late Qing Dynasty arrest

Chapter 157 The Death of the Owner of Tongyi Hall

In the early morning, Li Guolou jumped out of the carriage and carried two big bags, which contained some Tianjin specialties and delicacies that foreigners like to eat. Li Guolou was going to give them to the chief and friends, and came to the gate room to register.Li Guolou just stepped out of the room with two bags in his hand when a group of people came towards him.

Wu Defu came out with a few policemen and two foremen.

Li Guolou was a little excited, there is a stage for him to display his talents when there is a case, he rushed to meet him, and said: "Good morning, Master Wu, where are you going?"

A joyful expression appeared on Wu Defu's face, and he said, "Xiao Lizi, you were the first one to come. The owner of Tongyi Hall, Bai Renyi, hanged himself. You take the team to see it. I'll stay at the yamen."

"Ah!" Li Guolou was stunned. The two parcels in his hands fell to the ground. He let go of the thieves who stole the Tongyi Hall, and the consequences finally appeared. The owner of Tongyi Hall, Bai Renyi, committed suicide. Yes, he has an inescapable responsibility for this case.

"Xiao Lizi, why are you so dazed? I will go to cheer at noon. If you have nothing to do, come here early. If you have something to do, I will take care of it. I will store these things for you. Come and get half of them tomorrow." Wu Defu dismissed Li Guolou, turned around and left, Xiao Li The attendant Wu Ta hurriedly picked up two packs of food and smiled brightly at Li Guolou.

There were a lot of people coming to the criminal department to work in the morning, and some of them had carriages. Li Guolou stopped a carriage at random and went to the scene of the crime with two foremen and two police officers.Drive to the north, and drive for more than half an hour to the Biandan Hutong behind the Big and Small Buddhist Temples. There are six Biandan Hutongs in the capital. This is a bustling commercial street, and the headquarters of Tongyitang is located here.

Tongyitang is a pharmacy, and there are also doctors sitting in the pharmacy. Most of the pharmacies at this time are full of one-stop consultation, treatment and dispensing, but they rarely accept patients.Generally, when a patient is seriously ill, the doctor visits him for diagnosis and treatment, and for some patients who are dying, the family members carry the patient to the clinic for treatment.The poor don't look down on doctors, and if they can dispense a few medicines, the doctor will send them away.Doctors' parents' heart is empty talk, and the mortality rate of patients is very high.

Closed in recent years, Tongyitang is sparsely populated in the pharmacy. Pass through the front pharmacy and Li Guolou to enter the backyard.

Yesterday was the day when the shopkeepers of the twelve branches of Tongyitang came to Jingshi to settle their benefits for one year. I didn't expect that today would be the time for them to bid farewell to their bosses.Walking into the backyard, there was a lot of crying. There were two yamen guards standing at the door of the room of the deceased's owner, Bai Renyi, and the deceased's body was laid flat on a bed inside.

The family members of the deceased came from their home and knelt at the door crying bitterly. Behind them were some shop assistants and twelve big shopkeepers from all over the country.

Li Guolou ignored the family members of the deceased and those clerks, and he asked his subordinate Zhang Haojie to do all the things involved with other people. He and two assistants went directly into the room of the deceased.

The deceased, Bai Renyi, was in his forties, with a slightly fat body and three long beards. He was about 1.7 meters tall, with closed eyes, wearing underwear, bare feet, and an obvious strangle mark on his neck.

The room is less than [-] square meters, and it looks like a place to live alone.The two foremen put the body on the ground and began to inspect the wounds of the deceased. Li Guolou first looked at the two-bay door that was knocked open.This is an old-fashioned wooden latch door, the wood is nanmu, and the palm-width wooden latch has been broken.The other lock is a Western door lock, intact, and the Western lock will open as soon as it is bumped.Looking at the broken marks, Li Guolou knew that people couldn't knock the door open, and had to hit it with a hard object such as wood a few times to break the door open.There were marks on the door that had been hit by heavy objects, which proved his guess.There is also a log outside the door, which is used to hit the door.

