Li Guolou looked at the murder weapon "sharp knife" on the table and the "hemp rope" used to hang the beam. They were all ordinary goods, and they could be seen everywhere on the stalls outside.He thought about scaring the murderer, but what if the murderer wasn't fooled.Give him a mouse not to move, not to return empty-handed.

Jin Erzi was working hard to record statements for the people in the high mansion, but Li Guolou looked at the first evidence presented in court on the table, and suddenly he had a flash of inspiration. It is Guan Jian who solves the case.

"Grand member, please come in." Li Guolou walked to the door and beckoned. The first one was to ask Gao Qiuyu, who was Guan Jian who solved the case.

There were two people alone in the room, Gao Qiuyu was hunched over, and he was getting old in his 60s. He didn't have any regrets about the maid Aihua's suicide. The grief during this period made him much older.

Li Guolou went straight to the point and said: "Grand officials are out of mourning, to be honest, the first reason we came here this time is because the criminal Gu Shuimo in the prison retracted his confession and did not admit that he had killed anyone. Your daughter was on a date, but saw the dead body on the ground, and was afraid of taking responsibility, so she ran away from the scene of the crime. The second is that we are very suspicious of the maid Aihua's suicide. A young person should not commit suicide. I heard that Gao Yuanwai She is a merciful person, from the incident to the maid Aihua's suicide by hanging herself, she has never been beaten."

"How does this old man explain to his daughter? Didn't the murderer confess all of his confessions? Captain Li, make an offer." Gao Qiuyu thought that Li Guolou and his gang were here to extort money, so he ran to his mansion to get money. Here comes the benefit.

Li Guolou said embarrassingly: "Grand members, please don't misunderstand, we are not here to ask you for money, this case is really suspicious. Originally, I came to interrogate the maid Aihua, but I didn't expect it to be too late One step, unfortunately I haven't seen the scene of Aihua's suicide, and what I say now is false. I came here to find out the troubles of Gao Yuanwai's family. If Gao Yuanwai's criminals are really still hiding in your house, aren't you also in danger? "

Gao Qiuyu listened to the last sentence. The older people are, the more they fear death. People in their 60s still want to live a long life, especially rich people. The only daughter in the house is gone, and there are still two concubines.

"Captain Li, what should I do?" Gao Qiuyu was in a hurry, rubbing his hands together to reveal his inner impatience.

Li Guolou smiled and said: "Grand member, I will teach you two tricks. First, you should pretend to be weak. As long as you look like you can't recover, no one will attack you, even if the people around you are criminals. It will also wait for you to die naturally."

Gao Qiuyu's face was strange, and he thought of going elsewhere. Li Guolou continued calmly, "The second trick is Guan Jian. As long as Gao Yuanwai can do it, I guarantee that the stolen property that your daughter carried with you will be brought back." .”

"Captain Li, please tell me!" Gao Qiuyu was full of confidence. The jewels and gold and silver worn by his daughter Gao Xiuxiu were very valuable, so of course he wanted to get them back.

Li Guolou lowered his voice, and said: "Grand member, when we leave, you will announce that you will punish those who make their own decisions this time, whether it is the housekeeper, the guards, or those who sleep in the house, all will not be spared, from now on Half of the wages and monthly bills will be deducted until your daughter's memorial day. I believe that within a month or two, the person who stole your daughter's belongings will use the gold and silver, and I will send my men to lurk in Gaojiazhuang Whoever spends money lavishly, I will definitely catch him. Anyway, even if the criminal is Gu Shuimo, he will have to wait until after the autumn to be executed. I think there is no loss to Gao Yuanwai in the past few months. Years is impossible."

"Well;;;;;; Thank you, Captain Li, for your righteous words. This old man knows what to do." Gao Qiuyu nodded, appreciating Li Guolou's idea.

