In the panic-stricken Yuan Mansion, an old housekeeper opened his mouth and said, "Bold! You know that our Patriarch is;;;;;;"

"Papa!" Gao Yao Wuyun slapped his hands twice and shouted angrily, "Old man, the officer didn't ask questions, so don't speak."

"Whoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow!" the old butler had never been beaten in his life, crying and drooling bitterly while clutching his cheeks, the pain was so painful!Grandma Guan was so strong that her left and right cheeks were swollen high, as if she had two big pieces of meat in her mouth.

"Kneel down, and the Ministry of Criminal Justice will catch the murderer! Anyone who dares to move will be killed without mercy!" Li Guolou shouted loudly, showing a ferocious look, and kicked all the guards to the ground, confiscating their hands. in the weapon.

The five servants in the outer courtyard were suddenly frightened by the arresters. None of them had seen officers and soldiers so terrifying. Even the gate was kicked down, and the old housekeeper was knocked to the ground.People who usually talk big, throw away the guns in their hands in a hurry, for fear that the officers and soldiers will shoot.

"Don't be polite to any of them! Get them all under control." Li Guolou's words reached a dead end. He wanted to shoot everyone in the head, regardless of whether they were guilty or not.

The soldiers were divided into two groups, and Chen Rong, the foreman of the guards, led people to arrest people in Yuan's mansion.Li Guolou led Gao Yao Wuyun straight to the backyard, and there was a stable in the backyard, and the five horses were wading or standing, watching the stranger enter their territory with a calm expression.

In the stable, Gao Yao Wuyun rummaged through the horseshoes of several horses, and quickly found two pack horses that had been following him for seven or eight hours.Several detectives broke down the door of a storage room and opened two doors, and four carriages were parked inside.No need to choose, a horse-drawn carriage from Maji Carriage Co. is parked inside.

Li Guolou strode onto the carriage, anxiously looking around in the carriage, trying to find any clues left by the murderer.The space in the carriage was small, and it was difficult to turn around flexibly. I accidentally bumped into a head with a subordinate, and the two were still complaining to each other.

Outside the carriage, Gao Yao Wuyun proudly and excitedly said: "Boss, come out quickly, the secret compartment is under the carriage, I found blood stains."

Li Guolou hurriedly jumped out of the carriage, but saw Gao Yao Wuyun lying on the ground, a lantern was placed under the carriage, and a movable hidden compartment was opened by her, which could just fit a person into the space of the hidden compartment. It was full of blackened blood, and I don't know how many innocent women died inside.

"Okay, okay! Gao Yao made a remarkable achievement in catching the head, and I want the murderer to pay in blood. Hurry up and get on the carriage and bring the evidence back to the Ministry of Criminal Justice. Hurry up, let's go back to the capital directly, or we will be eaten by someone making dumplings." Of course Li Guolou knew how dangerous the place he was in was. If Yuan Baoheng, the leader of the right-wing striker battalion, knew that he led the arresters into Yuan's mansion, he would be murdered and silenced.

"Deling!" Gao Yao Wuyun rolled over excitedly, no matter how dirty his body was, he started to get busy again.

Li Guolou stepped into the brightly lit living room. All the people in the Yuan Mansion were detained here by Chen Rong, the foreman of the guards. There were five family members, one housekeeper, four servants, and two maidservants. Please take a seat on a rosewood chair.There were only 13 people in total, and Yuan Chuqiao's wives and concubines were not seen.

Li Guolou already knew that Yuan Chuqiao didn't stay in this house often, but sometimes came to stay for a few days. Usually there was only the old housekeeper and two servants to take care of the huge courtyard.

When Li Guolou entered the living room, he heard Yuan Chuqiao yelling, saying that he wanted to watch Chen Rong crawl under his feet like a dog begging for mercy.

But Chen Rong was furious, and whipped up with a whip, drawing a bloody welt on Yuan Chuqiao's face, and scolded angrily: "Donkey ball, grandpa didn't frighten you, you are still wearing crotch pants, dare to take your father's official hat Press me."

Immediately beat Yuan Chuqiao into silence.Yuan Chuqiao glared at Chen Rong viciously with a pair of stubborn eyeballs, panting heavily in her nostrils, killing people with vicious eyes.

Li Guolou stepped into the living room, nodded slightly to Chen Rong, and told the four guards of Prince Gong that he had obtained the evidence of the murder.

