late Qing Dynasty arrest

Chapter 310 1 do not do 2 endlessly

Chen Rong, the foreman of the guards, and the other four people from Prince Gong's Mansion are usually just decorations. They look upright, and their spirit is as strong as anyone's. They obey orders and have never seen a murder scene in their life.At this moment, the four guards were standing on the embankment, and none of them dared to go down the slope to see the corpse at close range, and whispered to each other, discussing what to do next?

After some discussion, they made a decision and made a suggestion to Li Guolou to set off as soon as possible to track down the "Red Rabbit Rouge Beast". If Li Guolou didn't listen, they would have to follow this group of arresters and never act alone. .

Li Guolou picked off the needle and thread on the chest of the corpse, and used medical pliers to open the chest of the deceased. Sure enough, the heart in the chest was gone!He also checked the deceased's ribs, and found that the two lung lobes were missing. The vicious murderer actually tore out the deceased's heart and lungs, and did something devoid of conscience.Li Guolou fell in love with this bruised corpse, who had been humiliated by perverted criminals before him.At least two criminals are involved and this time he will not let the criminals go unpunished.

The other arresters recorded their confessions, drew a map of the crime scene, noted the time, place, witnesses, weather conditions, and took straw mats to wrap the female body, hired a carriage to load the female body into the carriage, and prepared to transport it directly to the office of the Ministry of Punishment. .All this was carried out in an orderly manner, and there was no need for Li Guolou to personally direct it.

In less than 10 minutes, Gao Yao and Wu Yun turned back with the five policemen, whispering in his ear: "Head, we found traces of the carriage, it is today, and the wheels of the carriage have gone to the south avenue, what do you say?"

The other policemen also looked at Li Guolou expectantly. Such a cruel criminal, as the policeman's duty, is obligatory, and should arrest the cruel murderer and bring him to justice.

Li Guolou said without hesitation: "Chasing! Cheng Kun, you take the two of you to stay in Chencun, and we head south!" After speaking, Li Guolou walked up to Chen Rong, the foreman of the guards, clasped his fists and said solemnly: "Chen Guard Your Majesty, my duty is to hunt down the murderer, you should tell the Chief of Ceremonies truthfully, and I will take my leave."

Chen Rong, the foreman of the guards, frowned and said: "Hey, human life is at stake! I also understand the mood of your arrests. Anyway, there is a team of people in front of us chasing the horse thief. The four of us want to do our part and go together. .”

These guards were not stupid at all. They also knew that there was little hope of catching the horse thief. If they followed Li Guolou to catch the perverted murderer, it would be a miracle.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, more than a dozen war horses braved the rain and moved forward at a very fast speed. A few policemen with tracking skills often got off their horses to check the wheel marks in the mud.There are several wheel marks in the mud, and it is not easy to distinguish which one is the trace left by the criminal's carriage.However, Li Guolou was lucky, and several of his arresters were super capable. After a short pause, they would find new traces.

At this time, the drizzle has stopped, but the sky is getting darker and darker. If we continue to track, it will be dark.Li Guolou looked up at the sky, and finally said: "Light up the lanterns, and continue on our way. Donkey Ball, I'm not going to sleep."

"Still sleeping like a bird!" Chen Rong, the foreman of the guards, finally regained his manliness, and he was no longer serious.It's worth the sleepless nights as long as the thieves leave a trail.

"Grandma's bear, the murderer's horse also eats fruits and peanuts, which are better than us!" Gao Yao Wuyun looked at a pile of stinking horse manure, and let out a dissatisfied cry.

The people who followed sneered a few times, as if seeing the criminal's head falling to the ground, it was as worthless as the horse manure on the ground.

Two lanterns were lit in front of the road. One lantern was hung on the saddle of Gao Yao Wuyun's war horse. Gao Yao Wuyun was the busiest, covered in mud. Even slower.

The four-foot-five-inch axle mark was as wide as the horse-drawn carriage of Maji Car Co., and Li Guolou was full of emotions. Just as he expected, the criminal's carriage was refitted to look like a rental carriage.When spring came, even the mice came out of their holes, and the criminals who hid for a winter also came out of their holes to commit crimes. This was the last time the cruel criminal committed a crime.

