late Qing Dynasty arrest

Chapter 268 The Power of the Franc Machine Cannon

The balance of victory in Balizhuang, where the fierce battle is in full swing, has tilted towards the officers and soldiers, and the rebels who are at a disadvantage in equipment can only be beaten.After some shooting, Shi Feng realized that something was wrong on the earth wall. The officers and soldiers fired fiercely, and several rounds of shooting caused him to lose more than a dozen brothers.The huge Yuan Rong chariot, which looks like a monster in front of you, makes people have no power to fight back. The officers and soldiers are allowed to show off their might and give full play to their gun superiority.It has been more than ten minutes, the fellow disciples in the village should have time to gather and retreat to Yunmeng Mountain.

Shi Feng hid in a blind spot, and looked at the two carriages on the road from the crenel. At a distance of more than 100 meters, two French cannons were pushed down from the carriage, and the cannons pointed at the earth wall of Balizhuang. .

Shi Feng turned pale with fright, and shouted in horror: "It's not good, the official dog has two cannons, let's retreat quickly!" After speaking, the first one ran down the earth wall, throwing the remaining twenty or so companions on the earth wall. superior.

If you don't run, you can't run. The power of the Franco cannon is infinite, sweeping across a large area, and the firing speed is very fast. When the Franco cannon enters the range, no one can compete with it. When the bullet misses, the shell explodes. The scene of blood and flesh flying everywhere, the hope of surviving is slim.

There were gunshots all around, so that the rebels on the dirt wall couldn't hear the captain Shi Feng's words clearly. They still guarded their positions strictly and did not retreat a step. Fear, death without regret, the world of bliss is open to them, and they are willing to sacrifice everything for the lifeless old mother.

Wu Kefan was able to boast in front of Bao Tong, saying that he could wipe out the rebels in Balizhuang.In addition to his experience in actual combat through bloody battles, which gave him a reputation for boasting in the Ministry of Criminal Justice, it is also because the eight officers and soldiers who fired the guns in this operation were real officers and soldiers.He was also an officer "borrowed" by Li Guolou from Xishan Ruijian Battalion.

Artillery is an advanced branch. In addition to actual combat experience, cultural knowledge and fast mathematical calculation ability are also required.Aimers, rangefinders, gunners, and many soldiers work together to fight in multiple jobs. In the army at this time, the artillery is a superior arm, and it is composed of a group of skilled officers.

Wu Kefan boasted that the firing was accurate, because these eight officers came, and he only needed to direct where to fire.

"The dirt wall, aim at the dirt wall and fire!" Wu Kefan yelled at the top of his lungs, his hand gestures from top to bottom in one swoop, the officer was full of momentum.

An officer wearing a neat uniform hid behind the carriage, holding up a telescope to observe the terrain of Balizhuang decently, and concentrated on observing the enemy's situation on the earthen wall. The distance from Balizhuang was only 100 meters, and the artillerymen were in danger. The ground must be resolved quickly, and the enemy must not be given a chance to counterattack.

"120 meters, the muzzle is tilted upwards at [-] degrees, and the west is deflected at five degrees. Load the bomb and get ready;;;;;;" the officer shouted decisively. In fact, he didn't need to shout loudly. The gunners all wore earplugs. He used gestures to make movements, but in order to highlight his power, the officer deliberately called out to Wu Kefan and others next to him.

The Franco cannon is a well-manipulated artillery. Several gunners finished loading quickly, and after one finished the action, the other immediately connected. The smooth action was dizzying.

At this time, the shells have developed from solid shells to empty shells. The empty shells of the Qing Dynasty were all imported from the Prussian Empire (Germany).The military factories of the Qing Empire just started to imitate blank shells. The army likes to use imported goods if they have the ability. The risk factor is small. .

A cannon roared, and Wu Kefan covered his ears, still feeling deafening. The sharp shells swirled in the air, drawing a beautiful arc. Everyone was looking forward to it, waiting for the heroic moment to appear.

The fast-moving shells fell on the earth wall, and there was a loud rumbling sound. The shells blew up an earth wall, and the tragic scene of blood and flesh flying everywhere was shocking.Another shell came as promised, and dealt a heavy blow to the rebels on the earth wall.There were no living people in the smoke, and no bullets were fired at officers and soldiers on the dirt walls.

