late Qing Dynasty arrest

Chapter 238 The Murder Case Has a Beneficiary

The heavy atmosphere is spreading, and everyone's eyes become firm. They all have ideals, morality, and a patriotic heart for the country and the people.

Chen Xiangfang said slowly: "Sister Peipei, when you come here, you will know that we women gather together not only for the small building, but for the sacred cause. Women are responsible for the rise and fall of the country. We want to make money, earn countless Unclear money is not used to enjoy a luxurious life. Our family does not buy land or be a manor owner. Instead, we open charity halls, establish hospitals for Westerners, and run higher schools so that the Qing people can accept advanced cultural knowledge. Fundamentally change the ignorant and backward thinking of the Qing people, education is the right way to save the country, and those Manchu nobles who thought they bought foreign guns and cannons have long since fallen behind."

"Come on! Let's have a toast, and wish our careers prosperity, fame and fortune." Zhen Yuhuan was the first to stand up and raised his glass high.

"Cheers! May God bless the Qing Empire!" A group of people who unified their thinking through religious belief shouted loudly in unison. Even the old lady who served next to her wore a cross necklace around her neck. With a unified thinking, everything goes smoothly.

Li Guolou looked at the grandmothers with a smile, and told him through the example of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom that where there is faith, there is motivation. A Bible has been tampered with beyond recognition by Hong Xiuquan, and he can also use Catholicism for his own use.With a benevolent and compassionate heart, these insatiable women do not enjoy life in extravagance, but become caring for the working people.

The power of belief is inexhaustible. Li Guolou has seen the tip of the iceberg. He only uses it in the family, and it has such a miraculous effect.Thinking of the Tianping Heavenly Kingdom and the ignorant teachings of the White Lotus Sect, I feel the horror of faith. The rebels use faith to gather people's hearts, and these people with faith cannot be bought.The life-and-death political struggle is a duel of faith. He is a staunch supporter of the constitutional monarchy.

Wu Peipei had just seen a table of people praying hand in hand, and now she saw how united these female relatives were, she was dumbfounded and said, "Xiaolou, your harem is soldiers, and they can die for your cause with honor."

"Yes! We are so united like an army. Apart from the fact that I can truly love without boundaries, the most important thing is that we have a unified mind, believe in God, and believe that through our efforts, we can change the poor and white situation of the Qing Empire." Li Guolou brazenly said that for every grandma who nodded approvingly, the emperor would give rain and dew to the ladies in the harem.

"Xiaolou, we're playing cards, you go to rest early." Xie Xiuzhu's proposal was supported, the banquet dispersed, and the grandmas ran to the living room to play cards.

"Mike, the bath water is ready." Mayuko bowed respectfully and invited Wu Peipei to join this secret harem life.

Zhen Yuhuan smiled and said: "Sister Peipei, don't be coy, you won't leave when you come here, I will show you Mike's boundless love." After speaking, Zhen Yuhuan took Wu Peipei's hand and walked to the bathroom; ;;;;;Li Guolou went out with a group of women in the early morning, and went their separate ways. Now "Yelia Charity Hall" is already in full swing, so the grandmas are dressed beautifully, but rarely wear gold and silver jewelry , know to be a low-key person.Yeliya dressed in a noble yet simple style, and she didn't wear the engagement diamond ring in her hand, enjoying the glory of the stars and the moon among the beauties.The grandmas showed the world the brand-new image of the family members of the Li family.

Li Guolou stood on the steps, waved goodbye to the grandmothers in the carriage, and was very proud of the changes made by the grandmothers. The grandmothers finally rose to a new level and realized that real nobles and rich people do not need to wear gold and silver. Just show people the image of being close to the people, united and kind.Yelia is no longer showing off to attract bees and butterflies, and the probability of a fire in the backyard is much smaller.

Neighbors who had received small favors from the second grandmother Xie Xiuzhu came up to say hello and commented softly on a group of grandmothers.

"Hmm! The foreign woman still has big breasts."

Another woman said: "That little concubine of the fake foreign devil is going to be in her thirties, and the fake foreign devil will eat everything!"

"Hmph! What's so embarrassing about the little boy, sooner or later he will become a softie." A fat woman looked down on Li Guolou, and shot a group of gorgeous grandmas with hatred.

"Second Grandma, come to my house to play when you have time!" The female neighbor shouted, waving desperately to greet a group of rich women.

Li Guolou had sharp ears, pretended not to hear, took off his hat to bid farewell to the neighbors, boarded the carriage and headed for Anding Gate in the north of the city, Jin Erzi and four other subordinates were waiting for him at the gate of the city.

Gaojiazhuang is a town, Li Guolou first came to the village office, accompanied by Baozheng Gao Yufan to the Gao family mansion.Li Guolou respected Gao Yufan, the top snake Baozheng, and said in a calm voice: "Gao Baozheng, I know you have worked hard, and the case has been handled beautifully, and there is no problem with emotion or reason. But human life is at stake, and now Gu Shuimo is in the prison To retract the confession, as a local magistrate, I have to be responsible for a human life. Try to make the case a solid case, and there are still some unreasonable things in this case. I also want to ask you, senior, Wanwang Gao Baozheng, don’t be humble.”

