What the maids saw was a kind and warm scene. Li Guolou's family lived together happily and enjoyed family life.Zheng Lingling feels that the two young mothers love her, and she is the most favored person in the whole family.Daughters pose no danger to a large family. Daughters are the water thrown out by married people. No matter how favored their parents are, daughters are always of a foreign surname, and the family has no inheritance rights.So no matter whether the second grandma Xie Xiuzhu has children in the future, her love for Zheng Lingling is true.The inequality between men and women in feudal society can be seen from the distribution of property interests. Now Li Guolou is young and strong and his family is harmonious.But as long as the system of three wives and four concubines exists, big families will inevitably have intrigues, intrigues, brothers become enemies, and scandals lie in bed.

Wanniang took Zheng Lingling out of the living room, and the atmosphere in the room changed. She was so annoying, and she didn't forget to negotiate. The distribution of interests was fought here. Li Guolou became the meat on the scale, and the three grandmas were allowed to divide it up.

Finally, Chen Xiangfang said coquettishly: "Zhu Bajie go! Go into the Pansi Cave with the spider spirit and see how capable you are?"

Li Guolou was shocked and said: "Ah! There are too many people, how can this be done?"

Xie Xiuzhu sighed and said, "Xiaolou, today might be the last time our two grandmas see Yelia, and we always want her to experience exotic customs. Don't you still want to see my under-the-box work? I'll let you spend the night Sleepless."

Li Guolou walked up the stairs on tiptoe behind the three grandmothers, looking at the three graceful figures in front of him, Li Guolou thought to himself: It is worth dying three years early, just fight for one night;;;;;; Li Guolou and Yelia didn't get up early in the morning. It was more than 200 miles from the capital to Tianjin. If the horse-drawn carriage traveled fast, they could reach Tianjin in more than ten hours, but the city gate had been closed long ago, and they couldn't enter the city.So Li Guolou and Yelia had to spend the night at the post on the way. The four of them stayed in bed for a while in the morning, and Li Guolou was the first to be kicked out of bed by the three grandmas.

For the first time, Li Guolou and Yelia went out through the main gate openly, followed by a French couple.Neighbors in Dengcao Hutong stopped to watch. They had long heard about the adultery in Wei's mansion, but this time they were finally caught by the people.

Silence is golden. Li Guolou didn't say a word. He took off his hat and greeted the neighbors. There was no answer to the question. Li Guolou and Yelia greeted the seven aunts and eight wives in English and French.This time it was Xie Xiuzhu and Chen Xiangfang's turn to take Zheng Lingling and sneak out through the back door. The people in the Wei Mansion were full of sneakiness, and people here did not have good relations with their neighbors.

The carriage headed eastward and exited the city from Mingyangmen, galloping on the wide straight road, the sky was gray and drizzling.The four people in the carriage were all dozing off. In the morning, everything was supposed to recover, but Yelia, who was in Li Guolou's arms, slept soundly.

At noon, the carriage turned into Maji carriage house, and the carriage driver Liu Mingcheng went to change horses in the carriage house.This is the benefit of renting a car, although it seems that the cost is not much cheaper than raising a horse at home?But without sequelae, even if the horse dies, you won't feel bad.

Li Guolou, Yelia and two French servants got out of the car to stretch their muscles and bones, went to the guest lounge next to them to rest, and ate the lunch they had brought with them.The maid Xie Rui Jones opened the cloth bag and took out the wooden box inside, which contained rice ball snacks made by Chen Xiangfang herself.

Rice balls are stuffed with meat floss, sashimi, and dried sea rice. There are also some seaweed in the inside, and a layer of yellow paper specially wrapped in food.Drinking hot tea and eating various rice balls, the four of them chatted in three languages.They don't eat the food in the car dealership, and they dislike the unclean food. Chen Xiangfang has already prepared lunch for the four of them in the morning.

