late Qing Dynasty arrest

Chapter 189 Murder in the Secret Room Part 2

Li Guolou and Vasizuo walked quickly to the Porter Hotel, which was two streets away, followed by two little braids on patrol.

Vasizuo said: "Let me first talk about the general situation of the case."

"Okay, I'm listening." Li Guolou lowered the brim of his hat, covering most of his face, and walked quickly with his head bowed.

"A middle-aged American man named Socrates was shot to death in Room 202 of the Porter Hotel at ten o'clock last night. He was shot in the head, but there was no pistol left at the scene, and there was no suicide note. We did not have anyone at the scene There are traces of entry and exit, the windows are not closed, but there are no footprints on the ground in the courtyard. The people in the hotel lobby swore that no one ran out from the second floor. We had planned to deal with it as a murder case, but people from the American Friendship Insurance Company this morning Here, their sales manager Regan said that Socra bought a life insurance with accident insurance from Friendship Insurance Company ten days ago. It cost a total of 150 U.S. dollars and the insured amount was [-] U.S. dollars. Reagan asked me to check again, no matter Why can't the nature of this case be defined as a homicide case, otherwise he will also kill someone. It's not easy for me, so I thought of you." Vasizuo spread his hands helplessly, people always owe favors in the Jianghu At that time, he also had to return the American Reagan's favor.

Li Guolou lowered his head and asked, "How many days has Socrates been staying at the Porter Hotel?"

Vasizuo replied: "Socera originally lived in the American Concession, and he stayed at the Porter Hotel for two days. No one came to see him. I think he should come to see your game. Do you understand?"

"Oh, there are ten thousand dollars. You can buy ten killers with this money." Li Guolou changed the topic, how many people wanted him to lose, but he just won, which surprised the foreigners. drop.Thinking about the homicide case in his heart, it is very likely that the deceased Socrate committed suicide or bought a murderer to defraud the Friendship Insurance Company of [-] US dollars.

"Hey, Mike, I don't know how many people couldn't figure it out last night. Several of my colleagues were scolding you. I didn't say to bet on you. Keep a low profile for me later. Just talk about business and don't talk about [-] yuan. U.S. dollars." Vasizuo warned.

"Okay! Vasizuo, then buy two cups of hot coffee and a hot dog. I won't have time for lunch later." Li Guolou saw a hot dog shop, smelled the aroma of coffee, his appetite whetted, and he stopped pace.

"I'll do it!" Vasizuo generously took out his wallet.

The four of them stood on the side of the street eating hot dogs and drinking hot coffee, and settled a lunch in less than 5 minutes.

Before eleven o'clock, Li Guolou and Vasizuo came to Porter Hotel, and Reagan, the sales manager of Friendship Insurance Company, was waiting for them in the lobby.

After the two sides introduced, the tall and handsome white man Reagan said seriously: "Mike; Li, although you are from the Qing Dynasty, you have a passport. You can buy an insurance from me later, and I will let Vassizo be the guarantor."

Li Guolou said: "I bought life insurance in the UK."

"Hey——Mike; Li, the value is different, you must buy a new insurance from me, this is called double insurance, have dinner together at night, and introduce your family members to me by the way, don't the fat and water go to outsiders? When Reagan saw Li Guolou for the first time, he knew that he was destined for this Qing Dynasty man who dragged his tail to argue, and his old friend Vasizuo stood up for him, making Li Guolou bleed like two fingers pinching an snail as simple as that.

Li Guolou squinted at Vasizuo, what the hell, did you ask him to buy insurance?

Vasizuo pretended not to see it, pointed with his big hand, and ordered: "Let's go to room 202, we'll talk about it at night if we have something to do."

In Room 202 of the Porter Hotel, there was a patrol gate at the door, and Li Guolou was the second to enter the room. The room was more than a dozen square meters, with a large bed, a small round table, and two chairs with backrests.The deceased, Su Gela, was lying on the ground, covered with a white sheet. Blood seeped into the sheet. The bright red pool of blood was like a blooming red peony.

The coroner Yousufa lifted the bed sheet, revealing the dignity of the deceased Socra, pointed to the head of the deceased, and said: "Mike, please see that the shot was shot in the head with a flintlock, and it was shot at a very close range. There were scorched marks on the temple of the deceased, and the deceased was killed while sitting on this stool, the time of death was [-]:[-] last night, someone heard the gunshot."

Li Guolou took a pair of gloves, put them on, and squatted on the ground to examine the wounds of the deceased. Although the lead bullets could not be seen, they must still remain in the head of the deceased, Socra. The trace was indeed a headshot.

Li Guolou raised the right hand of the deceased and sniffed it with his nose. After a long time, there was no smell on the deceased's hand. Li Guolou raised his head and looked at coroner You Sufa.

Yousufa said embarrassingly: "The deceased had been dead for more than three hours when I came, and I couldn't smell anything."

"Is the neighbor next door suspicious?" Li Guolou stood up and looked towards the door.

Vasizuo raised his voice: "Mike, the bag on the door was locked, and it was knocked open by the waiter on the second floor."

Li Guolou ignored Vasizuo's words, and continued to look at the bag and the damaged part above the door. Then Li Guolou pushed open the unlocked south window, and the cold wind blew into the room. Li Guolou habitually squinted his eyes, and the sunlight Shining on his face, he couldn't help thinking.

The bottom floors of Western buildings are at least four or five meters high. Li Guolou leans on the window frame and looks down. The ground is covered with unmelted snow and large sheets of ice.

