"God bless France!" Li Guolou waved the top hat in his hand smartly, ready to leave.

"Mike, wait a minute and someone hanged himself again, do you want to see if it's true or not?" Inspector Vasizuo couldn't help asking when he learned about the new case from a police officer who reported the news and asked him to handle it. Li Guolou yelled.

"Ah! So busy!" Li Guolou, who had walked to the entrance of the lobby, turned around and came back, with an excited and impulsive expression on his face. Seeing a dead man is better than a beautiful woman, this kind of excitement is not available in bed.

"Let's go! It's not far!" Vasizuo flipped the hat in his hand and put it on, stroked his mustache, and raised his head to let the people in the hotel see what the person who solved the case looked like.

Li Guolou took a deep look in his eyes, and he learned new tricks. The French elite lead the fashion, and he will follow in his footsteps, and also lead the new fashion in the Qing Empire.

"I'll go and have a look too. Don't be someone who bought friendship insurance." Reagan couldn't bear to worry, picked up the hat on the coffee table, and walked out after him.

The doorman at the door was not allowed to recognize people because he didn't know each other. He didn't look straight at the braided Li Guolou, and reached out to the tall Reagan for a tip in exchange for a glance of soot.

The afternoon sun shone on the people, and they were warm all over. Li Guolou and Vasizuo strode like soldiers, and Reagan trotted hard to follow behind. The three were about the same height and wore the same clothes. They were all overcoats and top hats. Let people know at a glance that the three people are members of the same team.

Li Guolou asked curiously: "Vassizuo, are you usually this busy?"

Vasizuo tilted his head and glanced sideways at Li Guolou, and said, "You're not coming to the French Concession. I'm drinking coffee and reading newspapers at this time. You're the only one who has a lot to do. Do you know how many police officers I have mobilized for your safety?" ?”

"It's easy to say, I'll give you two bottles of Bourbon Dynasty red wine tonight, it's always interesting." Li Guolou hurriedly bribed the other party, because public relations with high-class people is based on morality, so the other party can't refuse the first-class red wine.

"Well, open champagne tonight." Vasizuo stroked his mustache, looking forward to a sumptuous banquet and a double harvest in his career. He just wanted to quickly end the investigation of the crime scene and drink champagne early to celebrate the long-lasting friendship.

Li Guolou and Vasizuo competed vigorously, and the two walked faster and faster, so tired that Reagan behind him was panting heavily.

The house of the Russian Tymoshchuk was immersed in grief. The master hanged himself and died in the study at home. The old housekeeper Skif narrated the process.

Timoshchuk’s home is in the Russian Concession, and it’s rare to live here in a house in the French Concession. Last night, Timoshchuk didn’t return all night, so he came here to have a look. Maybe the owner, Timoshchuk, brought the little girl come here to play.Unexpectedly, I saw the owner Timoshchuk committing suicide by hanging from the beam, and hurriedly reported the case to the police to find out whether the owner Timoshchuk committed suicide or homicide.Mrs. Yejiva dragged the four-year-old boy crying heartbroken. Seeing this scene, Li Guolou couldn't help but think of what happened when he was a child.

Vasizuo asked, "Mrs. Yejiva, did your husband go to the boxing match yesterday afternoon?"

Yejiva wiped away her tears and said, "Yes, Mike, who killed a thousand swords, knocked Robinson down. I think my husband can't figure it out, and he will come back after spending a night outside. Unexpectedly, he died here."

Li Guolou hurriedly turned his back to prevent Madam Yejiwa from seeing his bruised and swollen face.

Vasizuo wrote down a note in a small notebook and asked, "Mrs. Yejiva, do you know how much your husband lost?"

Yejiva hesitated: "I don't know the details, but he mortgaged the two houses we live in."

Li Guolou and Reagan looked at each other and gasped, how much money the deceased Tymoshchuk bet on Robinson!

Vasizo's face remained unchanged, and he continued to ask: "Mrs. Yejiva, does your husband, Mr. Timoshchuk, have any insurance?"

Yejiva replied dryly, "There should be."

Vasizuo remained silent and walked into the study.

The coroner Yusufa took off his gloves, stood up and said: "The deceased Tymoshchuk was strangled to death. There was only one strangulation mark, so he should have been hanged. However, the hanging beam of the deceased was three meters above the ground, and the rope was still enough." The distance was less than one meter, and there was no stool under the deceased’s feet, so there would be a problem if he hanged himself from a beam.” After speaking, Yousufa couldn’t help but look at the old housekeeper Skif who called the police, suspecting that Skif had moved the scene of the crime.

The old housekeeper, Skif, said anxiously: "I didn't open the door. When I came, I asked the janitor here to come in together. Here is the apartment key with the manager in the lobby. I came in with Manager Skif. Skif and I The manager touched nothing."

Manager Skif in the lobby nodded and said, "That's right, we didn't touch anything, I swear to God."

A French patrolman said: "Report to Inspector Vasizo, we checked out the window, and there are no footprints."

Manager Skif in the lobby interjected, "Tymoshchuk brought two big suitcases over last night."

Vasizuo hurriedly turned around and went to the living room to look at the two big boxes, but found nothing, they were two big empty boxes.

Manager Skif in the lobby turned pale, stammering and swearing that he didn't kill anyone, and everything that happened in the room didn't care about his affairs.

