late Qing Dynasty arrest

Chapter 158 Ridiculous Vulnerabilities

Li Guolou said: "Shopkeeper Shan, let's continue, what kind of implementation plan?"

Shantiangu looked at the big shopkeepers in front of him and said: "The loss of the main store was more than 9000 taels, deducted the rebates and converted to 8000 taels. The main store itself bears half of the loss, and the other eleven branches jointly bear the loss of about 4000 taels." , converted to less than 400 taels per family."

"Oh! Each shopkeeper only lost 400 taels!" Li Guolou said lightly.

Li Guolou has no concept of money, and 400 taels of silver can sell two houses.If you build your own house, a courtyard is more than enough.These shopkeepers couldn't earn a courtyard all year round, and they all stared at this Western-style Li catcher with weird eyes.The full man doesn't know the hungry man's hunger, and he doesn't feel back pain when he stands up straight.

Li Guolou raised his head and said, "Shopkeeper Shan, more than 9000 taels of medicinal materials, how did it become 8000 taels? Who got the commission?"

Shan Tiangu held his breath, and confided: "Mr. Li, let it be, don't go outside and say it. The shopkeeper who buys the precious medicinal materials is the most troublesome, I understand."

"Oh!" Li Guolou raised his head and thought, the owner still wants to eat the meat of these shopkeepers, and the owner himself is cheating on the numbers on the book.Human hearts are greedy, and no matter how reasonable the system is, it can still find loopholes.

"Well, let's go on, shopkeeper Shan. What did you do next? What did your boss do again? Why can't you think about it?" Li Guolou sat up straight for the first time, and glanced at the thirteen disciples. Being able to see through people's hearts could not help but make the thirteen disciples tremble.

Shan Tiangu wiped his tears and said: "The next thing is to have dinner. It's rare for so many people to get together. The host always entertains us well. We'll just drink and chat here until we're very drunk."

Li Guolou glanced at his servant Bai Shanfeng and asked, "Bai Shanfeng, are you sitting and drinking too?"

Bai Shanfeng's old voice said: "Of course, most of these shopkeepers are grown up with me, and I have deep feelings for them. I hate myself for not taking good care of my master. I just want to drink to my heart's content."

The thirteen disciples began to cry again. This time Li Guolou remained silent, looking at the thirteen backbones of the Tongyi Hall. Most of them were domestic servants of the master Bai Renyi, and now everything was given by the master.But when the real master is in disaster, how many people are willing to share the master's worries?The owner, Bai Renyi, asked them to bear the loss of 400 taels for no reason, just to gouge out their hearts and minds, turning the table and cursing their mothers.When the wings are hardened, you can negotiate the price with the master, and you have long forgotten the oath you memorized back then.

"How's your boss, Bai Renyi, feeling when drinking? Did you say anything about committing suicide?" Li Guolou breathed out.

Shan Tiangu choked up and said: "Drinking, who remembers what was said later? The boss has said good words, bad words and friendship words, remembering bitterness and sweetness, asking us to drink water without forgetting the well digger. Since the matter was discussed about the same Everyone took turns toasting to express their determination, and after drinking everyone was talking big, I can’t remember much.”

Li Guolou asked: "How long did you drink until you left? Did Bai Renyi walk back to the room by himself?"

More than a dozen people began to discuss, discussing how long they should drink, and three or a few shopkeepers couldn't bear the alcohol, so they went to bed first.There were also two shopkeepers and servants who were unconscious after drinking thanks to the mountain wind, and were escorted back to their room to sleep.The remaining seven shopkeepers accompanied their owner, Bai Renyi, to drink until the end, probably before ten o'clock in the evening.

Li Guolou asked: "Did Bai Renyi go back to his room to sleep?"

Shan Tiangu said: "We helped him back to the room to sleep, and then we went back to sleep. We went to call the door in the morning but couldn't open it, and then we broke the door and found that the owner had hanged himself."

Crying continuously, Li Guolou asked impatiently: "Shopkeeper Shan, how do you seven shopkeepers sleep at night, how many people share a room."

Shan Tiangu said: "My boss and I share a room for one person, and the other shopkeepers who come to the capital share a room for four people."

Li Guolou stood up and said: "The seven of you who have sent the host family back to Bai Renyi's room with me."

The seven shopkeepers followed Li Guolou, and Li Guolou said in the aisle, "Hey, you two shopkeepers look a lot like brothers, don't you?"

The two shopkeepers in their 30s, with narrow eyes and wide forehead, are strong and less than 1.7 meters tall. They are wearing silk mandarin jackets. They are really brothers, named Ma Qingke and Ma Qingshe. They live in a room with another shopkeeper, Zhao Ye. .

The deceased, Bai Renyi, lay flat on a four-foot bed, covered with a quilt. A ray of sunlight shone through the window, and Li Guolou had a mocking look on his face.

"The seamless layout, I think I can hide the truth, what do you three say, Ma Qingke, Ma Qingshe, and Zhao Ye?" Li Guolou suddenly changed his face and looked at the three shopkeepers with their heads bowed.

"Mr. Li, we are very heartbroken! We are extremely regretful." Ma Qingke, the chief shopkeeper of Baoding Mansion, spoke first, and the other two shopkeepers hurriedly echoed.

"You three don't pretend anymore, the deceased Bai Renyi was killed by the three of you!" Li Guolou said categorically, one sentence aroused a thousand layers of chatter, the room erupted, and discussions started, some people panicked, Some people are eager to deny it, and more people can't believe everything in front of them.

Wu Zuofang happily leaned over and whispered in his ear, "Xiao Lizi, you are right, there is no second scar."

