At this time, many teahouses sell breakfast and pastries for takeaway. Longfu Teahouse opens at 04:30 in the morning. Longfu Tea House, the three of them are carrying a bird cage.

Li Guolou could hear the clichés of people who love birds. He was the first to step across the threshold and raised his voice: "Morning, Boss Quan, here are three bowls of tofu nao, four small shrimps, one bowl Spicy, three stewed meat rolls is also a spicy one, Beijing green onions are placed outside, diced meat steamed buns come in a basket, and Longjing tea is brewed in a pot with spring water from Yuquan Mountain."

"Hey! Three bowls of tofu nao, put four small shrimps, one bowl is extra spicy, three stewed meat rolls are extra spicy, Beijing green onions are placed outside, a cage of diced meat buns, and a pot of Longjing tea spring water. No!" The boss, Quan Zhendong, saw three unfamiliar faces, and played tricks, quickly repeating the reading.

"Master Li, since hanging out with you, my mouth has become tricky, and I don't eat porridge in the morning." Jin Erzi said something stupid.

"Hey, it's raining in the morning and it doesn't stop all night. There are a lot fewer people coming to set up the Dragon Gate Array!" The raindrops turned into beads, and there were only three of them in the lobby. The black cloth on the three birdcages had not been lifted, and the sky was too dark to walk the birds.

Some early eaters sell breakfast, some take it home to eat, and some eat breakfast in the lobby.This is at the foot of the imperial city, and most of the men without beards are eunuchs.

"Elder-in-law, make it early!" Boss Quan regarded Li Guolou as a powerful eunuch, and he was the first to serve Li Guolou.

"Eunuch Li, eat first!" Ai Hai hurriedly added, his eyes full of ridicule.

"Well;;;;;;" Li Guolou replied in a long voice, picked up a spoon and ate the tofu nao slowly, his eyes still fixed on the gate.

The eunuch is also a revolutionary party, Li Guolou wanted to laugh, but he also felt terrified.The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom was suppressed by Zeng Guofan, and Nian’s army was near the end of his life, but the change in the social atmosphere was unstoppable. Concessions blossomed everywhere in the Qing Empire, and countless patriots with different hearts made revolution. How could it be possible to eliminate the Revolutionary Party?Mission impossible.Eliminate a group of revolutionary parties, and more revolutionary parties will swarm out of the concession in the near future. Those who have learned new ideas and accepted new ideas since childhood will never be able to turn back.

The flower girl can become a revolutionary party, the lowly people want to change their destiny, the powerful and the rich are the targets they want to defeat, the world is changing in the cycle of reincarnation.When the revolutionary party becomes powerful and wealthy, it will also be the target of criticism and defeat.Time flies, and thousands of years of history have changed like this.The mighty historical trend is unstoppable, and one day his arrest of the revolutionary party today will be a stain on his life. In the new dynasty, they, the officials of the previous dynasty, will be ugly people.

No beggars or flower girls showed up in the early morning, and the teahouse was deserted. People walking their dogs bought meat buns at the takeaway window of the teahouse. Dogs were sensitive to the stickers of people with muskets, and rushed into the lobby to sniff Li Guolou and others. Non-stop, a cage of diced steamed buns was used to feed the dogs.

"Boss, come here with another basket of meat diced steamed buns, my family also has dogs!" Ai Hai justified himself, almost revealing his identity, but fortunately, the meat diced steamed buns bought the dog.

Slowly drinking tea, Li Guolou opened his pocket watch, Yelia's big head came into view, it was already 05:30, Li Guolou closed the watch, and held up the teacup with a smile.

Two people came from a distance, and a tall one held an oilcloth umbrella to shield the people in front from the rain.The chunky Bifu held a birdcage, and uttered birdsong from his mouth to express his affection to the starlings in the cage.

Eunuch Bi Fu is in his thirties, with a chubby face and always smiling. He is the steward of the clan mansion. Every morning, rain or shine, I went to the Longfu Teahouse in Cuihua Hutong to drink tea and walk the birds. Coincidentally, Cuihua Hutong is next to Dongchang Hutong.

Ai Hai elbowed Li Guolou and said in a low voice, "Here we come!"