Holding a whip in his hand, Li Guolou looked at Yuan Chuqiao who was sitting upright. He was about 30 years old. Eyes, look at people with a fierce look.Such an ordinary young man has such a cruel heart.

Li Guolou looked at Yuan Chuqiao, and asked straight to the point: "Young Master Yuan, who used that horse-drawn carriage today?"

Yuan Chuqiao touched the scar on his face, looked at the blood on his palm, and said sharply: "Listen to me, no one is allowed to speak."

The trembling voice represented Yuan Chuqiao's fear. With a wink from Li Guolou, arrester Liu Yu stepped forward and kicked Yuan Chuqiao to the ground. Several other arresters also stepped forward, tied up Yuan Chuqiao, and tore a piece of paper. A ball of curtain cloth was stuffed into Yuan Chuqiao's mouth.

Li Guolou raised his whip, looked at the other people kneeling on the ground, and said, "Did you see that? I am not afraid of anyone. I will ask again now. Whoever used the horse-drawn carriage in the warehouse today is not guilty." You better speak up now, otherwise, when the carriage outside is secured, you will go to the yamen of the Ministry of Punishment to eat in prison, and those who are not guilty will also be issued three thousand miles."

The two innocent maids were the first to howl and howl with grievance. They didn't know anything, even if they knew who had used the carriage, they dared not tell.

The five family servants are servants who use their salaries to ward off disasters for others. They don't want to be useless in public, and they won't tell the truth for a while.

A sinful person kneels on the ground, hoping to become invisible. No one should pay attention to him, but also grit his teeth and taste all kinds of flavors for himself.

The old housekeeper, Tian Rongfang, had suffered a lot just now, but now she heard people screaming and knew that if she didn't tell the truth, they would all be imprisoned. What did little master Yuan Chuqiao do?I thought I was ignorant, but could I really hide it from his eyes?He is only here for the elderly, his family has fields and land, a wife and children, and he has never thought about eating in prison.

Tian Rongfang covered her bloated face with both hands, and said in vague words: "Sir, the third young master and the coachman Yu Datou used that horse-drawn carriage today, and that carriage is only used by the two of them, regardless of the rest of us. " After finishing speaking, Tian Rongfang looked at the Gongtai in the center of the living room, muttering about something?

A large servant stood up with a cry of "Ah!", and wanted to rush out of the living room. Li Guolou stepped forward and punched Yu Datou in the abdomen, causing Yu Datou to fall to the ground immediately, curled up like a dead pig Stretching his body, he twitched his body strangely.

Li Guolou stroked his fist and said with a casual smile, "Datou Yu, when you get to prison, you hope you're dead."

Yu Datou shouted: "I didn't kill people, I didn't kill people, I can't help it! It was the third young master who forced me, I had a handle and was held by the third young master, so I had no choice but to do this kind of thing;;; ;;;"

Li Guolou shook his head and sighed: "Datou Yu, no one can force you, it's not too late to know that you are wrong, I will intercede with Lord Bao on your behalf, the law does not forget human feelings, you still have hope of living. "

Li Guolou opened his eyes and said nonsense, he wanted Yu Datou to explain the murder and autopsy case clearly, and gave Yu Datou hollow dumplings to eat, and when all the evidence was ready, he would give Yu Datou a death sentence.

This is also the usual method used by the police to handle cases quickly, breaking down one by one, or persuading the criminals to confess their crimes in the shortest possible time.Detectives who interrogate thieves have many tricks of guaranteeing and swearing, and sometimes they will pretend to be righteous and let the criminals take the case down, which is also how unjust, false and wrongly decided cases come.

The third young master Yuan Chuqiao made a strange cry of "Woooo!" and wanted to speak, but he couldn't say a word, and he didn't even have a chance to confess.

Several detectives who searched the room came back and searched the master room for murder tools, a medical operation box, and human organs in a silver box. Looking at the mutilated heart and lungs, people were completely speechless.

Chen Rong stared in surprise and said: "Okay! Third young master, you are a hero, and you can eat people's hearts and livers! You are even more powerful than Liangshan heroes. My brother has learned a lot today."

Li Guolou glanced and said: "Brother Chen, stop joking, hurry up, or Yuan Baoheng will treat you to a gun." He said again: "Tie up everyone, and also tie up the two maids. "

Chen Rong touched the revolver in his hand, winked and said: "My brother is not a vegetarian, he has a dark heart."

Since the four guards of Prince Gong's Mansion had done this business, they walked all the way to the dark, how could they be merciless and ready to kill at any time.

