"Mike, I love you!" Xie Liya hugged Li Guolou, moved her mouth closer, regardless of the other people beside her.

"In broad daylight, be honest with me, we are leaving soon, Xie Liya will go in for me to touch up my makeup and put on my lipstick." Yelia sat on the other side of Li Guolou and told Xiaosi Xie Liya to leave, she also had a day Addiction.

Lipstick was all over Li Guolou's left and right cheeks, he stood up angrily and shouted: "Don't mess around, how can I go out like this."

Li Guolou stood up abruptly and walked to the floor-to-ceiling mirror, wiped his cheeks with a handkerchief, and said angrily: "You are so solemn, the second grandma is watching you."

Xie Xiuzhu rolled her eyes at Xiaosan and Xiaosi, and scolded: "Hurry up and change your clothes, we are leaving." Then said: "Lingling, come out quickly, let Dad see what the little princess looks like."

Wearing a new suit, Zheng Lingling jumped up and down towards Li Guolou, and said in a childish voice, "Father!"

"Hey!" Li Guolou hugged Zheng Lingling, who was wearing a floral dress, with a big smile on his face, and he stopped thinking about the annoying patriotic martyr.

This is Yelia's place. Li Guolou left the apartment first with Yelia on his arm. Behind him, Xie Xiuzhu and Xie Liya led Zheng Lingling. This is a model of the Qing Dynasty with three wives and four concubines. next to the building.

A luxurious carriage stopped at the door. The gentlemanly Li Guolou helped two lovers and a girlfriend into the carriage. Zheng Lingling was directly carried into the carriage by him, and the five of them went to dinner together.

The dinner that was originally scheduled had some changes. It was supposed to be a treat for the big brother Li Guoyun, but now it suddenly became a treat for Jack the One-eyed Jack, the owner of the Captain Iron Hook Casino. Even Li Guolou couldn't guess what Jack the One-eyed was thinking.Everyone has money to make. Didn't Jack the One-Eyed invite them to a dinner party? He also hired forty or fifty bodyguards to protect his safety. He spent a lot of francs. Why are you so polite?He will be called "traitor one-eyed Jack" by the French.

Li Guolou has already recognized Cyclops Jack as a friend, and it is not worth it for Jack Cyclops in his heart, why is Lang spending so much money, even he hopes that those friends who eat free food will leave him soon, especially the two boxing masters, send a thank you gift Get fucked.

Li Guolou hugged Zheng Lingling, feeling a little uneasy, and asked, "Yelia, why do you know that Cyclops wants to invite us again?"

Yelia, who was dressed for a foreigner's ball, was sitting upright, holding the hem of the skirt with both hands, puffing out her chest and tucking in her belly, and said, "Mike, I don't know, they have to pay for it, and you're not here. Cyclops looks pretty nice, so I have to I agreed, and my elder brother and elder sister did not object. When you arrive at the International Hotel later, you should drink less alcohol for me and dance with me."

"One, my face is like this, so you let me hide in the shadows." Li Guolou was extremely dissatisfied and asked him to show his face in front of everyone. This is different from the past, and Li Guolou hopes that others will not look at him. He also needs to get his teeth filled.

"Two!" Yelia clenched her teeth and did not let go. This was the happiest moment in her life. If Xie Xiuzhu and Xie Liya were to be jealous of her life and luck, the old cow was still eating young grass.

"Okay! Second Mistress, Xie Liya, please don't let me dance anymore. I will dance until my feet cramp. This time, let me disappear and become invisible." Li Guolou blocked the other two loopholes around him as a precaution in the future. .

"What about me?" Zheng Lingling looked like a tender little flower, about to hang down her blooming flowers, and turned her head to look at Li Guolou.

"Okay! Daddy will dance a round dance with you." Li Guolou didn't believe what he said, and hurriedly agreed to his daughter Zheng Lingling's request.

"Hmph!" Xie Xiuzhu and Xie Liya were also dressed in fancy clothes, and they were extremely dissatisfied with Li Guolou's favoritism.

"Okay, Second Mistress, Xie Liya, you are also a dancer, don't talk about egalitarianism to me, I can't bear it." Li Guolou begged.

"En!" Xiaosan and Xiaosi were quite satisfied with Li Guolou's response, and they no longer raised too high demands.

"Oh, Yelia, Shelia, there will be a man named Reagan later, he is the sales manager of the Friendship Insurance Company I told you about, and he will come to dinner too. This person is very thick, because He is a friend of Inspector Vasizo. I can only save face for the Frenchman Vasizo and buy an insurance from Reagan. He will come to you to buy insurance later, so please ignore him. Yelia , Reagan has French nationality, he will come to get close to you, you must never buy a large insurance policy from him again, and if your son or grandson relies on your insurance policy to live, then don’t be surnamed Li.”

"Oh, I know a lot about the insurance companies. If you buy a random copy, you can treat it as a beggar. Mike, don't worry." Yelia said without hesitation.

"My dad said that insurance is a lie." Xie Liya also said firmly.

"Xie Liya, that's what poor people lie to themselves. Insurance is for self-defense. If you come to the Qing Dynasty on an ocean-going ship, don't you need to buy an insurance policy? It's impossible to get rich and old-age by insurance, let your life be valuable , just this one function.” Yelia told Li Guolou what happened to the insurance industry based on his experience.