Some of the rebels had no arms, some had no heads, and some were buried in the collapsed soil. The remaining dozen or so rebels no longer had the courage to sit on the front line, and all jumped off the earth wall and fled.

"Blast the door open for me!" Wu Kefan jumped up excitedly, the rebels were vulnerable, and he wanted to annihilate his defeated generals.

The sound of the cannon is the order for the general attack, and the two drummers in the birch forest sounded the bugle to advance, "tick, tick, tick;;;;;;"

"Come on;;;;;;" Hundreds of members of the militia team, carrying bamboo ladders and armed with knives and guns, jumped out of the ditch and rushed towards the earth wall with gunpowder smoke. The distance of more than 400 steps was reached in an instant.

Wang Wu held a "Snow Mountain Lion Flag" and rushed to the front. How could Wang Wu miss this great opportunity to make contributions? In any case, he would be the first to plant the military flag on the high wall of Balizhuang.A few hundred meters away, Bao Yitong was watching them fight, fame and wealth depended on bloody battles.

On the five bamboo ladders are the figures of the militia members, climbing upwards risking their lives. The little soldiers like ants are used for consumption. If they want to survive, they must kill the enemy.There is only one thought in everyone's heart, that is to kill for fame, to fight for survival, and to fight for honor.There was no longer the desire to pretend to be dead and fall down in my mind, the sound of killing was loud, and I fought bravely to climb up the earthen wall first.

The members of the militia who climbed the earthen wall and those with guns immediately raised their Shasbo-style breech-loading guns and shot at the fleeing rebels.There is no need to aim at this time, the rebels on the street are crowded into a pile, striding away.

"Bah bah bah!" The sound of gunfire was endless, and the members of the militia team quickly reloaded the bullets and started the next round of shooting.

Wang Wu erected the "Snow Mountain Lion Banner", let the military flag fly high on the earth wall, pulled out the machete behind his back, and shouted: "Warriors of the Qing Dynasty, charge me!" The village went.

Dozens of members of the militia behind were inexplicably excited, the captain Wang Wushe's spirit of forgetting death moved them, and the members of the militia swarmed down like a torrent, rushing unstoppably for thousands of miles, rushing towards the fleeing rebels.

"Kill, kill, kill!" The members of the militia team, Yi Yong, chased the poor bandits, and rushed towards the fleeing rebels desperately.

The morale of killing the enemy is captured by the militia members. This is the key to the victory or defeat of a war. With this kind of momentum, usually cowardly and timid people will also become reckless.The militia members followed in Wang Wu's footsteps and ran to the north of the village.

"Let it go!" The surveyor waved his arm and gave the command to fire.

After loading the solid ammunition, a cannon fired first, and with a roar, an iron ball weighing more than ten kilograms was shot at the wooden gate.

"Boom!" With a sound, the gate of Balizhuang was hit by a solid shell. The huge impact of the shell smashed the gate, and an iron ball weighing more than ten kilograms rolled into the village.

The iron ball rolled on the ground, crushing all creatures forward. A rebel who was running behind was unlucky and happened to run on the trajectory of the iron ball.The ruthless iron ball hit one of the rebel's feet, "Ah!" With a shrill scream, the rebel fell to the ground.The iron ball seemed to be full of ideas, and it still rushed forward, crushing another rebel into a meat paste, and a long bloody mark was rolled out on the ground by the iron ball.

The whistling sound came one after another, and a flowering bomb flew in from outside the village, and landed right in the middle of a group of fleeing rebels. Scattered single pieces flew around, and a single bomb exploded more than a dozen rebels, leaving blood and wailing everywhere.

The believers of the White Lotus Sect who had drunk the talisman were also not spared. They were blown to pieces. Mortals with mortal bodies are not invulnerable to swords and guns.

Shi Feng, the captain who was standing on the street directing the retreat of his fellow brothers, was hit in the chest by a shrapnel, and the red blood stained his clothes. He tried his best to make a final cry: "Brothers, retreat quickly, I will stand up."