The coachman Liu Mingcheng doesn't need to prepare lunch for him, this is his territory, Liu Mingcheng wants to chat with other coachmen in it, and the coachman will talk about their employers here as gossip.The deeds of Li Guolou's arrest of three were spread to farther and farther places through the chats between the coachman and the employers.

Li Guolou asked: "Yelia, are you used to eating? If you are not used to it, eat biscuits and leave the rice balls for me."

Yelia reached out and snatched the last rice ball in the box, and said softly: "Why, this is grandma's loving rice ball. I like to eat it. Little Japanese things are quite hygienic. I don't like food made by myself. Only dare to eat."

Li Guolou said with a hippie smile, "Yelia, why do you call the rice balls made by grandma love rice balls?"

Yelia lost the restraint of a French noblewoman, and said coquettishly, "Fuck you British rascal, it's cruel to know you." After speaking viciously, he took half of the rice ball in his mouth, and the expression on his face became good strangeness.

When Li Guolou saw that the rice balls were gone, he could only eat biscuits. The biscuits were delicious but they were too dry in his mouth. He had to drink tea to get into his stomach.Li Guolou stopped eating after eating two biscuits. This kind of food can only be eaten as a snack, not as a lunch.

Li Guolou didn't dare to tell the truth even though he was half hungry and half full, and said, "Go if you have shit, we're leaving."

Yelia scolded angrily: "Duma Dumas, a great writer, can you speak with restraint?" After speaking, Yelia glared at Li Guolou to let him know that he should learn to be a superior person and not spoil her two servants.

Li Guolou stood in the yard waiting for Yelia to clean up his personal hygiene. A carriage drove into the yard, and the coachman jumped down to take off the bridle and prepare to change the horses.

Two bodyguards jumped off the carriage and saw Li Guolou nodding slightly. They had met Li Guolou in the martial arts gym before, and everyone was familiar with each other. Now the bodyguards did not come to greet Li Guolou in the bodyguards.

Li Guolou couldn't help being a little interested in the master protected by the bodyguard, and wanted to see what the merchant looked like?

The merchant on the carriage didn't show up, and only heard the merchant's voice say: "Master Duan, get me a cup of hot tea, so I won't come down."

The tall bodyguard Duan raised his voice and said, "Hey, Mr. Zhang, I'll get it for you right now." When he finished speaking and walked towards Li Guolou, he said, "I'm sorry to be a fake foreign devil. I can't talk to you because of my duty. gone."

The Escort Bureau stipulates that you can’t strike up a conversation with people you don’t know when you are guarding the bodyguard. Otherwise, if there is a mistake on the road, the merchant will tell you where the bodyguard met the bandits and conspire with others to steal his money.

Li Guolou didn't mind, and said casually: "It's nothing, Guard Duan, I'll leave right away as you are all busy."

The other bodyguard, who was a little shorter, was not far from the carriage, bouncing around and exercising his muscles in the drizzle.

People who sit for a long time will feel uncomfortable all over. Li Guolou couldn't help admiring Mr. Zhang in the carriage. He was able to sit here from the capital and still sit still. His iron butt skills are really amazing.

The coachman Liu Mingcheng flicked the reins of the horse, and the carriage came out of the Maji Carriage, when three healthy horses stepped into the Maji Carriage.

From the car window, Li Guolou looked at the three men on horseback, wearing bamboo hats and coir raincoats.Why do you keep half your face covered?With some uneasiness in my heart, I closed the curtain, what the heck?Even if there was a robbery in Ma Kee's car dealership, he could stay out of it. With three noble French friends by his side, how could he put them in danger?Li Guolou involuntarily touched the short-barreled musket at his waist, took it out, and said, "Yelia, there was a robbery in Maji's car dealership, do you think I should take care of it?"

Li Guolou is hopeless, and now he only has Yelia in his eyes; Wood, he listens to her in everything.Love is blind, no matter how far the two of them are in terms of status and money, now Li Guolou and Yelia Wood are sticking together, and all actions must be directed by Yelia Wood.

