them love and hate in the hearts of the two girls, they both knew that their lover was a different person.With his hands and eyes open to the sky, he never thought about letting him completely let go of his dignity.

Seeing them stupefied, Tang Guan smiled wryly in his heart.This is nothing special, the secular etiquette has long been a thing of the past, and when the Jedi warriors cultivated by the Japanese at all costs are formed in the future, the rules are not just trying to be round.Just make a circle.If you want to squeeze it, you can squeeze it.

Even if he married two wives, no one would dare to arrest him to beat him.

Immediately Tang Guan laughed again: "I will be your concubine and give you a litter of children named Tang Goudaner. Are the two wives satisfied?"

"Pfft." The second daughter finally smiled when she heard this, and couldn't help laughing.

Seeing this, Tang Guan took the opportunity to stretch out his hand and continued: "I serve the two young masters by myself, I am afraid that one day I will get pregnant. You go to find flowers and ask willows."

Qing Yaru's second daughter couldn't help but laugh when she heard Tang Guan's self-declining jokes, and her unhappiness gradually disappeared.Tang Guan hugged the two daughters lightly, he couldn't stop laughing, but he sighed softly in his heart.

He knew that they were uneasy, probably because he was erratic and could not give them a sense of security. If they stayed together forever, there would definitely not be such troubles.


Tang Guan looked at the fireworks in the distance, and the three of them became quiet this time, perhaps Tang Guan's rhetoric had played a role again, and it was probably because they were too lazy to continue arguing.

It is easy to watch the New Year's Eve, but it is difficult to grow old every year.

It is easy to meet and know each other, but it is difficult to love and stay together forever.

"Look in front of this yard, when we are old, Mrs. Xun'er will go shopping for vegetables and cook, Mrs. Wan'er will weave some clothes for the dolls, and I will lie there and tell the dolls our stories, okay?"

The second girl heard the sound and didn't answer, but there seemed to be a picture that didn't sound too good in front of her eyes.

Most of them are still young, and young people are always full of assumptions about the future, like graying their heads, Tang Guan really lived the life he dreamed of.

Maybe at that time he will really tell the posterity a story that is not very pleasant.


After talking about Tang Guan, a rascal who doesn't have any face in order to pick up girls, there is another rascal in another place on New Year's Eve.

It's just that this rascal is much more miserable than Tang Guan. There are no chicks and no fireworks to watch in the place where he stays.

But when it comes to the degree of shamelessness, this person is comparable to Tang Guan.

Chang'an, in the Zhiya Prison.

A man was trapped in a cell, wolfing his head in a food box.

While eating, he muttered, "Qiyue, this dish is as delicious as your sister-in-law's."

A man in white stood silently in front of the prison, looking at the man in the prison with complicated eyes.

"Cough...cough! Cough cough!" The man in the cage seemed to choke on eating too fast, and coughed.

The man in white hastily stretched out his hand to caress the man's back, the two of them had no one else, it was Feng Xiaobao who had been imprisoned so far and He Qiyue who came to visit him every now and then.

Looking at him in the cage who has never changed his mind, He Qiyue's heart finally loosened. He saved the dying person, but he couldn't save the dying person. The death of a person is worse than the death of the heart.

"Brother Xiaobao, eat slowly." He Qiyue said lightly, and then glanced at the corner at the end of the cell without any trace.

There was a woman with a puffy stomach, leaning against the wall and carefully listening to the conversation between the two brothers.

Feng Xiaobao coughed for a long time, wiped his mouth and said with a smile: "Damn, this Mr. Tang Liang is really too, and even locked me up too. By the way, did you find him, Qiji!?"

"No, Doctor Tang is busy with work, so he doesn't have time to see me."

Feng Xiaobao cursed and said, "Damn it."

"Brother Xiaobao, your flood season is coming soon, don't gamble when you go out."

