The officers and soldiers hid behind the trees and fired at the earthen wall. The bullets swirled in the air, and the air was full of gunpowder smoke.Commander Wu Kefan did not make unnecessary sacrifices and did not issue an order to charge.

More than 100 militia members hid in farming ravines, waiting for the moment of decisive battle to come.More than 100 officers and soldiers composed of policemen and yamen servants are the elites of the Ministry of Punishment. There are at least five sharpshooters, and now three are hiding behind birch trees and aiming at the rebels on the earthen wall.

Wei Qun, the little knife, was originally a bodyguard and a sharpshooter. He wore a hat made of willow branches on his head, and a Shasbo-style breech-loading gun was mounted on a tree branch. With only his left eye and his right eye squinted, he tried his best to find the rebels emerging from the dirt wall. The muzzle of the gun slowly moved back and forth on the tree branches, searching for the target.

The rebels have a characteristic. They like to tie a towel on their heads, which shows that they are an organized group of people. The little knife Wei Qun murmured: "Where are you, white mouse? Come out."

Several companions beside him had already fired four or five shots, but the little knife Wei Qun still hadn't fired a single shot.Both sides shrink their heads after firing a shot, and it is difficult to hit the target with one shot.A small half of the head was exposed on the crenel of the earth wall, and it retracted after firing a shot.

Wei Qun, the little knife, was counting how many seconds it took for the opponent to reveal his head and shoot, and finally the little knife fired at the empty crenel.

With a sound of "Bang!", the bullet shot towards the crenel like an arrow from the string. As soon as a rebel showed half of his head, he was shot on the bridge of the nose by a bullet.Then countless bullets continued to shoot at the corpse, and Wei Qun, the little knife, shouted angrily: "Warriors of the Qing Dynasty, shoot when you see the dead man, what's the point of shooting?"

The corpse was dragged back behind the earth wall by the rebel companions, and disappeared. An officer and soldier cheered and shouted: "Little knife, good job."

The little knife Wei Qun ignored the people next to him, held his breath, aimed at another crenel, and fired a fatal bullet.

A long gun fell from the wall, and the rebels at the crenel were killed by Wei Qun, a small knife.The little knife Wei Qun finally showed a gratified smile, hid behind the tree and quickly reloaded the bullets and gunpowder, and smiled proudly: "Two, how many spears do you have?"

Another sharpshooter, Lance Spear, Wei Yun, was very unwilling to fail. He glanced at Wei Qun next to him, curled his lips and said, "What's the use of a small knife? The rebels I shot fell on the wall. Go up and look at it later." , no less than five people."

The little knife Wei Qun set up his spear again, and said with a sneer: "Spear, this is a live target, use your brain to think about it, and shoot when you have the right time, don't do it in vain."

The two sharpshooters who were at odds with each other despised each other and snorted coldly in their noses, stopped looking at each other, and continued to search for the target with the momentum of Lao Tzu's best in the world.

Spear Wei Yun refused to give in, knowing in his heart that he shot five times without hitting the target. This time he finished loading the bullet and did not shoot blindly. There are rules, how long does it take for the opponent to stick out the gun and shoot?

Breathing steadily, the bullets shot would not go off course, and the steady hands fluctuated. Wei Yun pulled the trigger of the spear, and the recoil of the butt made him feel the momentum. He is a peerless master in the hands of sharpshooters, and the Shasbo-style breech-loading gun exerts the greatest effect in his hands.

Wei Yun blew the smoke from the gun barrel with his lips. The smell of gunpowder smoke made him fascinated. The battlefield is where he should stay. He looked for the next target with eagle-like eyes.He is an elite of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, and he doesn't need to charge forward. It is the task of several of them to shoot coldly from 500 meters away.

In broad daylight, the officers and soldiers had the upper hand in the frontal contest. The guns in their hands were the latest French-made Sasbo type breech-loading guns, which could reach a distance of thousands of meters. The bandits dared not even stick out their heads.The power of several sharpshooters is even more unquestionable, a bullet is life-threatening impermanence.