"Hey, the Qing Dynasty is too feudal. Otherwise, I would open an insurance company to cheat people's money, which is guaranteed to be more profitable than opening a bank." Li Guolou beat his thigh in frustration, seeing that the most profitable industry was monopolized by foreigners.

"Mike, take your time, don't rush, wait for me to earn enough money, register a leather insurance company in the French Concession, let Edward Jones be the chairman, and we will cheat people in the concession together." Yelia ignored the image , Say shameless words, let the child Zheng Lingling grow up under such influence since childhood.

Li Guolou praised: "Mrs. Yelia, you must be a successful businesswoman. I support your proposition. Black and white take all. If you have done a good thing, you have to do a bad one."

"Shut up!" Xie Xiuzhu angrily scolded Li Guolou and Yeliya, how could she say such tasteless words to bring Zheng Lingling and Xie Liya into trouble.

Li Guolou grumbled: "One last thing, the leather bag company is registered in Hong Kong, which is protected by the British Empire, and no one can do anything to us. At that time, we just need to be the opposition. The British will definitely like to listen to my big words."

"Shut up!" The people in the carriage couldn't listen any longer, but they listened to all the ideas of defrauding people of money.Zheng Lingling, who is so smart, remembers everything verbatim in her mind. She has already set her first goal in life. After she learns finance well, she can make great efforts to cheat people.

Li Guolou and his group came to the International Hotel. They were half of the hosts who came early, and there were not many people in the banquet hall on the third floor.The banquet was changed to a group of public relations personnel in the Captain Iron Hook Casino. Li Guolou signed in at the entrance of the banquet hall and wanted to enter the banquet hall.

A beautiful public relations lady smiled and said, "Mr. Mike, please take a picture at the door first."

There are five photographers at the gate, and the angles of the five cameras have already been adjusted. There are eight people holding torches, ready to light the torches at any time.

After the group photo and the family photo were taken, Li Guolou thought it was all right, so he nodded his thanks to the photographer.

The beautiful public relations lady smiled and said, "Mr. Mike, please wait for someone to take a photo with you."

The public relations lady bowed politely, and the door of the banquet hall opened, and Jack the one-eyed dragon and Tarzan the ape walked out, and a large group of reporters from various countries swarmed out amidst laughter.

Li Guolou suddenly realized that the one-eyed Jack had set him up. "Mike, accept my challenge if you are a man!" Tarzan the Ape stopped Li Guolou on the pole with a single finger.

One-eyed Jack came out to smooth things over, he laughed and said, "Tarzan, don't worry, Mike still has a lot of worries, let me talk to him, so you don't make trouble."

The surrounding reporters had already surrounded Li Guolou and Mount Tai, and a new round of photo-taking began again.

"Mr. Mike, the French people are looking forward to a showdown between you and boxing champion Taishan in the boxing ring. You can't let the French people down." Eugene, the big reporter of Pravda, spoke first and confessed loudly to Li Guolou.

"Mr. Mike, the British people are looking forward to you standing on the ring again to fight against former boxing champion Tarzan. This is the real match of the century. The Sun will cheer for you." The British Sun reporter shouted loudly.

Li Guolou glanced at Tarzan the Ape, he was a savage, his movements were naturally agile, his height and strength were higher than him, Li Guolou had no chance of winning, as long as his mind was not broken, he would not be treated like a monkey by others.

Li Guolou said loudly: "Taishan, the former French boxing champion, is my idol. I am ashamed of myself. I am sorry to my friends from the press. I am no longer boxing. I am really sorry for disappointing you. Mr. Taishan, we still use the Wouldn't it be nice to drink with Weigui?"

The ape Taishan raised his middle finger at Li Guolou, and angrily said: "Coward, Dongye's sick man, braided dog who dare not fight, Mike; Li, you will only stiffen on the bed, and sooner or later you will die under a woman's crotch."

Li Guolou was tongue-tied, pointed at Taishan the ape, and said anxiously: "You, you, why did you say such obscene words in front of the reporters? How did I offend you? Your master Robinson fell, and you are not his son. Is it worth avenging Robinson Crusoe?"

"Big Stallion, I'm here to let you know what Western boxing is. It's no big deal for you to beat an old man. If you still have a root in your crotch, fight a real boxing match with me." Continue to challenge Li Guolou in front of many reporters.

Li Guolou waved his hand and shouted: "I don't deal with primitive people. Even if you scold my ancestors for eighteen generations, Taishan, I won't fight with you."

Li Guolou got rid of the entanglement of the reporters and walked into the banquet hall, letting Taishan alone to tell the story.

The one-eyed Jack smiled slyly and winked at his two public relations managers, and the three followed Li Guolou into the banquet hall.How could the one-eyed Jack fight an uncertain battle? He had already thought of how Li Guolou would react, and he had a clever way to deal with the timid braided dog of the Qing Dynasty.He wanted to throw a piece of fat to Li Guolou, and Li Guolou had no way to refuse it. Gambling is a gamble on people's hearts. One-eyed Jack tasted the sweetness from Li Guolou and won 10,000+ francs.He also wants to play a bigger gamble, so that the eyes of the whole world will turn to the distant and mysterious East.

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