Li Guolou sprinted 400 meters and galloped on the slippery bluestone street. The woman was pregnant with the hero's tomb.He still gritted his teeth and kept running. Although his speed had slowed down, his beating heart was getting faster and faster.Time is life, five clear gunshots sounded in the sky again, each shot might stop a heart, the rain kept falling, pouring it all over Li Guolou's body, trying to pour out his profit-seeking and lustful ambitions. Annihilation, to reawaken the ideal in his heart.

For the sake of ideals, you can do whatever you can and bow your knees, but you are not stuck in it and cannot extricate yourself. You should still have basic moral concepts in life.Li Guolou thought of why he wanted to be a policeman, and his heart was burning with anger.

Three horses rushed out from the Maji carriage house, Li Guolou gave way to the horses and raised the musket in his hand.

The three masked men immediately saw Li Guolou's actions, and the three guns in their hands pointed at Li Guolou together.

The two sides only looked at each other for a moment, and the horse slid past Li Guolou at lightning speed. The two sides pulled the trigger, and two smoke rose in the air, and two gunshots "touched".

The guns of Li Guolou and one of the robbers on the horse went off, and the guns in the hands of the other two robbers were just for show, and there was no gunpowder in them.

The smoke filled Li Guolou's eyes and he closed his eyes. He didn't know the outcome, life and death could only be decided in an instant.This is a gamble of luck, the goddess of victory Athena's scales are tilted, where will it fall this time?

A robber fell from his horse, and a box in his hand fell down.Li Guolou rushed forward, trying to catch the running horse and chase the other two robbers.But the empty horses were frightened and rushed forward at once.The robber who fell down was still ankle-tied in the stirrup, and was pulled away by the horse. Before the horse could take two steps, a tree on the side of the road dragged the robber to the ground and entangled him.The horse neighed and screamed, as if it was complaining for its owner, the horse kept jumping up, kicking its two front hooves in the air, waiting for Li Guolou to come up to die.

The other two robbers hesitated for a moment, and took the reins of the horse to settle accounts with Li Guolou.An old voice called, "Go!"

The two robbers left in a hurry. On the slippery street, the two robbers manipulated the two horses freely, picked up the horse speed and disappeared at the corner of the street.

Li Guolou opened his mouth wide and watched the two robbers go away, even if he got on his horse, he still couldn't catch up with the robbers.He doesn't have the ability to gallop a horse. Knowing how to ride a horse and being good at riding a horse are two different concepts. If he gallops a horse on a slippery street, Li Guolou will lose his limbs if he falls to his death.He gave up the idea of ​​chasing the robbers, and if he wanted to be a hero, he had to see his limit.

Li Guolou picked up the silver ingots scattered on the street one by one and put them back into the broken box.People on the street would rush over to rob people for these money robbers, but saving lives was a secondary priority.Li Guolou saw that the fleeing robbers also had a box on their horses. This time the robbers took half of the money, is it worth it if one person dies?Li Guolou felt worthless for the robbers, so he gave up his life for fifty or sixty catties of silver. A life is only worth eight or nine hundred taels of silver, which is too little.

(Qing Dynasty: One catty is equal to 16 taels, so there is a saying that half a catty equals [-] taels.) Li Guolou put the robber’s gun into the box, then ran to the horses in front, whispered to comfort the frightened horses, and did not run away. Li Guolou was still able to control the horse, and after a while the horse stopped neighing and jumping.

Li Guolou tied the frightened horse to the plane tree, and the masked robber embraced the plane tree in a strange posture.Li Guolou laid the dead robber on the ground, and the people around him slowly gathered to watch, and some people looked at the box in Li Guolou's waist and crotch. It was clear that no one dared to intercept the robbers.

Li Guolou pulled away the face scarf of the deceased, and a familiar sight appeared vividly. Li Guolou shed tears and felt bitterness in his heart.If I had known that "Fire Cloud Foot" Guli was trying to be a robber, I didn't care what happened to him.The scene of fighting with Gu Litu in the Beihai Martial Arts Hall is vivid in my memory. At that time, they fought hand-to-hand.Li Guolou still remembers the kick Gu Litu gave him on the waist and eyes. Gu Litu was a ruthless person who didn't show mercy, and let him put on a stinky skin plaster for a week.

Li Guolou saw that Gu Litu hesitated at the moment of shooting just now, but Gu Litu did not shoot first, nor did the muzzle of the gun point at him.It turned out that Gu Litu still remembered his friend.But he buried an old friend with his own hands. People in the Jianghu talk about love in the Jianghu, and one day the people in the Jianghu will die in the Jianghu.

The Escort has come to an end, and there is no future in sight. In order to survive, the Escort even kills its own customers, using killing to arouse people's desire for the Escort, just to hold back the progress of history.What the ancient industry awakens is not conscience but bloody violence.

"Mike, why are you crying?" Yelia Wood said in English while holding a flower umbrella.

"No! It's rainwater flowing into the eyes." Li Guolou closed the eyes of the deceased with his hands.

Yelia couldn't tell the truth of the tears, and asked suspiciously, "Mike, do you know the robber?"

Li Guolou stood up, forced a smile on his face and said, "Yelia, how could I know the robbers, let's go! I'll go to the Maji dealership to see? You should go back to the carriage."

