late Qing Dynasty arrest

Chapter 275 Tiger of the Ministry of Punishment

Li Guolou did not sit down to drink at noon. He took 20 people on duty and patrolled Balizhuang.In a village of a thousand people, less than half of the houses are tile-roofed houses, most of which are thatched houses, and some are made of mud. There are twenty or thirty houses in the burned down homes.With such a big gap between the rich and the poor, it is no wonder that the White Lotus Sect can preach in the countryside and win the support of the villagers.How can the poor people who don't have enough to eat or wear warmly vent their hatred on the landlord Lao Cai.In a world with great disparity between rich and poor, the rich exploit the poor, just like now, the poor will turn back and swallow the rich.

Standing at the south entrance of the village, it was a mess, and all the burned houses were here.Li Guolou looked up at the "Snow Mountain Lion Flag" on the earthen wall. The blackened and dirty military flag was fluttering in the sky. For this military flag, the warriors of the Qing Dynasty braved artillery fire and marched forward. He is the leader of this military flag Warrior, in order for the "Snow Mountain Lion Flag" to fly in the air forever, he must make greater efforts to change this man-eating society.

"Boss, why are you crying?" Gao Yao Wuyun, who was peeking at Li Guolou's face, asked suspiciously.

"Oh, I think of the comrades who died." Li Guolou took out a handkerchief and wiped his eyes gently.

"Head, the brothers want me to be a leader, so I ask you, do they have any land?" Gao Yao Wu Yun approached and asked treacherously.

"No! The land belongs to the common people, and I don't even have it, so they don't even think about it." Li Guolou rebuffed righteously, setting an example, the gang of younger brothers will not make trouble.

Gao Yao Wuyun asked unwillingly: "But what if you get the land?"

"Captain Gao Yao, how do you know that I will get the land?" Li Guolou rolled his eyes, disdainful to answer such a difficult question.

"Hey, boss, everyone is out to mess around. The people on the top eat big fish and big meat, and the people on the small noodles eat small shrimps. I have scanned and listened. There are [-] acres of fertile land in Zhou Papi. So much land is covered by adults. Eat it in one bite, and I will give some to you meritorious ministers." Gao Yao Wuyun is a thief, his bony eyes rolled around.

"Hey, Gao Yao is the headhunter. For the sake of you messing with me, let me remind you a few words. Don't take the officer's idea, it will be ugly to die. With so many mouths under his command, can he be strict? Captain Yao just called If you make a sound, you will break the taboo, and you will not give him even an acre of land. In terms of rewards for meritorious deeds, some people can only get money. 20 taels, this is on the surface, the other brigades have to hand over 15% to the captain, I will give [-]%, and I will share it when I drink the celebration wine at night, and now Mr. Lin is busy with the money to settle accounts."

Li Guolou's words aroused a thousand layers of chatter, Gao Yao Wuyun jumped up excitedly, it is better to fight, the salary can not earn 20 taels of silver a year, he hurriedly asked: "Boss, you mean that there will be rewards when you go back. "

"Of course, Mr. Bao will pay for it himself. Do you understand the stick!" Li Guolou told Gao Yao Wuyun that the chief will also spend money to silence the mouths of his subordinates, and the chief who can't "be a man" will be punished by his subordinates , the advantage is that it is graded, and everyone has a share.

"Oh!" Gao Yao Wuyun swayed his body, walked towards the group of people who were looking around, and wanted to share the good news with his companions.

Li Guolou looked at his subordinates high-fiving each other and embracing each other. How exciting it is for people to fight a war. A small-scale battle can make people make a small fortune.Honor and money come one after another, and even after death, the family is supported by the state.Poor people dream of being soldiers, but they are occupied by Manchus with backgrounds. There are too many unreasonable systems in the Qing Empire, and reform can only create a militia.When he can control an army, he will have the final say on the world's major affairs!

Li Guolou thought of the eight artillery officers he "borrowed" from Xishan Ruijian Battalion, and went to look at the two Flang machine cannons.

Hearing Wu Kefan's loud bluffing voice from a long distance, Li Guolou came to a large courtyard with tile-roofed houses. Inside, two cannons were erected in the yard, and the outside was wrapped in oilcloth.