The thirty or so rebels hiding on the earthen wall were a little at a loss. The bravest spearmen were killed on the crenel. In desperation, the rebels didn't even aim. Shoot.The two sides are fighting to see who has enough ammunition and can afford time and bullets.

Two drummers among the officers and soldiers kept beating the war drums and issued orders to stand by.This is a new tactic learned from the Western army. In the past, the Qing army of Mingjin and gongs was eliminated long ago, and the war drum became the commander of the army.Drummers are the bravest fighters. They don't wear weapons. They only have a war drum tied in front of their lower abdomen and a trumpet hanging on their chest. The drummer is the driving force for the soldiers to move forward.When charging, the drummer and the soldiers march forward together. As long as the drummer is not dead, he can only blow the charge horn desperately to move forward and move forward!

However, the officers and soldiers here have not yet reached the moment of desperation. They did not form a battle formation and marched towards the range of the enemy's muskets.Their task was to suppress the firepower of the rebels on the earth wall, paving the way for the two artillery on the two carriages on the official road to enter the range.The officers and soldiers of the Qing Dynasty with cannons and grenades in their hands belonged to the cautious school of war. This set of tactics was vividly reflected in this group of officers and soldiers. They were unwilling to fight hand-to-hand with the rebels, and they followed the planned strategy step by step. Tactics for combat.

Wu Kefan personally commanded the battle on the Dao. He was born in an old army and had personally experienced the death duel. He had personally experienced the bloody siege of Hangzhou. He is a Manchu warrior who has passed the test of blood and fire.The siege of Balizhuang this time was a masterpiece planned by him.

A cannon pulled by four horses, the Franco cannon weighs 350 jin. It is an iron rear-mounted smoothbore cannon. The belly of the cannon is quite thick. Shot.The Franc machine cannon has five major advantages: fast rate of fire, fast rotation speed, fast heat dissipation, definite capacity of the sub-cannon, and long life of the cannon belly.However, limited to the industrial level of the Qing Empire, there is an insurmountable difficulty, that is, the gap tolerance between the sub-cannon and the belly of the cannon is large, causing the leakage of gunpowder gas, so it does not have long-range attack efficiency. maximum power.

But these two Frang machine cannons belong to big men, and the average Flang machine cannon weighs more than 100 catties at most. More than 300 kilograms of Frang machine cannons can fire a distance of 180 steps, and even small flowering ammunition fired 200 meters away can also be used.

These two cannons were "borrowed" by Li Guolou from Wu Peipei, the widow of You Gaoming, commander of the Eight Banners Guards of the Ministry of War, from Zhang Xuefei, the commander of Xishan Ruijian Camp, and belonged to the army.It also allowed Bao Tong to see Li Guolou's public relations ability that no one can match.Bao Yi made a ruthless heart, and thanks to one battle, he was sure to win a complete victory.

In addition to the two Frang machine cannons, another carriage was loaded with a modified Yuanrong chariot.The so-called Yuanrong chariot is the command car used by the ancient generals. The car has a lifting device. When the battle is duel, the commander stands in the high building and waved the command flag to command the soldiers in the surrounding battle.This Yuanrong chariot is made up of two carriages, and it rises higher than the city wall of more than three feet. It was originally used to watch the enemy hiding on the wall.Now the Qing army is advancing with the times and understands that the commander does not need a Yuanrong chariot. This Yuanrong chariot has been modified to become a sharpshooter's position.

The building of the Yuanrong car was covered with iron sheets, and there were several shooting holes around it. Two snipers stayed inside. Taking advantage of the rebels on the earth wall shrinking their heads, the Yuanrong car quickly advanced to a distance of 50 meters from the earth wall.The groom untied the pack horse and led the horse away from the dangerous place. Five officers and soldiers braved the rain of missiles and guns to quickly splice the two Yuanrong chariots. In less than 5 minutes, the tall building stood up.