Yelia was terrified, and stared at Li Guolou with wide eyes, trying to tell from his expression whether Li Guolou was joking or for real?But Li Guolou opened the safety valve of the musket, and Yelia directly ordered: "Edward, open the bag quickly, someone wants to rob us."

While talking, Edward Jones hurriedly opened the suitcase under his feet, and three short-barreled muskets were scattered inside, all of which fell on the ground of the carriage box. The three Frenchmen each found their own musket.

At this time, the recoil of the short-barreled musket is very strong, and it is difficult for women to control the gun, so women hold the short-barreled musket with both hands, and it is easy to point the muzzle forward when picking up the gun.

Li Guolou's first reaction was that he said in a hurry: "Yelia, Xie Rui, put your guns down quickly, you two are not allowed to shoot casually, and don't raise your guns if no one rushes into the carriage. Holding guns like you, I and Edward will be shot by both of you."

Yelia and Xie Rui pointed their guns down nervously, and Soso trembled in fear, fearing that the robbers would rob them of their wealth and sex.

Edward Jones, in his 40s, had beards on both sides of his cheeks. This was a popular beard in Western society at that time. It was originally a beard trimmed by nobles. It takes time to take care of this weird beard every day. People look a bit like baboons Same.Chef Edward Jones was originally a lowly Frenchman, but he became a superior person when he came to the Qing Empire. He didn't have to be busy with life and had plenty of time, so he trimmed this big beard to pretend to be big.

Edward Jones asked, "Mike, where's the robber?"

Li Guolou smiled and said: "You don't have to be nervous, the robbers didn't pay attention to us, they went to Maji's car dealership to rob the big businessman. What I want to ask is, do I want to rescue the businessman surnamed Zhang? "

"That's it!" Yelia was like a discouraged English-style ball, and she relaxed, a little hesitant in her heart, looking at Li Guolou, reluctant to let Li Guolou take risks.

People who believe in God have a sense of justice, Yelia hesitated and said, "Mike is very dangerous, do you have to go?"

Li Guolou defended: "We didn't save Yelia because he was unlucky this time, and they won't save us next time when it's our turn. This is God's test for us. You must firmly believe that God will bless us." .”

Yelia immediately nodded her head with her correct words, and said approvingly: "Mike, you are the most manly man I have ever seen, although you still lack some manliness. You go tell the groom to turn around, we Go back to Ma Kee, Xiao Liu must agree with your idea. But Mike, are you going to make a mistake?"

Li Guolou looked at Edward's strange beard in embarrassment. Western women just like to touch furry things. Not having a beard is a shortcoming, and he is not sure whether what he thinks is true or not.Before he could give an affirmative answer, two gunshots sounded behind him.

Li Guolou said anxiously: "Xiao Zhang quickly turned the horse's head, something happened to the horse's record."

The carriage is not a human being, if you say U-turn, you can turn around, there must be enough room to turn, the carriage driver Liu Mingcheng pulled the rein, turned his head and said: "Mike, I can't turn around."

Li Guolou pushed open the front car door and said, "Edward protects his wife, don't get out of the car, I'll go and have a look first."

Li Guolou jumped off the running carriage. The slippery ground made him unsteady. Li Guolou rolled forward and squatted on the ground in a starting position. He secretly hated that he had changed. There is no sense of justice, and even the basic principles of life are gone.This is not him, now he wants to get back to his original self, Li Guolou gallops on the misty streets.

The foreign-looking top hat flew into the muddy puddle, and was immediately picked up by a passer-by, who quickly ran in the opposite direction, with the ponytail behind his head pulled into a straight line.This passer-by was no slower than Li Guolou, but he didn't believe in God, so God immediately punished him by making him fall and eat shit.The passer-by raised his head, his mouth was full of mud, and half of his front teeth were missing.

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