In the room, eight officers, Wu Kefan and a group of yamen servants and police officers sat on the kang, on stools, and even on the threshold. They drank tea and listened to the artillery officer Fan Ye talking about the war.

"Hey! It's so lively." Li Guolou stepped into the room with a whip in his hand, and greeted the people around him with his hands clasped.

"Hey, Captain Li, you finally thought of us!" Fan Ye and others jumped off the kang and saluted Li Guolou.

Wu Kefan waved his hand and shouted: "You bastards, let's go, let's talk about the war tonight."

"Oh oh oh!" A group of people who hadn't listened to it walked out from Li Guolou, and some of them were still throwing silver ingots in their hands.

Li Guolou put the whip on the small table on the kang, sat down beside the kang, and said with a smile: "Deputy Fan, how could my younger brother forget you, you don't have enough face to have Mr. Wu accompany you. "

"Captain Li, what are you talking about? Lao Wu is our comrade-in-arms. We will live and die together. We have never seen it before when you were fighting. We have different ways and do not conspire with each other." How old is it, I have to settle the ledger with Li Guolou.

Li Guolou understood what other people thought, four groups of people rushed into Bali Village, his men got fat, and all the silver carried by the fleeing rebels was seized by his men.The more than 200 officers and soldiers who were mainly attacking the south, of course felt aggrieved. Wu Kefan drove out his subordinates just to find him to settle the debt.

This matter has nothing to do with Bao Tong, the top officer, and it is an internal conflict. It depends on each person's means.

"Deputy Ai, close the door." Li Guolou calmly picked up the tea that Wu Kefan poured for him.

Ai Hai closed the door, and with a "bang", the room suddenly became dark.

Wu Kefan knew the weight Li Guolou had in Bao Tong's heart, and it was obvious that Bao Tong was playing tricks, giving Li Guolou all the burdens and benefits.

"Captain Li, it's good for the brothers to share, but we don't divide each other." Wu Kefan didn't dare to put on the airs of an officer, the spoils were not evenly distributed on the battlefield, and soldiers and ruffians dared to point guns at the officer. There are rules for such things. Follow the rules.

Li Guolou scratched his head. He had never been in the army, so he didn't know the proportion of the share. He looked at Fan Ye and said, "Deputy Fan, what are the rules in your place? Let me tell you first."

"That's it!" Fan Ye tapped on the tabletop on the kang, feeling uneasy, talking about numbers, if Li Guolou gets more money, wouldn't they be at a big loss, talking about ratios, it seems that their people are at a big loss How can I make Li Guolou spit out a large piece of the fat he ate?

"Hehehe, Captain Ai, how much gold and silver have you confiscated?" Wu Kefan picked up the persimmon and asked Ai Hai the key point first.

"Report, the little one didn't know, so I handed over 100 taels of silver." Ai Hai said without hesitation, puffing out his chest and belly.

"Oh, it's only 100 taels of silver for one person, that's a lot." Wu Kefan said with a smile, scolding his mother in his stomach, cheating a three-year-old baby, where did the money in the cellar of Zhou Papi's house go?

"Hey, like we are in the army, all the spoils of war have to be handed in." Fan Ye glanced and said, it seems that this team composed of policemen, yamen servants, and militias is not reasonable enough.

Li Guolou nodded and said: "Yes, Deputy Fan is right, but we have a total of four teams, and we act separately. Others will not write reports to me if they have done anything. Everyone does their own work well. I I think it is also counted separately in the army, if this kind of thing is done across the board, no one is willing to fight on the front line."

Fan Ye laughed loudly, concealing his inner embarrassment, and said, "Captain Li, you can speak eloquently, no wonder you have so many brothers helping you, don't forget about us." slap in the face?

Wu Kefan hooked Li Guolou's shoulders, showing intimacy, and resolutely said: "Little Li, I watched you initiate it, and I don't care about the other two groups of people, anyway, I am your old officer. , Zhou Papi’s family’s cellar silver is all here with you, I don’t know if there is a ‘no help’ (big silver ball)? 1000 taels to five hundred silver, you must give it to us. That’s it!”

