Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 385: Good People and Evil People Difficult to Walk

On New Year's Eve in Chang'an, he stayed awake all night until Yuanzheng Day dawned.

The melodious sounds of big pearls and small pearls keep rolling, making it difficult to tell which is the sky and which is the world.

Festive lanterns and new coats are displayed in the neighborhood, and fireworks and firecrackers are filling the sky. Even the prisoners in the government office can faintly feel the bustling and bustling outside of freedom.

But Feng Xiaobao, who was holding on to the prison bar and looking out desperately, didn't understand all of this. After marrying a couple, Feng Xiaobao is a fool, and he always broke this woman's heart.

But no matter how confused he was, the scoundrel was still moved when he saw the man next to his pillow flying all over every night, and now he didn't care about guessing wildly, and kept calling Mrs. Feng's boudoir name.

At this moment, a figure came from the corner, the white robe was stained with blood, seeing this person, Feng Xiaobao was overjoyed and said: "Abandon the treatment, is your sister-in-law alright?"

"Qiyue, Qiyue, is your sister-in-law okay?" Seeing that He Qiyue didn't respond to him, Feng Xiaobao was secretly anxious, and hurriedly urged him, but He Qiyue looked at him silently.

This appearance frightened Feng Xiaobao. We don't mention how rascal and destitute Feng Xiaobao is, but how good-tempered Feng Xiaobao is, and the world can't match him. Sometimes more helpless, more pale.

After a long time, under Feng Xiaobao's anxious urging voice, He Qiyue stepped forward slowly, unexpectedly found a key from nowhere, and opened the lock, Feng Xiaobao froze on the spot for a while, and hurried out after a while.

"Give up" Feng Xiaobao's chest rose and fell.He Qiyue actually has the key.

I saw He Qiyue remained silent, his eyes were no longer tender.Feng Xiaobao finally completely worn away He Qiyue's last patience, only to see He Qiyue suddenly took off his robe and slowly knelt down on the ground.

Feng Xiaobao was shocked when he saw this.Subconsciously, he wanted to help, but He Qiyue said at this moment: "Brother Xiaobao, you rescued Qiyue when he was young, and now I will pay you back three times. This favor is repayment."

"Oh, what time is it? What are you talking about!? Where's your sister-in-law!?" Feng Xiaobao didn't dare to run around in anxiety, but he didn't have the heart to listen to He Qiyue's words.

When He Qiyue saw this, he ignored it, and said to himself: "Brother Xiaobao. Qiyue has one last word of advice to you. In life, no one is immune to bullying. Tang Qubing, Lord Tang's hands and eyes are open to the sky, and there are still people." Dare to bully him, abandon his words, and we will go our separate ways from now on, take care."

Feng Xiaobao stared at all this dumbfounded.Before he could react, He Qiyue had already stood up, turned and left.

"Abandonment..." Although it was not the first time Feng Xiaobao saw He Qiyi speak harsh words, but it was indeed the first time he was abandoned by him.For a moment Feng Xiaobao froze in place, a little at a loss.

And He Qiyue walked around the corner expressionlessly, and several prison officials got up one after another when they saw the big man who was ordered to take care of him.He Qiyue silently glanced at Mrs. Feng who was lying unconscious on the bunk wrapped in a medical cloth, and then left silently.

Although Mrs. Feng and Feng Xiaobao married because of an affair.Outsiders seem to be criticized by others, but it can be seen that Mrs. Feng herself is not a mean person.

Look at Feng Xiaobao again.Although poor and unable to understand world affairs, when seeing his wife's blood spilled in front of him, he was still anxious and helpless, which showed that there was still love between the two.

When He Qiyue lost his mind, he only felt empty in his heart. Ever since he returned to Chang'an with Tang Guan, everything here seemed not to belong to him. Waiting for Tang Guan to dispatch, or make some other plans.

How simple was the life of that drug boy in the past, and he treated the disease to save the patient, why did he abandon the treatment for a while and wander around, like a lonely soul without an owner.

Fortunately, there is no curfew on this New Year's Eve, and in a bustling city, there seems to be no place for him in the world.


Late at night in Chang'an, Tang Mansion.

A carriage stopped slowly, and Tang Guan gently picked up Lin Yuxun and Shangguan Wan'er who were sleeping soundly. The two girls fluttered their eyelashes and knew nothing about the outside world. .

They are honest and cute when they are still asleep, and they don't need Tang Guan to coax or lie to them.

Just when Tang Guan smiled and was about to enter the mansion, he heard a weak voice calling: "Brother Qubing."

Tang Guanwenyin frowned, looked back, and when he saw the person coming, he said silently: "Hush."