Li Guolou is an official with the title of rank nine, and Gao Yufan is an official. In the Qing Empire, rank nine is considered a real official. Gao Yufan's attitude is respectful, bowing his head and saying: "Don't dare, Captain Li, if you have anything to do Speaking, I know everything without saying nothing."

"Oh, that's right. I heard that Gao Qiuyu has only one daughter. Originally, he wanted to recruit a son-in-law to inherit the family business. Now that the daughter is dead, who will inherit the family?"

Li Guolou's reverse thinking, is the criminal really just seeking money and stealing sex?With so many people in the Gao family mansion, if they were discovered, their lives would not be in danger.There must be a bigger conspiracy hidden in it, and it is most likely to seize Gao Qiuyu's family business. Whoever is the beneficiary of this murder case is the biggest murder suspect.

"This;;;;;;" Gao Yufan immediately comprehended Li Guolou's thoughts, glanced at Li Guolou who was walking with his head bowed beside him, thought for a while, and said: "Gao Qiuyu also lives with his eldest nephew, named His name is Gao Shengguan, he is the son of Gao Yuanwai's brother who died, but I was negligent and didn't ask Gao Shengguan when the case happened."

"How is that high-ranking official?" Li Guolou walked unhurriedly, looking at the hurrying people on the side of the road.

"He is not welcome. The daughter of a high-level official is smart. The high-ranking official can't get involved in the affairs of the family. He gets monthly money every month. He goes out to eat a few wild meals and then hides in the high-rise house. I have never seen him. Several times, so at the scene of the crime, I didn't ask him anything. I remember that Gao Shengguan was at the scene, and he just supported Gao Yuanwai, and didn't say anything." When Gao Yufan was told by Li Guolou, he also had doubts in his heart, and couldn't help Thinking about the suspicious behavior of Gao Shengguan at the time of the incident.

Li Guolou smiled and said, "Anyway, in our eyes, no one at the scene of the murder is a good person. Housekeepers, maids, and guards are all likely to commit crimes."

Li Guolou has already discovered the biggest loophole in this case. It is impossible for Aihua, the maid of the matchmaker, to not be at the scene.

"Oh;;;;;;Captain Li, you probably don't know that that maid, Aihua, hanged herself two days ago. Because it was a suicide, I didn't write a report." Gao Yufan suddenly came to his senses, bowed his head in shame, and dared not Look at Li Guolou's face.

"What!" Li Guolou stood on the street and jumped into a rage, regardless of passers-by stopping to watch, glared at Gao Yufan angrily, and shouted: "Bastard! Why don't you write a report on such an important matter? People!"

Seeing the officer getting angry, Gao Yufan wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, and said anxiously: "The body is parked in the high mansion, the officer has checked it, it is suicide, the officer did not write a written report."

Li Guolou calmed down, quickened his pace, and shouted: "I won't talk to you anymore, I'm just reading for nothing, do you understand? Killing a weak woman, strangling her to death with a rope, and hanging her from a beam is a piece of cake." .”

Li Guolou walked in a hurry, and several other policemen also quickened their pace. The murderer committed another crime, disregarding the law of the country.Li Guolou was furious, he didn't show politeness to Gao Yufan any more, he just waved his hand to make Gao Yufan go faster.

Gao Yufan finally got out of the joy of victory, and thought that there were all kinds of possibilities, the police from the Ministry of Criminal Justice came here with a purpose, not to make high-sounding superficial articles, came here to cheat food and drink, make a fortune with a swipe of his mouth, and then left.

In the living room of the high house, the coffin was opened, and Zuo Fang happily inspected Aihua's body carefully. The coffined body had already changed into new clothes, and was lying in the coffin with a blue face.

Li Guolou was completely speechless when he saw this scene, can he ask anything valuable?The criminal was right in front of him, and he couldn't do anything about it.Unless they are fools, criminals will definitely hide the stolen gold and silver jewelry outside the house. People who can kill people without leaving traces are definitely not fools. Gold and silver are soft.

Li Guolou rolled his eyes, thinking about it, he would play tricks with the criminals hiding in the darkness, and he wouldn't even blink his eyes when he said deceitful words.

In the living room on the ground floor of Xiulou, Li Guolou looked up at the hanging beam of the deceased Aihua. The dim murder scene was a good place for a tryst. How many people were involved in this murder case?What role does the housekeeper Gao Xin'an play in this? Is it possible for him to inherit Gao Yuanwai's family business?

Wu Zuofang happily walked into Li Guolou's side, and said in a low voice: "Captain Li, I can't see anything wrong. There is only a strangle mark on the neck of the deceased Aihua, and it was formed from the bottom up. It may be true. Another possibility is that the murderer is very smart and knows how to fake the scene. He knows that the rope strangled around the neck of the deceased should not have two marks, so when the murderer strangled the maid Aihua, he also moved from bottom to top. , This requires the murderer to be tall." After speaking, Fang Kaixin couldn't help but shoot his eyes at several tall people in the tall mansion standing outside the door, including the housekeeper Gao Xin'an and Gao Shengguan, the beneficiary of the murder case. .

Gao Zhai has no loopholes, and he can't grasp the handle. Who will jump out and admit that he has killed someone?The suspect has blocked his own loopholes, and the dead will not tell the truth.Li Guolou looked at the people in the high house in the yard, not knowing what to do?

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