Shi Feng stood like a god-man, clutching the blood on his chest, leaning unyieldingly against a stone wall. He wanted to use his last strength to tell the enemy that the White Lotus Cultists would never fall.

"Captain Shi!" Several subordinates from the same sect next to him yelled at the top of their lungs, but they failed to save their beloved Captain Shi, "Plop!" With a sound, Shi Feng's unyielding body was pushed to the ground by a fellow sect.

"Let's go, we won't be afraid of running out of firewood to keep the green hills alive!" Another brother from the same school pushed the stunned brother.The last few Bailian believers spread their legs and fled towards the north of the village desperately. Yunmeng Mountain was their hope, and if they fled into the mountain, they might survive.

The people in the entire Balizhuang were fleeing to the north, and most of the villagers were also fleeing. They were afraid of retaliation from the officers and soldiers. The villagers of Balizhuang, with nearly 1000 people, rushed northward, trying to hide from the disaster.

Those who rushed to the front were members of the militia. The officers and soldiers moved in a uniform manner as if they were practicing on the playground, forming small battle formations and striding forward.The two drummers beat the army drums unhurriedly, with no change in direction or determination, but such things as hand-to-hand combat should be done by members of the militia. They are officers and soldiers who are good at killing and wounding enemies with long-range weapons.

The bamboo ladder was put on the earth wall, and Wang Wu was the first to climb up. A "Snow Mountain Lion Flag" fluttered in the wind on the earth wall. The joy of victory was engraved on the faces of every militia member. The meritorious service belongs to the Jingshi militia, and Wang Wu is the minister who made the first contribution, shouting loudly, "The warriors of the Qing Dynasty charge!" to express his feelings in his heart.

In the woods 1000 meters away, Bao held up the binoculars together, excited inexplicably, dancing with joy, applauding, saying: "What a Wang Wu, what a Wu Kefan! I read them right, they are all heroes, I want to Ask the emperor for credit and commend all the Qing warriors who fought the enemy bravely."

Bao Yitong listened to Li Guolou's bewitching, and started a business partnership with Li Guolou. Since he was bigger than his family, he started to spend money lavishly.It doesn't hurt to appreciate people. I know that to do great things, I must gather people's hearts, and use loyalty and money to hold people's hearts firmly in the palm of my hand.

Lin Qingxie, the clear-faced aide next to him, hurriedly followed, and said kindly, "Master Bao's ingenious plan wiped out the White Lotus Sect in the bud. This monstrous feat will go down in history, and history will definitely remember Mr. Bao's great achievements. It is a great honor for the lower officials to witness this miracle. Hahahaha!"

Staff member Lin Qingxie is a fellow villager of Bao Tong, but his ability and literary talent are not as good as Wu Defu, so he is a clerk in the Ministry of Punishment without an official hat in his hand.

Lin Qingxie looks like a gentleman, with three strands of beard fluttering like a fairy, smiling happily, not just for a victory against bandits.It was because his spring came, and the opportunity to stand out finally came to him. Wu Defu's downfall was undoubtedly great news for an unknown person like him.Of course, he also made achievements to show his position, to repay Lord Bao for his kindness, and he forged the letters between Wu Defu and the White Lotus Sect.

Bao Tong wanted to get out of the woods, but Lin Qingxie hurriedly stopped him and said, "Master Bao, don't worry, there are still three groups of people who haven't been dispatched yet, it's too dangerous to enter the village now."

"What are you afraid of!" Bao shouted together: "The cannon has already been pushed to the entrance of the village. If I don't go forward, I won't be able to see anything."

Bao Yitong knew the power of empty ammunition, and hundreds of people charging could not withstand the consumption of an empty ammunition. He had two cannons, which equaled two hundred more officers and soldiers. Who could compete with the officers and soldiers with sufficient ammunition!

But seeing that there were no members of the militia on the dirt wall, officers and soldiers swarmed in from the damaged village entrance, the sound of killing came from Balizhuang, the gunpowder smoke did not disperse, and the sound of artillery in the distance was sporadic.There were also killing sounds and gunshots from the east and west sides. Officers and soldiers crossed the small rivers on the east and west sides of Balizhuang in small boats and charged towards the village.

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