Yelia said softly, "No, I want to stand beside the great hero and let the whole world know that I have found a great hero to be my boyfriend."

Li Guolou glanced down at Gu Litu, who was lying dead on the street, and let go of the burden in his heart. He still had to look forward, since Gu Litu was also an anonymous robber.In the capital, Gu Litu was still a person with a legitimate job, but he disappeared forever in front of the world.He doesn't need to worry about the dead, he just needs to do his duty for the living.

Li Guolou said: "Yelia, there may be blood in Maji's car dealership, aren't you afraid?"

Yelia said proudly: "The ancestors of our French people all ate Romans, so how could we be afraid of death."

Li Guolou asked a person with the loudest voice to maintain order, and then walked into the Ma Kee dealership with three Frenchmen.There was already a lot of crying inside, the coachman Liu Mingcheng was crying while hugging his companion, just now they were eating and laughing together, but now they are separated by two heavens.

A bodyguard next to the carriage fell face down in the mud and had been shot to death. Another bodyguard was slashed with a knife and sat on the steps bloody.

Li Guolou glanced at bodyguard Duan Muchun, nodded slightly, and told Duan Muchun implicitly that he knew what was going on, and he had nothing to say to the injured Duan Muchun.

A total of three people died in the car dealership, businessman Zhang Yaozu, a car dealer who worked here, and a bodyguard master.There were three people injured, bodyguard Duan Muchun was the most seriously injured, and the other two guys in the car dealership had only superficial injuries.Li Guolou's policeman's badge was very useful, and the people around obeyed Li Guolou's command, rescued the wounded, and carried out the dead bodies on the carriage.Li Guolou found Zhang Yaozu's literary disk from the dead businessman, opened it and found that he was from Tianjin, and then searched Zhang Yaozu's body carefully. There were more than a dozen taels of silver on his body, a string of copper coins in his waist pocket, and a jade pendant around his waist. There is also a pendant inside, a string of agate rosary beads on the wrist, and two jade ring fingers on the hand.

Li Guolou put all these miscellaneous things in his purse, except for the writing disc and the box of silver he would hand over to the police here, he would not hand over the broken silver and jade pendant.The rules in the yamen, these ornaments and broken silver, people in the yamen will embezzle them.People in the yamen dare not embezzle the whole box of silver ingots, but instead take the method of commission, one out of ten is an ironclad rule.

Seeing Li Guolou's actions, Yelia showed a strange expression on his face, as if to say that the things of the dead should be embezzled, Mike, you are so talented.

Li Guolou took the crutch held by the deceased Zhang Yaozu in his hand, and began to direct on the spot. When the police here arrived, he could only follow Li Guolou's winks.

After Li Guolou introduced the matter here to the head catcher, he handed the silver box to the local governor, glanced at him and said, "Blocker Su, I have already ordered it, and you have to follow the rules when you get rich. I will go to the deceased Those who go at home, follow the rules, I won’t say much about other things, everyone knows.”

Catcher Su took the silver box and sighed: "Hey, how can I explain why so many people have died? Catcher Li, you are my own people, you have to understand our suffering, the people in the town office want to impose the blame on me It came from me, Catcher Li, do you want to watch my brother die?"

Three people died at Maji's car dealership, and the chief who maintained the local security could not escape the responsibility. Su Butou would be dismissed on the spot if he didn't manage well, and he also needed to manage the chiefs above.

The world is as black as crows, and Li Guolou himself is a policeman, so he can only help his own people, so he said helplessly, "Captain Su, you offer the lowest price, so that I and the people from the Zhang family will not be cheated."

Su Catcher weighed the weight of the silver box, and said with a hey smile, "Since Li Catcher doesn't want a penny, I'll be more generous, forty percent."

Li Guolou nodded and said: "Deal! Su Butou hopes that you will keep your word, and I will mention this matter to Mr. Bao. Do you understand?" Tell Su Butou clearly, write a random report and hand it over to Li Guolou I will ask Su catcher to look good.

Su Butou was dissatisfied and said: "Li Butou, how can my brother not behave properly?"

Li Guolou stared and said: "You are cruel!"

Su catcher stroked his beard and said, "Li catcher, since you are my brother, how will you be treated as a third-rank official when you come back from Tianjin and live in the town hall?"

Li Guolou asked: "Captain Su, don't you charge money?"

Su Butou also stared, and said angrily: "Li Butou, don't you look down on me? I don't know how to report public property."

Li Guolou smiled and said, "Thank you! I will learn more from Su Tutou in the future."

Su Butou sighed: "You, you have been brainwashed by the officer. You are too young and want to be alone. If I came here first, I would be worthy of the conscience of heaven and earth by giving ten silver ingots to the family of the deceased."

Li Guolou's face turned red. Isn't he no different from Su Butou, who just embezzled some money, but he actually concealed the truth and let the murderer of the robbery go.Just because he knew these robbers, the brothers of the Nantian Security Bureau added a master "Nan Batian" Nan Yunshan, who guarded himself and acted as a double reed.He also killed fellow apprentices, just to make the trick more realistic.The deceased "Huoyunjiao" Gu Litu didn't shoot the last shot at him, and he wanted to return the love to "Nanbatian" Nanyunshan.

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