Gao Qiuyu walked out of the room dejectedly, looking very old, with sadness engraved on his face, who could see what he was thinking deep in his heart?Being old, treacherous and cunning requires life experience. Gao Qiuyu became a good person in Gaojiazhuang and lived a life of indifference and asceticism.When he was young, Gao Qiuyu was a big businessman. The prerequisite for becoming a big businessman is to hurt others, and he has done everything that hurts others to benefit himself.

"Gao Xin'an, come in for a while." Li Guolou asked the manager of the Gao Mansion as a matter of routine. The manager of a big family is Guan Jian. If it is not used properly, the master will be killed.Gao Xin'an, no matter whether he is guilty or not?He can be convicted of manslaughter, who belongs to the category of accomplice.

Gao Xinan is in his 40s, over 1.8 meters tall, with a fat body and a chubby face without a beard. He is used to being pampered. He is a smiling and kind housekeeper.

"Gao Xin'an, are you guilty?" Li Guolou didn't give Gao Xin'an a good face, and directly put on the majesty of an officer.

"Xiaomin is guilty!" Gao Xin'an was not as high-spirited as when he entered the high mansion just now, "Plop!" He knelt down in front of Li Guolou with a bang.

Li Guolou said: "It's good to know, Gao Xin'an, as the general manager of a mansion, the senior officials are merciful and don't punish you, so you can get away with it by yourself, do you have to go to the lobby to get the board?"

Gao Xin'an prostrated himself on the ground, crying: "What Li Zhang taught me is that I will take twenty sticks myself later, and I will never dare to cheat."

"What do I say about you, you still hang up oil lamps! Leading the way for murderers, who taught you this trick?" Li Guolou has a deep memory of this trick, and it is also the time when the young scholar Gu Shuimo entered the stranger. The key to the high mansion without intrusion.

"This;;;;;;" Gao Xin'an paused for a while, looked up at Li Guolou, and said, "It's the young master Gao Shengguan, he was very excited that day, and I even drank with him. Everything I did was done by the young master." idea."

"Oh;;;;;;; when?" Li Guolou didn't look at Gao Xin'an's face, and the teacup in his hand remained motionless.

Gao Xin'an said: "It was the noon when Miss came back, and then the young master Gao Shengguan got drunk and didn't eat dinner."

Li Guolou cast a deep glance at Gao Xin'an. This servant is suspecting the young master Gao Shengguan to kill someone. Although he didn't say it clearly, he is telling him who to suspect?

"Well;;;;;; I heard that the monthly allowance for the young master Gao Shengguan is one to two to eight hundred cash, not even half of yours?" Li Guolou said unhurriedly.

"Yes!" Gao Xin'an lowered his head so that Li Guolou could not see the expression on his face, and the servants would also make tricks, but unfortunately no one asked him who he suspected killed Miss Gao Xiuxiu, and now a policeman asked him , and deliberately revealed some situations.

Li Guolou smiled casually: "Gao Xin'an, do you know who the maid Aihua's lover is? Can you tell me?"

"Well, Xiaomin doesn't dare to talk nonsense. Gao Shengguan once bragged about the two maids in the inner house that he had eaten secretly when drinking with me, but whether the maid Aihua slept with him, I dare not talk nonsense." Gao Xin'an once again made a fool of the young master Gao Shengguan, because he had two maids before, and then let Li Guolou look for it by himself.

Li Guolou said: "Open your hands and let me see?" He wanted to see if Gao Xinan had any scars on his hands?Strangling someone to death with a rope, the palm of the hand is too hard, it is easy to break the skin of the hand.This is because people like the manager and the young master don't do physical work and have no calluses on their palms.

"I was hit on the palm by my wife." Gao Xin'an spread out his two palms and looked at Li Guolou timidly. His two palms were slapped by an iron ruler. There were so many scars that people couldn't tell them apart.

"Oh;;;;;; how many people have been beaten?" Li Guolou was annoyed. It happened so coincidentally that a loophole of the murderer happened to be blocked.

