Li Guolou didn't respond, his eyes turned to the winding river at the entrance of the village, a stream formed by the stream flowing down from the mountain.Frogs chirping, birds flying, fish leaping, reeds growing thickly, and Hokage escaping from the battlefield must be hiding here.As a detective with a special sense of smell, there are secrets invisible to the naked eye in this small river.

Li Guolou beckoned several commanders to come, pointed to the small river, and said: "Hokage is probably hiding under the water, send me a small boat and a good water man to go into the water, especially in the reed marsh. people shot me."

"Zha!" The four petty officers saluted, turned around and went to prepare.

There can be three people on the small boat, four small boats go down the river, two people paddle, and one holds a gun.Sixteen naked men drank a large bowl of white wine and jumped into the water, each with a sharp knife in his mouth.

A group of officers and soldiers marched along the river bank, shooting randomly at the place where there were many reeds, "Papa, papa!" The sound of gunfire was endless, and a small river that was originally quiet became extremely lively. More than 200 officers and soldiers participated in this operation. , There are crowds on both sides of the river bank.

"Catch it, catch it!" The crowd started to commotion, and sure enough, someone was hiding in the water, and five militia members pulled out two rebels from the water.

A gratified smile appeared on Li Guolou's face, and his face sank again in the blink of an eye. The two rebels caught were young men, not "boss" Hokage.

However, the officers and soldiers seemed to have won the battle, cheering and clapping their hands.

The officers and soldiers marched more than 200 meters and caught two rebels who were hiding in the water. In the weather in March, people had to wear sheepskin jackets to spend the night outdoors. It was uncomfortable to hide in the icy water. trembling.

Unknown juniors, no one was interested in the two rebels, and the two trembling captives were thrown in the sun to dry.

There was a big beach of reeds on the river. Li Guolou was the first to shoot at the river. Hundreds of guns pulled the triggers.

The gun was fired for more than ten minutes, scaring away all the birds, "Stop!" Standing on the small boat, Gao Yao Wuyun waved the people on the shore to stop shooting, pointed at the water, and shouted excitedly: "There is blood and there is blood!" Blood!"

Five heroes held daggers in their hands and swam to the surface of the blood-soaked water. One hero grabbed a bamboo pipe from the water, and Hokage, who was hiding under the water, had nowhere to hide.

"It's Hokage, it's Hokage!" The villagers who knew Hokage shouted, their last bit of illusion was shattered.

The two heroes firmly grasped Hokage's arms, pressed Hokage into the water and poured water into the river.Gao Yao Wuyun said loudly: "Okay, pull it up!"

Hokage was tossed half-dead and dragged ashore, all the people came forward to watch the fun, and those who had the ability to go to heaven and earth turned into dead pigs, limp on the grass.Seeing that Hokage was not seriously injured, Ai Hai stepped forward to tie up Hokage.

Li Guolou was worried about Hokage, he would never let Hokage have a chance to revive, and shouted: "Deputy Ai, break Hokage's leg and take him to the Zhou family compound."

Li Guolou's words made people shudder. The crowd who were still immersed in joy fell silent, and the cruel war made people lose their humanity.

"Awwhhhhh!" Hokage let out a miserable cry, and some people couldn't bear to see it, turned their bodies sideways and turned their heads.

Li Guolou didn't even blink his eyes, enjoying the cruel scene with relish, which is the consequence of war.Although the raid was successful, the loss of officers and soldiers was very small, and three policemen died, but 25 members of the militia team will be buried here forever, and the lives of 28 companions will have to be repaid by Hokage.He wanted to watch Hokage suffer, and vent his anger on the short man.

The White Lotus Sect packaged illusions into fairy arts to deceive the common people, causing countless people to lose their nature and go on the road of rebellion and no return.Li Guolou hated this kind of sect that relied on deceitful means to preach. He wanted to crack down on this sect, and the next step would be the "Xian Tian Dao" group, otherwise these reactionary sects would spread teachings near the capital.The power of belief is infinite. With firm belief, one will not give in. Li Guolou is firm in his will. He wants to suppress the superstitious White Lotus Sect, no matter whether the White Lotus Sect is changed to "Innate Way", he will be relentless.

Li Guolou was walking towards the Zhou family compound, and on the way he saw Shang Yunfeng in Baogu Field admonishing more than 50 of his subordinates.I can't help but smile knowingly, ideological work is very important, and I must always instill in my subordinates the thoughts of loyalty to the emperor, patriotism, and love for the people.When the flowers are withering, and the calluses come out, they will recite the regulations by heart, and these arresters and yamen servants will think of military law as ruthless.Bad guys can become good guys, and officers and soldiers who love the common people are born from these violators of military discipline.

"Father Xing, Hokage has caught it!" Ai Hai yelled.

"Deputy Ai, we heard you, you yelled so loudly, Mr. Bao knew it too!" Xing Yunfeng shouted loudly.

"I've gone drinking, why are you lecturing me?" Ai Hai yelled loudly on purpose to disrupt the serious atmosphere in Baogu Field.

"Hey!" Xing Yunfeng bowed his head, the bastards did things regardless of the consequences, making his face look bad, and others will reward him, so it's fine if he doesn't give Master Bao a layer of skin.

Xing Yunfeng said viciously: "You guys are doing shit, this time I've got it all, so keep your mouth shut, and no one is allowed to drink. Next time I'm going to do something wrong, don't even think about seeing tomorrow's Sun, do you understand?"

"Yes! Chief Xing." No matter whether they heard it or not, more than 50 criminal policemen shouted in unison, thanking Xingyunfeng for his rescue and not revealing their affairs, otherwise several people would be shot on the spot.