But when Tang Guan saw this person's white robe was stained with blood, his eyelids jumped again. This person was He Qiyue who returned from wandering, and seeing Tang Guan here was beyond his expectation.

When He Qiyue saw the two women under Tang Guan's armpit, he was startled at first, and then he helped to open the door gently, and the two were admitted to the hospital without a sound. Tang Guan nodded to him.

Then they started to send the two daughters back to the room respectively, the two daughters didn't even notice from the beginning to the end, when Tang Guan took off the flower shoes for Shangguan Wan'er, and carefully covered her with the bedding, they walked back to the courtyard.

But He Qiyue has been standing there, Tang Guan saw that his complexion was ugly, he couldn't help frowning, and said: "Brother Qiyue, brother Qiyue."

He Qiyi seemed to be in a daze when he heard the sound, and he came back to his senses after a while. Seeing him, Tang Guan shook his head and smiled, and said, "Go into the room and talk."

After finishing speaking, Tang Guan brought He Qiyue into the room, and after lighting the lamp, Tang Guan looked He Qiyue up and down, and said with a sneer, "Are you going to deliver the baby?"

He Qiyi looked down at his blood-stained clothes when he heard the sound, and couldn't help but smile wryly.

"Sit down." Seeing this, Tang Guan felt fresh in his heart, but he didn't ask any more questions, he just helped him pour a bowl of tea and said with a smile, "We haven't seen each other for a while, how are you doing?"

He Qiyi laughed dryly when he heard the sound, and didn't want to say more, Tang Guanfa couldn't ignore these trivial matters of his, and after taking a sip of tea, he said: "Brother Qubing, take me away."

"Huh?" Tang Guan gave a light grace when he heard the words, looked at He Qiyue with interest, and then asked, "Where are you going?"

"You can go anywhere. I may not be able to help you much, but I won't cause trouble for you." He Qiyue knew Tang Guan's actions from the bottom up, and Wan Feng and others disappeared with him, so he knew Tang Guan There must be something important behind the scenes, now that he has lost his three souls and four souls, he just wants to go as far as possible and leave this place of right and wrong.

Tang Guan narrowed his eyes when he heard the words, now he is cultivating dead soldiers everywhere. As time goes by, the team grows stronger and stronger, and all aspects are indispensable. All kinds of plans must be carefully considered. With He Qiyi, there may be some unexpected uses. But this person is a bodhisattva with a heart, what he and Wan Feng and others have done to him is not to say that he has no conscience, but it is almost insane.

If he sees all kinds of things over there, I'm afraid there will be unnecessary troubles again. Besides, what is a dead man, if he is afraid of death, then he is not called a dead man. He must act with the determination to die.

Thinking of this, Tang Guan said: "Brother Qiji, the chaos outside is tight, I am not afraid of your jokes, I am getting rougher, you should stay in Chang'an."

He Qiyue was inevitably disappointed when he heard the words, what else could he do in Chang'an?

Seeing his expression, Tang Guan was moved in his heart and said: "If you feel that you have nothing to do, you can set up a medicine hall here, or go to manage General Cheng."

"Medicine hall? General Cheng?" He Qiyue murmured after hearing the words, and said after a while: "General Cheng... I can't be cured, so the medicine hall..."

Tang Guan smiled when he saw this, and made a decision for him: "Brother Qizhen, it's settled like this. If you need money, you can ask Uncle Wang for preparation."

"I..." He Qiyue subconsciously wanted to decline when he heard the words, but after thinking about it, it was an idea. He knew that Tang Guan's decision could not be disobeyed by others, and besides, with the medicine hall, he could earn some money Taste it slowly.

Thinking of this, He Qiyue became silent, Tang Guan smiled at him, and after the two of them sipped tea in silence for a while, Tang Guan suddenly said: "It's getting late, I should go."

He Qiyue was startled when he heard this, and said in surprise, "Let's go? Didn't you just come back?"

Tang Guan shook his head and smiled when he heard the words, then walked to the desk, lit another lamp, buried his head and wrote two documents, He Qiyue got up and approached when he saw this, Tang Guan wrote after a while, folded the letter, and handed one to He Qiyue Qi Zhi said: "Brother Qi Zhi, you will give this letter to Xiao Qi tomorrow when you see him, and now Big Brother Chang has been arranged to re-employ in the palace, if Xiao Qi suffers from any illness, it is all up to you."

He Qiyue took it seriously when he heard the words, and nodded. Tang Guan was really a dragon, but he really envied his lofty attitude.

But Tang Guan folded the other envelope and put it away, stood up and said, "Brother Qizhi, you should rest early."

After all, Tang Guan stopped talking and walked out of the room directly, but this time he did not just leave, but took out the Chinese letter in his sleeve, glanced at it, and walked to Shangguan Wan'er's room again. (To be continued..)

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