Gao Xin'an bowed his head and said: "The guards that night were all beaten. I was beaten the most. A few days ago, I even had to be fed."

Li Guolou asked: "The embroidery building should be locked after the incident, why did the maid Aihua hang herself here?"

Gao Xin'an shook his head like a drum, and said: "Captain Li, I don't know, everyone is walking around the Xiulou these days, who will pay attention to this place? I couldn't find Aihua the next day, Only then did I find this place, and found Aihua hanging in the air. I told the guards not to move the scene, and reported to the official directly. Aihua is a prostitute, so this is her home, so the body was placed in the living room. Let her accept the incense and bury her in the ground after seven days. The master does not agree to bury Aihua next to the young lady's grave, but directly in the cemetery of Gaojiazhuang."

Wealthy families have family graves, and if farmers have land, they bury them in their own land. There are also special cemeteries in rural areas for the dead in the village.People without land are buried in special cemeteries, and they have to spend money to buy cemeteries and tombstones. If they have no money and no land, they will be burned in the corpse field.The people of the Qing Dynasty paid attention to burying the dead in peace, and would give the dead a resting place as long as there were conditions.Therefore, after a country has been established for a long time, the land will become less and less. One of the key points is that the farmland is slowly being eaten away and turned into a graveyard.It is not comprehensive and untrue to say that the merger of the rich and the nobles resulted in land reduction.

Therefore, the first thunderbolt method during the founding of the country was to fill the cemetery. It has been repeated like this from ancient times to the present, without exception.In other words, the measured farmland was the most during the founding of the country, and then the country's land will decrease.

Gao Xin'an meant that the deceased Aihua could only be buried in Gaojiazhuang's cemetery, not in Gao Qiuyu's family cemetery.A little grievance for the deceased Aihua, thinking that the deceased Aihua was buried for Miss Gao Xiuxiu, a loyal servant, and deserved the honor of being buried next to Miss Gao Xiuxiu.From this point of view, Li Guolou temporarily excluded Gao Xin'an from the list of suspects.

"Hmm;;;;; Gao Xin'an, are you good at talking? Are you related to Gao Yuanwai?"

"Hey! Captain Li, in our Gaojiazhuang, people with the surname Gao are all relatives, so what can we do?" Gao Xinan understood and immediately argued for himself.

When he met a smart man, the little Jiujiu in his belly planned carefully and his words were tight. Li Guolou couldn't grasp Gao Xin'an's tricks, and said helplessly: "I like talking to you, we will talk again when we have a chance."

"Tie!" Gao Xin'an knelt down to the Ninth Rank Officer Li Guolou, bowed and stepped backwards to leave the living room, walked to the fifth step and knew that there was a threshold behind him, he lifted his clothes and backed out, his movements were skillful and unhurried.

If Gao Xin'an is a murderer, he can kill people without showing any traces in Gao's mansion, and he also has a chance to get Gao Yuanwai's inheritance.Li Guolou wrote Gao Xin'an's words and deeds in his notebook, and looked at the pocket watch on the table. He couldn't go back today. He only started talking with the people in Gao's house. Anyone who didn't have time to witness the crime should be questioned. Once again, it seems that the policeman wins more and loses less than the criminals, but who knows the hardships involved.

"Officer Gao Sheng, you can come in now!" Li Guolou raised his voice and squinted at the door. The biggest suspect is this person. The scholar's criminal organization is too clever. When knowledge and crime are combined, they want to find the criminal's loopholes. Difficult.Fortunately, this scholar has his own loopholes. People who like to eat wild food have no money to go out to play. How many days can they hold back?

Li Guolou concealed himself and sat upright, pretending to be an official, looking at the kneeling Gao Shengguan.In Gao Shengguan, Li Guolou seems to have seen his own shadow. They are the same kind of people, they can give everything for wealth and status, and both of them can do despicable and sinister things.

Li Guolou smiled involuntarily, and said with a smile on his face, "Sit!"

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