Li Guolou patted Chen Rong on the shoulder, and said in a low voice: "Brother, don't brag when you go back, wait until the case is settled, it is very likely that you will lose your car and keep your handsome man. Do you understand?"

"Ah! It's so dark!" Chen Rong was taken aback, so what is he, he is looking for death.

Li Guolou grinned and said: "Hey, brother, you misunderstood. This case is too big. It will embarrass the court if it is announced, and it will be operated in secret. Do you understand? Usually this kind of big case will put Yu Da on the head. All listed on his head. Murderer Yuan Chuqiao, how could I let him go out alive. The real officials protect each other, and the younger brother will kill him. Take it easy and wait for the good news. The tighter your mouth, the more Prince Gong will use you. "

"Oh! Captain Li is worthy of being the tiger of the Ministry of Criminal Justice. My brother has learned the lesson. Hahahaha!" Chen Rong saw Li Guolou's ruthlessness, and believed that the two criminals would not survive this autumn.

Yuan's horses and carriages were used to arrest two criminals, Yuan Chuqiao and Yu Datou.They also arrested the five servants together, because are they guilty or not?You have to go back to the Ministry of Criminal Justice for screening. It is very likely that there are still people who know about it and don't report it, which is also a serious crime.

Butler Tian Rongfang, three servants and two maids were all tied up and thrown in the living room, preventing them from having a chance to report.

Li Guolou and Chen Rong sang together to frighten several officials who came to Fuxinzhuang overnight to keep them calm.Prince Gong will never forget their contribution, so let them not say anything, and wait for the official documents from the Prime Minister's Office and the Ministry of Punishment.

Then Li Guolou and his party drove two carriages overnight, escorted two criminals and five suspects, and set off for the capital.

After leaving Fuxinzhuang, Li Guolou checked the time. It was already past one o'clock in the middle of the night, and they solved a long-standing case in just over three hours.

Li Guolou couldn't help laughing wildly, with all the witnesses and material evidence, no one can reverse the case.He doesn't like to impose cruel punishment on criminals, but this time he will hone his nerves of steel in prison.

Chen Rong couldn't help laughing wildly, and the group rode their horses and whips, bursting into laughter together. After chasing down a murderer, their nervous mood has not calmed down until now, because they are afraid that someone will chase them.

Chen Rong couldn't help asking: "Captain Li, do you think Yuan Baoheng, the commander of the right-wing forward battalion, will be in the barracks now? If he hears that his son has been arrested, will he jump over the wall in a hurry?"

Li Guolou said: "Even if he heard it, he would not dare to dispatch troops. That would be a crime of beheading. The worst outcome is that Yuan Baoheng brings his soldiers to chase us. Brother, a second-rank military officer, how many relatives are there?" Soldier?"

"Well, there are only 30 people in the important area of ​​Gyeonggi. Listen to what you said, Yuan Baoheng didn't dare to come after us. How does he know how many people we have? If Prince Gong personally orders, isn't he planning to rebel? Now my brother can rest easy Hey." Chen Rong looked at the carriage, they still had protective facilities, and an army of 30 people couldn't eat them.

Li Guolou thought for a while, but still sailed the Wannian Ship carefully, and ordered his men to divide into two groups. He escorted the principal criminal Yuan Chuqiao and the five suspects to walk a little behind.Ask Gao Yao and Wu Yun to bring two policemen and four Prince Gong guards to escort Yu Datou and fast horse first, to ensure that no one will get caught.

Chen Rong felt strange, and asked: "Captain Li, why did you arrange it like this, isn't it reversed? Yuan Chuqiao is the key to the case."

Li Guolou nodded and said: "I know, everyone knows it in their hearts, but we are plucking hair from the tiger's mouth. If Yuan Baoheng is playing tricks, or if the officials are protecting each other, Yuan Chuqiao, the main murderer, can't do anything to him for a while. On the contrary, Yu Datou, the accomplice, can pronounce the sentence Death penalty, close the case. If Master Yuan came after him and saw the result, he would let us go, thinking that I made friends with him. And we hold the excuse, don't we still have the opportunity to cry to Prince Gong?"

Chen Rong stroked his big beard, laughed and said: "Captain Li, what you say is reasonable, the right way is to live with one's life, then the elder brother will take a step first, and we will meet again in the capital."

He secretly admired Li Guolou's ability to infuse people with ecstasy soup at a young age. No wonder Zhen Yuhuan from the Pingqing Society liked this little fox.

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