Li Guolou closed the two doors to see if there was any trace of someone inserting a tool into the crack of the door. Is it possible that the door was locked from the outside?From the inside and outside of the room, Li Guolou closed the door four times, and found no trace of the door being pried.

Li Guolou entered the room to see the layout of the room. There was a south-facing window with vertical iron bars on it. The curtains had been drawn, and the dark curtain cloth was rolled together.This is the second air outlet of the entire room, and the solid iron railing has no trace of being pried.Li Guolou pulled the latch of the window and opened the window. The weather in the north is cold, and the windows are designed with two floors.

The cold wind blew on Li Guolou's face, and tears flowed down his face. He wanted to change himself so that he would never fall again.There is no shame, no self-esteem, and no morals at all.What's the point of him succeeding like this, the concealed truth will eventually let him taste the bitter fruit.The dry and cold wind from the north split his lips, this time he no longer needed sheep oil, he tasted the blood in his mouth, Li Guolou gritted his teeth and turned around.

The four-foot-wide wooden bed shows that the host, Bayern Renyi, is a frugal person, and a summer mosquito net has not been removed yet.The deceased, Bai Renyi, should have been hiding in this mosquito net and weeping to death. Li Guolou was full of remorse and annoyance. He could have spared the thief and returned the stolen goods to Tongyitang, but he did nothing but sit on a chair. Drinking bloody red wine.

The place where the deceased, Bai Renyi hanged himself, was a square table below, and a round stool on the ground next to it. The deceased should have stepped on the table, and then stepped on the round stool, and ended his life with a piece of white silk cloth.

Li Guolou picked up the round stool that fell on the ground, put the round stool on the square table, and looked at the height of the deceased who fell on the ground. It should be about 1.7 meters.

Li Guolou raised his voice and said: "Zhang Haojie, can you try to get Bai Ling?"

The new policeman Zhang Junjie who was standing outside the door shut down the chatterbox, and immediately ran in to try to hang himself.

"Reporting to Li Zhengzheng, just right! I can reach it." Zhang Haojie's chin happened to hang on the white silk cloth.

"Kick off the stool for me." Li Guolou said without doubt.

Zhang Haojie's neck was hung on the white silk cloth, he dared not let go of the white cloth with both hands, he kicked the round stool far away with his feet.

"Are you ready? Sir!" Zhang Haojie's voice was a little weird.

"Jump down!" Li Guolou no longer looked at Zhang Haojie's acting expression.

The display in the room is very simple, a bed, a square table, two round stools, a clothes hanger, a coffee table with an oil lamp on the bedside, and a large teapot and two upside-down teacups on it.A wardrobe was placed on the north wall, and there were some clothes in it. Li Guolou checked it and found nothing suspicious.

"Report to Captain Li, I have finished the preliminary inspection." Wu Zuofang said happily, standing up.

Li Guolou looked at the silent crowd outside the door and said, "Say!"

Wu Zuofang was happy, as if he was afraid that outsiders would hear it, he leaned over to Li Guolou and said, "The deceased, Bai Renyi, must have drunk a lot of wine. There is only one strangle mark on his neck. He hanged himself. There are no wounds on his body, and he has never fought with anyone. traces, I think we should go."

Fang Kaixin wanted to join in the fun at Baozhi's room for dinner, and didn't want to stay next to the dead.

Since Li Guolou brought a few of them out, he took them to dinner by the way. He didn't have much interest in this suicide case.

Li Guolou glanced at him and said, "Pack up the tools, put the deceased's clothes on, and put them on the bed. I'll ask about the incident again. It's disgusting to be serious about your expression."

The family members of the deceased had a large group of people chattering and crying endlessly. When Li Guolou heard that they were not at the scene of the crime, he drove them all out of the backyard with a wave of his hand. Even the eldest wife of the deceased, Bai Renyi, did not listen to her crying.