It was already past nine o'clock in the evening, and a stone tablet by the side of the road was tilted with the inscription "Fuxinzhuang". This is a big town, only twenty miles away from Xishan Ruijian Camp, and many military members live here.The wheels of criminals turned into this town, and Li Guolou looked up at Fuxinzhuang, feeling a chill.This place should be the lair of perverted criminals. In a big town with thousands of people, there are such cruel criminals, and they can hide so deeply.Heaven has eyes!Let him find the trace, and never let the perverted killer escape this time.

"Hmm! Head, the criminal's carriage turned into the town, so he should spend the night here." Gao Yao Wuyun checked the wheel marks left on the ground again, and after confirming that it was correct, he showed a gratified smile.Fulfilling the mission, the track was excellent for more than five hours.

The catcher has the perseverance that ordinary people don't have. No one in the group complained. They all jumped off their horses, moved a little, and prepared to enter Fuxinzhuang.

"Good job! As long as you catch the killer, I'll pay you out of my own pocket to reward you." Li Guolou drank a few sips of cold water, wiped his mouth, and said encouraging words, causing a commotion.

The detectives were gearing up to check their armed forces, put on the safety catch on their pistols, and unsheathed their waist knives, making preparations for the next raid.The Mongolian Bateer, who has the unique skill of catching cattle and sheep with a flying rope, holds the rope in his hand.

When entering Fuxinzhuang, I met five guards guarding the Fuxinzhuang Town Hall. I saw that the waist cards were the personal soldiers of Prince Gong's mansion and the police of the Ministry of Criminal Justice. They were all shocked. They couldn't afford to offend any of them, so they hurriedly made way for Li Guolou and his party. Entering Fuxinzhuang, someone went to report to the magistrate of Fuxinzhuang.

Li Guolou pointed his horsewhip and said with authority, "You, and you, follow us."

The two articulate guards "Cai Hong" and "Yang Tian" were instructed by Li Guolou to follow them and act together. They only know about catching criminals, but they don't know anything else.

Although it was dark, after entering the town, with the torch lighting, it is not difficult to find the traces left on the ground.Even on the streets paved with stone roads, Gao Yao Wuyun still walked quickly, heading towards the east side of Fuxinzhuang.

After walking for twenty minutes, Li Guolou saw a manor in front of him. The height of the wall was undulating, and the tall and dense trees inside the wall were blowing with the wind. His face became more and more ugly. The evil seed of a rich and powerful family.

"Whose house is this?" Li Guolou sat on the bay red horse and asked softly.

"Report to Captain Li, this is the residence of Yuan Baoheng, the commander of the right-wing forward battalion of the Ministry of War." Cai Hong, a local, felt strange, held up a torch, and peeked at Li Guolou's face.

Li Guolou gasped, it turned out to be the villa of a military officer of the second rank, I don't know who lives in it now.

"Does Master Yuan live here?" Li Guolou thought for a while, but he still had to fight once. If Yuan Baoheng, the leader of the right-wing forward battalion, lived there, he might fail in this case.

Another local, Yang Tian, ​​showed his ability, hurriedly bowed his head and said, "I tell Captain Li, Mr. Yuan never comes here. This is where Mr. Yuan's family lives."

Li Guolou breathed a sigh of relief, God bless, the opportunity is reserved for those who have the courage, he even dared to go up to Wu Peipei, the widow of the second-rank military attache, is he afraid of the family members of the second-rank military attache Yuan Baoheng?

Li Guolou turned around and looked at the four soldiers of Prince Gong's mansion behind him, and said, "Chief Chen, I didn't scare you. There is a dragon's lake and a tiger's den in front of you. If you turn back, I won't blame you. Please do your own thing."

One sentence aroused a thousand layers of anger. Chen Rong is a son of a Manchu aristocrat. Although it is only a collateral line, people like them have a sense of justice, that is, the blessing of the Manchu ancestors. They are only afraid of Prince Gong, and they only listen to Gong Prince's order.Even if the culprit in front was Yuan Baoheng, the second-rank military attache, the four guards of Prince Gong's mansion would not take him seriously.

Chen Rong was furious, and said in a rough voice: "Captain Li, you look down on my brother. Show me the way. If you can't knock on the gate of Yuan Baoheng's mansion, I will kick it away for you. Donkey ball, you are hiding in the Here, I will still kill without mercy."

"I'm here, I never thought of going back alive!" Another guard roared carelessly.