Vasizuo said loudly: "Mike, don't go down and look, so many of us have checked the ground outside, if someone walks by, they will definitely leave footprints."

"You promise." Li Guolou insisted.

"I swear to God, so many people have checked together. The deceased is an American and I don't know him. Now you just need to show me whether the deceased committed suicide or homicide? If homicide, where is the short-barreled flintlock hidden?" Vasizuo became impatient when he stopped writing, and looked sideways at Li Guolou, almost scolding Li Guolou.

"Oh!" Li Guolou leaned over and took out a leather box under the bed, put it on the bed and opened it. This was the leather box that the deceased carried with him.

"Mr. Yousufa, do you have a magnifying glass?" Li Guolou suddenly asked a strange question.

"Yes!" The coroner Yousufa showed a happy expression, and the Qing Dynasty detective Mike; Li must have something new.

Holding a magnifying glass, Li Guolou looked down at every item in the suitcase, staring at the suitcase carefully. No one else knew what they were looking at?

"Vassizuo, what do you think this is?" Li Guolou was overjoyed and suddenly shouted.

"What?" Vasizuo lowered his head, still not seeing what Li Guolou was referring to?

"Take a magnifying glass." Li Guolou handed the magnifying glass to Vasizuo.

The coroner You Sufa also came up to see that Li Guolou had two tiny black hairs in his palm.

Vasizuo finally managed to see the two black hairs in Li Guolou's hand, and asked suspiciously, "Mike, what does this mean?"

Li Guolou rolled his eyes and said: "Detective Vasizuo, there is a black cat hidden in the box. Do you understand? It was the black cat who took the short-barreled flintlock away from the scene."

"Mike, how do you take him away?" Yousufa couldn't bear it anymore, and broke the casserole and asked the end.

Li Guolou smiled and said: "The deceased committed suicide. He tied a rope around the body of the short-barreled flintlock gun, and tied the other end around the neck of the black cat. He opened the window and placed a stool under the window on purpose. It is to let the black cat jump out of the window and escape after hearing the gunshot. This black cat must like to jump in the sky, and the distance of four or five meters is a piece of cake for the cat. The hair in my hand is the iron evidence of the suicide in the locked room!"

"Can you find the gun?" Vasizuo jumped up excitedly and hugged Li Guolou.

Li Guolou hastily clenched his fists to prevent the two hairs from flying away, and said with a smile: "Vassizuo, don't be so excited, the black cat must have bitten the rope in the bushes to escape from the scene, you should send someone to investigate, the gun There must be a rope tied to it."

"Cat, cat, cat! That black cat is also ironclad evidence." Standing at the door, Reagan, the sales manager of Friendship Insurance Company, also began to order Inspector Vasizuo.

Vasizuo shouted to the four policemen at the door: "Go to the bushes to the south to find that gun, and ask the manager of the Porter Hotel to try to catch the black cat with the rope around its neck."

The four policemen were ordered to leave and bowed to Li Guolou before they left. They belonged to overseas Chinese, but they still had the blood of the Qing people in their bones, and they admired Li Guolou from the bottom of their hearts.

Li Guolou solemnly put the two black hairs into the evidence bag, cautiously, fearing that the two black hairs would fly off.

"Hmph! Socrates still wants to cheat our Friendship Insurance Company's insurance money and embarrass us Americans." Reagan looked at the dead body on the ground angrily, almost spitting on the dead man's face.

"Manager Reagan, I have saved your company ten thousand dollars, so please don't get me wrong?" Li Guolou closed the windows so that the cold wind could not blow into the room.

Reagan raised his voice and said: "Mike, one thing is one thing. My friendship with you started with a black cat. Next time I will give your daughter a Russian black cat. Where will your family have dinner at night? A pair of chopsticks, Yelia also needs to buy an insurance policy, um——and that British girl, who else in your family has a passport?"

Li Guolou learned what it means to chase after and fight fiercely. Reagan couldn't understand the words of refusal, so he must have dinner with Li Guolou's family, so that Li Guolou could understand that this is how the insurance company made insurance.

Li Guolou and others sat in the lobby drinking hot coffee and waited for more than an hour. The flintlock gun tied with a rope was found, but the black cat disappeared without a trace.Li Guolou touched and looked at this small American-made flintlock gun, and he was happy to admire himself. Boxing did not leave too many sequelae, and the detective's mind was still clear.

Li Guolou returned the gun to Vasizuo, and smiled casually: "Vasizuo, that black cat is your business, I don't care about it, I should go, see you tonight."

Reagan interjected: "Mike, it's a deal. I'll prepare two insurance policies tonight. You and Yelia can just sign your names. Money is not a problem for you. The policy reflects your worth. Don't lose face to the Qing Empire." .”

Vasizuo hurriedly smoothed things over and said, "Mike, let me promise Reagan for my sake. Americans like to make friends. There are many ways for you to go to the American Concession in the future."

"The Americans are traitors and have betrayed the British. I hate the Americans for their dishonesty. But for Vasizo's sake, I want to make you my personal friend, so I don't want to play on American soil." Li Guo Lou firmly said that the British Empire became weak after the independence of the United States. From the bottom of his heart, Li Guolou hated the Americans for treachery and betraying their British masters.

"Dual citizenship, Mike, from now on you will treat me as a Frenchman. I have a French passport. The Qing-French friendship will last forever. Amen!"

Reagan's ability to climb smoothly is unmatched, and dual citizenship is his double insurance.

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