Li Guolou said: "All those who were not in the backyard last night left. I just need to know who stayed with the deceased yesterday."

Several yamen servants conscientiously drove out the buddies and doctors in the Tongyi hall, and there were many fewer people.Only the twelve shopkeepers of the Tongyi Hall and the servant of the deceased, Bai Renyi, Bai Shanfeng, who was in his fifties, were left behind.These thirteen people all smelled strongly of alcohol, and their eyelids were red and swollen from crying.

The servant Bai Shanfeng and the twelve shopkeepers brought Li Guolou and others to the cafeteria where they drank last night. It was diagonally opposite to the deceased's house. It was clean, not even a teapot.

With a solemn expression, Li Guolou said, "Sit down according to the seats you sat yesterday."

Li Guolou himself sat in the main seat of Zhengnan, without looking at him, he knew where the deceased, Bai Renyi, was sitting last night.The thirteen members of the Tongyi Hall searched for their own seats and sat down.

Isn't this Jesus and the thirteen disciples?Li Guolou's heart trembled, who was Judas?

Li Guolou said: "Bai Shanfeng, I will ask you something, and you can answer it politely. Don't cry for me. If any of you want to cry, let me go out and cry. My time is very precious."

It will take time to be polite to these people. Li Guolou knows how to deal with ordinary people.

The thirteen members of Tongyi Hall stopped wiping their tears, they were still quite scared when they saw the official post.

Li Guolou took out the notebook and the pen in the iron box from the leather bag. The pen at this time is easy to leak ink, so even if you carry it with you, you should put the pen in the box.

Li Guolou said: "Since yesterday you held a general meeting of shareholders during the day, let's start with the general meeting of shareholders. Don't hide it from me. There is nothing to be ashamed of. Who will speak first?" He already expected that the general meeting of shareholders of Tongyitang yesterday would not be a success. , 9000 taels of property from the main store were stolen, no matter how much this account is calculated, the twelve branches in a year will not be able to earn back.

A shopkeeper in his 40s coughed and said, "Mr. Li, let me say first. My name is Shan Tiangu and I am the shopkeeper here. In fact, it's already the second day of our meeting. The shareholder meeting started the day before yesterday. From the beginning, everyone With a heavy heart, I sighed. I was mainly responsible for the theft of the main store warehouse in March this year, and I was the first to speak at the meeting;;;;;;”

Li Guolou stopped to take notes, raised his head and said, "Stop! Shopkeeper Shantiangu, please don't make a long speech. I don't want to listen to your review. First, tell me what you guys were arguing about the day before yesterday?"

Shan Tiangu lowered his head and said: "My boss and I proposed the first plan, which is to let the twelve stores share the loss of the theft. Everyone patted the table, swearing at the mother, and some said they would withdraw their shares. In the end, even the table was overturned, so we didn’t even drink wine the night before, and everyone held back their anger and talked again yesterday. The owner stayed up all night talking with eleven shopkeepers one by one, and only started making new ones yesterday plan."

Li Guolou asked: "Shopkeeper Shan, what is the main difference between you and the boss?"

Zhang Haojie was very clever, he came in with a big teapot and poured hot tea for everyone present, Li Guolou nodded to Zhang Haojie with satisfaction, praised Zhang Haojie as a child, and did not disappoint him.

Shan Tiangu said: "Of course the main disagreement is whether this theft has anything to do with the branch. Should the storekeepers have worked hard for a year and now they should work with the owner to tide over the difficulties?"

"Oh!" Li Guolou looked up to the sky and sighed, "Then what is the compromise plan you approved the next day?"

Shan Tiangu said: "Not all of them have passed, but all twelve of our shopkeepers are willing to tide over the difficulties with the owner, and it has been roughly resolved. It is still a bit controversial to share the loss over several years."

There were only two names on the notebook in front of Li Guolou, and he didn't remember anything else. From his expression, there was no irritability or floating.Picking up the teacup to drink water, he didn't even look at the thirteen disciples.

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