Some people are so grateful that they have regarded Xing Yunfeng as a benefactor, and secretly vowed to follow Xing Yunfeng all their lives.

"Let's break up, a team of five, no one is allowed to act alone." Xing Yunfeng waved his horsewhip, glanced at a few people with whip marks on their faces, and shook his head helplessly to leave.

This is how the officers and soldiers are controlled by the chief, and they only listen to one person step by step, and no one else can command them.One by one troops eventually became private soldiers, and then became warlords, because too many personal feelings were mixed in military discipline.Rewards and punishments are clearly defined, and orders are enforced, and they have long since become a piece of waste paper. Seeing the details, most of the troops of the Qing Empire are like this.

Li Guolou was not surprised, and if he didn't ask, he didn't know. What did Shi Zhixing Yunfeng's subordinates do in the village?The chief above is a detective, and he has long said that "a man doesn't care about trifles." What will a man's brutal nature do?No need to guess, the answer is already there.If no one reports it, even if it doesn't happen, people will still get better.

Li Guolou comforted himself and did not listen to the cries from the village. As a commander, it is his duty to win a battle. He is not a military judge, so he has no reason to offend others.Self-serving, he stepped into the Zhou family compound first, and said loudly: "Lord Bao, the lower officials have brought Hokage here."

"Hahahaha!" Bao stepped out of the living room together, walked out, and said, "Captain Li, your news is late, and I already knew about it. You are such a detective, you just found Hokage in a straightforward manner. Could it be that you really Is it Zhuge Shensuan?"

Li Guolou leaned over and said with a smile: "Master Bao is a fortune teller, this scene has already come to this scene, did you even bring the good wine from Xinghua Village?"

Yao Cuo laughed loudly and said, "Captain Li, you have a dog's nose, you can even smell any good things brought by Mr. Bao."

Bao Yi shook his head and sighed. The wine jar was not opened, so he let Li Guolou know what kind of wine was hidden in the living room. Li Guolou's nose belonged to a dog's nose.

"That's it!" Li Guolou touched his nose, who told him that he was very talented, and he could see through the truth with just a little clue.

Hokage, who was dragged into the compound by two strong men, was like a mangy dog, and collapsed on the ground, looking very miserable and embarrassed.

Bao Yi sighed slightly, the Hokage in his imagination should not be like this.He glared at Li Guolou and said dissatisfiedly, "Captain Li, you can't abuse prisoners. How dare you violate military discipline, what should you do!"

Li Guolou turned over and knelt on the ground, and argued: "Lord Bao, this man is not worthy of pity, he killed so many ignorant villagers. He deserves it if he dies, don't be deceived by his appearance, Hokage will jump into the ground. If he is disabled, he will kill the guard and escape, and his party will find an opportunity to rescue him. Now that Hokage is disabled, he is a waste to his party, and no one will rob Dao for a waste. "

"Well, it makes sense. Captain Li, don't worry about your work. Hahahaha!" Bao Tong laughed happily and helped his favorite general, Li Guolou.It doesn't matter to him whether Naruto is dead or alive, the credit has already been reaped.His jurisdiction is the capital, outside the scope of the capital, the rebellion of the White Lotus Sect has nothing to do with him.

"Then drink and celebrate!" Staff member Lin Qingxie leaned forward, took a look at the muddy Hokage, and felt nauseous, with stomach acid.Out of sight, out of sight, unwilling to watch a gang of arresters torture captives.

Bao Tong didn't enjoy himself, he liked to torture criminals, but seeing Hokage half-dead, he didn't have any interest in sitting in court.He continued to say: "Put Hokage in the cellar, don't let him bite his tongue and kill himself, I will interrogate him myself, let's go in and drink."

Hokage was dragged away, Li Guolou stepped forward with a smile, and asked: "Everyone, are you interested in seeing Hokage women? These dozen or so girls are still crying for Hokage."

"Won't be disgusting." Bao asked together.

"No, I will find a few decent-looking reactionary women. They are Hokage's bodyguards, but they knelt down and surrendered when they died. They belong to the cowardly generation. Let's drink, listen to them talk about the teachings of the White Lotus Sect, and gain some knowledge ” Li Guolou actually came up with this method of drinking to cheer up the fun. It’s just fun. A stubborn woman who doesn’t know how to read can tell a lot of nonsense.

"Captain Li, please explain clearly, what is Hokage's personal bodyguard, and to what extent should it be attached?" Lin Qingxie asked knowingly, and asked treacherously.

"Oh, it's the Hokage that will pass the upper body, the highest state of qigong, to them with a small body. Mr. Lin, if you have an invulnerable body, you can also pass it to them." Li Guolou joked , gave several officers endless reverie.Turned around and left the hospital to arrange a drinking show.

"Captain Li, starve them for half a day first, and use it when drinking the celebration wine at night." Bao Yi thought deeply, and at noon he wanted to drink with the officers and soldiers, give a touching speech, and express his feelings.

"Squeeze!" Li Guolou leaned over and punched thousands. It was still thoughtful of the officer to torture them physically first, and then things would be easy to deal with later.

The men teased each other together, and a group of officers crossed their shoulders and walked into the living room, looking forward to what the fair-looking Bailianjiao women would look like?

As for those female disciples of the White Lotus Sect while drinking, their mouths were dry and they were hungry. Would they sit down and drink?Li Guolou expected that the woman who knelt and surrendered would obediently admit defeat, completely reform herself, and sit next to the officer.

It has been like this from ancient times to the present. Zeng Guofan’s Hunan army captured Tianjing (Nanjing), the capital of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, and returned with a full load. When they triumphed, the spoils of war "young women" were shipped back to Hunan. I have never heard of women throwing themselves into the river. something happens.

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