Li Guolou stood up, bent his upper body, greeted him with a playful smile, and said, "Morning, Eunuch Bi!"

Although Li Guolou stared at Bi Fu, the person he had to deal with was the tall man with the umbrella, so what about the master guards in the inner circle, he had the confidence to defeat the enemy with one move in the surprise battle.

Bi Fu glanced at Li Guolou, and said perfunctorily: "Well;;;;;;"

Of course Bi Fu didn't know Li Guolou, and he was still wondering which department this little eunuch was from.

"Angkor!" Li Guolou called out affectionately, one step away from the tall Wu Kong.

Li Guolou held the birdcage with his right hand, covering the opponent's sight. His hidden ultimate move was his right fist, a fist as hard as iron, hitting Wu Wukong's lower abdomen.

A person's strength is gathered from the abdomen, so there is a saying that the energy sinks to the dantian.Li Guolou's current iron fist weighs four to five hundred catties, and no martial arts master can hold it. When he punched it down, the tall Wu Wu Kongmeng bent down, with a painful expression on his face.

Li Guolou's left birdcage fell to the ground, and his left hand turned into a fist and hit Wu Wukong's chin.With only two punches, he knocked out a well-known kung fu master, and collapsed at the gate like mud.

Bi Fu is a master of Wudang Baguazhang, and his reaction is faster than ordinary people. Suddenly, Bi Fu stepped back and threw away the birdcage in his hand.His first reaction was to run away. Bi Fu saw the two people sitting at the door with their guns drawn. Whoever dares to pull out a gun at the foot of the imperial city must be a police officer. Bi Fu knew that his end was coming. Bird cages, release starlings to inform the "comrades of the Baath Party" of the impending danger.

Li Guolou leaned forward and approached, raised his right leg and kicked Bi Fu in the face.Bi Fu naturally resorted to the move of "Hiding flowers in the armpits", flipping his palms to block Li Guolou's flying kicks, his feet were steady, and he didn't have time to kick the bird cage.

Li Guolou jumped up and kicked with one leg, which turned into a chain kick with two legs. He was not afraid of the opponent's arms strangling. The surprise battle is a life-and-death fight, which has nothing to do with Baguazhang's favorite Youdou.

Bi Fu's heart moved at will, and "pushing the window to look at the moon" made him perfect. He wanted to escape but was kicked by flying legs, and he had nowhere to escape.In a dangerous situation, he showed his true qualities as a hero. Bi Fu was able to stand alone in the clan's mansion, and his kung fu was also one of the best.

The strength of the feet is more than twice that of the hands. Bi Fu's arms have endured a severe test. He knows the martial arts of "Xie Zi Jue" well, and he slides sideways to relieve the pressure on the arms.

Although Ai Hai and Jin Erzi drew their guns, they didn't dare to shoot. Li Guolou and Bi Fu got together so that they didn't dare to go forward. Ai Hai shouted: "Don't move, we are arresting Quickly, arrest the rebels, whoever dares to move will be killed!"

The boss, staff, and diners in Longfu Teahouse were terrified, lying on the ground or petrified, not daring to rush to the gate.Li Guolou jumped up in mid-air, his swift and fierce attack was unstoppable, he kicked his opponent in a row, using his opponent as a sandbag.No matter what Wudang Baguazhang, the movements with nice names, how many tricks can be done at the moment of life and death.As long as he leaves his opponent behind, Bi Foo's downfall is his victory.Real fighting and drills cannot be compared, especially in times of crisis, Li Guolou's courage, courage and confidence are all here, and Bi Fu can only retreat and give in.

Li Guolou won the advantage, and he was relentless. His speed was unmatched by his opponents, so if he stayed, he would not let his opponents slip away.

The series of three-legged tricks made Bi Fu's hands hurt unbearably, but he still gritted his teeth and held back. "Golden Pheasant Fighting", "Pushing Mountains into the Sea", "Hiding Flowers in Armpit" and "Flying Horse and Unconstrained Power", each move has soaked in his more than ten years of skill .