"Don't gamble!? Haha, you're an idiot for abandoning treatment. Don't gamble. If you don't gamble, how can I support my family?"

He Qiyue was shocked when he heard the words, looked at Feng Xiaobao in disbelief, and then suppressed his anger and said: "Brother Xiaobao, why didn't you listen to advice, your sister-in-law is about to be pregnant, and the family has no money, so you still want to gamble?"

Feng Xiaobao frowned when he heard the words, and muttered: "Did that girl say something to you? You don't need to worry about her, women know nothing."

After finishing speaking, Feng Xiaobao laughed again: "Besides, I don't have money and you have it. Do you remember what I told you when I was young?"

He Qiyue was on the verge of anger again, but he couldn't help frowning when he heard this.

"Sooner or later, I, Feng Xiaobao, will look like a human being, and by then no one will dare to bully us!"

"Tsk tsk, but this money is spent really fast. Before, I thought 500 taels was a lot, but now, it's just that little."

"You..Hoo..You..." He Qiyue pointed at Feng Xiaobao after hearing the words and was speechless for a while.

Tang Guan was once overwhelmed by Shangguan Wan'er's anger, he vomited blood and fell into a coma, but now He Qiyue was not adulterated, he only felt his eyes turned dark, and he almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

Seeing his appearance, Feng Xiaobao smiled and said: "Give up the treatment, once I tell you these great principles, you will act like a bear, don't worry, it won't be long before the eldest brother goes out, and he will be richer than that Laoshizi Tang Qubing!"

At this moment, the pregnant woman who had been hiding around the corner walked out slowly, walking towards this side in a daze.

He Qiyue forcibly stabilized his figure, and when he saw the woman, he hurried forward and said, "Sister-in-law."

Feng Xiaobao also stared at this woman, since he was imprisoned, Mrs. Feng has never come to visit him.

"You...why are you here?" Seeing Mrs. Feng, Feng Xiaobao stood up, but Mrs. Feng ignored He Qiyi's obstruction, and walked straight to the cell before trembling: "Feng just said Is it all true?"

Hearing the sound, Feng Xiaobao immediately realized that she might have heard those words just now, but when he saw it, he said: "What? You conceived me, not for the hundreds of taels of silver? Now that the money is gone, you want to find another man ?”

"Feng Xiaobao!" He Qiyue couldn't bear it any longer when he heard the words, and punched Feng Xiaobao's face through the cage. Feng Xiaobao backed away repeatedly in pain, and then glared and shouted: "Okay! Let me tell you how I got here Here it comes, so it was you, He Qiyue, who beat me for this woman!?"

"I...I..." He Qiyue's heart trembled when he heard this, and he hurriedly withdrew his hand.

"Wow, wow." Feng Xiaobao applauded in the cage angrily, but He Qishang couldn't explain it. At this moment, Mrs. Feng suddenly looked at Feng Xiaobao in the cage and smirked.


The two stopped immediately when they heard the sound, and saw Mrs. Feng smirking first, and then slowly backed away. When the two were in a daze, an accident happened, and Mrs. Feng rushed headlong into the cage.

"Bang." In the splash of blood, the two opened their eyes wide, and Feng Xiaobao in the prison shouted: "Qian'er!"

Mrs. Feng staggered backwards with a blow, her face was bloodied, she looked horrific, and then she was about to hit him again, He Qiyue immediately came back to her senses when she saw this, she stepped in front of her, and Mrs. Feng bumped her head into He Qiyue's chest.

In an instant, the white clothes were stained with blood, He Qi gasped in pain, and Mrs. Feng fell to the ground slowly.

"Qian'er! Qian'er!" Seeing this, Feng Xiaobao shook the cage crazily. He Qiyue slowly got up and hurriedly stepped forward. Seeing that he was still breathing, he immediately leaned over to set it up, and walked cautiously to the corner.

And Feng Xiaobao kept shouting behind him: "Qianer! Qianer!" (To be continued...)

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