"That's right! Wealth and wealth are in danger, I'm going all out, isn't it Yuan Baoheng? I'm afraid that he will be the opposite."

"Donkey Ball, I can do such a heartless thing. Even if I lose my official position, I will arrest the pervert."

The other three guards also agreed with Chen Rong's idea that the chance to be awarded for meritorious service was a desperate effort, and they walked forward without any care, and no one turned around and slipped away.In just half a day, the four guards of Prince Gong's Mansion have learned the most popular swear words in the Ministry of Punishment, and they are in a good mood when they swear.

"Okay! He's a Manchu hero. I'll make you four friends. Let's go back and drink together." Li Guolou boosted his morale and worked under him. Don't be a coward. They all have the spirit of a desperado and their words are rough. strength.

Li Guolou's arresters didn't say a word, they were like vicious wolves and tigers, ready to tear and devour the enemy at any time.Walking quietly and waiting for Li Guolou's order, hesitating. Those who have rebellious bones in the back of their heads have long been eliminated by the chief. If you want to work under Li Guolou, you must have the ruthlessness to kill.What's more, the two leaders, Gao Yao, Wu Yun and Liu Yu, are both black and white characters. If they don't obey orders, they will be shot dead by the chief, which is also a death sentence.

At the gate of the courtyard, there are stone steps and two demon-suppressing lions and beasts. There is no luxurious wall photo at the gate of the princely and noble mansion. The plaque of "Yuanfu" is hung high under the lintel, and four lanterns are also hung under the plaque.

There are three gates for the big family, one is the main entrance for the master and distinguished guests, and the other is for the cattle and carriages.

Gao Yao Wuyun didn't make a sound, but nodded to Li Guolou with an affirmative expression, he couldn't be wrong!Criminals just disappear from here.

There were bursts of dog barking from inside the Yuan Mansion, and the people inside were already alarmed.

"Kang, clang, clang!" Liu Yu knocked on the door knocker and shouted loudly, "Open the door, open the door, and the government will inspect it."

A voice came from inside and shouted: "Why did the government inspector come to our place? Don't you know whose territory this is? Get out of here."

"Baby boy, we are from Prince Gong's mansion, who is so bold? Rebellion is impossible." Chen Rong couldn't help but cursed.

The people inside didn't dare to swear any more. A small window was opened on the door opening, revealing a pair of dark eyes, and said, "Master, what are you doing at night?"

"Stop talking nonsense, open the door! This is my badge." Chen Rong has a unique advantage, the title of head guard is more than enough to scare people.He passed the waist badge into the small window, so that the people in the Yuan Mansion could clearly see who was coming.

The gatekeeper inside asked: "Oh, Captain Chen, what are you people from Prince Gong's residence doing here in our small place?"

"Catch the thief. Prince Gong's Red Rabbit Rouge Beast was stolen. Someone reported that the BMW entered your house. We will check it routinely." Chen Rong said carelessly, as if complaining about the hard work.

"Chief Guard Chen, how did you hear it? Our Patriarch is Master Yuan Baoheng, the commander of the right-wing vanguard battalion. Please scan and listen again." The gatekeeper inside still did not open the door, and pulled out a banner to scare off the guards of Prince Gong's Mansion.

"Don't be a motherfucker, this is a military order. If you don't open the door, I will beat you to death." A guard of Prince Gong took a step forward to scare the guard inside who answered.

"Oh! Don't worry, my lord. I'll report it right away, young master!" After speaking, the gatekeeper let out a bang and closed the small window.

Li Guolou stood aside and listened to the arguing between the two people inside and outside the door. They didn't seem to be in a hurry. Everyone waited to enter Yuan's mansion, but Li Guolou was a little worried. He was afraid that the criminals inside would take the opportunity to destroy the evidence of the murder.

If you don't do anything and keep on doing it, since it's time for the bayonet to see red, what consequences should you consider?Li Guolou turned evil and shouted loudly: "My officer ordered that the gate be smashed open with a horse and let me rush in. I will be solely responsible for the accident."

Blindfolded, the two horses rushed towards the black-painted gate. With a bang, the gate was knocked down. A dozen arresters holding torches and the guards of Prince Gong's Mansion held muskets and whips like Like demons, they rushed into Yuan's mansion, they were already crazy, they beat and cursed after entering, tossing Yuan's mansion into chaos.

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