late Qing Dynasty arrest

Chapter 210 Prime Minister Prince Gong

In the heavy rain, Bao Yi led a large group of yamen servants and policemen to stand in front of the Jinshui Bridge. He was so excited that he couldn't express it. Explosives were found in the stones removed from the bridge deck. Three tons of black powder.

Bao Yitong lamented: "Hey, order! Quickly arrest Chen Kuiyuan, the head of the Clan Mansion! Anyone who dares to resist will be killed."

"Zha!" A group of policemen and yamen servants took the order and walked away with fists in their hands. Bao behind him was full of tears, as if he was feeling sorry for a colleague who was a minister in the same palace.A group of aides in Prince Gong's mansion nearby were stunned and whispered.

"Report! My lord! The first team successfully captured the tiger and captured the tiger alive, but two policemen died!" "Report! My lord! The second team caught a dead man, and Tulong committed suicide by taking poison. Lord Wanwang forgive me!"

When the news came from one team after another, Bao Yitong's face remained unchanged, standing upright in the rain like a towering tree.

"Report! Damn this subordinate, let the rabbit run away, Master Wanwang will punish you!" Wang Wu knelt down in the pond, drooping his head, like a defeated rooster.

"You, you, you! How did you promise yesterday, I will beat you to death when I go back!" Bao Yitong glared and scolded Wang Wu.

Finally, the news of the [-]th team came, which relieved Bao Yiyi's anxiety.He led a group of people straight to Prince Gong's mansion, and went to ask the Prime Minister, Prince Gong Yixin for credit.

The person who stayed at the scene of Jinshui Bridge was Yuanwailang Wu Kefan. He kept shouting and yelling, running around in the rain, and asked his men to carefully carry the stones containing black powder.

Li Guolou led sixty men, who were also carrying stones, all of them were elated and worried.They don't need to dismantle all the stones, just remove some stones and take them back as evidence.

After being happy, the subordinates cursed and refused to do this kind of physical work. They put three stones on a carriage and quit all of them.

Li Guolou raised his voice and said: "Old Wu, that's enough! If there are more, if there is an explosion in the Ministry of Punishment, we will all be finished. This kind of thing should be handled by the Ministry of War."

"En! That's right, close the team!" Wu Kefan waved his hand, and the brigade turned around and left, with several credits.Thinking that it would not be the Ministry of Criminal Justice's turn to do the house raiding, he couldn't help but sigh, "Hey! Chen Kuiyuan's family property is at least 30 million taels. No matter how much we drop, we can still share 5 taels."

Li Guolou, who was holding an umbrella for Wu Kefan, said: "Forget about old Wu, Chen Kuiyuan has to honor the tens of thousands of taels of silver to our Ministry of Punishment in order to survive. Let's go to the Yinglun Guild Hall to play a few times."

"Hey, now the old slippery man owns real estate in the concession, and he won't die of poverty even if he ransacks his house. The times are different, and Chen Kuiyuan's life is good!" Wu Kefan couldn't help but sigh, unexpectedly, the eunuch Chen Kuiyuan couldn't be killed.

"Don't worry, follow Master Bao, you will be able to buy a house in the concession soon, this time you will be promoted." Li Guolou said sourly.

"Hey! Little plums, you also get a ninth-rank official hat to wear." Wu Kefan was happy, and followed the officer, and no credit will become a great achievement.

"But I want to wear a seventh-rank official hat!" Li Guolou felt unwilling, envious of other people's good lives.

"The hair hasn't even grown yet! Don't embarrass our chief, so many brothers are risking their lives!" Wu Kefan rolled his eyes at Li Guolou, reprimanding his subordinates for their greedy actions.

The two sat in a carriage one after the other and dried clothes in the carriage.

"Xiao Lizi, are you going to interrogate the criminals later?" Wu Kefan, who was wearing underwear, was holding an official uniform by the charcoal stove.

Li Guolou didn't take off his clothes and was drenched all over. He just put his feet up in his leather boots and said, "I'm not suitable for extorting confessions by torture. As long as I don't break the law, I won't enter the prison gate in this life. I use IQ and rebels to Intrigue, Lao Wu tells you the truth, this case is a great gift from me to the Ministry of Criminal Justice, so Mr. Bao has cared for me more, don't get it wrong."

"Oh;;;;;; Hehehe! Little Li, how do you know I'm thinking wrong." Wu Kefan asked glibly.

"Hey, what did your stinky mouth say outside, you thought I wouldn't know!" Li Guolou glared at Wu Kefan with sharp eyes, everyone had an account in their hearts.

"Hahaha! Talk nonsense after drinking, Xiao Li, don't mind. I just have this temper, Master Bao tolerates me." Wu Kefan didn't care, he was blessed by his ancestors, and no one could do anything to him.

"Don't say any more in the future! Otherwise, I won't play with you anymore." Li Guolou issued an ultimatum.

"Okay! I swear I won't say it again. You are not allowed to escape home when you go back. There are so many things. If you don't interrogate the prisoner, you still have a lot to do. Don't be an outlier in the criminal department. It's not your turn to be the shopkeeper." Wu Ke Fan also gave Li Guolou an order to see through Li Guolou's background.

Li Guolou's complexion became gloomy, and he said listlessly: "Hey, I originally wanted to go to the Dieda master, but I was slapped several times by the Baguazhang master. If it were you, you would have died a long time ago, about a rib." broken."

"Really!" Wu Kefan asked worriedly.

"Fake! It's not broken, but there are always internal injuries." Li Guolou stroked the bruise on his body, even a slight touch made him grin his teeth in pain.