An officer and soldier was shot in the shoulder by the rebel's soil gun and fell to the ground with a yell. Another officer and soldier quickly dragged the injured officer and soldier to the back of the Yuanrong car.

He took out a bottle of Zhuge Xingjun powder, poured the powder on the wound, and the bleeding stopped immediately, then he bandaged the wounded officer and soldier with gauze, skillfully and quickly, and said: "My brother, I can't die, don't scream so badly."

The wounded and sick grinned and said, "Well;;;;;;; Hu Qingyutang's magic medicine is not advertised, it really doesn't hurt anymore!"

"Hmm! He's a hero!" Several other officers and soldiers hiding behind Yuan Rong's chariot encouraged the wounded and sick loudly.While speaking, he put the gun on the carriage and fired at the dirt wall.

A snow-mountain lion flag fluttering on the Yuanlou of the Yuanrong car, hunting in the morning wind, made more than 400 officers and soldiers excited. This is their spiritual strength, the military flag of the Qing Empire "Snow Mountain Lion Banner".

"Great Qing wins!" "Great Qing wins!" "Great Qing wins!"

Cheers came and went, officers and soldiers roared, they had the eyes of eagles, the rebels were waiting for justice, the balance of victory was tilted towards them, and the goddess of victory seemed to be waving to them.

The Qing Empire originally had no military flags, and used the totems of the Eight Banners to distinguish its respective armies. The Han army used various mascots (mostly beasts) as the affiliation of their respective armies. After the split of the Tubo Dynasty in the middle of the ninth century, there was no regular army in Tibet for a long period of time.Until the end of the 9th century, after the Qing Dynasty sent troops to repel the invasion of Tibet by foreign enemies, it formulated the famous "Regulations for the Aftermath of Tibet" with 18 articles.

The fourth article stipulates: In the past, there was no regular army in Tibet, and when it was temporarily recruited, it not only lacked combat capabilities, but also harassed the people and caused great harm.This time, the Great Emperor was asked for approval to set up [-] regular troops: [-] each in Tibet, [-] in Gyantse, and [-] on fixed days.

This army with a quota of [-] people was later called the "Tibetan Army".The army's usual training and combat command are inseparable from the military flag.So the military flag of the Tibetan army "Snow Mountain Lion Flag" was made.The lion symbolizes the imperial power of the Qing Empire, which is the origin of the so-called "national flag" of the Qing Dynasty.

The earth wall in Balizhuang is not three feet high, only more than two feet high. When the tower on Yuanrong's chariot rises, the two snipers look down at the more than 30 rebels squatting on the earth wall. The movement of people can also be seen.Baotou has five sharpshooters who are his personal guards. They are loyal and have first-class skills. They usually put on airs and protect Mr. Bao. It is rare to have a chance to shoot.The chance of being rewarded for meritorious service depends on the present, how can we not kill the enemy desperately.

Lijian Arirang raised his Shasibo-style breech-loading gun and fired the first shot at a man lying on the dirt wall.

With a sound of "Boom!", the bullet hit the target accurately, and the revenge bullet wiped out a rebel who had just shot.

With a sound of "铛!", Jianlou was shot by the bullet, and there was a crisp sound of the iron plate colliding with the bullet, "The bastard's marksmanship is quite accurate." Arrow Yang Cong scolded angrily, just now he missed the target, But he was counterattacked by the rebels.

Arrowhead Yang Cong pointed at the rebels on the earthen wall, pulled the trigger, a bullet of hatred shot out of the gun chamber, perfect trajectory, perfect blood splash, perfect ending, Arrowhead Yang Cong rarely smiled so happily.A good man should take risks, fight on the battlefield, and dedicate his passionate youth to the motherland. This is his destination. Even if blood is spilled on the battlefield, he will be buried in this land forever.

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