"Ah!" Li Guolou jumped down from the kang and shouted angrily, "Wu Heixin, you are so black-hearted. The first thing you say is 500 taels of silver. Let me grab it."

Wu Kefan grabbed Li Guolou, and said with a smile: "My brother, everyone knows it well, don't pretend, I can't see it if others don't know about you. , Captain Fan wants me to settle the matter. You should earn less."

Li Guolou clenched his fists, wishing he could punch Wu Kefan's greedy face, he beat his chest and said, "Master Wu, it's not like you don't know that I still want to honor the superior, what do you want me to give to the supreme superior?" .”

"Forget it, forget it, I'm a peacemaker, and Captain Li will get a [-]% discount." Fan Ye jumped in front of the two and persuaded the two matadors who were fighting with their eyes.

Li Guolou sat down angrily, and shouted: "Wu Heixin, up to 1000 taels, if someone else can pluck the hair, you say it yourself, if you get benefits, you will give me a bird feather, and I will walk back with the big top Capital."

"Okay! One thousand and one hundred taels." Wu Kefan laughed and blackmailed Li Guolou once. The money was a windfall, and it was divided among several officials.

Fan Ye hugged Li Guolou, with deep brotherly love, and said with emotion: "Brother, we didn't come in vain this time, we will cooperate again next time we have a chance, and we will not return at night if we are not drunk."

But seeing the eight artillery officers, they all jumped off the kang and hugged Li Guolou, saying that they would make a fortune together if they had the opportunity.War is a good thing, how many people expect chaos in the world?Those who have experienced artillery fire look forward to this day coming sooner.

During the bragging chat, Li Guolou said: "Deputy Fan, your Frangler cannons are outdated and should have been phased out a long time ago. When I go to Prime Minister Bismarck of Prussia, I will replace you with Krupp cannons."

Fan Ye snorted and said without cutting, "Captain Li, you don't feel a toothache when you stand upright and talk, is that possible?"

"How is that impossible!" Li Guolou retorted: "Deputy Fan, if you can sit here today, I will be able to negotiate in front of the Prussians sooner or later. Only the Prussians can recognize who is the friend of our Qing Empire." Only the British can help us, the promises of the British are farts, and the French are also uncountable people, and they will regret it if they take the deposit from our Qing people, Long live Bismarck! Long live William I!"

Fan Ye glanced at him and said, "Captain Li, what will you exchange with the Prussians?"

"Benefits! Everyone benefits, just like we are sitting on a kang, Captain Fan, have you ever thought that the governor Zhang Xuefei would make me this friend?" Li Guolou said without hesitation, in his eyes already It is worthwhile to recognize who among the Western powers can unite and wear the same pair of pants, even if they sell some of the country's interests.

"That's true!" Fan Ye could see how powerful Li Guolou was, and it was Li Guolou who really planned and planned the bandit suppression this time.

As for how the governor Zhang Xuefei cooperated with Li Guolou, a ninth-rank civil servant, no one knew the details of this matter, and thought it was because of Li Hongzhang's banner.

Li Guolou opened his pocket watch, checked the time, and said with a casual smile, "I won't chat with you anymore. I'm going to go on patrol. I'll talk to you in the evening. Remember, practice your skills well, and we'll cooperate next time." After finishing speaking, Li Guolou Guolou left the mansion and beckoned for Ai Hai to follow.

Fan Ye stood at the gate of the compound and watched the group of people led by Li Guolou leave, the group was rather neat and still singing: "Yu Siwannian, the great empire of Yadong!

March is independent, and the rivers and rivers are spreading waves of civilization.

Four hundred trillion people are gods, with vast land and rich resources.

Uncover the flag of my Huanglong empire, sing my empire song! "

"Who wrote the lyrics and music?" Fan Ye was stunned and couldn't help asking.

"Who else is the tiger of our Ministry of Punishment." Wu Kefan was complacent, and his face was even more radiant.

"Oh! Tiger of the Ministry of Punishment." The eight artillery officers looked at Li Guolou who was going away with reverence in their eyes. They involuntarily stroked their chests with their right hands and performed a standard military salute.

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