Wu Kefan said with a chuckle: "Well - the dead eunuch can also gossip, I will help you avenge later."

The two talked non-stop in the carriage, dancing excitedly. A shocking case brought together the people in the criminal department. Such a great contribution can be said to have lasted a lifetime.

Li Guolou took a shower and returned to the office with a clean set of clothes. The inside was smoky, and his subordinates were all smoking, and they hadn't been addicted yet. No one was killed in their group attack, so they laughed and laughed non-stop.

Li Guolou was not addicted to cigarettes, usually only the officer came to accompany the officer to smoke a few cigarettes, and when he entered the room, he couldn't even keep his eyes open.Li Guolou quickly opened the window, and said angrily, "Why are you coming to my office? Didn't you see the words "No entry for idlers?"

"It's been torn up a long time ago!" Jin Erzi exhaled smoke rings, and said triumphantly, which aroused a burst of laughter.

"I beg you to keep a low profile. People in other groups have died. If they see you like this, they will hate you to death." Li Guolou almost knelt down for his subordinates, and bowed to his subordinates instead.

"Head! We're just getting carried away here, and when we got out of the Dizi gate, we immediately burst into tears." Ai Hai didn't mind and still swallowed.

"Are you all right? Go and write a report for me. It's early for dinner." Li Guolou suppressed them forcefully and dismissed the plague gods under his command.

Li Guolou grinds it by himself, preparing a draft in his heart, preparing to write a work report.

Wu Ta rushed to open the door without even knocking on the door, and said anxiously: "Captain Li, hurry up! Prince Gong is here, you all line up to greet him!"

"Ah!" The brush in Li Guolou's hand fell on the letterhead, and the half-written report was invalidated.

The central door of the Yamen of the Ministry of Criminal Justice opened, horns blared, and the line was neatly lined up. Everyone's eyes widened excitedly, looking at Prince Gong Yixin who came down from the luxurious carriage.

The prime minister, Prince Gong Yixin, is not yet 40 years old. He is in the prime of his life, and his height is a little over 1.7 meters. It should be because of the thick-soled boots.With a long face and narrow eyes, short beard and thin body, he smiles kindly at everyone.

Behind the rainy day, an attendant held an umbrella for Prince Gong Yixin, but was stopped by Yixin. He braved the rain and shook hands with the arresting officers and yamen servants who were standing in the rain. The emperor came to visit you."

"The chief is working hard!" The voice was neat and clear, everyone stood upright, tears of excitement flowed from their eyes, and the soldiers died for their confidants.

"You have fulfilled your duty for the country, and the country will never forget your feats. This time you can work together to break the vicious conspiracy of the rebels and make great contributions. This king will ask the emperor for your credit. You must guard against arrogance and impetuosity. Make new achievements, avenge the dead comrades-in-arms, capture the enemy hidden in the capital, and never let the enemy take advantage of it. Although one of the enemy's plots was thwarted today, it is by no means the time to rest easy. The country is suffering, You gentlemen are all talents of pillars, the Qing Dynasty needs your gentlemen to work hard, and this king is here to ask you gentlemen." After speaking, Prince Gong Yixin took off his hat, and bowed to the arresters and government servants standing in the rain on both sides, the scene Touching, moving.

"Long live the Qing Dynasty! Long live my emperor! Thousand years for Prince Gong!" Zhu Jun stood up and shouted, the rain hit their faces, and it was hard to tell whether it was rain or tears.

Standing in the first row, Li Guolou was honored to hold the warm hand of Prince Gong Yixin.

"This is our little plum from the Ministry of Criminal Justice, Li Guolou!" Wu Defu added, so that Prince Gong Yixin's impression of Li Guolou would be deepened.

"It's a great honor, Prince Gong!" Li Guolou smiled without fawning, and did not shed tears of excitement.

"Oh! Li Guolou, I remember you. Hahahaha!" Prince Gong Yixin laughed touchingly, and went to shake hands with the next one.

Li Guolou was the only captain who had no rank to follow the chief into the hall. There were hundreds of officials in a criminal department, and it was good for Li Guolou to stand at the end, as he could see everyone's actions.He is a detective who can find places that ordinary people can't pay attention to. Li Guolou found a strange place. Prince Gong Yixin's concubine Zhen Yuhuan was mixed in female and male clothes among a group of accompanying officials, and his eyes crossed. Li Guolou was calm and composed. However, it seems that nothing has been seen.

But the sky didn't go his way, Li Guolou would come whenever he was afraid, and Zhen Yuhuan leaned closer and said softly, "Mike, don't come here without any problems."

"You are;;;;;;" Li Guolou pretended to be stupid, and looked at Zhen Yuhuan in a daze.

"Don't pretend to be Mike, my surname is Zhen, will you not know me in your line of work?" Zhen Yuhuan made a neutral voice, making it impossible to tell whether it was a man or a woman.

"Oh;;;;;;" Li Guolou turned his head and left without giving Zhen Yuhuan any face. This is the "beauty" of the Qing Empire. He never thought of going deep into the tiger's den, and he would not go to betray his appearance. If you do, you won't join a state-level secret society like the Qingping Society.

Zhen Yuhuan, who was disguised as a man, snorted coldly at Li Guolou's back, curled her lips, and was annoyed in her heart. If she hadn't asked Li Guolou, she would not have wanted to lower her status to meet a low-ranking captain.But the Qing Empire arrested tens of thousands, why did Zhen Yuhuan only think of asking Li Guolou?Zhen Yuhuan would not think about this question.

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