Li Guolou didn't give in to close-quarters bunt, fighting for his life, parrying with head-to-head moves.Isn't he afraid of the internal strength of the Wudang faction?It's all nonsense, if you want to dissolve the opponent's power, can you really turn it back by drawing half a circle?Kungfu that has not been practiced in actual combat is all fake moves. Soldiers never use Wudang Kungfu to kill the enemy.

Li Guolou's punches are extremely powerful, and his arms blocking each other is an unrealistic kung fu. Wudang Baguazhang uses double palms to block the opponent's attack, can it be swayed freely?Li Guolou used the facts to tell Yelang, a conceited kung fu master, that hand-to-hand combat is a head-to-head fight with one's life.

Only he knew whether his arm was hurting or not. Bi Fu grinned his teeth and glared at his opponent. He had endless killing moves, and every move had a hidden deadly back move.But the opponent's speed is too fast, he can only strike late, and Baguazhang also likes to make decisions before making moves.

But Bi Fu met an opponent who didn't play cards according to common sense. Li Guolou didn't fight with the opponent. Suddenly Li Guolou bullied the opponent and stuck to his body.Li Guolou is also an experienced wrestler. He hugged his opponent in a bear hug, caught a stumbling block under his feet, and the two fell to the ground. With a sound of "click!", Li Guolou snapped off Bi Fu's left wrist.

Immediately, Bi Fu's right hand was held back by Li Guolou, "Eunuch Bi, if you move it again, this hand will be broken." Li Guolou said with a heavy breath.

"Who are you? I'm Bi Fu from the Clan Mansion. I'm a sixth-rank official. You've arrested the wrong person." Bi Fu was in so much pain that he still yelled loudly so that the people next to him would know who he was.

"Grandpa Bi, you don't need to call anymore. The road is closed here, and even a bird can't fly out. Viper, you are finished!" Jin Erzi pulled Bi Fu's clothes and braids, looking for hidden weapons and poisons, and he found them. The poison and the hidden weapon, the poison is sewn into the collar of the clothes, the hidden weapon is hidden in the braids and boots, it is a dagger and a spike.

Li Guolou kicked Bi Fu fiercely, annoyed that his opponent had bruised his arms, and shouted: "Viper, you still have poison hidden in your body, who do you want to poison to death!"

Bi Fu was pressed to the ground, knelt down on his knees, looked up at Li Guolou, spat out a mouthful of blood, and said without fear: "Mangou, don't be complacent, someone will avenge me, revive China! Down with Manqing ;;;;;;"

Jin Erzi stepped forward and stuffed Bi Fu's stinky sock into his own mouth, and said with a smile: "Say, you will reveal everything about the Baath Party later. kind of people."

Wu Wukong, the Ouchi bodyguard who was knocked unconscious by Li Guolou's two punches, came to his senses, glared angrily and said, "You are a good boy, do you know who I am? I am Wu Wukong, the second-class Ouchi bodyguard."

Li Guolou slapped his hands and shouted: "Shut your beak, don't embarrass the guards in the palace, you're not clean at all, you're going to be imprisoned."

"Me, me, me! What kind of law did I commit?" Wu Wukong didn't know what to say, he was wrong with the wrong master, and there were countless people like him in this shocking case, even if it wasn't for the Baath Party People will also be exiled to the frontier.

The police, yamen servants, and members of the militia hidden around appeared one after another, and the murderous capital searched for members of the Baath Party in the early morning of the rainy day.And outside the Mingyangmen city in the east gate, Wang Wu bid farewell to "Rabbit" in the rain, and the Jianghu love still prevails in the Jianghu.

"Rabbit" Ping'an Guo, a member of the Baath Party with a huge amount of money in his pocket, looked serious, like a gentleman, and said, "Thank you, Wang Wu, I, Ping'an Guo, know who can be trusted, and come to the British Concession to find me in the future."

Standing outside the carriage in the rain, Wang Wu clasped his fists and said, "I will definitely come to have a drink with my brother some other day, and I will definitely come to see you soon."

Standing in the rain, Wang Wu waved his hands with a smile on his face. The wealth and glory were brought to his brothers by "Rabbit". He recognized "Rabbit" Ping'an as his friend.But in this rapidly changing world, who can know what the "rabbit" will bring them next time?

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