Li Guolou waved his hand and said in a low voice: "Zombie ghost, step aside, I have evidence."

Wu Zuofang muttered happily, not daring to argue with Li Guolou in public, and walked to the side.The two yamen servants standing guard at the door also stretched their necks and looked at Li Guolou. They had checked the scene of the crime and found no doubts. They all hoped that the case would be closed soon so that they could go home and rest.

Li Guolou said: "Don't argue, you three good people, don't pretend any more, I will show you the ironclad evidence." There is a chance for you to talk one by one."

The scene finally calmed down, Li Guolou said: "Except for Shantiangu, everyone else among you is dissatisfied with your boss, Bai Renyi. In the past, you cheated your money by making false accounts, so that you can't make much money after a year of hard work. This time Intensified, and imposed the missteps of shopkeeper Shan on the eleven of you big shopkeepers. Some scolded your mother, some threw the table, and some made murderous plans."

The seven shopkeepers all bowed their heads and listened to Li Guolou's reprimand. Li Guolou paced back and forth and said, "The murderous intent has been there since the first day of the meeting. Of course, most people just talk and say nothing. But There are three people sleeping in one room here. They couldn't sleep at night, tossing and turning, chatting about how to kill Bayern without any flaws. Of course, they haven't made a final decision. Just wait for whether Bayern will be able to kill him the next day. Repent, and give them the money that should be given to them. (Slight pause) The result of the second day was not much better, and Bayern Yi still deducted nearly 400 taels of silver from them. This should have been discussed by Bayern Yi and Shan Tiangu. The countermeasure is that first the big hole is unacceptable, and then there is a half-and-half bargain. People are like this. If you think about the old love, you will accept the plan designated by Bayern Yi and Shantian Valley. The big shopkeeper of Shantian Valley, I have Are you right?"

Under everyone's gaze, Shan Tiangu stammered: "I didn't come up with this, my boss came up with this shady trick to reduce losses. Our boss is a man, everyone knows it well, and everyone knows it well even if I don't say it, I'm just leading the charge."

Li Guolou looked deeply at the three murder suspects, and said: "The next step is to make up your mind and implement the murder plan. The first thing is to get Bai Renyi drunk until he is completely unresponsive. Take a look at this table. Can a drunken person climb up and stand on a small stool? He has already fallen down. Now, Shan Tiangu, bring me a round stool and stand on the table. Let me see if you can stand for a few minutes?"

The hungover Shan Tiangu had no problem climbing up the table, but it was still a bit difficult for him to stand on the round stool. He just wobbled on it, and it looked dangerous, and he was about to fall off at any time.

Li Guolou said: "Zhang Haojie, help the shopkeeper Shanda down, the rare good people in Tongyitang can't have any more accidents." Li Guolou made fun of the shameless Shan Tiangu, this person deserves to die, forcibly dragging these big shopkeepers into the trap , to save his fate.

Li Guolou said: "You have all seen it. It is impossible for a person to stand after drinking a lot of alcohol. It is even more dangerous for Bai Renyi to be fat. If he commits suicide, he must fall several times before he succeeds in suicide. But Bai Renyi has no bruises on his body. One hanging is successful, which means that someone hanged him up. It is impossible for one person to hang the deceased Bai Renyi on the beam. At least two people are needed, and three people are more secure. Ma Qingke, Ma Qingshe, Zhao Ye, you guys The three of them cooperated perfectly, the one who pulled the white silk pulled the white silk, the one who tied the knot tied the knot, who cut the white silk short, and who measured the height of the suicide, let me guess?"

Standing in front of Ma Qingke, Li Guolou asked, "Master Ma, has anyone in your family committed suicide?"

There was an uproar, and one of the shopkeepers said anxiously: "The wife of shopkeeper Ma committed suicide, and she also committed suicide by hanging. Madam Ma is ten years older than shopkeeper Ma."

The meaning is self-explanatory, Li Guolou's face is dry, and his third grandmother, Yelia, is also ten years older than him, and she is also rich. Will he kill her one day for greed for Yelia's money?Li Guolou is full of confidence. He is a person who can let go. He will never kill someone for the sake of a woman's money. This is a matter of principle. He has faith in his heart.

Ma Qingke's pale face was flushed with anger, and he said angrily, "Mr. Li, don't slander good people. I have never killed anyone. The sad things about my family are none of your business!"

Li Guolou said: "I am a police officer. If someone kills someone, I will take care of my business. It is my duty to avenge the deceased. Ma Qingke and the three of you dare to do what you three do."

No one would admit it, even if they were beaten to death, they would have to go to the Palace of the King of Hades to seek justice, and if they were tortured, their confessions would be retracted. None of the three murder suspects admitted to having killed someone.

Li Guolou said solemnly: "You guys think you have a good plan if you don't want to destroy the Yellow River, but you didn't expect to leave a ridiculous loophole long ago. The loophole of Ma Qingke is right in front of your eyes. Are you so smart that you didn't see it?"

Ma Qingke said: "Mr. Li, our brothers are good people, and we will not do things that are harmful to nature. You can't bully others and pour sewage on our brothers. Talking about killing people and taking actual actions are two different things. We all understand the laws of the Qing Dynasty. example."

Li Guolou said: "Don't worry, I won't wrong good people, and the capital won't fall in June snow. I will show you the evidence. I believe you haven't figured it out yet. What loopholes are there in the murder case?"

Li Guolou laughed up to the sky, walked towards the door, and closed the two doors. The loophole of the secret room murder case was in front of everyone. Only Li Guolou discovered it, and his talent was unrivaled.

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