Vasizuo looked up at the suspects, as if he already knew the answer.

Li Guolou has already seen the flaw but is hesitant. There is only one insurance policy left for his orphan and widowed mother. Should he make trouble?

Li Guolou stood alone at the window, looking at the sun outside, the warm sunshine made his heart less murderous.

Reagan was suspicious, and couldn't help asking: "Mrs. Yejiva, is your husband's insurance purchased from the American Friendship Insurance Company?"

"No!" Yejiva replied firmly.

"Oh—" Reagan felt much better, and raised his voice, "Mike, what are you doing standing there?"

Hearing this, Yejiwa finally knew who the person was standing in the room without saying a word, drew his sword and glared at Li Guolou, stretched out his right hand and said angrily: "Sick man of East Asia, why are you coming to my house, get out of here!" Go out, you are not welcome at my house."

"Polar bear, you still want to cheat insurance, just dream, Yejiva, from now on you can only support your family by being a chicken!" Li Guolou was filled with righteous indignation and swears.

Reagan hurriedly held Yejiva to prevent Yejiwa from spitting on Li Guolou's face.

"Inspector Vasizuo, you will understand why there are four charcoal stoves in the study." Li Guolou raised his voice.

Vasizuo squatted on the ground, touching the ashes of charcoal. Why do you need four charcoal stoves in a small room? Vasizuo stood up, smiled slightly, and said, "Mrs. Yejiva, don't curse. Mike It’s the Qing Dynasty detective I invited, your husband Timoshchuk committed suicide, your husband’s life insurance is a piece of scrap paper, you need to save some money in the future.”

"Wow wow wow wow!" Yejiwa hugged her son and cried, regretting that she had offended the detectives of the Qing Dynasty, and now even the last windfall was wasted.

Vasizuo said solemnly: "The dead Tymoshchuk came here last night with two pieces of ice, which were placed in two big boxes, and then he lit four charcoal stoves, and finally Tymoshchuk stepped on He hanged himself from the ice, the room was hot, the ice turned into water and evaporated, that's the truth of Tymoshchuk's death."

Vasizuo looked at Li Guolou, the two people who died were killed by Li Guolou, Li Guolou was the real murderer, he winked narrowly, he was enough for his buddies to let the murderer go.

Li Guolou couldn't bear to look at the crying mother and son. Everyone has their own destiny. He was the nemesis of the deceased Timoshchuk's family. He couldn't be a good person here.He stands here to bring hatred to the next generation. "Polar Bear" Russia is a natural enemy to the north of the Qing Empire, and the two peoples who have feuded for generations will continue to accumulate resentment.

Li Guolou's hat covered half of his face and stood on the street, but the land of the Qing Dynasty became someone else's land. This is the testimony of the sick man Dongye.No matter whether you win a boxing match or a war, the history that cannot be changed, the contract that has been set long ago, don't even think about going back on it for the rest of your life, he can only bow his head and walk on the land of the French in this life.

The two French hooligans recognized Li Guolou who was walking with his head bowed. Unwilling to miss the chance, they walked back. They jumped up and down in front of Li Guolou, punching and yelling, "Mike, let's have a boxing match."

Li Guolou moved back the brim of his hat and said with a smile, "Both of you, you're going to get down in one round. Don't embarrass the French."

The two French hooligans glanced at each other, feeling uncertain and afraid to throw their first punches. They turned to look at the people on the street, and they all glared at them, as if saying that the French do not fight uncertain battles.

"The Qing-French friendship will last forever!" A French hooligan yelled strangely, his fist turned into a slap on Li Guolou's shoulder, and he joked with Li Guolou kindly.

Li Guolou hugged the two French hooligans and said loudly, "French friends, I invite you to drink coffee."

The three became friends and walked into a coffee shop. Li Guolou didn't care if people scolded him and beat him. Many of his friends didn't know each other. Hooligans like to make friends the most. Li Guolou is a big boy at heart. Qing Dynasty rogue.

Li Guolou returned to Victoria's apartment, sat on the sofa and read an English newspaper "The Sun" sold on the street, and planned to go out for dinner later.

As soon as she turned to the entertainment page, Xie Liya snatched the newspaper and said coquettishly: "Mike is not allowed to read it. It said bad things about you. It was my fault that I told the reporters of the Sun newspaper about you, so they took the meaning out of context and made nonsense. I will never give an interview to The Sun again."

"It's okay for Xie Liya. I've seen it in the coffee shop just now, and now I read it again. I think it's quite funny. I don't mind. I didn't think about getting promoted, getting rich among the crowd, and being a detective by the way." Li Guo With Erlang's legs crossed, he took a sip of Huangshan Maofeng, and felt relaxed. When people spit on him, he could do without blinking.

Chinese people have been insulted by foreigners for decades, and no patriot has committed suicide by caesarean section. His mouth and pen can be used to condemn foreigners, but the use of suicide to arouse the people is only popular in the Japanese Empire.As for the rebellious Small Sword Society, they did not dare to take a step further when they reached the gate of the foreign concession in Shanghai, let alone shoot at the foreign concession. This is the Small Sword Society that claims to be patriotic and has a national complex.Insufficient strength can only be patient, and Li Guolou has to endure until the moment when he explodes.

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